FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15)

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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) Page 86

by Samantha Leal


  Awakening with a start, Jessa realized Shane was awake as well. It had been his slight movement that woke her. She was still tired but knew it was just as well she had awakened. She knew what they had to do. She had known all along. She whispered for him to get up and grab his bag. She made the signal for silence and he complied without question. He could feel that something was disturbing his mother, so he just did as he was told in silence. The stealthy communication had become second nature in this new world of survival. It was not the first time that they had had to leave quickly and without detection.

  They left the house with practiced efficiency, leaving Michael asleep in an adjacent room where he had apparently crashed to sleep after his own spent passion. Jessa was thankful that Shane had not seen him as they left. They moved north, changing course and making sure to leave no marks behind to be tracked. She settled back into the woods, moving quickly, her son walking deftly beside her. He was beginning to show signs that he would become a natural woodsman, she noted. But her mind was addled and her thoughts returned to the man she had just escaped.

  She wanted to put as much distance between them and Michael as she could. She was convinced that having him in her life meant nothing but trouble. If nothing else, he was trouble for her at least. Her body ached with every step she took and her insides were sore and raw. It was a pleasurable pain though, and the barest hint of a smile played on her face as she walked with her son into the rising sun.


  Michael slept better than he had in years, feeling pleasurably dead to the world. His mind had stopped racing as he had just lain there, totally sated. He awoke on the short sofa, he legs sticking almost a foot off the edge. He could not help but smile at the prior night’s events. He had one of those smiles that could be felt from one side of the face all the way to the other. Stretching, Michael’s first instinct was to check on her. He just wanted to see her, maybe just to affirm that the night had really happened, but he thought against it.

  He remained in bed for almost another hour and still had not heard the slightest sound from the shuttered bedroom. After he had changed his clothes, which he still wore from the day before, he washed his face and started a small fire outside for breakfast. He found it hard to imagine, him cooking breakfast like he was the woman in the relationship. He didn’t care though. If playing the female role got him sex like that, he would do any little chore needed to make her happy. Hell, he’d put on a dress too if that’s what it took.

  Unable to wait anymore, Michael nudged the bedroom door open quietly. He could not believe that the kid, at least, hadn’t gotten up yet. He fondly remembered his own always being the first one up in the house. He knew that door had not budged since he had been up because his eyes were never far from it. One always had to be ready in this world.

  As he opened the door, he realized with a start that they were gone. Unable to believe his eyes, he hurriedly checked the rest of the small house. He scanned the immediate perimeter as well, calling their names.

  Looking around he quickly surmised that all of their belongings were gone as well. She had taken it all with her, which meant that wherever she went, she did not plan on returning. Michael cursed and smashed his fist into the wall. Here he was sleeping like a baby from the best night of his life thinking he had finally found a woman…and not just any woman, but a woman he could really have feelings for, and she had up and left him in the night. Just his luck to lose her before they even got started. He knew he shouldn’t have come on so strong, but he hadn’t been able to help himself. Fuck. He had blown it again.

  After a moment of malaise, he realized she couldn’t be that far ahead, especially traveling with a child on foot. She couldn’t have left before the sun came up, could she? He didn’t know, but he knew that he had to find her. He had to find her again, he corrected himself with a shake of his head. He knew she liked him. It was obvious. He just had to get her to see that they could be a good thing for each other.

  With Michael’s mind set, he packed up quickly and picked up the tortillas his domestic smitten ass had actually made for the stubborn woman and her son. He had planned on a sort of breakfast in bed, and maybe impressing her with his thoughtfulness. They were simply ground corn and water, but still.

  He couldn’t believe his own naivety and cursed himself for letting his guard down, as well as for being such a sucker. His agitation made his steps quicker, though it wasn’t long before he realized that there was no trail to follow. This woman had once again surprised him. Although he would have appreciated a nice clear set of tracks and signs to follow, he also had to admit that he found her growing list of survival skills to be pretty impressive.

  He continued east, the way she had been going before he had pounced on her like a wild cat. He walked faster than she could, even running for short bursts, but still not a trace of her could be found even with his trained eye. If he didn’t have a few scratches on his chest, he may have thought the whole night had been just a really good dream. After a day of chasing her, he wondered if he was chasing a ghost. Maybe she was just a nymph that crossed his path one night because the Gods had smiled on him. Sometimes anything felt possible in this strange abandoned land.


  Jessa had no misconception of what had happened between them. She blamed it on pure hormones. Michael had fit the description of her desire and he had caught her at a moment of weakness. She kept telling herself that version of the narrative as she walked, one foot in front of the other. Each step reminded her of the man with the sea-blue eyes, but she tried to push him from her mind. She couldn’t be distracted and he was most definitely a distraction with a capital D.

  There was something more to her running off from him though. He had touched a part of her that she had not felt in a long time and she was not sure that she wanted to feel again. She had to keep her walls up. Every time Jessa got close to someone in the world, something bad happened. She couldn’t lose anyone else. In an effort to escape all that pain, she had convinced herself that if she just got to the coast and maybe found an island somewhere, everything would be okay. That was what kept her going.

  Besides, Michael had his own mission, and he had plans to go in exactly the opposite direction from where she wanted to go in order to fulfill it. While her mind hoped that she didn’t see him again, she knew that her body would ignore her if he so much as appeared around the corner. She couldn’t afford to be thinking about this now, she decided. She had to get them to safety. With that thought, she grabbed her son’s hand more tightly as they walked along yet another road. Leaning into the strengthening breeze from the coast, she quickened their pace just a little bit more. They would find their island. She was sure of it.

  The End

  The story continues in Book 2, available now from Amazon

  Finding Love in a Dark World: Book 2

  Cynthia Wilde

  Copyright ©2015 by Cynthia Wilde. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  “Billy, what are you saying?” Teresa asked, frowning.

  “I’m saying that Jessa’s disappeared and so did Chase. You don’t think that’s a coincidence, do you?”

  “I just can’t see her taking off like that. Not with a young son in the middle of the night. It just doesn’t make any sense. She is a very careful woman.”

  “Yeah, but she is not like you. I think she liked to be alone. Besides, Mike is gone too. I wouldn’t give Chase a snowball’s chance in hell at befriending her, but Mike? I don’t know, I think there was a spark between the two of them. Didn’t you feel it? I mean, let’s just say he definitely had it bad for her. Poor guy was asking all kinds of questions. ‘Is she single? Where’d she come from? What’s her middle name?’ Hell it
wouldn’t have been the first time one of the guys wanted to get on her.”

  Billy recoiled a bit at the sharp look Teresa directed in his direction. Sometimes it seemed like she didn’t like to know how men actually thought. She really didn’t understand the way things were in the world, and Billy didn’t have the heart to tell her. That was one of the things he had been so attracted to about the woman. She was able to tune out all the B.S. in this crazy new world and find her own sort of peace about it. As long as you didn’t put it in her face she operated from a sort of “need to know basis.” In that sense, she just went with the flow. He did what he wanted and as long as she didn’t see it, she really didn’t care what kind of secrets her dark-haired husband had. And Billy had more than a few.

  There was a knock on the front door. Being that it was so late, Billy got up himself, but motioned for Teresa to stay in the bed, just in case it was trouble. She nodded her head, though she had had no intention of getting out of her warm bed. She was content to let Billy do the thinking. And the heavy lifting, for that matter. She lay back in bed without giving the situation a second thought. She was tired from another long day and had no interest in allowing anything to prevent her from getting her beauty sleep. Teresa had no worries on her mind as she closed her eyes for the night.


  “I’m coming! Damn, do you know how late it is?”

  Billy yanked the door open after turning the three locks. He saw his friend Jimmy and by the look on his face, whatever it was that he had to tell him was pretty serious. The blonde man could barely hold his eyes.

  “Well come on out with it. What’s going on?”

  Jimmy looked around and then nodded his head out to the porch as he backed up. Billy flushed. Must be pretty bad if he didn’t want Teresa to overhear. Billy had a feeling of dread in the pit of his stomach as he stepped out onto the cool concrete porch. The sharp temperature change made him shiver involuntarily, but he hardly registered it. All of his focus was on hearing whatever was so serious that Jimmy had felt the need to come over here at close to midnight to tell him.

  “What happened?”

  “We found Chase.”

  “Good, where is he?”

  “He’s dead Billy. Buried in a shallow grave out by the woods. We wouldn’t have found him at all if not for old Bruiser digging around out there. We was out hunting squirrel when I seen him get into it, digging around in the brush. I thought he had just gotten a hold of something dead, or maybe digging after a chipmunk, but then I seen a hand sticking up.”


  Jimmy tried to continue, but Billy was already getting worked up, his voice carrying through the small village.


  “Don’t you fucking shush me! That man was family. He might a been a bit of a loudmouth, but so what? How the hell did he die?”

  “There was a stab wound in his chest and a pair of shears still buried in it. It looks like he sure got on the wrong side of someone, Billy.”

  It didn’t take a genius to put two and two together and Billy’s mind instantly went to the healer woman with the young boy. Billy also thought he had good idea of what might have happened. He couldn’t let this go. He had his suspicions already, but he had to get to the bottom of this for sure and make sure that justice was done.

  This wasn’t even just about justice. Chase was one of his men, and as the leader in this town, his death couldn’t go unpunished. There were unspoken rules in this land now. He had to avenge his death and he knew exactly who he needed to find. He sighed, not really wanting to do what he knew must be done. If he was right about his suspicions, then Chase most definitely had it coming. The guy was not the sharpest tool in the shed – or the nicest, if you could extend the analogy. But he had had his uses.

  “Get Marshall and be ready by sun-up. We got some searching to do it seems. First thing, we have to find Jessa.”

  It was clear to Billy that Jimmy hadn’t put the pieces together yet, but he would explain it to him later. Billy was too pissed and a little shocked to have lost one of his own. Chase had been his last blood relative in the world and now he was gone. For a lot of reasons, Billy had to do something to make it right.

  He walked back to the bedroom and woke Teresa up. A lot of men used sex as an outlet. Sometimes it’s an outlet of affection. Sometimes it’s all about lust. And other times is can be about aggression, or just clearing the decks in your head. Billy wasn’t really thinking about any of that as his hand went to the soft curls between her thighs. She had slipped off to sleep while he was gone, but was quickly responding to his skillful touch.


  Billy turned her onto her side, so he could take her from behind like he liked. Teresa’s thin body writhed against him as her hands pulled down her lacy white panties. Billy growled behind her and slid on his side with his length out and ready for her. There was little said between them as he slid into her wetness. She was always hot and ready for him and he groaned with the sudden pleasure engulfing his rod. Teresa squeezed him tight as he entered, loving the guttural sounds of pleasure he made when she did.

  He held her against him with an arm hugging her chest as his lower body pushed back and forth, slowly sawing into her tight quim. Billy covered her mouth as her tone got louder and higher-pitched. She was close as her body tightened up in front of him.

  Billy pulled out right before she was going to explode and went back to his knees. She whimpered in protest and then went to her stomach with the light tap of his hand on her ass. She knew what he liked. Teresa pressed her face into the comforter and pushed herself up into the air. She wiggled her small derriere to entice him, anticipating him entering her again at any moment. When he finally did slam back inside her with a hard thrust, the bedding muffled her deep cry of satisfaction. Her insides convulsed around his silken rod and pushed the man to his end quicker than he would have liked.

  Teresa clenched hard on his length, milking the end with her muscles. Her hips rotated him inside of her and he finally gasped, stopping her movement with his hands. He pulled out in a rush and groaned reluctantly. He lied back on his back and Teresa climbed into his arms, laying her head on his hard chest with a sigh. Well, that was nice, she thought. As animalistic as he had been with her, there was neediness in his sex that made her feel a closeness with him that had been missing a little of late. She let that warmth spread over her as they both drifted into sleep.


  “Good morning Billy. What got into you last night?”

  “I have to leave for a while and I don’t know how long I will be gone for. Maybe I just wanted to some good memories to tide me over until I return.” He said, as he gave her cheek a morning caress.

  “Did you get them?”


  His arm tightened around her shoulder and he kissed the top of her head. Teresa was taken aback by his sudden tenderness. She knew deep inside he had feelings for her beyond just meeting his male needs, but at times they could be hard to find. He was a complicated man. But this sudden show of real affection let her know he wasn’t just going on a day trip. He would be gone for a bit. How long was hard to say, but he was just never that sweet to her.

  Following her usual mantra, she wasn’t going to ask where he was going though. If he wanted her to know, he would tell her. The days of sentimentality and finding a sensitive man to hear about her feelings were gone along with television, radio, and getting her nails done. Relationships now, at least to her, were much more as she imagined they had been a few hundred years ago. A man wanted sex and companionship…and hot meals. A woman needed protecting…and maybe had her own needs. But the days of choosing among hundreds of possibilities a day were long gone. In some ways it was easier now.

  “How long are you going to be gone?”

  “I don’t know. A week or maybe a month. Me and a couple others need to head out. Just be careful and I will see you when I get back. Tell the boy I said goodbye for me.”
br />   Teresa swallowed hard and closed her eyes. She wanted to take in and remember the moment so she could store it away for now and then draw on it in the nights to come. She did her best to memorize the feeling of his strong arms around her.


  She did her best to internalize his touch while he held her for a few more minutes before he got up and started to get dressed. Teresa hated it when he left. She was unclear how many men he was taking with him, but she had no doubt she would be safe here still. He would make sure she was looked after. But she would miss him. He was not going to tell her where he was going or why, but she had a feeling it had to do with her neighbor Jessa. That only made sense.

  As she thought about what might or might not be to come, she watched as he pulled his leather jacket from the closet. She saw the necessity in it in this dirty, dangerous world. She knew there were no police. There was no law except the law of might. But still it scared her whenever he put on the leather. It was almost like he was putting on a new persona. With that jacket he changed into someone she didn’t fully know. She suspected that the unfamiliar persona had been born when the bombs dropped and the old ways had died. A further shiver ran through her as she watched him pack his bag full of items that made her blood run cold.


  Jessa took a few minutes to watch the sunrise from the small apartment building’s window. There was a small balcony off of the sliding glass door, but they were too close to the city to actually step out on it. They couldn’t risk being spotted. She looked into the ruined town and felt a familiar sense of dread. Towns were dangerous places these days. Cities were worse. Jessa ran through her plan and questioned her tactics. They were alone on the outskirts of a place they shouldn’t be, but she had decided that it couldn’t be avoided.


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