Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1

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Big Sexy: Mercy Springs Heroes Series Book 1 Page 18

by Bliss Carter

  “Why are you laughing? Telling me you love me is funny?”, Cade pretended to be hurt by her attitude, but knowing Kresley, she had a good reason for laughing. It more than likely involved one or all of her sisters or Grace. He tugged her to him once again and held her tight, kissing her face, her hair, her lips. Over and over again, he touched her, showing her with his lips and hands how much he loved her.

  “I’m happy. And I get to tell the Wicked Witches of Whimsy that I won the bet”, Kresley stated with a sly smile on her face, drying her tears with the back of her hand. “Actually, I won both bets. Come on, Big Sexy, get your pretty ass up. I’ve got some texts to send out.” Kresley eased up onto her knees, feeling Cade leave her body. She would definitely be sore tomorrow.

  “Okay, I want to know about these bets since I’m thinking they somehow involve me, but first, let’s finish in the shower so we can bathe and get soap bubbles off of us. Come on Red”, Cade stated with a slap on her ass for good measure.

  Both bathed each other in the shower, being sure to thoroughly wash and rinse everywhere. After some long-heated kisses and caresses, Cade shut off the water and dried both he and Kresley. He pulled over her head one of his soft t-shirts to wear, took the clips out of her hair and unraveled her gorgeous hair, letting it fall down her back in luscious curls and waves. As he pulled on pair of boxer briefs, Kresley was already typing on her phone. Cade just shook his head and walked over to where she reclined on his bed. He wished he was a part of this conversation about to happen. He eased down next to Kresley, putting his head down next to hers on the pillows. He leaned in and kissed her cheek, nuzzling her and breathing in her sweet scent. Kresley smiled lovingly towards him and winked.

  Cade heard his phone ding and he went to retrieve it off the nightstand. He saw that he had been included in a group message with the Anderson girls and Grace. Lord help him. He was about to be bombarded with sarcasm six ways to Sunday. About a minute after getting Kresley’s initial message, the responses started rolling in and the avalanche of one liners began. Cade needed a beer.

  Chapter Nineteen

  Group chat titled “Cade and Kresley Part 2” with Kresley, Cade, the Anderson sisters and Grace

  Kresley: So, just letting y’all know two things. One, Cade has been included in this conversation, so heads up before you talk about menstrual cycles and such (Birdie). Second, I won the bet. Well, both actually. Pay up bitches.

  Cade: I’m just going to sit here and wait for the bedlam to begin babe.

  Francie: holy hell fire and brimstone. You shut your mouth. Kresley, not Cade. Welcome by the way Big Sexy. The inner sanctum of our minds is a weird and wonderful place. Be prepared.

  Kresley: Not even joking. Not even one iota.

  Birdie: What’s an iota? Seriously. Googling now.

  Birdie: Iota – noun; an extremely small amount. “nothing said made an iota of difference.” The more you know…. So does Big Sexy use an IOTA when naked?

  Cade: Birdieeeeeeeeeeeeee. Stop. Brat.

  Birdie: Wait. Back the hell up. Wait a minute sister. How could you win BOTH bets on the same day? Why you little hussy.

  Cade: I’m missing a lot of info I think.

  Gertie: Y’all. Seriously. Boundaries. Cade doesn’t need to be involved in every stupid thing y’all do. He’s not interested in wanting to know about some stupid bet.

  Cade: I disagree, but…..

  Kresley: Shut it Gert. You just don’t want to have to cough up the cash. And Birdie, Cade does not have an IOTA. He has a COLOSSAL. Lol

  Cade: Wait, there’s money involved? How much we talkin’ Red? Enough so I can buy that new iPhone you’ve been wanting?

  Kresley: Enough $$ baby. Aren’t you sweet for wanting to spend it on me? I love you.

  Cade: Love you more.

  Grace: I’m coming in to this convo late. Gotta catch up. BBL

  Grace: Okay, that only took a few secs. So not one but both bets are now null and void? I want deets Kresley. Cade can chime in with visualizations.

  Francie: Everybody hold up. Shut up. Kresley and Cade, did I just see the words “I Love You” involving both of you???????

  Birdie: Gee Francie, you’ll make a detective yet. They wouldn’t have put them on the screen and Kresley wouldn’t have started this love fest text-a-thon by saying she had won the bet if they hadn’t exchanged love words and such.

  Gertie: Oh wow. I’m so happy for you guys. Super excited. Yay Kresley, you found him. And his aunt makes the best cheese straws. So win win.

  Cade: Okay, I’m officially stopping this train now and asking what the two bets are about. Kresley is sitting on my lap, not telling me and just giggling at y’all. Someone enlighten me please and I’ll buy you an iPhone, too.

  Grace: I’ll do it! Mama needs a new phone and Whimsy Events doesn’t pay me shit. Just kidding…………

  Grace: Bet #1 involved the five of us to see who could have a man say I love you to us first and we say it back in the same room, in front of each other. And it stick and mean something. This bet was made 2 years ago.

  Grace: Bet #2 involved the five of us again to see which one of us girls would have sex first with a man we loved and planned to marry one day.

  Francie: You’re forgetting an addendum to Bet #2 Grace.

  Grace: Oh yeah I forgot. And the man we were going to have sex with needed to actually be in the same room when the deed was done.

  Birdie: Basically, no phone sexting. It didn’t count.

  Kresley: So, knowing the details of both bets, I can officially say I’m the winner of both! You each owe me $200. I accept cash or visa gift cards.

  Cade: Wait a minute baby. Grace said Bet #2 was for a man that you were going to marry. So are you saying that’s me?

  Kresley: Can we have a side conversation please?

  Cade: No. I’m not going to look at you in real time until you answer here in text world. Your sisters would expect no less.

  Francie: preach

  Gertie: He’s snot you Kres.

  Gertie: Grrrr…auto correct demon. I meant he’s GOT you Kres. GOT

  Birdie: Score one for the Cade monster. But Gertie, what does Game of Thrones have to do with anything? #GOTrocks #johnsnowforever

  Gertie: Shut up Birdie

  Grace: Sasquatch found his backbone where it involves Kresley

  Kresley: yes! Okay? I’m saying that’s definitely you. But not until you ask me. Appropriately. With jewelry. And a plan. And not tonight.

  Francie: Ahhhh, my little sister is in love. I’m so happy.

  Birdie: Well, this is all lovely and stuff, but all of us are at the Karaoke Bar right now singing “Like a Virgin” (just asked the DJ to announce it’s dedicated to Cade Grantham, Detective for MSPD) *laughing crying emoji* and need to get back to it. Can’t wait to hear details of how good Cade is in the sack. Later.

  Cade: Brat. Virgin status became null and void about an hour ago. *smile halo emoji* Bye girls. Be safe. Do NOT drink anything you didn’t watch the bartender fix. Please.

  Kresley: night everyone. Cade, come here.

  Cade threw down his phone and pulled Kresley off his lap and onto her side so he could spoon against her in bed. “Seriously baby? Did you mean it about the marriage thing?”

  “Yes. Not sure why that would be such a surprise to you. You do think I’m the marrying kind of woman, right?”, Kresley asked hesitantly, chewing on her thumb nail.

  “Of course I do Red. Don’t piss me off right after making love to you. That’s not what I’m saying baby. Not at all. It just gives me a lot to think about. But in a good way. No, a great way. So, trust me. I’ve got this”, Cade stated, love in his eyes as he pulled her thumb away from her mouth and gnawing teeth.

  Kresley’s phone dinged an incoming text and she and Cade watched a short video someone took of her sisters and Grace, all standing close together, clutching the two microphones on stage, looking into a TV screen in front of them, belting out “Like a Virgin”. Birdie
leaned towards the phone camera and pointed a finger and said into the microphone, “This one’s for you Big Sexy! Cade and Kresley, forever.” The song ended and a new one began, which was Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’. Cade and Kresley died laughing. “My family is completely nuts.”

  Kresley snuggled back into Cade’s arms, loving the feel of his hands stroking her, his breath sweet and hot on her neck, his lips soft as they left a trail of kisses behind and his love, wonderfully wrapped around her heart. Thank you, mama and daddy, for sending this man to me. He came at just the right time. Not just for me, but for all of us. Your girls are going to be okay. I promise.

  Chapter Twenty

  Kresley drove her car through downtown Atlanta, on her way back from a meeting she had with a future vendor for some wedding events for the area. Kres was excited about this new vendor and the future of Whimsy Events. It meant that they would have a new outlet to house future weddings and other events in a unique, modern setting. Kresley hated driving on I-285 at this time of day. So much traffic and so many people who had no clue how to drive. She could hear Francie in her head saying, “always watch the other driver Kresley. Don’t trust them. Only trust your own driving.” All of that was very true, unless you were riding with Gertie, who couldn’t drive worth a darn. So, riding with Gertie anywhere besides through the McDonalds Drive Thru was a gamble.

  The ringing of her cell phone came across the radio of her car. Kresley paused to answer the call on her steering wheel. “Hello?”

  “Hey baby. Where are you at?”, Cade asked. Kresley smiled, loving the sound of his deep, soothing voice through the speakers of her car. She needed to record him reading her a book or something so she could listen to him on drives like this. Maybe he needed to get a job with that meditation app, Calm.

  “I’m just now merging on to I-285, heading back toward home. Traffic is awful today. This is a time when I wish I had my own helicopter or something. But your voice helps make it more tolerable. Sing something for me.”

  “Sing? Seriously? Not going to happen sweets. But I’ll talk to you all day long if that’s what you want. Tell me what you thought of the venue? Is it big enough for you to use?”

  “I think so. It can house up to 400 people without exceeding fire marshal code limits. So that’s a lot of bodies that can be in the same place for any major event. The kitchen is commercial grade, so perfect for any incoming caterer to use and the outside garden area is perfect for the smaller events. I’m excited and nervous. I mean, taking on bigger events than what we do now is a little daunting. What if I’m not enough to handle it?”, Kresley stated hesitantly. She hated when she doubted herself or her abilities. But there it was, all the same. Big bad, Red was a big pile of mess inside.

  “Baby. You’ve got this. You and your tribe of women can easily take on the large events just the same as any other event company. I believe in you Kresley. You just need to believe in you, too. What if Birdie sat in front of you right now and put herself down in the way she takes photos? Her saying she stinks at it, that she doesn’t capture anything worthwhile? Would you let her keep talking or would you have already slapped her in the back of the head? Yeah, I don’t have to see your face to know what the answer would be. You wouldn’t put up with her saying stupid stuff like that, so I’m not going to put up with you saying ridiculous things about yourself that aren’t true. You are so smart, baby. And funny. Let’s not forget sexy as hell. But most of all, you’re genuine in your creative talents and how you make other people feel with the weddings that you put together. I’ve seen it first hand now and I’m always wowed by your talent.”

  “Thanks, Big Sexy. You just made my day. No, my week. Probably my whole year. I don’t care what Birdie says about you, you’re a keeper”, Kresley stated, grinning as she waited for what Cade would say next.

  Cade grunted, murmuring something probably horrible about Birdie. “Your sister, well, she’s one of a kind. I went by her apartment building today like she asked me to. I have no clue why she thinks I’m some kind of handy man that can fix what her landlord can’t get to yet. Like I know how to rewire electrical stuff. I’m law enforcement, not an electrician.”

  “Listen honey, what you need to understand is that Birdie is a very self-sufficient, independent woman. She doesn’t really need you doing anything for her. She’d hire it done if she wanted to. What she’s trying to do is get you involved with her and the rest of the tribe. She wants to be sure you feel included and that your needed by females who are, for the most part, Amazon women who can do most things on their own. She may be the youngest and a relentless smart-ass, but Birdie feels things much deeper than any of the rest of us. She was hit the hardest when our parents died. She was daddy’s girl, the baby and when she abruptly didn’t have that any more, it devastated her. She is always searching for someone to take care of, but more than that, she is craving to be taken care of herself. So, her asking you to come over and help her check out a wiring problem is her way of letting you know that she’s accepted you. Fully. You’re in the club now, baby. Aren’t you excited?”

  “Honestly, I hadn’t thought of any of what you just said, especially when it comes to Birdie. She’s unique and a true brat. I guess bottom line is I think of her as my little sister. I want to protect her. I want to protect all of them, including Grace and Jaxson. Although, if he had his way, Boomer would be taking over that duty full time. Did you see the way he was around her and Jaxson the other day at your house? Egg shells. What’s the solution to get those two to actually see each other with blinders off? Because I’m getting tired of him moping in to my office, trying to ween off of me any bits of info I can give him regarding Grace.”

  “I don’t know baby. Grace is stubborn. Especially about the opposite sex. She talks a lot of smack, but at the end of the day she is super vulnerable and is always second guessing herself. Her first priority is Jaxson. That’s not going to change. Ever. And the way Jaxson’s dad treated her and abandoned them really did a number on her. I think if Boomer keeps showing himself to be trustworthy and involved with wanting to make sure she and Jaxson are happy and taken care of, then I can see great things for them in the future. Unless Boomer does something to screw it up”, Kresley thoughtfully said to Cade, mentally wondering how much Grace notices of the gentle giant when he’s around her.

  “We’ll leave that be for now. Hey, did Birdie tell you that Boots moved in next to her this week?”, Cade asked.

  “Boots? You mean Killian, that hot firefighter that’s friends with Ash, who was your Aunt Mae’s French kissing partner?”, Kresley stated with a loud laugh.

  “Baby, don’t remind me of that. Geez woman, I would rather forget my aunt was a part of a major kissing booth scandal involving a firefighter. And I don’t have an opinion on Killian’s hotness factor. Who calls him Killian anyway? He goes by Boots mostly. And don’t let me hear you describe him as hot again. I’m the only hottie in your life. Got it?”, Cade stated with a growl.

  “Relax Big Sexy. You’re my only man candy. But I call him Killian because Boots is just a ridiculous nickname, right? I get firefighters have nicknames a lot, but Boots? Nope. Birdie calls him Killian, so that’s what I call him. And to answer your question, she did tell me she saw him moving in boxes the other day. But she failed to mention it was his boxes he was unloading. Wonder why she kept that quiet?”

  “I’m not sure. I never have a clue to why your sister does the things she does. She told me earlier to tell you to call Gertie today. No excuses. What’s that all about? She wouldn’t tell me. She stated that I needed to ask you for details. So, what’s up with Gertie?”, Cade asked, sounding slightly alarmed as he asked about her sister. He was so protective of Gertie, especially after hearing her story of sexual assault and recovery.

  “I haven’t called her yet, but I will. Tomorrow is the 10th counseling session that she’ll have with her therapist. The therapist had told Gertie that she needed to consider bringing in people in her supp
ort system so that we can counsel with her together. The therapist feels like Gertie can move through her healing if she has someone to hold her accountable to her feelings. Birdie thought it should be me. I think it should be Francie. Francie thinks it needs to be Birdie. And so on and so on. But Gertie hasn’t asked any of us to attend, so we’re all perplexed as to why she hasn’t. Honestly, I’m trying to not develop hurt feelings over it”, Kresley said with a shrug in her voice. But Cade could hear the note of concern there. He wished he could fix Gertie’s emotional issues because he knew that it would help Gertie and also Kresley.

  “She’ll get there, baby. Gertie is a super strong woman. She shows that every day in choosing to live instead of curling into a ball in her home and letting life pass her by. She was part of a Kissing Booth for goodness sake. That took guts. Lots of guts. She kissed over 100 guys without regressing any. That’s huge for her. She even joked with me the other day and said that Braxton Harris was the best kisser out of any of them. You know Gertie is quiet enough that any joke coming out of her mouth is a gift of epic proportions, so it squeezed my heart when I heard her talking about someone of the opposite sex the other day, even if it was just to joke around. I don’t know if you realize this or not Kresley, but your sisters and Grace have me wrapped around their little finger.”

  “Ha! Well if they have you around their finger, then you must be wrapped around my entire body. Because I had you at the moment my ass got tossed into a puddle of water in front of the post office”, Kresley stated with a big grin on her face. She knew Cade could hear the happiness radiating from her through the phone.

  “Baby, you so had me. And you still have me. I love you Kresley James Anderson. So, so much. Boomer tells me that I am a shell of a man and have completely lost my man card. But that’s not true, is it sweetie? I’m a much better man now that you’re mine.”


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