Through the Bopecan Port

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Through the Bopecan Port Page 2

by Dave Lemel

  ​Sasha looked up from Penny and at Todd, who was unwrapping the bottom of his now decapitated muffin. “How’s your head after a little time to digest?”

  ​“Good! Well, I mean better than last time I saw you, for sure. I’m still digesting, I guess. Heck, I probably will be for the rest of my life.”

  ​“Yeah, I suspect you’re right about that.” Sasha stood up from the floor and walked back into the kitchen. She poured a little more coffee into the now cold half-empty cup she had left behind when she went to Lori’s. She took a sip as Todd chewed his first bite of muffin. She waited for him to swallow, and then looked him dead in the eye accusingly. “You are absolutely certain you are up for this, correct?”

  ​Todd put down his muffin and maintained eye contact. “Yes, Sasha. I swear, I am okay.”

  ​Sasha raised her eyebrows and tilted her head.

  ​“No, really. I have no doubt of my ability to keep my emotions in check and do my job.”

  ​Sasha’s glare softened slightly and she nodded. “All right. I’m not going to make you promise to bring my husband home in one piece because that isn’t fair. As long as you promise you are mentally fit for this assignment, though, I will feel a lot better.”

  ​“I promise. For both. Don’t care if it’s fair or not. I am coming home with your husband and our fugitive.”

  ​“Oh, please,” Simon groaned from the family room floor.

  ​“Please what?” asked Todd.

  ​“Listen to you two talking about me like I’m dead weight over here. I’ll have to carry your sorry butt like I always do.” Simon rolled his eyes. “’Bring me home in one piece.’”

  ​Todd chuckled. “Your face was in a couple of pieces by the time we got done with our last assignment, Mister Super Marshal.”

  ​“Ohhhhh,” Simon said, standing up and smiling as he made his way to the snack ledge, “that’s only ’cause Dow must’ve seen you lose your fight with the luggage in the subway station and decided to come after the obviously superior marshal first.”

  ​“Boom!” Sasha exclaimed before walking back around to the family room to collect Penny as she crawled over to and up Simon’s legs.

  ​Todd laughed and took a big bite of his muffin top, shaking his head. “Vat milly fuss embaraffing,” he mumbled through a mouthful of muffin.

  ​“You excited to go through the port?” Sasha asked as she took a seat on the couch. “I mean, I know considering the circumstances it’s not the ideal situation to enjoy an assignment, but still…interstellar travel…going to a planet orbiting a different star…” Sasha looked out the window and up toward the sky. “I just have to experience it some day.”

  ​“Oh, yeah,” replied Todd before taking a sip of his coffee. “I am excited for that. The little bit of time I’ve managed to actually focus on that opportunity this week and a half, I’ve gotten really pumped for that part. From the moment I returned from our academy trip, though, I swore if I never was lucky enough to get an assignment that took me through again, I would at least take a vacation through one day.”

  ​Sasha’s eyes switched their focus from Todd to Simon. “My husband swears he’s going to take me one day on one of those vacations. I’ll believe it when I’m on the transport ship headed to the port.”

  ​Simon grinned. “We are going one day, hun. I was actually talking to Penny about exactly that while you were gone. Even confessed to her that I’m slightly looking forward to that part of this assignment myself.”

  ​“I don’t blame you.” Sasha turned her attention out the window again. “I can only imagine what an incredible experience that must be.”

  ​Todd selected another muffin from the box. “So, what are we waiting for?”

  ​“Apparently for you to finish another muffin,” replied Simon.

  ​“Oh no, no, this one’s for the drive, my friend.” Todd ripped off a piece of paper towel and loosely wrapped his newest choice of baked goods.

  ​“All right, well then, I’m grabbing one for the ride too.” Simon reached for the box and pulled it across the counter.

  ​“Hey, I didn’t say you could bring a muffin in my truck.”

  ​“Oh, whatever, man; if you’re eating one in there, I’m eating one in there. Either that or put it back, ’cause we paid for ’em.”

  ​Todd stared at the muffin for a few seconds. “Well, there is no way I can put it back now, so you got lucky.”

  ​Simon smiled and pulled out a cherry chocolate chip then loosely wrapped it up as Todd had. He placed it on the counter and headed to the couch where his wife and daughter sat. “Well,” he looked up from Penny to Sasha as he sat down next to her. “No point in dragging it out any longer, I guess. Sooner I go, sooner I’ll be on my way back.”

  ​Sasha nodded. “Try and enjoy it too, hun. It really is something very few people get the opportunity to experience, and even fewer without having to fork over a boatload of credits.”

  ​“I appreciate that. Really, I do. And I swear on this house, we are going as a family one day.”

  ​Sasha smiled. “I know. I was just teasing before. Now go on, get outta here. Like you said, sooner you go, sooner you’ll be headed back.”

  ​Simon leaned in and gave Sasha a kiss. He reached into her cradled arms and scooped up Penny. “C’mere, sweetie.” He lifted her up by his face and held her there, smiling. Penny smiled a huge open-mouthed smile and then leaned in to bite his nose. Sasha and Simon both laughed.

  ​“I love you, sweetie. I’ll be home soon. Don’t you take your first steps or something while I’m gone.” He pulled her closer, kissed each of her cheeks, and his eyes watered slightly. He took one last long look at her and handed her back to Sasha.

  ​“All right, I’m outta here,” he exhaled audibly as he stood up. He headed back through the kitchen, scooped up his muffin, and tapped Todd on the arm. “Let’s go.”

  ​They walked to the mudroom, and before turning towards the garage, Simon looked back, blew a kiss, and mouthed, “I love you.”

  Chapter 4

  Simon took a massive bite of muffin as the big green SUV hit the bottom of the driveway. Crumbs fell down the front of his jacket and bounced all over the passenger side seat and floor.

  ​“Dude!” Todd’s brow creased, and his eyes darted around from the floor to Simon to the road and back through all three.

  ​Simon looked over with confusion, followed by realization as his eyes rolled down and to the sides, tracking all the crumbs he had just caused. “Forwee,” he finally managed to spit out along with a few more crumbs that escaped his jam-packed mouth.

  ​Todd’s mouth fell open further in disgust before he blinked hard, shook his head, and turned the corner at the end of Simon’s block. “So, anyway, your parents and Sasha’s head back to Denver yet, or were they all out to breakfast together?”

  ​“Ha! No, they all went back to take care of a few things. All of ’em are coming right back though.”


  ​“Yeah, Sasha’s should be arriving in a couple of hours. Mine are driving in sometime over the next few days.”

  ​“Geez, why don’t they all just buy a place down the block from you and move in together here?”

  ​“They are.”

  ​“What?” Todd turned to look at Simon with both eyebrows severely raised.

  ​“Well, no, not actually moving here or all living together, but they’re looking at condos near us to buy. You know, part as an investment and part so they have a place to stay every time they visit. Mine are putting an offer in on a condo right on the lake. If they get it, they’ll no doubt be stopping at truck-stops and unique roadside attractions all drive for little knickknacks to decorate it with, knowing my mom.”

  ​“You guys know they have daycare at Star Marshal Base, right?”

  ​Simon chuckled. “Dude, have you ever walked in that place? We checked it out. It’s like the thunderdome in there. We are interviewing nanni
es though. We realized we needed something other than just grandparents set up, even if they get second homes here. They’ll visit a lot and spend plenty of time with her, but she needs a regularly scheduled care provider.”

  ​“How much does that cost?”

  ​“I don’t wanna talk about it,” Simon grumbled before getting back to work on his muffin. “Speaking of parents,” Simon spat out between bites, “how’d your mom take the news about your dad?”

  ​Todd’s eyes opened wide, and he inhaled deeply through his nose before exhaling slowly. “Oh, you know, pretty rough, I guess. I think she’s coming around a little now. She sounded better today when I talked to her on the drive up. I’ll tell you one thing for sure, though.”

  ​“What’s that?”

  ​“I do not envy my father if my mother ever gets the chance to be in the same room with him again.”

  ​Simon rolled his eyes and groaned. “Oh, my lord. I can only imagine what Sasha would do to me if I ever pulled something like that. She wouldn’t even say anything. Just sprint at me and straight up murder me.”

  ​“I’m not so sure that isn’t what would happen with Marie and Doug as well.”

  ​The large British racing green vehicle turned the corner to the guard station at the entrance to Star Marshal Base. Todd handed his credentials to the guard, who quickly returned them before opening the gate. They drove past the academy buildings, hangars, and manufacturing and repair facilities in silence before turning into the Star Marshal Headquarters parking lot. Todd pulled into the space with his name on it and turned off the truck, then they both stepped out into the frigid Wisconsin winter.

  ​Puffs of warm breath hitting icy air appeared and vanished as they walked to and up the steps of the imposing green granite block building. Todd pulled one of the heavy black glass doors open and gestured for Simon to enter. “You know, I’ve been meaning to thank you.”

  ​“For what?”

  ​“Saying yes to this assignment. You really didn’t have to do that, and I very much appreciate it.”

  ​“Oh, man, are you kidding? I’ve actually been meaning to apologize.”

  ​Todd’s face contorted. “For what?”

  ​“Acting like a selfish baby. I never shoulda reacted the way I did when Lombargnor laid down the ultimatum. Should’ve jumped at the chance to help you through this without hesitation.”

  ​“Oh, dude, whatever. I totally get it. We had just gotten back from a crazy assignment. You had finally exhaled and were ready to move on to the next phase of your life, and a bomb got dropped in your lap. Completely reasonable reaction, considering.”

  ​“Well, reasonable or not, I am sorry, and I am really glad I have the chance to be by your side for this. Also, selfishly, pretty excited to go through the port again. Hey, check it out!” Simon pointed at the ten rotating heads of the star marshals’ most wanted as they passed the display in the hall. “Somebody’s ugly mug is no longer spinning up there.”

  ​Todd looked and smiled. The smile quickly faded, and his brow furrowed as he turned back in Simon’s direction. “You know, if we fail on this assignment, I bet my dad’s head takes a spot on that shelf.”

  ​Simon glanced back over his shoulder at the shelf, then back to Todd. “Not going to matter ’cause we are not going to fail.” He turned into the doorway of the briefing room and paused before opening the door. “You’re probably right though.”

  ​As the door swung open and the interior of the briefing room revealed itself, the marshals found Lombargnor in the interior of the large U-shaped table at the center of the room. He was standing within a hologram of the Milky Way Galaxy, looking with interest at a star located past the middle of one of the arms but not quite at the point that could accurately be described as the end.

  ​“Is that where we’re headed?” asked Todd as he made his way closer to the table, eyes open a tad larger than normal.

  ​“As a matter of fact, yes. It is indeed the star at the center of the solar system you will be traveling to.” Lombargnor waved them over with one of his right arms. “Come. Let me show you.”

  ​Todd and Simon made their way around to the inner part of the table and beside Lombargnor. His mouth curled to a smile. “It is good to see you both and to see your faces looking relaxed. Last we were together, there was significant stress on them both.”

  ​“Good to see you too, boss,” replied Todd. “I think I speak for both of us when I say we are, indeed, significantly less stressed than last time we saw you.”

  ​“Agreed,” nodded Simon as he intently studied the area of the hologram Lombargnor had been looking at when they walked in. He pointed at the arm next to that. “We’re in this arm, right? Earth, I mean. It’s in this one, if I’m not mistaken.”

  ​Lombargnor tilted his head slightly. “That is correct, Marshal Cain.”

  ​“And you indicated this one here is where we are headed.”

  ​“Also correct, marshal. One arm over and a similar distance outward as Earth from the galactic core.”

  ​Todd peered around Lombargnor’s two left arms. “Can we zoom into that solar system?”

  ​“Soon enough, Marshal Jordan. I would like to start at the beginning and take you through the entire journey. It will not take terribly long.”

  ​“Right, right.” Todd turned and craned his neck to look up with an eyebrow raised in anticipation. “Ready when you are, boss.”

  ​Lombargnor looked down at Todd, nodded, then turned back toward the hologram and manipulated an area of the galaxy arm Simon had identified as the one containing Earth’s solar system. Slowly, the familiar system of planets revealed itself, and Lombargnor enlarged an area just beyond the outer moons of Jupiter.

  ​As he enhanced it further, a cluster of structures that included a large H formation revealed itself. It was difficult to gauge scale in this manner, but the rows of ships lining the outer sides of the H indicated that it was rather large.

  ​A little way off the top or bottom of the H—it was impossible to tell which from this perspective or even if the H had a top or bottom—was a circle. The circle looked as if it had been constructed of thick, purplish-colored scaffolding.

  ​“I assume you both recognize this as the public port you went through at academy.”

  ​Todd grinned. “Of course.”

  ​“Are we using the public port?” Relief washed over Simon’s face. “I thought for sure you’d have us heading all the way out to the private one.”

  ​“Ideally, that would have been the case. However, with expedience being a high priority for this assignment, I thought it best we cut the travel time to a minimum. This also provides the added bonus of offering a plausible cover for the nature of your assignment.”

  ​Todd’s face twisted slightly. “Wouldn’t there be far fewer eyes to see us going through the private port?”

  ​“Yes, but more of those eyes would know what they were seeing, and I feel that it would increase the odds of the information working its way back to our mole. For official channels, your assignment will indicate that you are heading to the moons of Jupiter to aid in the follow-up investigation and information collection from the fallout of your last assignment. Unofficially, you will be heading here.” Lombargnor pointed with one of his left hands at the public port.

  ​“So we’ll be the only ones who know we’re headed out of the solar system?” asked Simon.

  ​“The three of us, your wife, as well as Ben and Foggen. As we speak, Ben and Foggen are back up at the dock preparing the Henrietta for the journey. Once you arrive at the port station, you will dock and resupply for the flight out. At that time, I will have them shut the port down, supposedly for routine maintenance. Once it is turned back on, you will be the first ship through. This should draw zero suspicion because sending a small Bopecan or star marshal vessel through the port first after maintenance is standard procedure.”

  ​Simon looked up at Lombargnor. “Once we arr
ive on the other side, how far will we be from…I’m not sure you ever said the actual name of the planet we’re headed to, now that I think about it.”

  ​“You are correct, marshal. The system and name of the city you will be heading to initially were mentioned, but not the name of the planet itself. It is known as Gleeb.”

  ​Todd’s face pinched. “Gleeb? Just Gleeb?”

  ​“Yes, Marshal Jordan. Why the confusion on your face?”

  ​“It’s just…it sounds like part of a planet name. Not the whole name. I guess whenever we talked about Gleebans, I pictured their planet called something along the lines of Gleebnor Nine or something.”

  ​“You watch too much science fiction, Marshal Jordan. It is actually quite common for planet names to be one syllable, and exceedingly rare for there to be a number in the name.”

  ​“Huh,” Todd nodded at Simon. “Well, you know what they say when you assume.”

  ​Simon groaned and rolled his eyes. “So, anyway, when we go through the port, will we come out far from Gleeb?”

  ​“Relatively speaking, no. The port in the Montice system is located approximately the same distance from Gleeb as Mars is from Earth.”

  ​Lombargnor now used one of his left hands and one right to manipulate the area on the galactic arm neighboring Earth’s. As he zoomed in and enhanced this area, it revealed another port. This port appeared equidistant between the fourth and fifth planets of a solar system that had seven planets. They were orbiting a star that burned in a yellowish hue quite similar to the one they currently orbited.

  ​“From here, you will make your way in towards Gleeb. Like Earth, Gleeb has a single moon. Once you pass that moon’s orbit, you will settle the Henrietta into her own orbit outside the planet’s many satellites. I will provide Foggen with the necessary codes to access the Bopecan satellites among them so that the Henrietta can bounce signals through them to maintain constant line of sight with you while you are on the planet itself.”


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