Reason To Live

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by C. M. Wright

  Reason To Live

  Book Six in the Zombie Overload Series

  C. M. Wright

  Other books in the Zombie Overload Series

  Book One & Book Two - Dying To Live & Fighting To Live (eBook)

  Book Three - Learning To Live (ebook & paperback)

  Book Four – Determined To Live (ebook & paperback)


  Book Five – Will To Live

  Book Six – Reason To Live

  ***Recommended to read between book five and book six in the Zombie Overload Series***

  Zombie 101 Series – A Mini-Series

  Zombie Basics

  Zombie Crash Course

  Please read before reading this sixth book in the Zombie Overload Series.

  From The Author:

  Hey, Zombie-Heads!

  I know it's been a while, and I know I totally suck for taking so long to get this book to you. However, I truly hope it was worth the wait.

  If you haven't yet, I strongly recommend that you read the two books in the mini-series Zombie 101.

  In the first book, Zombie Basics, you will learn about a teenage boy named Gabe who finds himself in a whole different, scarier world in the blink of an eye. His love interest, Jade, and his little sister, Gabby, have only him to rely on for their safety – although Jade, the girl Gabe can't stop thinking about, is no wilting flower and does a lot to help their situation.

  In the second book, Zombie Crash Course, you will meet Sandro and Libby – two seniors in high school whose future plans for their life are destroyed in just one night.

  I recommend you read these two between reading book five and this book six in the Zombie Overload Series, but I can't tell you why. The reason will soon be revealed. I promise!

  All my love,

  C. M. Wright

  Treasure the life you have because it can all be changed by just one psychotic mind.

  Last chapter from Book 5 – Will To Live:

  We're awake and ready to go about an hour before the sun makes its appearance. The house is quiet, so we do our best to sneak through without waking anyone. Once outside, we make our way to the cafeteria.

  In the silence of the morning, the sound of zombies can be heard on the other side of the wall. The groans and moans make me uneasy and nervous.

  I now know what Dustin had meant when he said I always had to be on my guard. It wouldn't take much more than a small breach in the wall to overrun the property. Much like they had done the night I returned.

  Once in the cafeteria, Will and I are able to move directly to the serving buffets, as there's no long line of people this early in the morning. We spot Dustin and a few others gathered around a large table in the center of the room. When we turn to find a seat, Dustin calls us over.

  We find a couple empty seats recently abandoned just for us, and sit down to eat. Dustin introduces me to the other men. Will greets each of them, since he already knows everyone here.

  Dustin tells us that two of the men had been medical technicians and would be invaluable to us if we were to take them on our trip to the hospital, as they would know the exact equipment and supplies Dustin will need.

  The first man, David, seems nice enough. His sense of humor is much like my own, which I discovered much to my delight, after no more than a brief 'get to know you' conversation. I immediately like the man.

  The second man, Wyatt, is pretty much an asshole. He acts like talking to him is an honor and, God forbid, he actually speak a full sentence. Plus, the fact he constantly looks down his nose at me, and rolls his eyes whenever I say something, pretty much turns me off of him.

  Eat shit, buddy! Oh, and choke on it.

  We discussed the others that would be going, and talked about searching for Vicki, Amy, Eric, and Fiona. Finished eating, we leave the cafeteria and say goodbye to Dustin. David walks along beside Will and I, but the asshole – excuse me – Wyatt, stays behind us. He makes me nervous back there, so I'm paying more attention to him than I am the conversation going on next to me, or anything that's in front of me. So when Nick comes up to me and speaks, I almost punch him in the face he startles me so much.

  “Damn it, Nick! I almost hit you,” I snap at him.

  “Wouldn't be the first time,” he snaps back. “I'm going after Vicki. You don't seem to care, but I do. I'm not asking for your permission, I just wanted to let you know because I'll need a truck. If you won't let me have a truck, I'll go on foot. Either way, I'm going to find her.”

  I stare at Nick as I have a “proud mama” moment.

  That's my boy!

  “Nick, we're leaving in just a few minutes to get hospital equipment and to – listen to this – search for Vicki and the others. Be ready.” I tell him.

  Nick's eyes light up, and he gives me a nod of respect. I nod back and watch him as he races off toward the house. Will and I grin at each other, then he wraps his hand around mine as we head for the house. Candlelight shines from most of the downstairs windows, which will soon be extinguished once the sun rises a bit more. After we enter the house, Will and I separate so we can quickly locate the people we plan to take with us.

  I find our boys and send them to eat, telling them to make it quick. Then I find Dad Rex, Dad Ben, and Rose.

  Yes, we're taking my baby sister. I had questioned how often she'd gone out on missions to find me, or to help get supplies, and was told she had only left that one time when we warned them all to leave because of the incredibly large horde that was heading in the direction of the refuge. Well, it's time for little sister to face her fears and learn how to live in this new world. There's no guarantee we can stay here forever. I need to know she can survive.

  When I inform her what she's going to be doing, she screeches and hollers at me, calling me every name she can think of. She insists she's not going, but when I explain to both our dads the reasons I want her to go, they agree and back me up. Pissed, she stomps off to her room to pack and throw a nice temper-tantrum.

  I meet back up with Will in the dining room and sit at the table in between him and my ma. I do a double-take when I notice the big grin on my ma's face.

  “What?” I ask her.

  “I hear you've been upsetting people everywhere you go,” she tells me with a grin. “It's good to have you back.”

  I laugh and grab hold of her hand as Will shakes his head in disbelief at the both of us. I then ask if he'd managed to find everyone he was supposed to.

  “I did. I sent them all off to eat. Let's start getting the trucks packed up.”

  I kiss and hug Ma goodbye, promising to be careful. Doing the same to my mom, and promising to look out for my dad, Will and I start lugging bag after bag out to the trucks. We hook up an enclosed trailer, which had been used to carry back items when people went out on supply missions, to the back of one of the trucks to carry back the medical equipment...if we find what we need and it hasn't been destroyed, anyway.

  Gradually, everyone begins to gather around the trucks and take over loading them up. Everyone but Rose.

  I send both dads to find her and after several minutes, the front door finally opens. I'm leaning against the side of the truck, joking around with Will and some of the others, when the dads emerge.

  Both of their faces are bright red, and I can clearly tell that they're doing their best to hold back laughter. As I look upon the vision that suddenly appears in the doorway behind them, I stand up straight and stop mid-sentence in my conversation with the others. No one else is looking toward the house, their attention being on me as I was the one currently talking. Then they all turn to see what had stolen my attention so completely.

  Rose – my little sister, my baby girl – is standing just outside the f
ront door. She's wearing combat boots, thick brown leather work gloves, and her body is covered from her neck to inside her boots by several layers of clothes.

  She can barely move!

  Picture Randy, the little brother from A Christmas Story, when his mom gets him ready for school. That's what my sister looks like.

  But what makes this even more hilarious, is the huge football helmet she has over her head!

  I take one step forward, my eyes bugging out and mouth dropping open even wider as I take in the full-effect.

  “What the fu–? What are you–? Huh?” I'm unable to manage a complete thought, and I'm damn sure incapable of forming a sentence more complicated than that.

  I'm in too much shock to laugh, until she tries to come down the stairs. Her arms and legs can't bend, and her movements are stiff. I can't help it as I double over in laughter.

  I feel a cushioned weight plow into the side of my body as I'm bent over with my hands on my legs, and gasping for air in between spurts of deep laughter, my eyes streaming tears. Tumbling onto the hard cold ground, I roll to my side and curl up while holding onto my stomach as I laugh even harder, much too amused to feel any pain.

  “Shut up! We'll see who's laughing when I don't get bit and you do,” Rose hisses at us all.

  “You would laugh if one of us got bit? Now, that ain't nice little sister,” Will deadpans.

  Of course, that pisses her off even more, and makes the rest of us start laughing at full strength all over again. Somehow, she's able to lift and move her leg enough to kick Will in the shin before storming off, well, what we interpret as an attempt to storm off, toward the nearest truck. Watching her try to get inside, then Dad Rex having to give her a big boost up into the truck by her butt, sends us into new roars of laughter. Finally the doors slam shut and we slowly recover since we can't see her anymore.

  Will pulls me up off the ground and I wrap an arm around my stomach because of the sharp pangs from laughing so hard. Finally able to stand upright after a few minutes, I wipe the tears from my eyes and tell everyone it's time to go.

  In the lead truck, Dad Rex, Nick, Rose, and Cindy begin to pull away from the house. Will, our boys, Angel, and I are in the second truck. The third truck carrying Dad Ben, the two med techs, and Gage bring up the rear.

  We leave the property behind once more and head back to the town we first found Cindy and Kris. The trip takes even more time than before, as we – once again – search all the nearby towns we pass, looking for Vicki and the others. Plus, to make things even worse, we have to constantly be aware of the other living. We had come upon a convoy of marauders leaving massive destruction in their wake, and have done our absolute best to avoid being seen by them.

  Something has got to be done about these people, but right now isn't the time. wasn't that is, until Nick drops a bombshell on us all.

  Dad screeches to a stop in front of us, almost causing the rest of us to plow into each other. Before we even have time to recover from the sudden stop, Nick is out of his truck and racing back to ours. He yanks open my door and practically screams in my face, his words unintelligible. My first instinct is to get him to shut the hell up before every zombie in the next ten miles head our way, and the same panic that Nick is obviously feeling washes over me from that thought alone.

  When I finally get him calmed down a bit, and he's able to tell me what has him so upset so that I can understand him, I feel a deep chill run through me.


  Nick is positive he saw Vicki struggling with a marauder inside one of their many vehicles.

  If they do have Vicki, it's going to be one hell of a fight to get her back. I'm not feeling confident that we will be at all successful, and I'm even more terrified we will all lose our lives.

  But there is no way in hell we can just let them have her, no way in hell I could ever turn my back on Vicki, or anyone else who needs help.

  I push Nick out of my way and exit the truck. Too soon, people surround me, asking questions and expressing their own shock and fear. Keeping silent, I move away from the crowd, waving off anyone who calls out to me.

  I walk further out into the abandoned cornfield, the stalks long since turned dark brown and pathetically bent over, giving up under the assault of the elements. I stand all alone in the midst of the corn. My eyes stare out over the horizon as my mind kicks into overdrive.

  After several minutes, my back straightens and my head lifts higher. I turn back to the others and stare right through them. I hear a gasp as they take in the look on my face. The look that says it all.

  People are going to die today...but it won't be any of us.


  This book is dedicated to my grandma, Cora Nancy Creamer – I love you, Ma. You will always be my sunshine, my reminder of all that is good, and the one who taught me how to sew, even though I still suck at it; but at least you taught me to be a damn good cook so no one would notice the horrific sewing!

  Copyright © 2015 C.M. Wright

  All Rights Reserved

  Cover Copyright 2015 Trisha Wilko

  Cover Model Trisha Wilko

  This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead, businesses, events, or locales is purely coincidental or permission has been obtained by the author from said person. The author has taken great liberties with locales including the creation of fictional towns. Some large cities and their names, streets, highways, and interstate names are true and as close to accurate as possible. Any mistakes are entirely the fault of the author.

  Product names, brands, and other trademarks referred to within this book are the property of their respective trademark holders. Unless otherwise specified, no association between the author and any trademark holder is expressed or implied. Use of a term in this book should not be regarded as affecting the validity of any trademark, registered trademark, or service mark.

  This script remains the copyrighted property of the author and may not be reproduced, copied, or distributed for commercial or non-commercial purposes without the written express permission of the author.

  Who's Who

  Characters from previous books in this series that are either mentioned often or are still active in whole, or in part, of book six.

  Canada-Main character-Wife of Will. Mom of Bo and Ash. Homeschool Mom.

  Will-Maintenance of elementary school. Husband to Canada. Father to Bo and Ash.

  Bo-14-year-old son of Will and Canada.

  Ash-11-year-old son of Will and Canada.

  Marie-Nurse. Mother to Canada, Ricky, Andy, Ryder, and Rose. Wife to Ben.

  Ben-Truck Driver. Husband to Marie. Dad to Canada and siblings.

  Rex-Canada's biological dad

  Grace-Infant baby in the care of Canada and family. Baby sister to Kaleb.

  Kaleb-Two year-old older brother to Grace. In the care of Marie and family.

  Jake-Sergeant Major in military. Older brother of Greg.

  Greg-Cancer survivor. Younger brother to Jake.

  Sam-Red-headed Irish man, also very short. Group saved from zombies surrounding his truck.

  Ma-Mother of Marie, Ma (grandma) of Canada.

  Rose-Nurse. Baby sister of Canada. Engaged and living with Kurt.

  Kurt-Electrician. Engaged to Rose.

  Ricky-Canada's oldest younger brother. Successful businessman/computer expert. Married to Kally. Father to MaLayna and Alec.

  Kally-Married to Ricky. Farmer's daughter. Mother to MaLayna and Alec.

  MaLayna and Alec-Children of Ricky and Kally.

  Andy-High-profile cop. Married to Lindey. Father of Avery, Laney, and Lyndsey.

  Lindey-DFS Child Services Caseworker. Attending classes to be an ultrasound technician. Wife of Andy. Mother of Avery, Laney, and Lyndsey.

  Avery, Laney, and Lyndsey-Children of Andy and Lindey.

  Ryder-Successful business owner/computer expert. Married to Coco. Father of Joel and Gage.

  Coco-Nurse. Wif
e of Ryder. Mother of Joel and Gage.

  Joel-CDC Doctor. Oldest son of Ryder and Coco. Brother to Gage.

  Gage-Governmental Bomb Squad Leader. Youngest son of Ryder and Coco. Brother to Joel.

  Bianca-Friend of Canada and Will, coworker of Will's.

  Vayda-Bianca's dog

  Max-young boy found in the same house Bianca was rescued from.

  Dustin-Doctor with a unique - but disgusting - method of being able to walk among the dead. Refuses to use guns.

  Helen-Military Private from Nebraska armory. In a relationship with Sam.

  John #1-Military Private from Nebraska armory.

  Toby-Military Private from Nebraska armory.

  Angel-Large white German Shepard that saved Canada in Skidmore while they were rescuing her dad, Rex.

  Melody-Little girl who was kidnapped before the Zombie Apocalypse. Canada finds and rescues.

  Larry-Military man who escaped with Canada.

  Nick-19 year-old who shot at Jake and escaped with Canada and Vicki.

  Vicki-16 year-old sister to Jake's partner. Secretly in love with Nick. Escapes from Jake's Tennessee mountain home with Nick and Canada.

  John #2 AKA The Zombie Zapper-Man found and brought to the refuge. A huge fan of Canada's and also believes he has super powers.

  John #3-Guard for the refuge jail.

  Shelly- John #3's wife.

  Pittith-Very regal cat belonging to John #3 and Shelly.

  Chapter One

  I continue staring off into the distance, not focusing on anything but a plan to get us all safely through this rescue. Unfortunately, none of the endings I envision are worth a damn.

  Sighing in frustration, I drop my head as an overwhelming feeling of fear makes my skin tingle. Will's arms circle me and he pulls me close to him. I rest my head on his shoulder and press my face against his warm neck. His hand moves under my hair, then lightly presses against the back of my neck.


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