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Always Page 23

by Sam Crescent

  “True, but making a scene isn’t the answer.”

  “Did you have your coffee this morning?” Miles asked. “You’re using big words. Ouch.” Miles winced and rubbed at his leg.

  Tabitha and Daisy came over, as did Markus and Rachel.

  She leaned over the table. “How was your first morning?” she asked.

  He kissed her back, trying not to look in the direction of Luke or the Dogs. He’d upset her last time, and it wasn’t his intention to do it again. Even with Luke following them, Tabby hadn’t looked back or even acknowledged his existence. He couldn’t imagine having a crush on someone and them not returning it, let alone even showing any sign it was there. How long had Luke been that way?

  “Earth to Simon. Hello?” she asked, giggling. She waved a hand in front of his face.

  “It was good. Anthony is thrilling company.”

  “I bet, there’s just something about the silent treatment that is so hot,” Tabby asked. “Right, Daisy?”

  Anthony lifted his head and Daisy went bright red.

  “The pizza is good.”

  “It is, huh?” Tabby asked. “So is everyone fight-free so far? No sign of causing any trouble?”

  “We’re all clear,” Rachel and Markus said.

  John, Blaise, Constance, and Damien all nodded.

  Anthony lifted his fingers as if in surrender, so did her brother.

  “Awesome. We can get through this entire day without any shit,” Anthony said.

  “What does it mean our parents are picking us up?” Daisy asked. “You think Lash is going to keep on punishing us?”

  “Nah, I think it’s because they had to drive us in, so they can take us all the way back home,” Miles said.

  Simon finished off his cheeseburger and turned to watch Tabby as she ate. Some cheese dribbled down her chin and she wiped it off.

  “What are you staring at?” she asked.


  “Aw, you love to watch me eat?”

  “You got it.”

  “You’re a weirdo.”

  “I’m your weirdo.”

  She leaned in to kiss him and he relished it. This was what he’d been hoping for. He hated fighting with her. Gripping the back of her neck, he held her close, tracing his tongue across her lips.

  “You two need to get a room,” Damien said.

  Tabby giggled. “If you can’t handle it, close your eyes.”

  She finished off her food and lunch ended. Tabby escorted him to his next class which was physical education, yay.

  “Have fun. I’ll be at the library.” She kissed him again, and he entered the main hall.

  Heading toward the changing rooms, he went to the teacher who handed him a uniform to change into.

  A bunch of guys were already changed when he entered the locker room.

  Anthony was there and he went to him, standing beside him. The silence was welcome, and he pulled his clothes off, put them into the locker, and pulled on the gym shorts and shirt. They were too tight, but he didn’t care. Anthony had already left and as he turned around, there was Luke. He should have known the Dog couldn’t resist a confrontation.

  “Do you want me to rearrange your face?” Simon asked.

  “Last time we tried that, it didn’t exactly go to plan.”

  “I can get the job done without an audience.” He took a step toward him. “You better start averting your eyes from my woman.”

  Luke smirked. “You’re laying claim to that piece of ass?” he asked.

  “That piece of ass belongs to me. She has for a long time. You should count your blessings that you only get to look. She will never belong to you. She doesn’t even give a shit about you. Your gaze, your attention, it means nothing to her because she is mine, and always will be.”

  Luke smiled, licked his lips, and stepped up close. “Yeah, but one day, you’re going to have to go home, and I’m still going to be here. I wonder which one she will prefer. The absentee boyfriend, or the guy who is there every single time she turns around.”

  “Simon,” Anthony said, calling his attention.

  He wanted to hit Luke, to wipe that smile off his face, but he saw his game. If he fought him, Lash would have no choice but to pull him from the school.

  “Looks like I’ll be sticking around a long time.” He slapped Luke on the shoulder and left. He wasn’t going to get drawn into any fight. If Luke wanted to keep on looking at her ass, he’d let him, and each chance he got, Simon would be sure to squeeze that sweet ass because it belonged to him.

  Chapter Sixteen

  A couple of weeks later at the clubhouse, Simon had Tabby on his lap and she was giggling like crazy as he tickled her. Some romance movie was playing on the screen in the cinema room that Lash had installed at the clubhouse.

  “Sh,” Daisy said, laughing along with them.

  “Stop it. Stop it. I mean it, stop it.” She couldn’t stop laughing and he loved to hear the sound spilling from her lips.

  Pulling her close, he kissed her lips and those giggles turned to moans. “I love having you on my lap,” he said.

  “I love being on your lap.” She gave a little wriggle.

  Resting his hand on her stomach, his cock stirred, hardening. Tabby’s gaze turned heated.

  As quickly as the arousal came and he wanted to be alone in a room with her, Lash cleared his throat.

  “Simon, you’re needed.”

  “Can I just finish watching the movie?” he asked.

  “Now.” Lash was already leaving.

  As he got to his feet, Tabby slipped off his lap and waved him goodbye.

  He headed out of the cinema room and came to a stop when he caught sight of his dad with his crew. Devil looked angry, which changed as soon as he saw him.

  “Hello, Simon,” he said.


  Silence fell and he looked at the bikers who’d been his family the entire time. He noticed Curse wasn’t with them.

  “Can we talk?” he asked.

  Simon wanted to tell him to fuck off. To get the hell out, but he couldn’t do it. Devil was still his father and telling him to leave just didn’t feel right.

  Nodding his head, they left The Skulls’ clubhouse and walked outside. There were a couple of The Skulls, prospects, and a few of the old ladies. Folding his arms, he looked all around, then down at his shoes, not knowing where to pay attention.

  “You don’t have to avoid me,” Devil said.

  “What are you doing here?”

  “Work. We’ve got another call that’s going to require both clubs. We’re going to be working together.”

  “That’s good.” No matter the danger, his father was doing good and he respected that.

  “Do you want to join us?” Devil asked.

  “No. I’ve got stuff going on.”

  “Lash told me he enrolled you in school. Dean and Eddie told me you’re doing well.”

  “Yeah,” he said.

  “Look, Simon, I get that you’re pissed, but you don’t have a right to be.”

  “I don’t have a right to be? If I don’t, where is Curse? You think I don’t notice that he’s gone?” he asked, glaring.

  Devil ran his fingers through his hair. “You had no right to find out that way.”

  “Why did I have to find out that way? Why the fuck didn’t you tell me?” he asked.

  “You want to know the truth? That I met Kayla on the road, fucked her, and she stole from the club. I didn’t even know about your existence. I followed her all the way to Piston County to discover she’d dumped you with Lexie. You know what she did to keep you in diapers and formula, clothes, toys? She turned to stripping. She could have fucking left you.”

  Devil’s voice got louder. “A lot of women would have dumped your ass at a hospital. Not Lexie. No, she took care of you.” He ran a hand down her face. “From the first moment I met that woman, and yes, it was her getting her clothes off for money, I didn’t even know who she was,
or that you were born.”

  Simon felt sick to his stomach.

  “From the moment I met that woman, she has always … surprised me. Even when she didn’t need to take care of you, she did. You know all about Kayla, Simon. Damn it, you’ve visited her fucking gravestone with her. Lexie may not be your birth mother, but she is your mother in every single right. She has been willing to die for you. Kayla, she dumped you. She put Lexie in danger.”

  “You’d never kill her.”

  “No, but in putting you in her arms, I came looking, and from that first look, I wanted her. Every single day since then, her life is at risk. Now that her cancer is … she’s winning. Look, I know you’re angry, but you don’t get to be angry at her. I was the one who said you would never find out the truth. Kayla isn’t worth your time. She was a fucking whore. The only good thing about her was she gave you to Lexie. That was all.”

  “You don’t regret it at all. Sleeping with one sister and making a life with another.”

  Devil cursed, hands on hips. “How can I regret what happened for a single moment, Simon? If I hadn’t fucked Kayla, you wouldn’t be here and I’d never have met Lexie. Am I proud of what I did? No. Do I regret it? Hell no. I love my life. I love my son. I love my woman. I’ve got a family, a place in this world. There’s nothing to regret. I’m the happiest motherfucker around. Hate me all you want. This was my decision, not Lexie’s, but don’t wait around too long to talk to her. She misses you. I miss you.”

  “I can’t come back. Not yet.”

  “Fine. You’ve got stuff you need to do, I get it. Don’t make her suffer for my decisions. That I can never accept.”

  Simon nodded.

  “I made any sense to you?” Devil asked.


  “A lot?”


  “Good. That’s all I needed to know. I can’t convince you to come back with me?” Devil asked.

  “You can order me back.”

  “No, I’m not going to do that. You know where your home is. I can wait. I don’t like you being here but at least I know you’re in good hands.” Devil rubbed at his brow.

  “I’m shocked,” Simon said. “I expected you to order me back home.”

  Devil blew out a breath. “Sometimes we’ve got to get a shitload of stuff out of our system. Whatever you need to do here, I’ll respect that decision, so long as you talk to your mother.”

  Simon pulled out his cell phone. He found his mom’s number and called. Part of him wanted it to go to voicemail. Of course, he wasn’t that lucky and she answered right away.

  “Hey … Mom,” he said, hesitating just slightly. “It’s me.”

  “Oh, honey. It’s you. I bet your dad is there, isn’t he?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, he’s here. He’s watching me right now.”

  “You tell him that I’ve told him to leave you alone.” He repeated it and Devil just stared.

  “He’s giving me the evils.”

  She chuckled. “I’ve missed you.”

  “I’ve missed you too, Mom,” he said.

  “You have?”


  “I wish … oh, Simon, I wish a lot of things could have gone differently. I hope you know that.”

  “I know it.”

  “Good. I never wanted to hurt you.”

  “I know. I get it.”

  “I do have some pictures of Kayla, not a lot, and they are old. None of her pregnant. You see, I didn’t know she was pregnant with you until she came. You were such a beautiful baby. I loved you so much.”

  Tears filled his eyes as he imagined a young Lexie. There were plenty of pictures of her younger, and she’d always looked so sweet and kind.

  “Thank you,” he said.

  “What for?”

  “For taking me in.”

  “Of course I would, silly. You’re my son. I mean, nephew. I’m not good at this.”

  “No, you’re my mom. You will always be my mom. I’ve been stupid. That’s all. I was so confused and hearing Curse, I made a mistake.”

  “We can talk about it anytime. I’m a phone call away unless you’re coming home soon?” she asked.

  He heard the hope in her voice and he hated the thought of disappointing her.

  “No, I can’t. Not yet. There are a few things I’ve got to do first.” He ran a hand down his face, clearing his eyes from the tears.

  “O-okay, well, I’m here, always. Go easy on your father. He misses you, and he was only ever making the right decision for you.”

  He said his goodbyes and hung up.

  “You can hate me all you want to, son, I don’t mind. Never, ever take it out on her.”

  He nodded his agreement.

  “How are things going with Tabitha?” Devil asked.

  “You’re not going to be a grandpa yet.”

  Devil laughed. “So long as it stays that way.”

  “It will.”

  “I’m going to head back. You sure you don’t want to come?”

  In his mind, he saw Tabby, Luke, and what he hoped to do come her eighteenth birthday.

  “Not yet.”

  “You’re sure?” Devil asked.

  “I’m sure. I’ve got things I need to do.”

  “You’re still wearing the colors,” he said.

  “Because there is no other club I could ever want.”

  “Good answer.” Devil stepped toward him and Simon was surprised as he hugged him. “Thank you.”

  He slapped his dad’s back, feeling the emotion clog his throat. He didn’t want to cry and he felt like such a fucking loser for it.

  Tabby came to join him as he saw his father and the crew off. She wrapped her arms around his waist as he held up his hand, waving them goodbye.

  “You okay?” she asked.

  “I will be.”

  “You didn’t go back with them.”

  “I’m not ready to leave.”

  “Good,” she said, kissing his neck. “I don’t want you to leave.”


  “I can’t believe you’ve been on dates and you haven’t told me about them,” Tabitha said, flopping down on the grass beside her best friend.

  Daisy sighed. “Just be silent and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts.”

  “That is your way of not getting me to talk,” she said. “I see your game. I do.”

  “Tabs, it hasn’t been a big deal. It’s been ice cream and not a lot else.” Daisy rolled onto her side. “What is it you want to know?”

  “Have you kissed?”

  Daisy’s face gave the game away.

  “You have. Was it good?”

  “Tabs, you kiss Simon like all the time.” In the past couple of months, Simon had gone back home a couple of times. She always expected a call from him to say that he was staying at home, but he continued to surprise her by returning each and every time. She loved him being around.

  Of course, it meant a lot of sneaking. He stayed with Lash most of the time. They’d set him up in a bedroom as a permanent feature for him. Of course, he didn’t always stay in his bed as he snuck out all the time to come and sleep with her.

  “Yeah, I know, and now we can talk about our boys’ kissing.”

  “I don’t know if Anthony is mine.”

  “He is totally yours. Now, tell me, is he a good kisser?”

  “You tell me, is Simon?”

  “Hell, yeah, of course he is. I love it when he starts at the corner of my mouth. His tongue tracing, and okay, I can go into graphic detail.”

  “No thanks. I don’t want to hear about him. Hearing about Simon is kind of like a brother.”

  “Simon is no brother, believe me. Anthony is kind of like it but I need some material to tease him with. Is he good? Bad?”

  “Anthony is awesome,” Daisy said.

  “You’re only saying that so I don’t tease him.”

  Daisy shrugged. “You can’t tease him. He’s like amazing. I don’t think there is
anyone in the world who is going to beat him in the kissing department. I’m sorry. But I can officially say I got the best boyfriend in the world.”

  “Not possible,” she said, laughing.

  Daisy joined in and they collapsed to the ground, chuckling. “Damn, this is so much fun.”

  “Yeah, we’ve got to do this more often.” Tabitha took her friend’s hand. “Can we make a pact or a promise to each other?”

  “What kind?”

  “The kind that says no matter what choices we make in life, or if we hate each other, we’ll always be best friends and it means we can hate each other for a little while but we’ve always got to stick together?”

  “You’re going to follow Simon to Piston County, aren’t you?” Daisy asked. “It’s why you want to make this pact.”

  “I love him, Daisy. I know he would give up the club for me and I’m not going to do that.”

  “What about you and this club?” Daisy asked. “We’re your family.”

  “And I will always be your family no matter what. It’s not like I’m ever going to be a patched-in member, is it? I’ll wear the property patch of my dad and then onto my husband, even if I was to stay here. I love Simon. He is my entire world and I know that now. I see it. It’s all clear.”

  “It took him having to come here for you to realize it?” Daisy asked.

  “Yeah, I just, I don’t want us to ever fight, you know? I love you so much and I don’t want to lose you.”

  “You’ll never lose me,” Daisy said. “It will always be me and you, no matter what the guys say. They can go and suck it.”

  Tabitha laughed, hugging her friend close. They sat up now and she closed her eyes, happy with her decision. Of course, she still had to tell Simon, but that would come in time. She had no intention of moving away soon.

  “Well, lookie what we got here.”

  Tabitha tensed up. She and Daisy got to her feet as they looked across the field to see Ryan and Luke. They weren’t alone either. It looked like a couple of guys from their crew were with them. They were in Fort Wills territory.

  “You need to leave,” Tabitha said.

  “Why? We’re on open land.”

  “Skulls’ land,” Daisy said. “You’re in Fort Wills. The Skulls could see this as an act of war and you don’t want that.”


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