Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1

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Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1 Page 12

by Bliss Carter

  Kresley jumped down from the counter after one more heated kiss she initiated with Cade, as if to help sooth both of them and to let Cade know how much she appreciated his patience. “Concert? In Mercy Springs? I hadn’t heard about anything going on.”

  “No, the concert is in my backyard baby. A concert for just you and me. Some other musical delights before the concert even starts, as well. Oh, and there will be slow dances for sure later on”, Cade stated with a wink and a devilish grin.

  Kresley smiled back with several curious questions in the back of her mind, but she chose to stay quiet and followed him outside into his enormous back yard. They set up their food and Kresley poured them both a mason jar mug full of ice-cold lemonade. She noticed a projector screen in one corner of the fenced in yard, several large fluffy pillows laying on top of a blanket on the grass. There was a small table that had a small projector and laptop. Cade saw where she was looking and just grinned shaking his head as if to say to her to wait. He looked like an excited teenage boy wanting to please his new girlfriend.

  After they ate a delicious meal of chicken, pasta and fruit salads from The Blue Café, Cade pulled Kresley over to the large mass of pillows and blanket and told her to have a seat. Kresley did as he requested and sat among the pillows, deciding to recline on her side and propping her head on her hand, her other arm draped over her hips and stomach. “So, who are we going to hear in concert tonight honey?”

  Cade held up a single finger as if to ask her to wait, then went to work on his laptop, turning on the projector. Kresley noted tears starting to well up in her eyes as images started playing across the projector screen and the sounds of music began playing from speakers in the yard. Kresley recognized the bright colors and lilting musical notes of one of her favorite Disney cartoons of all time. She looked back at Cade with surprise and found that he had sat down behind her, legs spread out. He pulled her easily up and into his arms, pulling her back against his hard, muscled chest. He wrapped both arms tightly around her chest and kissed her cheek, her ear, her throat before saying softly in her ear, “Are you surprised baby? In a good way?”

  Kresley could only nod, huge tears caught in her throat and threatening to spill over her cheeks. Only her sisters and Grace knew that the cartoon that was playing on the projector screen, the beginning notes of the opening song, was her favorite in the entire world and reminded her most of her parents. As The Little Mermaid played in the background, Kresley turned in Cade’s arms and looked up into his eyes. “Thank you, Big Sexy. I have no clue how you knew to do this for me, but this is perfect. Truly.”

  Cade gently wiped a few tears that had escaped down her cheeks and kissed Kresley gently on the lips. “It’s my pleasure to bring you happiness of any kind sweetheart. I wish I had known your parents, and I know that tomorrow is going to be hard for you. I wanted to do something to make it easier in some way. I hope I succeeded. And you can thank Grace for the inside info.” Cade gave her a cute grin and turned her back to the screen. “Oh, after this goes off, there is, indeed, a concert of my choice for us to slow dance to. I love me some Kenny Rogers and I found an awesome concert of his greatest hits. I can’t wait to hold you and dance to She Believes in Me.” Cade squeezed her gently and turned his attention to the screen.

  For the next hour or so, Kresley enjoyed the film and music in front of her and the man holding her up so solidly in back. It was a perfect night. Kresley looked up at the stars that were shining in the sky and said a silent greeting to her parents, asking if they had sent Cade to her. After a few moments, Kresley swore she saw a shooting star, but it was gone so quickly that she wasn’t sure. But she still took it at face value and as an answer from her mama and daddy, as if they were letting her know that, indeed, Cade was sent by them for her. She silent thanked them and blew them a kiss, then concentrated on the man whose arms were wrapped so tightly around her that she didn’t know where he began and she ended.

  Kres smiled, then laughed quietly when Cade started humming, then singing along with Sebastian the Crab as he sang about kissing the girl. Kresley’s heart melted further into a puddle when Cade gently placed kisses all along her cheek and chin, singing softly in her ear, as if sharing some secret for them alone. After the cartoon finished, the concert starring one Mr. Kenny Rogers began and Kresley discovered that Cade, indeed, loved him some Kenny. They slow danced in the middle of Cade’s back yard to all of the slow songs, which were most of them. Body to body, heart to heart. What an amazing man Cade Grantham was. Mine.

  Chapter Twelve

  Group chat titled “Kres and Big Sexy” with Anderson sisters and Grace, minus Kresley.

  Birdie: So, what do we know about what happened last night with Big Sexy and Big Red?

  Grace: Well, I know that he set up a home theater in his back yard and played The Little Mermaid after dinner.

  Francie: He did NOT! Lordie Bessie. I wonder how Kres dealt with that?

  Gertie: We all know the word mermaid makes her eyes water. How did he get that info? One of y’all snitched. Bitches.

  Grace: I did NOT snitch. He asked what he could do to help her remember her parents without intruding. I gave him the mermaid idea. And he freakin’ ran with it. He gets quadruple brownie points from me. And Gertie, I’m gonna wash your mouth out with soap soon. You taught Jaxson to say the word shit.

  Francie: Yeah right Grace. Like Jaxson had NEVER heard that word before Gertie said it. Seriously?

  Birdie: Can we focus people? Anyone betting Kres is running scared right now? Cade is coming on strong. Like Stretch Armstrong strong. I hope she can handle it. Big Sexy is bringing the big guns. And I don’t mean his arms.

  Gertie: She can handle it. She just needs us to keep our mouths shut and our ears open. We don’t need to spout opinions unless she asks for them. Because we all know who in this group has an opinion about everything and everyone.

  Grace: Francie

  Birdie: Francie

  Gertie: Francie

  Francie: Francie. I agree. Geez.

  Grace: So, are y’all meeting us at Club Vue tonight? I’m taking Kresley there and should be inside by 6:30 or so. It’s gonna be lit.

  Birdie: So, your way of remembering our parents is to get our sister plastered?

  Grace: Not plastered. We all know Kres hardly drinks. She just needs to loosen up and dance tonight. She won’t be around Cade so maybe we can all get some more inside info into her thoughts about him. Unless she winds up texting him all night, which is a good possibility.

  Francie: Oh, Grace, by the way, Boomer Collins wanted me to double check on you and Jaxson. He didn’t get to see you yesterday but a few minutes, you saying you had to get back to work… and he asked if y’all were okay. *GIF of the word BOOM*

  Grace: Seriously? Huh. Okay, thanks for telling me. What’s up with that? He came in and we talked for a few, but I was swamped.

  Birdie: Oh my gosh, Gracie. Don’t be a dumbass. The dude likes you. Like, like likes you. Ask him out. Geez, woman.

  Grace: I do NOT do the asking out. Ever. That’s the man’s job. And don’t give me any women’s lib shit either. That’s my opinion and the only one that counts. Maybe he’ll get the guts one day.

  Gertie: Grace, don’t let opportunity pass you by. You never know what shit will come your way that will change your life forever. And sometimes the love you wanted so bad just becomes a distant memory.

  Francie: Gertie, have you scheduled that counseling appointment yet?

  Gertie: I have not. Back off. I’m out. See y’all later.

  Birdie: ILY guys. Later.

  Francie: Later

  Chapter Thirteen

  Kresley walked into Club Vue with Grace on Friday evening, with knots in her stomach and missing Cade. She loved hanging out with her best friend, but today was just a hard day all around. She had woken up that morning to a sweet text from Cade and then went downstairs to work to find two dozen pink, long stemmed roses, in a beautiful vase, sitting on her
desk. Also sitting in her office were her three sisters and Grace, holding a box of her favorite cream cheese danish pastries and her coffee cup ready with her favorite blend. Kresley found the note attached to the flowers and read it silently. Tears formed and flowed from her eyes and wordlessly, she passed the note to Francie to read while she sat down in her office chair.

  To my beautiful, lovely Red. I know today will be really difficult to handle, but please know that my heart aches for you and your sisters and I am thinking of you all the entire day. No amount of words, roses or kisses can replace your parents, but I will do all in my power to make sure the only thoughts you have today of your mom and dad are happy ones. Even if that means me singing Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid again. Talk later and I can’t wait to hold you in my arms. Kisses, Cade, aka Big Sexy.

  Francie read the note out loud to the group and wiped a small tear away from her eye as well. “Well damn, Kres. You went and got yourself a man. Not just a man, but a man’s man who isn’t afraid to show his feelings. Well done sister. Well done.”

  Gertie hugged Kresley and quickly walked outside her office, face pale and emotions churning in her eyes. Kresley wordlessly looked at Francie and told her to head out to see what that was all about. Birdie and Grace each gave her a hug as well and opened up the box of pastries to help her eat her feelings. Soon they left and the office was quiet. Kresley leaned over to smell the beautiful roses and got out her phone.

  Kresley: Just got into my office. The roses are beautiful, but the note was so much more than that. How can I possibly top this later on? There’s only so much Kenny Rogers swag I can find to get you. Thank you, baby. Want to share some lunch together here? Name the time and I’ll make sure I’m free.

  Cade: Glad you loved them sweetheart. The note came from the heart, which misses you right now. Lunch sounds great. I can do about 12:30. Want me to bring chicken sandwiches and Polynesian?

  Kresley: Sounds like winner winner chicken dinner

  Cade: Later alligator

  Kresley: I’m not saying it.

  Cade: Yes you will….come on. Do it. For me?

  Kresley: *eye rolling emoji* Fine. After while, crocodile LOL Bye Big Sexy

  Cade: *Selfie pic of Cade and Boomer, drinking coffee with thumbs up* Big Sexy and Boomer just chillin’.

  Kresley: Idiots

  Cade: Maybe. But I’m YOUR idiot.

  Kresley: Yep


  Kresley looked around the lit-up club and then to Grace and decided to make the best of the rest of the day. She would text Cade a little later and figure out about seeing him before going to bed tonight. She had spent lunch time with him earlier, but she would miss not getting a good night kiss.

  Grace found them a booth away from the section that had two separate bachelor parties going on and they sat together talking. A waitress soon came over to take their order and Grace ordered a Bahama Mama for her and Kresley ordered a strawberry daiquiri. Kresley loved spending time with Grace away from the office, but her heart was just not into it tonight. How could she be missing Cade so much when they hadn’t known each other that long?

  “Wanna go dance with me, babe?”, a deep voice asked their table. Kresley looked up to see a guy asking Grace to dance. He was good looking and didn’t seem creepy, but Kresley was always cautious when it came to men she didn’t know and she knew Grace was the same. To her surprise, Grace readily agreed and told Kresley she’d be back in a few minutes. Kresley followed her with her eyes, making sure to know where Grace was at all times. They always looked out for one another when in situations like this and today was no exception. You couldn’t be too careful.

  “Come dance with me beautiful”, Kresley heard from beside her. She looked and a nice-looking guy was standing there, holding out his hand for a dance. Kresley immediately thought of Cade and shook her head no.

  “Sorry, but I have a boyfriend. No dancing except with him”, she stated apologetically. The guy looked mad for a few moments, but then shrugged and took off, looking for his next target. It felt strange for Kresley to turn down a guy, knowing she had someone more important to think about. Strange, but so exhilarating at the same time. Twice more she was asked to dance while waiting on Grace to return and each time she turned them down, stating that she was involved with someone.

  Their drinks came at the same time that Francie, Gertie and Birdie arrived at their booth. The three remaining sisters all piled in and the five women sat and talked, trying to out do each other with funny stories or jokes. Kresley had just finished her first daiquiri when she noticed the waitress coming back with another on a tray. “Compliments from someone at the other end of the bar”, stated the waitress. “The bartender told me that it was meant for the pretty red head in the pink dress at this booth.” All of the women looked around and saw that Kresley was the only one wearing pink.

  Kresley blushed furiously at the attention and told the waitress thank you. She hoped a man didn’t come over wanting to talk or dance. She was getting tired of turning everyone down. It would be so much easier if Cade were here. She started taking sips of her new drink and it tasted as fruity and delicious as the last. But Kresley knew two drinks were her limit, so she would sip water after this one. She was halfway done with her drink when she felt the hairs stand up on the back of her neck.

  “Wait, seriously? I swear I’m not following you, Red”, Kresley heard the deep, gruff voice say, a voice that could only belong to Cade. Her man. He was here. She quickly looked up and saw him standing beside the booth, looking like sex on a stick. He was wearing dark denim jeans and a tight Henley shirt that hugged his massive biceps and pecs. His dark hair was combed back away from his face and his beard scruff hadn’t been shaved since that morning. His blue eyes were targeted only on her. She didn’t wait for him to say anything else, but stood up quickly and threw herself into his arms. He caught her to him and hugged her tight, giving her face and lips kisses. He was so much taller than anyone around him, with the exception of Boomer, who stood nearby, and Kresley felt so tiny next to him. She felt safe, protected, important.

  “So funny that we wind up at the same place without knowing where the other was going”, Kresley mused as she hugged him. She took a step back and noticed the other men around them. She recognized Boomer and the other guys as firefighters at Station 5. “What time did y’all get here?”

  “Just got here a few minutes ago. We were looking around for a table away from the bachelor parties and saw all of you. Hey everybody. It’s good to see you. Kisses only for my girl, though. Sorry”, Cade joked to the other women. Boomer laughed at that and waved hi to the group, winking at Grace. “You all know Boomer, but I’m not sure who knows who of these other guys. We just met earlier tonight, competing to see who could eat the biggest steak. FYI, Boomer won that challenge.”

  Everyone laughed and Boomer slapped his flat, toned stomach with his large, open hand. “Still have room left.”

  Cade went on with introductions. “The guy to my left is Boots and the guy to my right is Ash. Those are nicknames and not their actual names. They’ll have to clue you in on what those are.”

  The man named Boots waved hi to the group of girls, looking intently towards Birdie for a moment, but stayed quiet, except to say that say his first name was actually Killian.

  Ash was much more vocal, stating to the table, “My first name is Asher, so you see where Ash comes from. Be sure to let me know if the guys over at those bachelor parties give y’all any grief. They were real rowdy when we walked by earlier.” As he said this, Ash looked directly at Francie. When he caught her eye, he wiggled his eyebrows and winked. Francie just giggled and lowered her head, shyness taking over for the first time in her life.

  Cade, sidetracked by the others for a few moments, soon swung all of his attention back to Kresley who had become a little quiet in the group. “Hey baby, you okay?”

  Kresley had been quietly standing by Cade’s side, listening to his
deep baritone voice talk and felt contentment along with some butterflies in her stomach. What she was nervous about she didn’t know. But those butterflies soon turned into nausea. “I’m not sure. I don’t feel good.” And she didn’t feel good at all. She had barely sipped half of her second drink, but she was feeling drunk and it seemed to be getting worse as the minutes went on. Abruptly she doubled over in pain and let out a startled cry, reaching out to Cade for help and balance. She felt his hands go around her waist and hip and grip her urgently.

  “Baby, what the hell? What’s wrong? Talk to me”, Cade commanded.

  Groaning in pain and with nausea, Kresley couldn’t really answer him in words. Cade took matters into his own hands and stated he was taking her to the ER. He didn’t say this to anyone in particular, but the group as a whole. He swung Kresley up into his arms and headed out of the club, with Boomer, Boots and Ash quickly following behind him. Cade didn’t glance back to see if the girls were doing the same. Something was very wrong with his woman and he needed to figure this shit out quickly.

  “Oh garsk, I fweel so fwunly Sade”, Kresley drunkenly stated, slurring her words. Cade looked at her with concern because she wasn’t even slightly drunk a few minutes ago, but now couldn’t even say two words right.

  “Kresley, how much alcohol did you drink?”, Cade asked her as they arrived at his truck, putting Red on her feet for a few moments so he could grab his keys out of his pocket.


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