Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1

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Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1 Page 6

by Bliss Carter

  “Our parents died 8 years ago. They were killed in a head on collision by a drunk driver in Atlanta. Kresley was in the car with them. She was just 22 years old. I was 24, Gertie 20 and Birdie just 18”, Francie stated softly with a faraway look in her eyes.

  Cade stiffened at this new information about Kresley and her parents, feeling pain for Kresley and her sisters at losing their parents so young and also for Kresley being in the wrecked vehicle. “Was Kresley seriously hurt?”, Cade softly asked Francie, needing to know how effected Kresley was by what happened.

  “Kres had a broken leg and cuts from broken glass, but she was blessed to be alive, according to the officers on scene and the ER doctors after. The car was actually upside down and Kresley was trapped in the back seat in her seat belt. My parents were both up front and still alive after it happened. Kresley had a 60 second conversation with each of them before their injuries overtook them. First my dad, and then my mom. Both knew they were probably dying and Kresley sat there, hanging upside down, and listened to them say their final goodbyes to each other and to Kresley and us. By the time help arrived and cut Kresley out, it was too late. Kresley watched them both bleed out, holding hands. It haunts her still. She has nightmares sometimes. She often makes remarks that if she had done more, had changed this, done that, that our parents would still be alive. This time of year is always hardest for us because the anniversary of their death is in 5 days. Kresley always becomes a little more distant, sad, sullen. It’s hard to get her out of that kind of funk usually. She works longer hours and mostly keeps to herself on the day it happened. It was good to see a smile on her face when she saw you tonight. Maybe you can help her fight her way through another year of sadness, yeah?”

  Cade walked over to Francie and pulled her out of her chair. He then hugged her tight to him and said quietly into the top of her head, “I promise that I will do my best to see her through any sadness that comes her way. Thank you for telling me all of that. I doubt she would have mentioned it to me right now. I’m right, aren’t I?” Francie nodded against his shoulder and squeezed him in return, then sat back down.

  Grace broke up the solemn mood by stating to Francie that Jaxson had another girlfriend again. Francie snorted and said that boy was going to be the death of his mama. Cade wondered who Jaxson was and at his look of curiosity, Grace explained that Jaxson is her 6-year-old son and thought he was every girl’s dream in a man already at his age. Cade smiled at that and stated to Grace not to worry, that Jaxson would soon find out that wasn’t the case and the girls around him would be the one educating him. Grace laughed and agreed. She stated that it was hard to raise a boy without his dad around, but she was doing her best. Cade asked where Jaxson’s dad was and Grace bluntly stated that she had no idea. She explained that when she found out she was pregnant, her boyfriend of three years decided that he didn’t want to be a father or a boyfriend and took off with no way to reach him. Grace hadn’t been able to find him and had stopped looking after Jaxson turned one. Cade just shook his head. He couldn’t understand how a man could ignore his own child that way. Only cowards could ignore something as beautiful as a child.

  They became quiet as the nurse wheeled Kresley back into the cubicle. Cade could look at her face and see that she was exhausted and hurting far worse than what she pretended for other’s benefit. She had dark circles under her eyes and when she smiled, it didn’t quite reach her eyes. She was pale.

  “I hope you didn’t wait on me to eat, Cade. I’m sure you were starving”, Kresley stated to him as he picked her up and put her back into bed. No protest from her this time. Cade then turned around and asked the nurse if they had given Kresley any pain meds at all for her headache since she arrived. The nurse looked at the chart and stated no. He asked that the doctor prescribe something and bring it while Kresley ate.

  “I can talk for myself Cade”, Kresley stated in a slightly agitated voice.

  “Really? Then I’m guessing that you’ve already asked for some meds for the headache that is pretty harsh if I’m reading your face right.”

  Kresley could hear the asshole creeping into his voice. “No, I haven’t. I didn’t think I needed any. The headache hasn’t been so bad. I didn’t want to worry anyone”, Kresley softly said as she laid her head back on the pillows.

  “Being a martyr isn’t okay with me, baby. Which is exactly why I asked the nurse for some meds for you. If you aren’t going to take care of yourself and worry about everyone else instead, then it’s my job to put you first, even if that means me acting like some kind of alpha male in front of you. You are my priority, got it?”, Cade gruffly spoke to her as he looked at Kres intently.

  “Damn. I like him”, Francie stated.

  “Ditto sistah. Ditto. Uhmmm, Cade, do you have any brothers?”, Grace asked.

  Kresley snorted. Francie looked on expectantly, as if she, too, needed to know that answer and Cade just snickered and sat behind Kresley’s head, propping her upper body up with his own chest and arms. He indicated for Francie to give him Kresley’s food and tea and stated that he was an only child. Kresley felt good laying against him like this. She was relaxed and seemed to like him taking care of her for now. She got her food situated in front of her on the linens and took a long swallow of her sweet tea. He watched her eat, making sure she was eating as much as she could. Kresley softly laughed at her sister and friend’s antics as she ate, but didn’t say much.

  The nurse brought some pain meds for her and stated the doctor would be in shortly. Cade cleaned up her trash and helped her lay back down against the pillows, tucking in blankets around her. He sat on the side of the bed again, facing her and gently stroked her forehead over and over again. Kresley’s eyes soon closed and it seemed she drifted off to sleep. Dr. Davis soon came in and stated that Kresley had no concussion and could be released to go home. He would have paperwork ready in a few minutes and then they could leave. Kresley thanked the doctor and shifted on the bed to wait.

  The discussion then began about who was going to take Kresley and Grace back to Whimsy Events. Francie stated that she would do it, but then Cade found out that Grace and Francie lived close to each other and on the opposite side of town from where Kresley lived. It would make more sense for Grace to ride home with Francie, then Francie could just drive her to work in the morning, where her car was still parked. It really worried Cade when he found out that Kresley actually lives at the warehouse. There was a furnished 2nd story apartment-flat over the main offices that Kresley lived in by herself. Cade needed to take her home and do a walk through of the warehouse and also her residence. It would make him feel better knowing she was safe.

  Surprisingly, none of the women argued with his logic and soon the release papers had arrived and Cade was watching Kres hug both her sister and friend goodbye and getting into his unmarked sedan. He settled her inside and buckled her seat belt for her. His face was close to her own and he waited until her eyes rose to meet his and after hearing her quietly tell him thank you, Cade leaned in and gave her a sweet, soft kiss on her lips, her cheek, across her eye lids and last on her cute nose. “You’re very welcome, Kresley.” He then got into the driver’s seat and drove out of the parking lot towards Whimsy Events and Kresley’s apartment.

  Chapter Six

  Group chat titled “Kres and Big Sexy” with Anderson sisters and Grace, minus Kresley.

  Grace: OTWH, Kres is Big Sexy. Francie driving me home then to work in morning.

  Birdie: So Kres is going home? Do I need to go to her, stay?

  Gertie: Baby sis finding some compassion? I’m impressed.

  Birdie: shut the hell up Gert. I feel things, have a heart, all that shit. I’m no Tin Man.

  Gertie: Geez. Pushed a button there, huh? Sorry, didn’t mean to sound bitchy. You’d do anything for us, have done anything for us. Baby sis is spectacular.

  Grace: Francie is driving, dictating to me what to type. Francie says grow the hell up to both of you and we have bigger
fish to fry right now. Big Sexy is totally the package for Kres. She’s going to need pushing by sisters and me to seal the deal.

  Birdie: Seal the deal? As in sex? Or as in ‘til death do us part?

  Grace: Both. Francie says both as well. We found out he’s 34 years old, never married, no children. Both parents are deceased and no siblings. So, he’s older and wiser than Kres by a few years. We know Kres is going to drag and leave finger nail marks in any hard surface, but we both saw her and Big Sexy (aka Cade) at ER. And OMG, fireworks. He is definitely alpha material. And took care of her, but took no shit from her either. She was putty in his hands. Oh, and his aunt is Ms. Mae Grantham. Nice lady with amazing cheese straws at event functions. #cadewinning #cheesestrawsarelife

  Gertie: Oh man, cheese straws. Now I want some. Note to self to call Ms. Mae soon. I have to meet this man. Like tomorrow. Anyone who can make Kres quiver and be putty needs have his pic in dictionary by the phrase “professional big sexy”.

  Birdie: Agreed. All of the above. But if Kres knows we’re pushing, she’ll clam up. So, subtlety is name of the game. That means you need to keep your mouth shut Francie and Gertie. And Grace, you need to keep your snorts to yourself. No jokes at Kres’ expense. No kissy noises when Cade and Kres are near. Oh also, let’s not forget a dead body was found at our business. Phones will be ringing tomorrow when gossip catches fire. Do we know who died? Did Kres or Big Sexy say? I haven’t heard anything yet.

  Grace: No idea who dead person was. Neither said, but I think Kres knows. But you know how she is, afraid Francie would Facebook it live or something. And as I typed that and read it out loud, Francie popped me hard as shit on the leg. Your oldest sister is a witch.

  Birdie: And?

  Gertie: And?

  Grace: We are at my house. Have to pay baby sitter time and a half. See y’all at work at 9 AM. Let’s not wake Kres up until she gets up on her own. Her head will be killing her.

  Birdie: Agreed. Night.

  Gertie: Grace, take babysitting money out of work expenses account tomorrow. Was work related. No need in missing income. Agreed to let Kres sleep in tomorrow. Night. ILY guys.


  With her head resting against the passenger seat and eyes closed, Kresley took the opportunity to analyze her day. She would have called herself a big, fat liar if she had said her day would be what it’s turned out to be. And it was ending with a very large, very sexy, very sweet man escorting her home. And not just because he felt like he had to or social manners dictated it, but because he wanted to. She turned her head slightly and cracked her eyes open so she could look at him without him knowing. Cade Grantham was so good looking that it hurt to look at him for too long. Dark hair, heavy beard stubble over his mouth, chin and cheeks. Firm jaw and even dimples when he smiled big. Long, dark lashes and full brows accented his light blue eyes so well. And don’t forget his lips. Full, lush, and so kissable that it made her heart speed up just looking at him. She loved that he was tall, taller than her by many inches. It made her feel protected, petite, having him stand over her. His big hands holding hers made her all squirmy, like she was a teenager holding hands with a boy for the first time.

  This was NOT Kresley. Not her at all. If anything, she was cynical when it came to the opposite sex. She had learned the hard way that love wasn’t for her and probably wouldn’t happen until much later in life, if at all. And the best thing about this day is that it seemed that Cade liked her. Genuinely liked her and wanted to let everyone know that he was with her. He must like her kisses since he keeps coming back for them. And the way she had seen him looking up and down her body this evening, she knew without a doubt that he appreciated her female form. His hands had grabbed on to her full hips when he was helping her into his car and the squeeze he gave her without words kind of said it all. Which freaked her out, but in a good way.

  “What are you thinking about over there so hard, Kres?”, Cade asked as he looked over at her in the dark for a moment, then placed his eyes back on the road.

  “Thinking about my day and how absolutely crazy it has been. I got up this morning thinking it would be another normal day, but it’s been a roller coaster ride of emotions. I took my weekly donuts to the MSPD, met a hot guy, had my panties drop upon meeting said hot guy, busted my ass in a puddle, lost my temper and pushed said hot guy who was laughing at me in the puddle, left humiliated and went back to work. Worked hard without stopping all day, felt sad and alone at times, tried to rein in my sisters and Grace from their craziness, worked late, forgot about dinner, lost a huge $24,000 receipt for flowers, went outside with Grace on the phone to find the receipt, found a dead body outside my door, discovered it was an ex-boyfriend, then either fell or was pushed into the brick wall and hit my head, fainted, then came awake to Prince Charming looking at me with beautiful blue eyes and had the best kiss of my life”. Kresley took deep breaths after that rambling, run on sentence of self-discovery. She looked over at Cade to see what he thought about her musings. He had a grin on his face.

  “Panties dropped?”, Cade asked with a sly smile. “Did I make your panties drop Red? Please continue with that explanation.”

  Face turning beet red, Kresley stayed quiet, fidgeting with her fingers and wishing that the floor would open up and swallow her whole. “Not literally. The pair I put on this morning were on their last usage and as I was standing there talking to you and Ms. Mae, the last elastic piece in the waist band popped. Scared me half to death. Then my underwear started to slide down my big butt until they gathered at my thighs, right before I landed in that water puddle.”

  Cade began laughing. Hard. He laughed so hard that he soon lost his breath. He looked over at Kresley and stopped laughing so loud, changing it to soft snickers. He reached over and caressed Kresley’s hot, blushing cheek and told her he wasn’t laughing at her. He was laughing at the way she described everything. “It may make me sound like a pig or something, but it totally makes me want to frame those panties somewhere. I’ve never made a woman’s panties drop before.” Cade could hear Kresley’s snort at that and heard her murmur “Doubt that.” He just shook his head, dropped his hand from her cheek, and drove the rest of the way to Whimsy Events.

  Cade and Kresley parked in the alley and found that it had been cleared, except for the yellow crime scene tape left behind. Cade noticed that the towing service had come to get the ’69 Mustang as well. “Okay Kres, let’s get you inside and let me take a look around downstairs and upstairs in your apartment. Then we can talk a little bit about what happened here tonight. Then I’ll leave so you can go to sleep.” Cade got out of his work sedan and came around to her side of the car. He pulled her up and out of the vehicle, careful not to jostle her. “Do you have your keys to open the back door?”

  Kresley took out a set of keys out of her pants pocket and jiggled them so he could hear them. Cade shut the sedan door and pulled Kresley with him until they arrived at her back door. He waited for Red to open it with the keys, looking around for any kind of threat. He walked with her through the door, with his fingers on her lower back, urging her inside. He watched as she shut and locked the back door, putting the three separate locks into place and arming the security system. Both he and Kres turned to move further inside the building when a piece of paper on the floor caught his eye. Cade reach down for the piece of paper, placing a steadying hand around Kresley’s soft hip at the same time. He read what the note stated and went absolutely still.

  You’re Next was written in all caps across a white piece of paper. Cade let out a deep, guttural curse. He immediately regretted reacting that way when he took a look at Kres’ face and saw the panic and fear there. But it was there for only a moment before she covered it up with a stoic expression, as if waiting for an explanation. Cade held up the piece of paper by the corner and showed it to Kres in the dim light. He waited while she read the two words over and over. He saw confusion lead to shock and then fear. But what he didn’t count on was anger. His
Red was pissed. And now he was witness to that fiery temper first hand.

  “You’re next. You’re next?”, Kresley stated a few times, her voice getting louder and louder as she said it. “What the hell does that mean? I haven’t done anything to anyone, least of all Drake”.

  “Let’s look around down here then get you upstairs so we can talk and figure things out, okay? Baby, look at me. I promise you that no one is going to get to you and no one is going to hurt one hair on your head. I will protect you with my life.”

  Hearing that seemed to help Kresley at the moment, but her mind was still reeling from this new information. She and Cade made their way around the warehouse, walking from room to room, going through displays, looking under tablecloths, looking in bathroom stalls, closets and behind counters. When Cade stated that it was clear, they moved up the stairs at the front of the warehouse to Kresley’s personal apartment. She could feel Cade’s hand on her back, fingers spread wide over her lower back and upper hips. His fingertips were resting at the top of her butt cheek. She didn’t move them because they felt too good right now. They felt calming. Kresley needed that.

  Cade walked one step below Kresley as they went up the stairs to her apartment. They weren’t steep and not a long way up for Kresley to maneuver. Cade couldn’t help but stare at Red’s butt as it bounced back and forth. It was right there for viewing. He’d have to be a saint not to notice and appreciate its beauty. And he was no saint.

  At the top of the stairs there was a door, much like you’d find in an apartment building. Kresley took her keys and unlocked two locks and opened it. As they entered, she disarmed a security keypad and walked inside. Cade took a look around and was surprised at how spacious it was. It was an open floor plan with a nice size kitchen and living room area. A door on the other side of the apartment was closed. Kresley indicated that was her bedroom and bathroom suite. Another door was just off the kitchen and she stated it was the laundry area. Cade went, without asking, to open the doors and look inside. His eyes never stopped moving as he assessed for anyone lurking.


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