Suckers Go To Hell Book # 4 (San Francisco Vampires)

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Suckers Go To Hell Book # 4 (San Francisco Vampires) Page 3

by Jessica McBrayer

  “I want it too, Hannah. We will have it. I promise.” He held me close, both of lost in the same thoughts.

  Diel borrowed one of his parents’ many cars and we headed for Dr. Hildebrand’s office. It was downtown, on the top floor of a thirty floor building. The city was very similar to a top side city, if you could ignore the Demons in every shape and shade under the rainbow and the distinct whiff of brimstone from time to time. I noticed human servants being led around like pets. They looked well cared … for pets.

  Diel explained to me that when a human goes to Hell he/she is either in eternal damnation or is lucky enough to become a servant for a Demon. The Demon has to be certified in human care and must meet all kinds of standards so that they are well taken care of. Diel assured me it was better than the alternative. Still…We exited the elevator, that by the way, played bad musical renditions of seventies songs, in other words, the same elevator music that we were forced to deal with top side. I looked out of the windows as Diel and I walked hand in hand down the hallway. The clouds were a pinkish hue. More of those weird reptilian birds were perched on a building across the street. They freaked me out.

  “Come on, honey, we’re here,” Diel said, kissing my hand, drawing me back into the here and now.

  We entered a warm, richly appointed waiting room. Leather club chairs and suede couches were arranged in small groupings. Magazines titles, similar to top side, were neatly laid on the end tables. No sign of baby magazines or anything else to remind parents who were having a hard time conceiving. It was a Saturday so no one else was in the office. Special V.I.P. service for His Grace again.

  A plump aging blond Demon rose from her desk. She wore plain blue scrubs and directed us to a room down the hall.

  “Ms. Hannah, would you mind putting on a gown? Your examination will be first. We will need to take some blood samples too,” she said kindly, handing me a soft gown and robe as well as a blanket. Then she left for me to change.

  “Help me unzip, Love.”

  “Of course, do you want me to leave during the exam?” Diel asked.

  “No way! This all too weird yet. You are just going to have to endure.”

  “Okay, babe.” He laughed at me and helped me get undressed. Kissing my neck and down my back. His breath warmed me as he drew his lips in tiny nips down my back.

  “Stop. We are in a doctor’s office, you animal. Behave.”

  “Never, with you naked.”

  “Hand me the gown and I will take care of the temptation,” I said.

  He smirked but handed me the gown, a soft elegant kimono style with butterflies on it and then helped me into the robe. He lifted me up onto the table and covered my legs with the blanket. Then kissed me long and hard. Sometime during the kiss the doctor walked in.

  “Hmm mmm…”

  Diel and I snapped apart.

  “I am so sorry, Dr. Hildebrand,” I said stumbling over my words, totally embarrassed. Diel was less so. He grinned and went to shake the doctor’s hand.

  “Nothing to be embarrassed about, Hannah. We need to see plenty of that if we are going to accomplish your goal,” he said and winked at me, shaking Diel’s hand.

  “Diel, it’s good to meet you. Are you staying or going?”

  “Staying,” Diel said firmly.

  “Okay, I’m going to start with the blood tests. My nurse gets nervous drawing blood from Vampires,” he apologized. “She was almost bit by one when the patient saw the blood. They were way over their feeding schedule.”

  “Oh my!” I said, embarrassed for all Vampires.

  “It’s hard being down here and trying to keep up a feeding schedule too. No one to blame. So, make a fist dear. There’s a nice vein. You’ll feel a little pinch and it’s in.”

  He filled four vials with my sluggish Vampire blood. Shook them and then called to his nurse, Gloria. Gloria rushed in and took the vials.

  Then he used a wand on me, to test my magick. I was surprised to see I had any. It was low though.

  “Your magick level is actually high, Hannah. I know this reads low, but for a Vampire it’s high. I’m going to do an internal exam now. Still want to stay, Diel?”

  “Yes,” Diel answered evenly. I think he was a bit territorial.

  “Well, Hannah, everything seems fine. Depending on what the blood work tells us, there should be no reason you can’t conceive. But I caution, we need to wait for the blood work. It will tell me a lot.” He cleaned up and told me to hop down and have Diel jump up.

  “Your turn, Diel. Let’s test your magick.” He waived the wand over Diel and the numbers went off the charts. “I guess we don’t have to worry about magick with you either.” He chuckled.

  He drew blood from Diel and then asked if I wanted to stay and I nodded.

  “Drop ‘em Diel.”

  Diel laughed and did just that. He got a thorough exam too.

  “Everything is where it is supposed to be,” the doc said. “You two probably just need more time. You’ve been trying for over six months?” We both nodded. “That’s a little surprising based on what we’ve seen of your magick capabilities but not unusual. I’ll call you in a few days when the lab gets the results back to me. I know you are leaving on Christmas, so I will hurry them along, STAT, it being the holidays and all.” He shook our hands and left.

  I got dressed and Gloria came in with forms to sign. She got our cell numbers and reassured us she would make sure we were called as soon as any results were known.


  We stopped for lunch at a café. I was able to get some coffee while Diel had a sandwich. Everyone acknowledged him with a little bow but he ignored most of it.

  “You never told me you were so important. All these people keep bowing to you,” I said discreetly over my coffee cup.

  “It’s one of the reasons I’m top side now. I hate it. My parents love it but I just want to be me. It does come in handy if you want to get to the front of a line once in a while, though,” he said winking at me. I laughed.

  “Does this mean our baby will have a title?”

  “Of course, just like you do.”

  “What!” I nearly spit coffee all over my new dress.

  “We will have an official mating rite done while we are here and then you will be a Duchess.”

  “What if I don’t want to be a Duchess?”

  “Comes with the package, Sweet Cakes.” He grinned at me. “But don’t worry you don’t have to worry about it unless we are down here. Unless you want to start wearing a little tiara?”

  I didn’t even respond. I just punched him in the arm making him almost choke on his mouthful of roast beef.

  “Ow! That was harsh.” He feigned injury.

  “Oh please, I couldn’t hurt you if I tried.”

  “True,” he agreed.

  “What is this mating ritual?” I asked.

  “It’s like a marriage ceremony. Very similar in fact. My mother has been planning it for months.”

  “And you’re just telling me this now?!” I was completely irritated at this point. “What am I going to wear? What am I supposed to do? Ugh, Diel!”

  “You will wear a ceremonial robe that has been in my family for ages, so relax. Everything is done for us, we just stand there and say yes and I do. See, no big deal.”

  “Still, you could have warned me.”

  “Hannah, I have considered us mated, married, connected, whatever you want to call it since our first time together. I love you. The ritual is all for show and to please my parents and to guarantee that if anything happens to me that you and our children get my money and property legally,” he said running his fingers down the side of my face, looking me in the eye and making me melt.

  “I feel the same way,” I said hoarsely. “I have been yours since the first time, Diel.” I took his fingers in my hand and kissed them. He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, my nose and then my lips.

  Cameras started going off everywhere. Cell
phones were being held up recording us. Holy shit, paparazzi from Hell.

  “If I see one picture in the papers I will hunt every one of you down and kill you,” Diel said softly. All phones and cameras disappeared instantly. “That’s better.”

  Disgusted, Diel threw his unfinished sandwich down on his plate. He drank his beer and left some money for the bill, grabbed my hand and I was soon scuttling to keep up with him.

  “Diel, honey, please slow down,” I said.

  “Oh, sorry, Sweetheart. It just pisses me off. One of the many reasons I hate it down here. Nothing is private,” he groused. He had slowed to allow for my short legs and high heels. Soon he was holding the door of our car open for me. After tucking me in, he climbed into the driver’s seat. Before starting the car he turned to me.

  “I’m sorry for that. I didn’t want you exposed to any of that shit.”

  “It’s not your fault. Besides, I think you handled it just fine,” I said. I took his hand and squeezed it.

  “I doubt that. By tomorrow there will be pictures of us in the papers.”

  “We’ll deal with it if it happens. Don’t sweat it. We’ll be top side in a few days.” I smiled at him, hoping his good mood would return. But he stayed gloomy. I let go of his hand and rested mine in my lap so he could drive. It didn’t take long to get back to his parents. I knew immediately they had returned home. The house was ablaze with activity.

  “Here we go,” Diel said. He had a determined look on his face and squeezed my hand. I didn’t find it reassuring. I still had reservations about his family and his look of resolve confirmed that all might not be as perfect as he was trying to convince me. We walked in the front doors and were almost knocked down by a servant bearing a huge tea service, heading for the parlor.

  We followed in his wake. We could hear Diel’s mother talking to her father.

  “I wonder what she’s like,” a nasally high pitched voice asked.

  “Some Vamp trash most likely,” a deep baritone answered. “What do you expect? He found her top side and she’s Vampire.”

  “So true. I’m so embarrassed. The neighbors have been talking behind our backs,” his mother said.

  “Of course they have. It’s a shame he didn’t mate with Josephine,” his father said.

  I felt the burn of my body trying to make tears before I realized I was crying. What was wrong with me? Lately I cried at the drop of a hat. Yes they were mean and rude, but I can handle a little of this bullshit for a few days. I had Diel and nothing was changing that. It still hurt though.

  “Hannah, look at me,” Diel said softly. He turned me gently so I was facing him then wrapped me in his arms. He was mine. He smoothed my hair and whispered how much he loved me.

  “Don’t listen to them, Hannah. First, they’re stuck up snobs. Second, they haven’t even met you yet. Third, they have been planning with Josephine’s parents for us to mate since we were born. It was a great disappointment when I said I couldn’t stand the bitch.”

  I laughed at that. It was muffled into his shirt as I had a death grip on it.

  “That’s my girl. Put on a Ganja Girl face and let’s face this together.”

  “Okay.” I stood back and squared my shoulders. Diel put his arm around my waist and we walked into the room.

  8. DIEL

  My parents with their bullshit superiority complexes hurt my Hannah. I wanted to walk right out and go back home to Berkeley. But I knew to protect her interests and those of our children we had to face this at some point so I ushered Hannah into the parlor but kept my arm firmly around her to let them know where I stood.

  They looked startled. Good. Maybe they realized that we heard them. I doubted that they really cared for Hannah’s feelings only that their manners had been less then impeccable. I scowled at them to let them know we had heard them. My father looked a little castigated but my mother only arched a perfectly plucked eyebrow at me. Shit, so it was going to be like that.

  “Mother, Father, this is my mate, my love, Hannah. Hannah, this is my mother, Millicent and my father, Doxie.”

  Hannah stepped out of my grasp and approached my mother with her hand out.

  “How do you do?” My mother looked her up and down. Taken by surprise at Hannah’s flawless wardrobe, thank you, Lily. Reluctantly she shook Hannah’s finger tips only.

  “It’s a pleasure I’m sure,” my mother said. Hannah didn’t let it slow her down. She moved on to my Father with a smile on her face.

  “How do you do, Sir?”

  “Very well, Hannah. How has your first visit down under been so far?” Thank you, Dad. At least he was being decent.

  “It’s been educational,” Hannah said. Just then Hades came barreling through the door and knocked my mother on her ass. Could things get any worse?

  I whistled and Hades came to heel.

  “Hades, bad Hell Hound. I’m so sorry, Millicent. He’s still a puppy,” Hannah said apologizing for Hades.

  “Apparently he has learned some bad manners,” Mother said as Dad helped her up.

  Hannah looked down at her hands. Mom had made her feel inadequate. I could read Hannah like a newspaper. Her body and her reactions.

  “No, Mother, he’s just a puppy. He’s a little excited to see you and Dad.”

  “Diel, Sweetheart, you haven’t even kissed me hello yet,” mother said.

  I couldn’t remember a time I’d been less eager to kiss her. I kissed her cheek and then shook hands with my father. Then returned to Hannah and pulled her into me.

  “If you would like, we ordered a tea service and it’s getting cold. Why don’t we all sit down?” Mother suggested.

  Hannah and I sat on a loveseat and Mother and Father took two chairs across from us. Mother served tea. Dad and I loaded plates with tea sandwiches and cookies. Hannah took a welcome drink of her tea, closing her eyes. I knew she was using the time to regroup.

  “What have you kids been up to since you arrived?” Dad asked.

  “We…” Hannah started and I shook my head slightly.

  “We went to a café for some lunch,” I said.

  “Oh my! You didn’t eat anyone did you?” my mom said, her voice pitched at an uncomfortable volume. She looked at Hannah with horror. I groaned.

  Hannah let a big sigh out. I held my breath. Ganja Girl wasn’t known for taking shit off anyone. But she smiled widely.

  “Of course not, Millicent. I fed before we came and I won’t need to feed until we return home. And for the record, we only need a little bit of blood. We don’t eat people,” Hannah explained with her fang’s barely peeking out. She had more patience then I did. I was ready to explode at them. How dare they insult her that way? This was my mate, dammit.

  “I have just heard terrible stories from top side. I didn’t know what to expect,” Mother acted innocent.

  “That’s bullshit, Mother. Stop insulting my mate. You know very well the feeding habits of Vampires. Now if you’ll excuse us we need to freshen up. We’ll see you at dinner,” I said. I took Hannah’s hand and practically dragged her out of the room and up the stairs. If my mother kept this up she wouldn’t see us the entire trip, outside the actual mating ceremony.

  We reached my bedroom and I scooped Hannah up in my arms.

  “I’m so sorry. Those assholes.”

  “Your father made an effort,” she said sounding brave and confident but I could tell it was an act.

  She had been uncharacteristically weepy, lacking her usual confidence in the past week or so. It just brought out the protectiveness in me. Well more than usual. She is such a petite thing that I always feel like I want to shelter her but at the same time she’s my little lioness, roaring to go. That’s why it was such a shock to see her in these clothes. Maybe that’s what has her all out of sorts too.

  “Let’s just stay out of their way as much as possible this week. I have some old friends I would like to introduce you to and some fun places to show you. We’ll have to endure breakfast and di
nners with them and the mating ceremony of course.”

  “I can endure anything as long as you’re with me, Diel,” Hannah whispered against my lips before she kissed me. She is so sexy and she doesn’t even realize it.

  “I think we should practice again,” I mumbled against her lips. She laughed and then started unbuttoning my shirt.


  Diel and I lay in his enormous bath tub soaking away the stress of the day. We would have to get dressed for dinner soon. Blah! I didn’t want to face the Queen Bitch again, oh excuse me, the Dark Duchess. Diel was rubbing my feet and it felt oh so good that my fangs slid out.

  “I love it when you show fang, babe. It is so hot. Especially knowing I made you do it.” I giggled and sank a little lower in the tub.

  “You do know how to relax a girl,” I said, almost comatose at this point. “You’re spoiling me.”

  “You have no idea how much I want to spoil you. Just wait until you’re pregnant. Daily foot rubs. Cocoa butter belly rubs. Bubble baths, anything you want, baby,” he said, his eyes blazing.

  “You’re going to make me cry again. I love you. I love that you care so much about me to want to do all these things for me. It makes me feel so loved and cherished and comforted.”

  “You are loved and cherished. More than I can find words to say.” He pulled me into his lap and stroked my face, we touched foreheads and I felt that burning sensation in my eyes again as my body wracked a sob. Why couldn’t I keep my shit together?

  Diel wrapped his long, strong, warm arms around me and held me, kissing me on the neck, hair, cheek, anywhere he could reach.

  “I’m sorry. I just love you so much. I don’t know why I’ve been so weepy. I must be stressed over everything. I’ll try to stop.”

  “You’ll do no such thing,” he said with vehemence. Surprised, I looked up into his eyes. “Hannah, you will feel any way you want to. I grew up with that bull shit. I couldn’t show my feelings and I had to act a certain way. It tore me up from the inside.” He ran his hand through my hair. “I will not let them make you feel like you have to do the same thing. You say and act any way you feel like. Do you understand?”


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