by Louis Barfe
Ellington, Duke, 21–2, 74–6, 184
Ellington, Ray, 54
Elliott, G.H., 7, 12
Ellis, Vivian, 60
Elstree studios (ATV), 133–4, 252–3
Elton, Ben, xiii, 327, 330, 332, 334–5
Elvidge, Mr T., 16
Emberg, Bella, xiii, 267
Emergency Ward 10, 179
EMI company, 30–3, 82, 151, 169, 275
Enfield, Harry, 332, 349
England, Our England, 167
English, Arthur, 78
ENSA, 40
entertainment tax, 79
Equity, 149
Essex, Francis, 113–14, 117, 226–7, 298
Establishment club, 162, 165–7, 170–1
European Broadcasting Union, 156, 159
Eurovision Song Contest, 156–61
Evans, Bill, 187
Evans, Edith, 90
Evans, Norman, 258
Evans, W.C., 2–3
Evans, Wilbur, 66
Everett, Kenny, 130, 219–20, 292–3
Fabrizi, Mario, 121, 174
Face to Face, 263
Fairbanks, Douglas, Junior, 133
Faith, Adam, 139
Falklands War, 223, 331, 347
Fallon, Jack, 75, 186
Family Fortunes, 297–300, 304
Fantoni, Barry, 346
Farfel, Grisha, 106
Farmer, Tim, 246
Farson, Dan, 93, 178–9
Fast and Loose, 147–8
Father Dear Father, 271
Feldman, Marty, 106, 128, 181, 271, 279
Fell, Ray, 238
Ferrie, Miff, 227, 254
Festival of Britain, 64, 82, 87
Fielding, Fenella, 116
Fields, Gracie, 79
Filthy Rich and Catflap, 334–6
Fine, Irving, 217
Finsbury Park Empire, 43
First Night, 133
First World War, 17, 30
Fisher, Harold, 308–9
Fisher, John, 44, 215–17, 220, 260–1, 310–13
Fitzgerald, Ella, 180
Fitzmaurice, Neil, 349
Five Delevines, The, 11, 17
Five Past Eight, 100–1
Flanagan, Bud, 18, 20, 40, 95
Fletcher, Cyril, 57
Fletcher, Eric, 82, 85
Flora Dora, 66
Flowers, Herbie, 325
Foden Motor Works Band, 274
Fonteyn, Margot, 116
Foot, Michael, 293
Foot, Paul, 207
Forbutt, Banner, 11
Forde, Florrie, 17
Fordyce, Keith, 173–6
Forman, Denis, 97–8
Formby, George, junior, 10, 24, 44, 56, 89
Formby, George, senior, 10, 24
Forrester, Larry and Pauline, 278
Forsyth, Bruce, xii–xiii, 78, 112–13, 148, 155, 231, 325, 342, 345
alternative comedy and, 327–8, 334
and The Generation Game, 227–9, 278, 284, 286–7
and LWT, 284–9, 293
and Play Your Cards Right, 298, 304
Forté, Charles, 124
Fortune Theatre, 161
Foster, Harry, 41, 43, 142
Foster, Stephen, 27, 123
Fowler, Harry, 174
Fox, Jeremy, 295
Fox, Sir Paul, 185, 214–15, 295, 328, 339
Fox, Samantha, 328
Foy, Paddy, 71
Francis, Dai, 123
Franco, General, 158
Fraser, Eddie, 65
Fraser, Moira, 66
Fraser, Sir Robert, 84
Frayn, Michael, 168
Frazer-Jones, Peter, 271
Freddie and the Dreamers, 248
Freeman, Alan, 129, 178
Freeman, John, 263, 275
French, Dawn, 328–9, 332
Friday Night Live, 332
Frost, David, 166–8, 171, 181, 280
Frost Programme, The, 193–5
Frost Report, The, 172, 193, 279
and LWT, 191, 193–5, 212, 263
Fry, Stephen, xiii, 328, 332–4
Fuller, Simon, 352
Fuller, Walter, 25
Fully Licensed for Singing and Dancing, 247
Fulton, Rikki, 100
Funt, Allen, 144
Furlong, Pat, 216
Fury, Billy, 174
Fyne, Alec, 149
Gaitskell, Hugh, 163
Gala Variety, 64
Galton, Ray, 56–7, 95, 121, 131, 170, 179
Gamble, Rollo, 179
Game for a Laugh, 295–6, 304–5, 314–15, 327
game shows, 90–2, 98, 131, 224–9, 304
Games, Graham, 317
Gaming Act, 249
Gamlin, Lionel, 33
Ganjou Brothers and Juanita, 11
Garden, Graeme, 131
Garner, Erroll, 187
Garrison Theatre, 35
Gatward, James, 339–40
Geidt, Jeremy, 167
Gelbart, Larry, 94
Geldray, Max ‘Monks’, 54
General Post Office, 22
General Theatres Corporation, 17–18
Generation Game, The, 224, 227–9, 269, 278, 284
and change of presenter, 286–7, 294–6
George V, King, 253
George Mitchell Singers, 122, 169
Germany, 11, 53, 224
Gerry and the Pacemakers, 152, 248
Gibbons, Carroll, 23
Gibbons, Walter, 14, 17
Gielgud, John, 90, 269
Gielgud, Val, 24–6
Gilbert, James, 279, 290
Gillard, Frank, 130
Gingold, Hermione, 25, 93
Girls Aloud, 352
Girls On Top, 332
Gladiators, 325, 341, 352
Glasgow Alhambra, 100–1, 266
Glasgow Citizens’ Theatre, 100–2
Glasgow Empire, 99
Glencross, David, 306
GMTV, 338
Godman, Colin, 346–7
Gold, Jimmy, 18–20, 40
Golden Shot, The, 224–7
Golders Green Hippodrome, 5, 41, 200
Goldie, Grace Wyndham, 66, 105, 177
Good, Jack, 107–8, 140
Good Life, The, 330–1
Good Night, Vienna, 25
Good Old Days, The, 65, 137, 148
Goodhew, Duncan, 296
Goodman, Lord, 179
Goodson, Mark, 67
Goodwin, Denis, 56–7, 147–8
Goodwright, Peter, 264
Goon Show, The, 53–5, 93, 95
Gorham, Maurice, 58
Grace, Sidney, 181
Gracie, Charlie, 124
Grade, Leslie, 40–3, 134
Grade, Lew, 41–3, 85–6, 94, 106, 114, 144–5
and ATV, 153–6, 191, 297
and Brian Tesler’s career, 109–10, 140
ennobled, 269
and The Golden Shot, 225–6
and Morecambe and Wise, 149, 231–2
and The Muppets, 252–3
and Paul Daniels Magic Show, 312–13
trustworthiness, 155
Grade, Michael, 223, 226, 231, 299, 312
and LWT, 264–5, 270, 276–7, 284, 286, 289, 295, 303
Grafton, Jimmy, 53, 110
gramophone records, 27
Grampian Television, 85, 295
Granada Television, 85, 87, 97, 133, 174, 244
and franchise rounds, 190, 339, 341
John Birt and, 344
and money culture, 345
and Rochdale by-election, 163
and Stars In Their Eyes, 325–6
and variety club shows, 243–7
Grandstand, 210, 278
Grant, Jimmy, 128
Granville Theatre, 87
Grapelli, Stephane, 218–19
Gray, Dolores, 64
Gray, ‘Monsewer’ Eddie, 20
Grayson, Larry, 286–7, 305
Greasborough Social Club, 241
Great Yarmouth, 248–9
Greco, Buddy, 245
Green, Eric, 152
Green, Hughie, 18, 91–2, 112, 239–40, 256, 259, 272
career ends, 290–2
Green, Paula, 37
Green, Sid, 149–50, 152, 232–4
Greenbaum, Hyam ‘Bumps’, 31
Greene, Hugh Carleton, 53, 162–3, 171
Greenough, Richard, 61–2, 64, 87, 113, 134, 154
Greenslade, Wallace, 54
Greer, Harry, 31
Gregg, Hubert, 39
Gregory’s Girl, 99
Grenfell, Joyce, 51
Grisewood, Freddie, 28
Grossman, Jack, 311
Guess My Story, 69, 278
Guyler, Deryck, 97
Guys and Dolls, 66
Gyngell, Bruce, 337–8
Haigh, Peter, 106
Hair, 290
Hale, Sonnie, 33
Haley, Bill, 245
Haley, Sir William, 83, 162
Halifax, Lord, 82
Hall, Albert, 13
Hall, Henry, 21, 26
Hall, Willis, 167, 170, 179
Hamilton, Denis, 86
Hammersmith Road King’s Theatre, 72
Hamp, Johnnie, 243–7, 344
Hancock, Roger, 232
Hancock, Tony, 46, 56, 78, 94–5, 120–2, 154, 276–7
Handl, Irene, 92
Handley, Tommy, 23, 33, 36, 39, 44
Hanley, Jimmy, 169
Hanson, Jack, 306
Happidrome, 35
Happy Families, 327, 332
Harbour, Harry, 18
Harbour, Sam, 18
Hardin, Gilbert, 67
Hardy, Françoise, 157
Harper, Leni, 314
Harris, Keith, 123
Harris, Max, 211
Harris, Rolf, 200–1, 251
Harrison, George, 151
Hart, Lorenz, 169
Harty, Russell, 221–3, 328
Hastings, Lennie, 186
Hatch, David, 131
Hatch, Tony, 277
Hattersley, Roy, 347
Have a Go!, 65, 278
Have I Got News For You, 346–7
Hawk, Jeremy, 98
Hayes, Tubby, 165, 186, 188
Hazlehurst, Ronnie, 160, 328
Healey, Denis, 239
Health and Safety Executive, 317
Hear’Say, 352
Heart of Show Business, The, 154
Heath, Edward, 239
Heath, Ted, 128, 134–5, 187, 252, 274
Heller, Seymour, 220–1
Henderson, Dickie, 110–12
Henderson, Dickie, junior, 110
Henderson, Mrs Laura, 77
Hendrix, Jimi, 199, 208
Henebery, Terry, 128, 158–9, 180, 184, 186–7, 197, 207–10
Henry, Lenny, 277
Henry, Stuart, 268
Henson, Jim, 252–3
Here’s Television, 69
Herman, Woody, 187–8
Herrmann, Bernard, 135, 209
Hewson, Sherrie, 267
Hi-De-Hi!, 93
Higson, Charlie, 349
Hill, Benny, 271–2
Hill, Sir Charles, 88, 163
Hills, Dick, 149–50, 152, 232–4
Hillyard, Pat, 58, 62–3, 129, 344
Hilton, Ronnie, 243
Hippodrome, 180
Hird, Thora, 49
Hislop, Ian, 331, 346
Hitler, Adolf, 35
Hoare, Ken, 101, 267
Hobson, Derek, 277
Hockney, David, 176
Hockridge, Edmund, 255
Holborn Empire, 14
holiday camps, 248–9
Holiday Town Parade, 146
Holland, Frank, 64
Holland, Jeffrey, 267
Holliday, Michael, 137
Holloway, Laurie, 186
Holloway, Stanley, 95
Hollywood, 22, 28, 103, 123, 205, 237, 247, 268
Hollywood Squares, 227
Holme Moss transmitter, 65
Holmes, Eamonn, 312, 322–3
Holness, Bob, 243
homosexuality, 127–8, 269–70, 306, 342
Hood, Stuart, 171
Hope, Bob, 195
Horne, Kenneth, 36, 46, 128, 169, 196
Hot Gossip, 292
Houdini, Harry, 92, 311, 316
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Maria?, 353
How Do You View?, 60–1, 69, 102
How to Listen, 50
Howard, Les, 136
Howard and Wyndham theatre group, 101, 113
Howerd, Frankie, 47, 56, 170–1, 238
Hudd, Roy, 19, 260, 310
Hughes, Geoffrey, 194
Hughes, Terry, 279, 282–4
Hull, Rod, 218, 285, 288
Humphries, Barry, 53
Humphrys, John, 311
Hurd, Douglas, 340
Hurll, Fred, 117
Hurll, Michael, 117, 199–200, 233, 283, 314, 317
Huxley, Aldous, 184
Hyams, Sid and Phil, 42
Hylton, Jack, 93–6, 138
I Can Take It, 33
I Didn’t Know You Cared, 160
I Hear the Blues, 243
I Love Lucy, 90, 182
I’m Sorry I’ll Read That Again, 131, 209
Idiot Weekly, The, 93
Idle, Eric, 280
In Town Tonight, 27, 32, 123
Incorporated Television Programme Company (ITPC), 85–6
Independent Broadcasting Authority (IBA), 223, 292, 297, 302
abolition on, 338
and Blind Date, 306–7
and prizes, 351
Independent Television Authority (ITA), 84–6, 155, 165, 169, 223, 263
and franchise renewals, 190–2, 196–7
Independent Television Commission, 338, 351
Independent Television News, 163, 295
Ingmann, Grethe and Jørgen, 157
Ingrams, Richard, 168, 207
Inns, George, 122–3
International Broadcasting Organization, 156
International Cabaret, 32, 58, 250
Irving, Clive, 193
Isaacs, Jeremy, 164, 291
Islington Empire, 14
It’s a Knockout, 237
It’s Magic, 254, 310
It’s That Man Again (ITMA), 36–7, 39, 44, 56
and American imports, 90, 182
audience figures, 302–3
audience shares, 98–9
franchises, 84–7
opening night, 88–91
profitability, 169, 181–2, 269
programme quality, 169, 190
regulation of, 163, 165, 182
Rupert Murdoch and, 263
staff, 87–8
strikes, 149, 195–6, 337
ITV Network Centre, 341, 351
Jackson, Glenda, 234
Jackson, Jack, 88
Jackson, Michael, 315
Jackson, Paul, 329, 331–2, 335, 340
Jackson, T. Leslie, 62, 65, 67, 273, 329
Jacob, Sir Ian, 162
Jacobs, David, 157, 173, 178
Jacques, Hattie, 46, 97, 291
Jagger, Mick, 264
James, Clive, 223
James, Jimmy, 64, 75–6, 348
James, Sid, 121, 271
James, Tony, 216, 320, 343
Jay, Jack, 248
Jay, Tony, 193
jazz, 22, 74–5, 174, 186–8, 256, 258
Jazz 625, 184, 186–8
Jazz Club, 128, 184
Jazz Goes to College, 188
Jeffrey, R.E., 24
Jenkinson, Philip, 237
Jerrold, Douglas, 3
Jill Darling, 60
Jim’ll Fix It, 73, 282–3, 332–4, 345
Joel, Billy, 316
John, Elton, 1, 133
Johnson, Teddy, 157
Johnston, Johnny, 114
Jolson, Al, 217
; Jones, Clark, 116
Jones, Grace, 222–3
Jones, Jack, 308
Jones, Philip, 141–2, 146, 173, 238, 270–2, 291, 293
Jones, Steve, 285, 293
Jones, Terry, 279–80, 338
Juke Box Jury, 173, 186
Kane, Eden (Richard Sarstedt), 173
Karan, Chris, 189
Kardoma, 11
Kaufman, Gerald, 168
Kavanagh, Ted, 36, 56
Kay, Peter, 349
Kaye, Danny, 41, 74, 243
Kaye Cooper, John, 265–7, 269, 277, 341, 352
Kaye Sisters, 261
Keaton, Buster, 144
Keel, Howard, 245
Kelly, Barbara, 163–4, 243
Kelly, Gene, 237
Kelly, Henry, 295
Kelly, Matthew, 295, 301, 325, 327
Kemp-Welch, Joan, 108
Kemsley, Lord, 85–6
Kendal, Felicity, 330–1
Kendall, Jo, 131
Kennedy, Jan, 148, 247–9, 303, 326
Kennedy, John F., 184–5
Kennedy, Sarah, 295–6
Kenton, Stan, 187
Kentucky Minstrels, 27
Keogh, Paul, 309
Kernan, David, 169
Kerr, Bill, 48, 78
Kester, Max, 27
Kids International, 258–9, 290
Killigrew, Sir Thomas, 2
King, Cecil, 155
King, Hetty, 9, 226
Kingston Empire, 5, 79
Kington, Miles, 346
Kinks, 175, 177
Kinnear, Roy, 167, 170
Kirby, Kathy, 181, 199, 242
Kirk O’Shotts, 65
Kirkland, Dennis, 291
Kirkwood, Pat, 66–7
Kiss Me Kate, 183
Kitt, Eartha, 125
Kitter, Roger, 264
Knife-Throwing Denvers, 32
Knight, Gladys, and the Pips, 308
Knight, Steve, 351
Knokke Television Festival, 251
Knox, Teddy, 18–20, 40
Kretzmer, Herbert, 169
La Bohème, 283
La Frenais, Ian, 160
‘La La La’, 158
La Rue, Danny, 279, 306
Labour Party, 81–2, 224
Laine, Cleo, 308
‘Land of Hope and Glory’, 302
Lane, Lupino, 17
Langford, Bonnie, 266
Langtry, Lillie, 17
Lanza, Mario, 140
Las Vegas, 125, 249
Last Night of the Proms, 301
Last of the Summer Wine, 160
Late Late Breakfast Show, 313–19
Lauder, Harry, 12, 17
Laurie, Hugh, 328, 332–4
Lavender, Ian, 285
Law, John, 250, 279
Law, Phyllida, 222
Lawrence, Vernon, 283
Lawson, John ‘Humanity’, 14
Laye, Evelyn, 37
Leddington, Florence, 18
Lee, Barbara, 48
Leeds City Varieties, 65, 137
Leeds Grand Theatre, 256, 266
Leeman, Dickie, 87, 111
Leggo, Michael, 318–22, 343, 346
Lehrer, Tom, 13
Leicester Square Alhambra, 15, 19
Leicester Square Empire, 15–16
Leicester Square Odeon, 28
Leigh, Fred W., 8
Leigh, Vivien, 70