“Give Clay and Winston a small piece. They always play with it and waste most of what they don’t get in their face goes on the table cloth. Chocolates hard to get out of the tablecloth even with using Spray and Wash.”
Momma took three plates of pie to the table giving the boys and daddy the first pieces. I followed behind with three pieces and Momma brought the rest in serving everyone.
“How’d the fire start, tell me what happened, any body dead?” Momma wanted all the details.
“Fire! I didn’t do it! I didn’t do it!” Winston yelled jumped up from the table knocking his chair against the wall and the chase was on. Kimberly made three sweeps around the house before collapsing on the lawn. I ran out to give her mouth to mouth. “Kimmy are you okay?” Kimmy wasn’t moving. Momma came running with a pitcher of water and splashed it in Kimmy’s face. Kimmy shook her head.
“What are you doing? My face is all wet and my hair a mess.”
I helped Kimmy to her feet and walked her in the house. Winston was setting at the table playing with his chocolate pie. Kimmy dried her face on daddy’s dish towel and shoveled pie in her face.
I explained to everyone we didn’t know much about the fire. “I’m homeless and without clothes. But Mona has offered to loan me some clothes and I can stay at her place.”
“She took me in now I can repay her.” Mona pushed her chair away from the table and loaded her hands with plates carrying them to the kitchen. She was scrapping plates and blowing snot when I made it to the kitchen.
“What’s wrong with you?”
“I’m just thankful for knowing you and your family.” She wiped her nose on her wrist and pushed her hair away from her face. “This is my sentimental side coming out. Us girls all have them you know.”
I patted her on the shoulder. “ We are pretty much a dysfunctional family but we are okay. You are part of us now like it or not.”
Momma pushed the swinging door knocking me back. “Whoops, we need to knock before pushing the door.”
“I need to get this kitchen cleaned up. I’ve got calls to make. Everyone is wondering about the fire. I took the phone off the hook where we could get through dinner.”
“Momma, Mona and I will clean it up. You go on make your calls you’ve done enough. Don’t make it too bad. Remember I’m alive.” Momma waved back at me as she pushed through the swinging door.
Mona washed the dishes. “Look, here’s one I don’t have to wash. It’s been licked clean.” She tossed it in the dish pan.
My neck was in a crick when I woke from sleeping on the sofa. I twisted it from side to side pulling on my chin. It popped and felt better. My phone rang. Caller ID, it’s Hayden.
I flipped my phone open. “Hi Hayden.”
“What’s up?” I said with not much concern in my voice.
“What happened? Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. I wasn’t home when the fire started. We haven‘t heard from the arson investigation team.”
“I talked to Randy. A bomb went off in your apartment. You are in danger. Someone is trying to kill you.”
“No way. Why would anyone want to kill me?”
“It may be Marty Martin. He doesn’t want to go to jail and you are on his heels.”
“Randy said you slept over at Mona’s last night. You need to stay at my place where you’ll be safe.”
“Randy invited me to stay at his place.”
“Randy would like that.”
“I’ll let you know what I decide. I’ll probably stay at Mona’s place.” I snapped the phone shut. “Can I stay at your place for now.”
“Why of course, I would like that.”
Mona took two bowls from the cupboard and a quart of milk from the frig. “You want cereal, right? I don‘t cook it‘s cereal or donuts around here.” She took a box of Cheerios and Sugar Frosted Flakes from the cupboard. “Your choice.”
“Cheerios for me. Since I was a kid I‘ve been hooked on um.”
I poured the Cheerios in a bowl and filled it to full with milk. Spooned a couple teaspoons of sugar and started to stuff my face when Bailey nudged me with his wet nose.
“Dang, I forgot to feed Bailey last night.” I pushed the bar stool back and started to give Bailey my Cheerios.
“I fed him last night when you were sleeping on the sofa. I went to the Pet Store and bought him dog food, treats and a couple of bowls.” Mona pointed to the corner of the kitchen. There sat Bailey’s food and water bowl and a big fluffy dog bed..
“Mona you are a jewel. Thanks.” I pulled myself back on the barstool and gobbled down the Cheerios, As I drank from the bowl the milk dribbled down my chin. I wiped my hands and face on a paper towel.
“I bought a blow up mattress last night too. You were sleeping so well on the sofa I didn’t wake you. Tonight we will blow it up and you’ll have your own bed.
“Looks like I’ll be staying at your place for a while.”
“We are partners and friends. That’s a good combination.” Mona picked up the dirty bowls and put them in the sink and started running the water. She dropped a little soap in each and swished them out, rinsed and dried them and put them in the cupboard. She washed the spoons and put them in the drawer. “All done.” She said slapping her hands.
I hooked Bailey up. “Is there a park near by?’ Bailey was already at the door.
‘Two blocks over there’s a dog park. I don’t know much about it. I saw it when I was driving around.”
I grabbed my bag and Bailey and I headed for the park. A slight breeze was picking up the leaves that had fallen during the night and scattering them down the street. A gentleman was mowing his lawn, another was hedging a nice looking bush and I past a lady dead heading her rose bush. Looks like Mona found a good neighborhood to live in. The park covered a full city block. Trees lines the streets surrounding the park. Picnic areas were set up beside large trees giving good shade for the table and barbeque pit. There were nice sidewalks meandering through the park. Kids were playing ball and flying kites. The dog park was situated at the corner of the park. I found the gate, unlocked it and took Bailey inside. I unhooked Bailey and he romped all over the park. He hiked and pooped. I raced across the park to pick up the poop. I bent over and heard a voice from behind.
“Good to see you cleaning up after your dog.“ The voice came from an elderly man in a uniform. On his shirt it read Bill Dog Park Ranger. “Some people think the park is for someone else to clean up after their dog.”
“I always clean up after Bailey.” I put my hand out. “I’m Tiffany. Nice to meet you.”
“Bill.” I shook his feeble hand. Bill looked frail.
“You been the Dog Park Ranger for a while?”
“Just since I retired. I volunteered for the job. I bring my Schnauzer, Buster with me and we clean up what others don’t. Gives me something to fill my time. And I love dogs and meeting people.”
“I’m living a couple blocks away so I will be seeing you. Nice to have met you.” I jogged to the gate and yelled for Bailey. Bailey came running. I hooked him up and reached across the gate to unlock it. My eyes rested on the Jeep. “Damn how did the Jeep know I was here?” I said aloud.
“Something wrong ma’am?” I heard Bill’s voice from behind.
“It’s nothing.” I smiled at Bill and jogged back to the apartment looking over my shoulder.
Mona took me over to my apartment to get my Blazer. The guts of the building was ashes and burnt timbers. The plaster was singed and falling off the walls. My Blazer was covered with ashes. I asked the neighboring apartment manager if he knew what happened to Mr. Sinclair. The gentleman told me he had gone to an Assisted Living Facility. I was relieved to hear he was being taken care of.
“Tiffany, you’ve got to take your Blazer to the car wash. I need to wash my Explorer too.”
I started to hop in the Blazer and remember Randy told me to always check the rig for bombs. I looked in the front and ba
ck seats and the rear. It all seemed clear. I opened the door and I could hear a ticking. I ran to Mona’s Explorer. “Get away from the Blazer it’s got a bomb in it.”
“What? Another freakin bomb?”
I jumped in the Explorer and Mona drove across the street to an empty lot.
I hit my speed dial for Randy.
“Randy, I’m at the apartment. My Blazer has a freakin’ bomb in it. At least it’s ticking.”
“Get away from the Blazer and make sure no on goes near it. I’ll be right there.”
Within moments we could hear sirens in the distance getting closer as the bomb ticked away. Randy slid into the empty lot across the street where we were waiting. His bomb squad was right behind him. They jumped from their vehicles and opened the Blazer door.
“The bomb is in the passenger side floor. It looks like it can be detonated from a distance.” Randy told his deputies.
“We have to get the robot. Who ever put the bomb here is probably near by and could detonate it at any time.”
Randy made a call to the office and summoned the robot. The robot arrived in a few minutes. They rolled him down the ramp and he started toward the Blazer. The robot got within twenty feet and my Blazer was blown to smithereens. I grabbed my head, turned away and screamed. The bomb squad ran in every direction. Green metal was flying all around us. When the debris stopped falling I looked for Randy. Thankfully he was standing by his SUV. A couple of the bomb squad men were hit by flying debris but were not seriously hurt.
‘Whoever detonated the bomb knew no one was near enough to get hurt. They are playing with you, Tiffany. They are letting you know they could blow you up any time.” Sheriff Randy told me. My stomach turned flip flops.
Randy’s deputies roped off the area with the yellow tape. Caution Crime scene Do Not Enter.
My phone rang, caller ID, it was Momma.
“Hi Momma.”
“Tiffany, we heard on the noon news a bomb went off in your Blazer. Is that true?’
“Yeah, Momma it’s true.”
“Tiffany you’ve got to get on at the Pickle Plant. I’m going to get you an application.”
“Guess you’ll be wanting the Edsel again. Dad’s getting it fixed up for you.”
“That’s not necessary. Mona can haul me around. We work together anyway. If I need it I’ll let you know. And don’t get me an application at the Pickle Plant. I like my job. The bomb had nothing to do with my job. Bye Momma.”
I knew I was lying but I tried not to worry Momma.
As soon as I hung up my phone rang again. It was an private number. Which means I don’t have it listed in my phone book.
“Hello Tiffany, this is Brad Bradford.”
“Hi Brad, how are you?” I couldn’t think of anything to say. Brad hadn’t called since our date. I figured he decided I wasn’t his type.
“You busy Friday night?”
“I don’t have any special plans.” I wondered if this was going to be a date or what was up.
“I thought we might have dinner and take in a movie.”
“That would be nice. Can we make it a little more casual this time?”
“Now that sounds good to me. I’ll pick you up at six on Friday. I heard about the fire where do you live now?”
“I’m staying with a girlfriend on Maple Street.” I gave him the address.
Brad knocked at the door at 6 pm. One thing can be said about him he is prompt. He was wearing jeans and a gold shirt. The silky kind that hangs loosely. I wore jeans and a button up white shirt.
“Hi Brad. Come in and meet my friend.”
Brad stepped inside the apartment and looked around. His mouth fell open when his eyes fell on Mona.
“Brad, this is my friend Mona, Mona this is Brad.”
“Nice to meet you Mona.”
“Same here.” Mona smiled and shook his hand.
“Tiffany said you were going to the movies, what are you going to see?”
“I’ll let Tiffany decide. I hear there are some good movies playing at the theatre.”
“I’ll have her home before too late.” Brad said with a chuckle in his voice.
I took my jacket from the hook Mona had installed next to the door. Brad helped me with it and we were out the door.
“You kids have fun.” Mona giggled as the door closed.
We walked down the stairs and out the foyer door. I looked around for the red Ferrari and didn’t see it.
“I’m in the yellow Corvette tonight. This way honey.”
I gave a frown. I don’t like to be called honey especially on the second date.
“I’m driving a yellow Corvette tonight.”
“My mind started wondering. What does this guy do to have two fancy sport cars. I joked last time about selling drugs. Maybe I was right. Okay, I need to settle down and maybe he will tell me tonight.
We had dinner at Conway Inn. Conway Inn is a quaint Italian restaurant on the outskirts of town nestled among tall pine trees. We entered and everyone greeted Brad like he was a relative. The lady came from the kitchen and gave him a kiss on both cheeks. A young man seated us in the corner. The table was covered with red and white plaid table cloths and white napkins. A Mason jar set in the middle of the table with a red candle burning.
I asked Brad to order. We had lasagna and salad with the best Italian bread I’ve ever eaten.
“Brad, this bread is delicious.”
“I’ll have to tell my Uncle Louie. Your uncle made this bread?”
“My Uncle Louie owns this restaurant. That’s my Aunt Maria in the kitchen. Uncle Louie will be out in a while to see if you approve of his cooking. Give him praise or he’ll wonder were he went wrong.”
“You have so many surprises for me. What’s going to be next?”
Brad chuckled. “I don’t mean to surprise you on things.”
Brad was right as soon as we finished with our wine out the swinging doors came Louie. “Did you enjoy your meal?”
“Uncle Louie this is my friend Tiffany.”
“Yes, I enjoyed my meal. I love the bread. Brad tells me it’s your recipe.”
“Brads right and I don’t give it out to anyone. Except you, I might give it to a pretty lady.”
“Even if you gave it to me I couldn’t make it as good as you.”
Louie chuckled and slapped Brad on the back. “You come back more often we miss not seeing you.” He headed back to the kitchen.
Brad stood up and help me from my chair. Took my jacket from my chair and placed it on my shoulders.
The movie was about a city family moving to the country. Really light hearted. I’m glad it wasn’t anything romantic or serious.
Brad walked me to the apartment and placed a kiss on my lips.
Mona was waiting up when I got home. She had the old late night game shows on. She was curled up on the sofa with a bowl of popcorn in her lap and a beer on the end table.
“I’ve been racking my brain all night trying to figure out how I knew Brad. I finally figured it out. I know who he is.”
“You know him.”
“Yes, well sorta. His the jerk that repossessed my car.”
“What? He repossessed your car?”
“Yeah, I kept thinking where did I meet him before. Then it downed on me. He took my keys, my car and my home and left me on the street without any thing.”
“That explains a lot.”
“Explains what?”
“Last date he picked me up in a Ferrari. This time he picked me up in a Corvette. He repossesses these cars and uses them for his personal use.”
“I bet he didn’t pick up anyone in my Dodge.” Mona laughed, pitched popcorn in the air and caught it with her mouth.
“He’s a phony. He made me think he was some guy with a high paying job. Not that it matters but it was deceitful, well sorta anyway.”
‘He really is a charming guy. And I enjoy being with him.
But nothing serious.”
“If he asked me out again I’m going to ask him what he does for a living.
“It’s really weird. Everyone knew him at The Majesty and his uncle owns the restaurant where we had dinner tonight.” I kicked off my shoes and sat down on Granny Wiggins sofa. Well, it’s Mona’s sofa but it smells of Granny Wiggins.
“Linda, how’d we luck out. The box of donuts is full today?” Mona asked Linda. “Peewee fired the two guys he hired a few days ago. Seems they were really working for Graham Bail Bonds and were here to get information on Peewee’s business. If they could detain the guys Peewee put bail on from showing up in court Graham figured he could shut us down. Seems Graham’s Bail Bond company is going belly up.”
“What did I hear you right?” I took a donut from the box, poured myself a cup of coffee and walked over to Linda and set down on the edge of her desk. “Tell me more.”
“I think you probably heard me right.”
“He hired the McGuire boys from Texas and all they wanted to do was slow down Peewee’s business where he would have to close the doors. They didn’t even look for Marty.”
“That’s who I saw at Graham’s office the other night. I still don‘t understand why they are after us.”
“All I know is I have a donut in hand and a cup of coffee and I‘m happy.” Mona laughed with a mouth full of donut.
We walked into Peewee’s office. There he sat with his chair tilted back. He looked a little embarrassed. I waited for the inevitable snap. I guess not today. I grinned to myself. Tiffany, I thought. Your certainly have a mischievous mind.
“I hear the McGuire boys are no longer employed at Peterson Bail Bonds. Any truth to that, Peewee?”
“Yeah, I screwed up. I’ve got egg on my face. Sorry sonnabitches were trying to shut me down. They found out who I had bonded and were keeping them from going to court. You’ve got a mess of ‘no shows’ to pick up.”
“Zelda Zinger didn’t show up for court and I’ve got a big bond out on her. I need her picked up. Can you ladies get on it?”
The Devil's Dwelling Page 14