FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15)

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FLASH (Forsaken Riders MC Romance Book 15) Page 111

by Samantha Leal

  A furious cry echoed in the cabin as Marxus was sucked out into space, and they all looked away as he killed by the impact. They all watch this happen in a daze, until Kane came to his senses and commanded that the ship speed away quickly before anybody else came after them. He then ordered Korda to give Kylie something that would combat the effect of Gina's needle. He rested her side and picked her up carefully, carrying her to his own private chambers. Korda met him in the hallway before he walked in and gave him a small cup to allow Kylie to drink.

  When she opened her eyes, tears of relief flowed from Kane's eyes, dampening his cheeks.

  “I thought I had lost you forever," Kane said, his voice choking up. Everything happened so fast. Marxus was gone and now Kylie was back safe and sound. They were truly going to save the universe.

  “I knew that you would come back for me," she said weakly.

  Chapter 10

  They stared at each other quietly, and Kane finally raised the small cup to her full lips. She drank it deeply and Kane could almost feel the life being restored into her body. He held her closely to his body, the two of them shockingly intimate inside of his personal cabin. Kylie had been terrified, but she knew that he would come for her. It wasn't a question in her mind. The smell of his cabin filled her senses and made her hungry for more. She looked up into his eyes as the strength began to fill her body. A longing she had never before began to fill her, and Kane, returning her intense gaze, pursed his lips and gazed down at her, his body full of adrenaline and ready to move.

  She sat up, relishing the feeling of his strong arms around her, and met his lips with hers. She moaned softly as the slick feeling of his tongue against hers sent a thrill throughout her. He lifted her on top of himself and she could feel the hard bulge between his thighs pushing intimately between her legs. She wondered briefly if he would look the same as human men down there and then had to laugh to herself again. The musical sound of her laughter roused Kane's attention and he quirked his eyebrow at her as if he could read her mind, which made her laugh harder.

  The sound of her enjoying herself aroused him more, and he slowly unbuttoned her blouse, taking in the soft pale skin beneath. A soft sigh escaped her lips and he smiled sweetly at her before he took her breast in his mouth, sucking gently and eliciting a moan that drove him wild. Finally he slipped himself out of his clothes and stood naked in front of her, pulling her clothes off slowly, allowing her to take the time she needed to adjust to his touch.

  Finally, she grabbed him by the waist, her legs parted and welcoming him between them. She was pleased to find that he was bigger than the men on earth, and the differences and similarities were both arousing. She gasped sharply as he made his way inside of her, and closed her eyes as he made love to her, taking the time no man on Earth had ever taken to appreciate her body and kiss everything about her that made her a unique creation in the universe.

  The heat between them was undeniable, and soon she was enraptured in bliss. Her climax was immense and he gripped her hips as he buried himself deeper inside, allowing himself to be squeezed by her contractions until he couldn't take any more. His powerful orgasm erupted in an explosion that surprised them both with its sheer force, bringing her to another full climax as he held her firmly in place. Finally, they collapsed together, spent but craving one another's comfort.

  Kane kissed her then, a sweet, tender kiss that she would remember for the rest of her life.

  “Please don't leave me,” he whispered.

  It was such a sweet, intimate thing to say. Something she would expect a woman to utter after sex, not this strong, unbelievably attractive man. The gentleness of his eyes melted her heart and she thought back to her life on earth. The only person she would miss was her brother.

  “I don't know how I could,” she said. “We have a universe to save.”

  And with that, they fell asleep together, drifting through space in the Legacy, each of them lost in dreams of another world.


  Wanted by Aliens

  Samantha Leal

  Copyright ©2015 by Samantha Leal. All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic of mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


  The restaurant was quiet for a Friday night and Chantel lazily loitered out the back of the fire escape, looking up at the stars. She had been waiting for almost half an hour, and even though it had been all over the news that there was supposed to be a meteor shower happening that evening, she hadn’t seen one shooting star as she watched the heavens.

  “You still skiving?” Ben said as he came out of the back door of the kitchen and lit up a cigarette. He was pretty cute for a man who spent most of his day surrounded by raw meat and cooking grease, but as Chantel had gotten to know him over the months she had realized there was more to him than met the eye. Ben had a quiet, thoughtful side that allowed him to be ever so mysterious… and even though Chantel knew better than to get involved with someone from work, she quite liked to day dream that maybe one day her and Ben may have some kind of future away from the restaurant.

  “I’d hardly call it skiving, have you seen it in there? It’s dead,” she laughed.

  “Yeah I know,” Ben exhaled a plume of smoke up into the night. “Lucky us, at least we’re not being overworked as well as underpaid.”

  He winked and Chantel gave him a coy smile.

  She had been working at Carlo’s for around three months, ever since her parent’s had gotten a divorce and cut off her allowance. She was finally out on her own after years of privileged and uncomplicated living. She had worried at first about affording it all whilst still studying at college, but luckily her friend Sarah had managed to land her a waitressing job at one of the best known Italian’s in town, and even though the money was pretty terrible, she made sure that she always had a big smile on her face to ensure good tips.

  “Yeah I’m glad it’s quiet,” she said. “I’m tired tonight.”

  “What?” Ben laughed. “On a Friday? What kind of college girl are you? You should be leaving here in an hour, slapping on a high pair of heels and a tiny skirt and hitting the town!”

  Chantel laughed and shook her head.

  “If only my life was that exciting…” she trailed off and looked back up to the sky again to check if there was any meteor activity. A few stars twinkled brightly, but apart from that the whole black expanse above her was pretty clear.

  She sighed and brushed a strand of hair back into her ponytail.

  “Well,” she said as she slid down off the crates and smoothed down her skirt. “I better get back to it.”

  She slapped Ben playfully on the shoulder and smiled at him as she walked by. She could sense his eyes on her until she got inside and she felt a rush of lust creep up inside of her. It was obvious that their crush was mutual, and it certainly made her nights at work all that little more exciting.

  She made her way through the kitchen, past the rest of the chefs and out of the double doors into the restaurant. Carlo, the owner was sat up at the bar, drinking a bottle of beer and lamenting the poor turn out of customers.

  “If we carry on like this, I honestly don’t know what we’ll do,” he said miserably.

  “It’s nearing the end of the month,” Chantel said hopefully. “People are probably just waiting to get paid.” She didn’t even know if she believed herself, but she could only try and keep morale high.

  “I hope you’re right,” Carlo said as he turned to look at her. She smiled sympathetically and made her way behind the bar where she started stacking glasses into the dishwasher before wiping down the countertops. She didn’t even know why she was trying to reassure Carlo. She knew fine well that should trade not pick up she would be the first one to go. Last one in… First one out. That was how it went, and to date she was
still the newest member of the team.

  “You hooking up with Sarah later?” Carlo asked from over the rim of his beer bottle.

  Even though Carlo was married, he and Sarah had been involved at some point or another. Chantel had never got the full details of their affair but she knew it hadn’t exactly ended well. Carlo had wanted to keep her on the side, but Sarah had had enough.

  “Umm…” Chantel stalled, unsure of what to tell him. “Probably when I get back to our dorm.”

  “It’s Friday,” he snorted. “Surely you girls have something planned?”

  Chantel shrugged and bit her bottom lip. She didn’t want to drop Sarah in it in case they were still seeing each other and she was out on a date. Or worse, if Carlo had suddenly decided to become possessive and track her movements. The last thing Sarah would want is to lose her job at the restaurant.

  “Well tell her I said hello anyway,” he yawned with disappointment. “You may as well get yourself home. No point in waiting around here in this ghost town.”

  Chantel checked the clock on the wall. It was only nine-thirty.

  “Are you sure?” she asked.

  “Yup,” Carlo took another swig of his beer. “See you tomorrow.”

  He slid off his stool and made his way toward the kitchen door.

  Chantel didn’t need to be told twice. Without wasting a moment she pulled off her apron, clocked out on her timesheet and grabbed her jacket and purse. As she ran through the kitchen she waved goodbye to Ben and he winked at her as she passed.

  They were definitely going to end up together. Even though she knew it was risky with them being colleagues, she decided right then and there that she was going to make him hers.


  “Ben the chef?” Sarah asked as she opened a bottle of wine and poured them both a glass. “Ew,” she said as she shuddered her shoulders.

  “What do you mean ‘ew’?” Chantel laughed.

  “I don’t know. He just doesn’t do it for me.” Sarah shrugged.

  “Oh what and older, boring, balding Carlo does?” Chantel rolled her eyes.

  “Shhh,” Sarah hushed. “We never mention him again.” she reached over and pulled a red lipstick out of her vanity case before she held it up to her lips.

  “He was asking about you,” Chantel said quietly as she took a sip of her own wine. “Wanted to know if we were out anywhere tonight.”

  “Oh I bet he did,” Sarah cringed. “He’s not exactly taking the hint.”

  “Well I didn’t tell him anything.”

  “Good,” Sarah smiled. “Especially seeing as we have a wild party to go to I suppose.”

  “Yep,” Chantel unrolled her last curler and flicked her hair.

  She hadn’t known about the party until she had left the restaurant and made her way back to the dorm. Sarah had been off work all week and had heard from one of the girls down the hall that there was a big house party off campus and that all of the girls in their year had been invited.

  “So who’s party is it?” she asked Sarah as she picked up her curling tongues and added to the gentle bounce of her blonde hair.

  “No idea,” she shrugged. “But I’ve heard that apparently whoever this guy is, he’s had them before and they’re pretty wild.”

  “Oh great,” Chantel laughed.

  Her life had been so quiet of late, she could do with some excitement.

  “It’s just what we need,” Sarah said as if she had read Chantel’s mind. “You’ve been saying lately how boring things are around here. Maybe tonight something exciting will happen.”

  Chantel smiled and wished with all of her might that Sarah was right. She had felt low of late and knew that letting her hair down and enjoying herself could lift her mood.

  She looked in her closet and ran her hands along the selection of dresses she had in the left hand corner.

  “Red or black?” she asked Sarah.

  “Red,” Sarah grinned. “For sure. With those blonde curls and this red lipstick you’ll be like a 50’s starlet.”

  Chantel nodded and took the lipstick from her roommate. If there was one thing she knew she could depend on Sarah for, it was a keen eye for what looked good and an honest opinion.

  As she slipped into her tight, red dress and strapped on her heels she felt sexier than she had felt in a long time. She was ready to go out, meet new people and have some fun, and she was determined to make the most of it.

  Life at college hadn’t been as exciting as she had hoped, but it was all about new experiences, so she was glad to be getting off campus and exploring a new part of town, with hopefully a new set of people.

  “Okay,” Sarah said as she picked up her purse and downed the last of her wine. “Let’s go, don’t want to get there too late and find out all the hot guys are taken.”

  Chantel laughed and followed her to the door. She pulled on her coat and then the two girls made their way out into the hall and down the stairs to the main door of their building. As they walked across the quad Chantel felt a buzz that she hadn’t felt in a long time. She was excited and felt it was the kind of night where anything was possible and anything could happen.

  They hailed a cab, jumped inside and headed off campus and across town. When they pulled up at the house and paid the cab driver her anticipation was growing with each passing second and she couldn’t wait to get in there.

  The sound of music thumped out from the house and along the ground, in ran under their feet and made their whole bodies vibrate. They could see from the outside that the house was jam packed with people, and for a townhouse it lit up the whole street with the amount of lights bouncing around in each of the windows and shining different shades of pinks and blues.

  “God knows what’s going on it there,” Chantel laughed.

  “Well we’re about to find out,” Sarah grinned.

  She took hold of Chantel’s hand and led her across the street. As they began to climb the steps to the front door Chantel had an overwhelming feeling that they should turn and run for home. Even though she had wanted excitement, now that she had it right in front of her, she was nervous and didn’t know whether she had the confidence to walk into a house full of people she had never met.

  Sarah rang the doorbell and within a few moments the door opened wide and a handsome man with a tanned, muscular torso and an open shirt stood there with a glinting smile on his face.

  “Welcome girls,” he said smoothly. “Please, do come on in.”


  He was so incredibly good looking that Chantel was sure she saw Sarah’s jaw hit the floor out of the corner of her eye. The host led them inside and through a maze of hot bodies, into the packed kitchen and got them a drink of ice cold vodka and lime.

  “Here you are,” he smiled, his eyes locking in on each of theirs in turn. “Have a good evening.”

  He turned and made his way through the crowd and Sarah turned to Chantel immediately and yelped, “I want him, he has to be mine!” She gripped her hands together under her chin as she watched the host mingle his way through the throngs of people, and stop to chat smoothly with as many as he could.

  “I wonder who he is,” Chantel mused. “He’s certainly very confident. And this house isn’t bad either.”

  She looked up and around at the modern kitchen, decked out in black granite counter tops and what appeared to be expensive marble flooring. Growing up in a wealthy family meant that Chantel knew something expensive when she saw it, and this guy had splashed some serious cash in setting up his rather decadent and classy bachelor pad.

  “He’s some sort of market trader apparently,” a random girl leaned over Chantel’s shoulder and whispered.

  “Really?” Another girl heard her and butted in. “Someone told me he was some kind of scientific genius. Made his money by selling an idea for a very advanced machine. Something to do with space travel.”

  Chantel felt her mouth curl into amusement but she tried to hide it. Why would a scientific, million
aire genius throw a house party for college girls? She looked across the room at their dashing and very sexy host. His shaggy, brown hair fell perfectly around his chiseled jaw and his deep brown eyes glistened under the light. His skin was smooth and perfect and Chantel couldn’t help but think that he was young to have had so much success. He couldn’t have been any more than thirty-five, but he looked like he had a lot of experience in being the perfect host with the way he entertained. He moved fluidly throughout the rooms of the house, stopping to speak to both men and women who seemed enchanted by him. Chantel was one of them, and she found her eyes fixed on him with every move he took.

  “Hey Sister,” Sarah jabbed her in the ribs. “I called first, find your own man.” She laughed afterwards to make it sound as if she was making a joke, but Chantel knew she was serious.

  “He seems so… different…” Chantel said dreamily, but she was snapped back to reality by Sarah jabbing her in the arm.

  “Hey!” Sarah crunched her lips up to her nose. “I said he’s mine.”

  Chantel held her hands up in surrender and rolled her eyes.

  “Okay Boss,” she said with jest before she looked back around the room and realized their sexy host had disappeared.

  “Well whoever he is, he certainly knows how to throw a party,” Chantel said. “And work the room.”

  “He does, doesn’t he?” Sarah beamed.

  The girls mingled within the crowd and sipped their vodka and limes. The house was so crowded, rammed and full of people they recognized from both college and around town. She even saw one of the old waitresses from Carlo’s and stopped to chat to her for a few moments on her way to the bathroom.


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