by Diane Kelly
Twelve. Finders Keepers
Thirteen. The Weather Outside is Frightful
Fourteen. Monkey See, Monkey Do, Monkey Somehow Leave the Zoo
Fifteen. Round and Round
Sixteen. Money for Monkey
Seventeen. Who Dung It?
Eighteen. Cat Scat
Nineteen. Santa Dad
Twenty. Zoos, Poos, but No Clues
Twenty-one. Silent Night
Twenty-two. Fa La Lawbreaker
Twenty-three. Ablaze in a Manger
Twenty-four. Toy to the World
Twenty-five. Gig Economy
Twenty-six. Midnightmare
Twenty-seven. Things that Go Bang in the Night
Twenty-eight. Sprung
Twenty-nine. Off to a Bad Start
Thirty. Ins and Outs
Thirty-one. Fair Share
Thirty-two. Press Conferences and Pressure Cookers
Thirty-three. This K-9 Don’t Care
Thirty-four. You’re Not the Boss of Me
Thirty-five. The Investigation Goes South
Thirty-six. Eggroll Over
Thirty-seven. Not Too Shabby
Thirty-Eight. P Trapped
Thirty-nine. Laps in Judgment
Forty. Entrepreneur
Forty-one. Dead Ends
Forty-two. Have You Herd
Forty-three. Turning to Gold
Forty-four. Plea Dealing
Forty-five. Cheaters Never Prosper
Forty-six. An Unhappy Camper
Forty-seven. Tipped Off
Forty-eight. Whiffs and Sniffs
Forty-nine. One Last Hurrah
Fifty. Fingered and Nailed
Fifty-one. Hats Off to You
Fifty-two. The Art of the Steal
Fifty-three. Massive Migration
Fifty-four. I Know a Rhino When I Smell One
Fifty-five. Knock-Knock. Who’s There?
Fifty-six. Getting the Poop
Fifty-seven. Smells Like Action
Fifty-eight. Roadblocks
Fifty-nine. Ping, Bang, Boom
Sixty. Howl
Sixty-one. Disappearing Act
Sixty-two. The Telltale Tail
Sixty-three. Ding-a-Ling
Sixty-four. Up, Up, and Away!
Sixty-five. Daddy’s Girl
Sixty-six. It
Sixty-seven. Eye in the Sky
Sixty-eight. Landmarks the Spot
Sixty-nine. The Scent of Success
Seventy. A Nice Night for a Swim
Seventy-one. Stampede
Seventy-two. In Stinks
Seventy-three. Pond Scum
Seventy-four. The Return of the Rhino
St. Martin’s Paperbacks Titles by Diane Kelly
Praise for Diane Kelly’s Paw Enforcement Series
About the Author
This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.
First published in the United States by St. Martin’s Paperbacks, an imprint of St. Martin’s Publishing Group.
Copyright © 2019 by Diane Kelly.
Cover illustration by Allen Douglas.
All rights reserved.
For information address St. Martin’s Publishing Group, 120 Broadway, New York, NY 10271.
eISBN: 9781250197382
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St. Martin’s Paperbacks edition / December 2019