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Double Dare You: A Bedlam Butchers MC Romance

Page 11

by Ruby Dixon

  “Don’t know anything about that,” Locke says mildly.

  Exasperated, I launch to my feet again. Seriously? He’s just being a dick now. I ignore the smile on his mouth as he takes another sip, and march to his side. The moment he pulls the coffee cup away from his mouth, I pluck it out of his hands and take it to the kitchen.

  “Doesn’t seem right to steal a man’s coffee,” he says, though there’s laughter in his voice. He’s watching me now, though, his gaze amused and interested.

  “Doesn’t seem right to ignore a girl when she’s standing right here, does it?” I launch back, putting my hands on my hips and thrusting my breasts out.

  That small action gets the response I was hoping for; his eyes flick to my chest, and I immediately prickle all over with awareness. I wanted to push the envelope, and now I guess I should consider it pushed. Ignoring the rasp of my nipples against the thin cotton of my top, I cock a hip and continue to give him my best take-no-shit pose. “Can I ask you something?”

  He shrugs. “Does it get me my coffee back?”

  I ignore that and launch ahead with my question. “You ever kiss Epic before, or was the other night the first time?”

  Locke’s expression shutters. He’s silent, and I don’t know if it’s because he’s trying to figure out how to answer me or if he’s pissed.

  I guess there’s one way of finding out.

  I suck in a breath, deciding to be daring, and take a few steps toward him and then drop into his lap. “Cat got your tongue?” I ask.

  “What’s this?” He gestures at my body, where I’m poised on his strong thighs.

  “A girl trying to get some answers.”

  “And this is the way you think to do it?” There’s a husky note to his voice that’s making my skin ripple with awareness.

  “This is the way I ensure that you don’t ignore me again.” I wiggle a little. Just a little. Just enough to make his hand go to my waist. This is exciting…and yet it feels a bit like a betrayal because Epic’s not here. He should be here. “You like Epic, don’t you?”

  One black eyebrow goes up. “What are you asking, Becka?”

  I shrug. “I’m just curious is all.”

  “Are you asking because you think I’m safe if I do? Is that why you’re crawling all over me? You think I don’t like pussy?” The expression on his face is impossible to read.

  “You can like both,” I whisper.

  “And if I like both, what am I supposed to do about it?” His hand slides to the front of my shorts. I remain utterly still, because I want to find out what he does next. He pushes into the fabric, and I feel his hand, hard and callused and scorchingly hot against my skin. And he cups my pussy, just as bold as could be. “You think if I like him, your little pussy’s off limits to me? You think my tongue can’t lick you as easily as I could lick him?”

  I let out a shuddering breath, riveted by the hand holding me so intimately. I curl my fingers in the front of his shirt to hold on. “I think you could,” I tell him. “And I think I’d want to watch.”

  He groans, and his fingers push against my wet folds, grazing my clit. I gasp, and then a moment later my mouth is covered by his. Locke’s tongue pushes into my mouth in the same way his fingers are pushing through my folds, and I’m afraid to breathe, much less kiss him back and ruin the moment. But then his fingers rub against the side of my clit, and a little whimper transfers from my mouth to his. He nips at my mouth and drags his fingers through my folds again. “Don’t think we haven’t noticed you trying to get our attention, Becka. That doesn’t change things. Just makes them trickier.”

  I’m entranced by his mouth as it presses on mine in another light, sweet kiss. His fingers sweep against my clit again, and my thighs jerk in response. “What things?”

  “We’re Butchers, Becka. I don’t think you want your first time to be with two men.”

  I grip his shirt tighter. Is he crazy? That sounds amazing to me. “Yes, I do.”

  He continues to play with my clit, watching my face to see my reactions. “You’re also the little sister of one of the presidents.”

  “I don’t care. He’d rather I fuck you two than some college idiot.” God, his fingers feel incredible. I squirm against him, trying to get more friction in just the right places. I’m panting with need, shocked at how good it feels to have his hand on me. It’s the first time a guy’s ever rubbed my clit, and clearly I’ve been missing out. “Oh, please.”

  Abruptly, his hand leaves my shorts, and I could cry in disappointment. He presses one last kiss to my mouth. “Epic and I are a team,” he murmurs. “Much as I’d love to have you come all over my hand—or my mouth—we need to wait for Epic to come back.”

  I bite back my moan of frustration, because he’s right. Things aren’t complete unless Epic takes the next step forward with us. “Is he coming back soon?”

  Locke chuckles, and his hand strokes down my back. “Soon enough. But until he does, you should get off my lap so I don’t forget myself.”

  Well, that just makes me want to stay. But then I think of Epic and how disappointed he’d be if we fooled around without him, and get to my feet. “I guess I’ll play some solitaire. Again.”

  Locke gets up as well. “I’m going to go take a cold shower.” He strokes my arm as he passes me, heading for the bathroom, and then calls out over his shoulder, “Again.”

  And that makes me smile, because I rather like knowing that I’ve been driving him and Epic crazy for the last few weeks.



  There’s a weird vibe in the cabin when I get back. Normally if I leave, the other two are chill when I come back. Today, though, shit’s a little strange. Locke’s hair is wet, like he just got out of the shower, and he’s pacing in front of the window instead of lounging in the metal folding chair he’s claimed as his spot. Becka’s lying on the bed playing solitaire, but the moment I come in, her cheeks get all rosy red and she looks flustered.

  “Something wrong?” I ask, turning to Locke. “Something happen while I was gone?”

  “Set the groceries down and come talk to me outside,” Locke says.

  “Uggggh, again with that?” Becka says, rolling onto her back. Her breasts bounce as she does, and I can see her nipples are hard.

  My dick immediately turns to granite. A moment later it goes from granite to diamond-hard when she strokes a hand down the front of her chest, brushing over her tits. Holy fuck. I shoot Locke an incredulous look. What the hell did I miss?

  “Outside,” my partner says flatly, nodding at the door.

  Right. Outside. I dump all the bags right in the doorway and then stumble outside before I grab my dick and start jerking it at the sight of her rolling around in the bed. I head outside, and even though it’s hot, it still feels a million degrees cooler than the inside of that cabin. I wait for Locke and give him a curious look. “What was all that about, man?”

  Locke rubs his face and stares off into the trees. There’s a tension to his features I didn’t notice before. “I kissed Becka.”

  “You what? I thought we were ride partners!” Even though it’s just a kiss, it feels a fuck of a lot like a betrayal. I only left for two hours and they locked lips the moment I was gone? Is that why she’s all horny now?

  Where the fuck does all this leave me?

  He raises his hands in the air. “She was pissed that we talked around her, and so I think she was trying to get back at me. At us. Next thing I know, she’s crawling into my lap. So I kissed her.”

  “Oh.” I calm down, because to me, that’s reasonable.

  “Sorry, man.”

  “Dude, it’s all good. Hot chick crawls into your lap? Of course you’re gonna kiss her. Me, I’d have probably stuck my hand in her panties—”

  “I did.”

  “Oh, come on. You couldn’t wait for me?”

  “I didn’t make her come. Didn’t do much more than touch her.” He looks troubled. “Thought we needed to
talk about things first.”

  “Glad you remembered me,” I say sarcastically, though I’m not really mad. I’m just disappointed I wasn’t here for the kissing and fondling. I bet that shit would have been glorious to see.

  “I held off. We need to talk things out, you and me.” At my nod, he continues. “I know you like her. I know I like her. She likes us. The question is, what do we do about it?”

  Is this a trick question? “Bang like bunnies and make sure we stay stocked in condoms?”

  Locke rolls his eyes at me. “Think big picture, E. Let’s say we fuck her. We’re all gloriously happy and get our nut off. Then what?”

  I hate it when he makes me think. “Then…we go back home and claim her as our property?” Meaning that she belongs to us and only us. In our world, it’s pretty much a ring swap. And really, now that I’m saying it aloud? I like the thought. I want this playful, fun thing we’ve got going between the three of us to go on forever. I’m kinda down with that. Well, as long as there’s no more blue balls involved, that is. Kinda tired of jerking it real quick-like in the shower.

  Then I remember Locke kissing me and I wonder what that entails if we move forward with Becka. And why I feel disappointed if us hooking up with Becka means it’s not going to happen again. Because I do want Becka, but…I also wouldn’t mind trying on my partner again to see how it feels.

  But Locke just shakes his head at my suggestion. “Becka’s going back to school, remember? She’s got a full ride at Stanford.”

  Shit, that’s right. She’s too good for a couple of clowns like us. I have money thanks to my parents’ will, and I bought a gun range. Locke is on the club payroll, though I guess his official title is ‘consultant.’ Becka’s way smarter than both of us, and she’s studying chemistry to be some big fancy scientist. She deserves to hook up with some nerdy professor type that lives in a brownstone and wears matching sweater vests. All me and Locke can offer her is a lot of dick and the promise of even more pussy-eating and wild rides down the highway on our bikes.

  Unless she wanted to become our Walter White, of course, and start a meth capital for the Butchers. But nah. That’s not who Becka is, and I don’t mind that. “I see your point. If she wants to move forward, I guess we do this, no strings attached.”

  “And how’s that going to look to Gemini? We just gonna go back to him and say, ‘Hey, Prez, I know you sent us into exile with your little sister to keep her safe, but we got bored and tag-teamed her. Hope that’s okay’?”

  I groan and rub a hand down my face, because he’s right. We’re supposed to be keeping Becka safe, not using her as our personal plaything. “Fuck.”


  I’m disappointed as hell. Not just because I’ve been dreaming about burying my cock between Becka’s sweet thighs—or what Locke would be doing to me as I did—but because it feels like I’m losing something I didn’t even get a chance to grab. “I hate all this complicated bullshit. She just feels right for us, you know? And I think we’re right for her.”

  Locke nods solemnly. “I feel the same way, but we don’t know what Becka wants. This could just be her fear driving her to get rid of her virginity.”

  “Goddamn it, this sounds worse with every moment. Just quit talking, man, or next you’re going to tell me God kills a kitten every time I think a dirty thought about her.”

  He barks a short laugh. “Then I killed dozens of them this morning. Walking away from her when she’s needy like that? Hardest thing I ever had to do.”

  I put a hand on his shoulder, feeling his pain. “Means a lot to me that you waited for me, bro.”

  Locke just looks at me. The weird tension crackles between us, and for a moment I wonder if I should move forward and put my mouth on his. Just because. But he just gives a small shake of his head and stares at the cabin door. “Much as we’d love otherwise, I don’t think we should touch her. Don’t wanna fuck her life up, you know?”

  I nod. “She’s in charge. Whatever she says, goes.” I think about a bossy, demanding Becka commanding me to lick her pussy and brighten. “Say, what if—”


  “Damn it.”

  “Any word from the Hellfire Riders?”

  I shake my head. “Could be hours. Could be days. He’ll let me know when he hears something.” Though I’m kinda hoping it’s days, now. Maybe Becka will decide she can’t wait any longer and we’ll have to take drastic measures to satisfy her…like me holding her down while Locke licks her pussy. I’d watch that. I’d watch that alllll fucking day. I—

  “Fine,” Locke says, and heads back into the cabin. I follow behind him, my cock aching from all of my feverish daydreams.

  The sultry Becka of minutes ago is gone, in her place the hurt, angry Becka from before. She throws a pillow at us as we enter the cabin. “Seriously! You guys are pissing me off with all the secrets. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing you need to worry about,” Locke tells her.

  “Bullshit! It involves me, right?” When Locke doesn’t answer, she looks at me for a response.

  “Nah,” I lie. I mean, in theory it doesn’t involve her. It’s a vendetta against a flesh-peddler…who just happened to peddle her flesh. She’s no longer involved, so I feel confident in my words. “Just club shit. Say, I don’t suppose you know how to make crystal meth, right? With that chemistry degree?”

  “Is that what the call was about? Crystal meth?” Her cute little nose wrinkles like she smells something distasteful, and I grin.

  “I’m not a fan of that sort of candy myself, but if you wanted to get into the business—”

  “No! Ugh!” Another one of the throw pillows from the bed goes flying at my head. “Seriously, Epic, is that what the call was about?”

  I shrug casually and drop down on the bed next to her, stretching out like it’s no big deal that she’s so close and totally sexy as hell. I put my arms behind my head. “You said you didn’t want to be involved, so I’m not gonna say any more.”

  She makes an exasperated sound but tucks her body alongside mine on the bed, nestling against my chest. She feels perfect there, and my heart squeezes with regret. “You guys suck.”

  “We’re just keeping you safe,” Locke says. He’s lounging against the wall by the door, his expression carefully blank, but there’s a hunger in his eyes that makes my cock hard all over again.

  This close proximity is making all three of us crazy with tension. Something’s going to have to give soon enough.

  Since there’s not so much to do in the cabin, I tend to doze in the afternoon. Becka does, too, or we cuddle up in the bed and do sudoku together. We’re usually pretty touchy-feely, so when I wake up and her hand’s on my stomach under my shirt, I don’t think too much of it.

  I mean, I think how good it would be if her hand was a few inches lower, but it’s nothing out of the ordinary. My hand idly strokes her back as I keep my eyes closed, drowsing.

  Then her hand slides to the front of my jeans. “Dare me to stroke him off?”

  Do what?

  My eyes fly open and I’m instantly awake. Becka’s fingers move along my happy trail, teasing at my waistband as she lounges over my chest. She’s not even looking in my direction, though; she’s looking across the room at Locke, who’s watching us both.

  Locke never joins us in the bed during the daytime. He always says it’s too crowded, but I wonder if it’s because of me and if he’s worried about making me uncomfortable. Funny thing is, I wouldn’t be. I’m more…curious than anything. But I guess I haven’t told him that because I figure we’re all in a standstill at the moment. Everything’s in limbo.

  But I don’t think Becka’s gotten the message. Her hand boldly skips my zipper, and she cups me through the denim. “Well?”

  “Are we playing truth or dare again and no one decided to wake me up?” I murmur, doing my best not to shove my dick against her hand. It feels too damn good, and I’m afraid I might scare her off if I show h
er just how good. And I sure hope Locke isn’t expecting me to pry her hand off my dick and shriek like a maiden, because that ain’t happening. I’m gonna be chill and let her do what she wants to me…and enjoy every damn second.

  Becka just gives a throaty laugh and glances back at me. “Locke looked bored, so I thought I’d give him something to look at.”

  “I see naughty Becka is back out in full force.” Her hand hasn’t moved from my jock, and it feels like all of the blood is rushing to that particular area. I glance over at Locke and see that he’s watching us with that intense look in his eyes and I have to admit, it makes my dick a little harder. I know him well enough to know that Becka has his full attention, even if he’s trying to play it cool. “I don’t even get to pick between truth or dare?”

  She giggles and shifts so she’s facing me, just a little. Her tank top is riding up, and those sweet tits are outlined firmly against it, her taut nipples just begging for attention. “Oh, come on. Everyone knows Epic never resists a dare.”

  Well, she’s got me there. “So what’s my dare?”

  Her hand strokes down my shaft, her movements slow and thoughtful, and it takes everything I have not to close my eyes and lose myself to the moment. I don’t want to close them, though; I want to watch her as she touches me, to see her expression as she explores my length. See if it pleases her.

  See how Locke reacts when she strokes it.

  But Locke just gives me a stern look. “You know our agreement, E.”

  Fuck. I do. I’m trying really, really hard not to think about it while she’s got her hands on my junk, though. “She grabbed me, not the other way around.”

  “What are you guys talking about?” Becka asks, her voice smooth like honey and twice as sweet. Her fingers rub lightly at the denim, and I swear it’s like she’s rubbing against my cockhead directly. A few more touches like that and I’m going to shove her pretty mouth down on my cock. Fuck the agreement.

  “Me and Locke decided that we shouldn’t touch you,” I murmur thickly, because I’m helpless before her stroking fingers.


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