Ashar'an Rising (Nexus Wars Saga)

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Ashar'an Rising (Nexus Wars Saga) Page 12

by Robert Day

  “I will do everything possible, my Lord!”

  Without another word, Kalamar left the troubled King to his thoughts. He had his own worries at that moment, not the least of which was finding out more about this ‘Hand of Death’ Cult, and if they were really the Ashar’an, or just the remnant of a long-dead cult. He would send word to the Astral City, asking whether they knew anything, as well as to the Crypt, a place of study on the northern edge of Lake Lorellar in Zarn. This place was one of the oldest institutions for knowledge and history in Kil’Tar, and they may also have some information, though how long it would take them to recover this he could not imagine. Rumor had it that the crypt was five times larger than Thorhus' own library, which was a two-storied dwelling of great size.

  After that, there was not much more to do than hope something turned up from his agents abroad. The chances of this were slim, but sometimes miracles happen when all else seems lost.

  Knowing that long and hard days lay ahead, Kalamar cast one final glance back towards the King's study before turning towards his own chambers.

  Chapter 10

  Valdieron noted the ground had been slowly falling away over the last ten or fifteen leagues, as if they were entering some huge basin, and the land became even flatter and harder. The conditions were much harsher than those of the North where the Black Lion clan resided, and Valdieron wondered why this Daris Clan, if they were afforded great honor and respect, were populating a place of such obvious hardship and difficulty.

  It was hard for him to see if anything could prosper in these dry conditions, and there seemed to be nobody else about, though he suspected they had been watched for the last few days now, since entering the Daris’ boundary. This was the seventh day inside, their eleventh of the trip, and by all reports they would be at this Stonemere late the following day.

  His plan for escape had not progressed further, as he realized any attempt would be nothing more than suicidal. That, combined with the almost affable treatment he was receiving at the hands of the other Haita'kar, made him think perhaps he would receive lenience when the trial came.

  The day passed slowly, for there was little to look at and nobody to speak with beside Jalek, who would answer some questions but withdraw after a time.

  Just after midday they reached a small rise of hills. The massif seemed to be situated in a circular pattern, about four or five leagues across and only a few hundred paces high. Seeing this, the Equinary seemed to spur them on to greater pace, and Valdieron wondered if this Stonemere was situated atop these hills.

  It was situated inside the hills. Surprisingly, the massif was in the shape of a huge circle, like a bowl, with much greener grass and vegetation inside, as if the ring of hills collected all of the water from the area. The interior was only about a league in diameter, with shadows beginning to lengthen over the western area. A huge arched section, seemingly cut out of the high cliffs, gave them access.

  Many other Darishi were already milling at the center of the lea, and the sight of them was a sign for the column to become more organized. All made sure they were wearing the proper clothing and their horses were clean before the Equinary continued.

  The Darishi already present were obviously of other clans, with Symbols of a fiery horse and an eagle prevalent as they drew closer. These clans seemed to be in their own area, like a slice of pie, and the Equinary moved his men between these other two clans where they drew to a halt. Valdieron noticed these other clans had twice as many warriors as the Black Lion Clan, where looking around he saw some numbered only a few, and others had ten times their number.

  As they tended the horses and began to set up camp, Valdieron could feel the eyes of many on him as he followed Jalek. As usual, they set up their bedrolls slightly away from the other Haita'kar. The Equinary and his family dismounted and walked quickly to the center of the grouped clans were a large pavilion was set up, atop what seemed to be a huge slab of smooth stone, also circular and at least a hundred paces across. Guards who wore clothing with the Symbol of a leaping foal admitted them without question. Val heard shouting and talking as people inside the pavilion greeted them.

  Valdieron settled into his bedroll, with Kaz settling against him lazily, knowing that food would be brought for them when it was readied. The big cat seemed to have become accustomed to the Darishi, but he eyed this even bigger group with caution. Valdieron had managed to wash and bandage the cat's wound, finding it was not deep, and it had already begun to fade and would soon be but a scar.

  Somewhat surprisingly, Akor once again asked if he would spar with him and the others, as had become their evening ritual. He had thought that being in Stonemere, surrounded by the other clans, their sparring would have to end, but Akor seemed to be as keen as ever, and Jalek said nothing. Rising, under the eye of many other Darishi, he took the two proffered wooden swords from Akor and followed the Haita'kar.

  The Darishi, having been beaten by Valdieron each night, had started to double up on him during their sparring, forcing him to use two weapons against them. He had struggled early, coming to terms with the twin weapons, but it did not take him long to find his rhythm. He had barely finished warming up when Akor and another Haita'kar stepped up to him, flanking him. For some reason, Akor was always first to fight him, probably because it was he who had been the one to first ask him to spar.

  It was probably to be expected when Valdieron defeated both of them, that the other clans would laugh and mock the two, but Valdieron still found their actions insulting to both him and the two he had defeated. Spinning, he turned to the other clans and motioned with his sword for any of them who would laugh to step forward.

  “Come and see how funny it is!” he called, not caring how many, if any, could understand him. Several did step forward, whether understanding his words or recognizing the challenge for what it was. Two from the Clan of the Fire Stallion stepped up to him first, grabbing wooden weapons from nearby, and the circle around them widened. There were calls from the Haita'kar of the Black Lion clan, those he regularly sparred with, and although he did not understand them, the two who opposed him seemed to scowl, and Valdieron realized they were being taunted.

  He was somewhat angry when they attacked, both by their arrogance and his current predicament. This anger fuelled him as he stepped up to meet them, though he knew he had to filter out this anger and become one with everything around him. The idea was to be focused without focusing, the basis of situation awareness, and it was something that came naturally to him, augmented by his many lessens in the Combat Ambit.

  And so, when he dispatched first one, then the other Haita'kar of the Fire Stallion Clan, their wooden swords had hardly neared him, and this time it was those of the Black Lion Clan who laughed as they both limped away, one with a bruised thigh and the other with a twisted leg and possibly cracked ribs. Valdieron had not meant to hit them so hard, but perhaps the anger he felt was not totally diffused by his focus.

  Three more stepped up to him, and although this brought angry calls from Akor and the other Black Lions, Valdieron motioned for them to attack. He considered this just another practice, similar to that which he faced in the Combat Ambit, only these weapons could hurt, but this made it all the more challenging and real.

  Not bothering to let these three, of the Eagle Reaches clan, form up around him, Valdieron attacked swiftly, arcing one weapon high and another thrusting low at alternate targets. His speed caught both by surprise, though his attacks were foiled, but he pressed them on the back foot, spinning his weapons before him in a dazzling display. Knowing the third Darishi would be closing on his back, he made his move.

  The Darishi on the right stepped towards him with a wide double handed slash that would have probably cut him in half had it been a real sword in real combat, and if it had have hit him. It didn't however, as he stepped into the Darishi and dropped into a spin, crouching low enough for the weapon to arc above his back. Using his right foot, he lashed out, connecting w
ith the back of the Darishi's knees as the force of his strike twisted him around. With his feet falling from under him, the Darishi landed heavily on his back, while Valdieron threw his left sword over head, expecting and sensing the overhead strike from the second Darishi as his right sword chopped down on the fallen Darishi's chest. The wooden weapon collected solidly and the Darishi gave a grunting cry and rolled away gasping for breath.

  Feeling the heavy click of the second Darishi's sword on his and flicking it away to rise, he was forced to arch as the third Darishi entered the combat. He had hoped to catch Valdieron by surprise, however, and had thrust with no balance, seeking only a hard and potentially painful strike. Valdieron arched to the side of the blow and spun, both of his swords swinging back around to catch the Darishi across the unprotected back and left side. He too stumbled painfully to the side, and it was just Valdieron and the last Darishi.

  This man had recovered quickly, and was actually a skilled warrior in his own right, but not against Valdieron and his twin swords, he wasn't. He was soon disarmed, clutching at his wrist that Valdieron had struck with the flat of one blade. This made the Black Lions hoot and call out mockingly, urging Valdieron to humiliate him further.

  Knowing there was no honor in hurting the unarmed Darishi, Valdieron stabbed his own weapons into the soft ground. This caused a stir in the clans, and the Haita'kar smiled as he adopted a fighting stance, but the Black Lions still mocked him, for they knew Valdieron did not need his weapons to be lethal.

  The Darishi was fast and skilled in the unarmed fighting style, throwing several fast punches at Valdieron's face and torso, but Valdieron swept each aside before it got close to its mark. He didn't throw any of his own, which seemed to spur the Darishi forward, sensing that Valdieron was not competent without his swords.

  With a feint back and a step forward, Valdieron stepped inside the first punch at his face with a flick of his wrist to divert the blow, but with a hooking of his hand retained a hold of the Darishi's wrist. Spinning until he was with his back to the Darishi, he gave the man's arm a jerk down, not hard enough to break it if he had wanted to, but enough to let the Darishi know what had happened. The Darishi had raised himself up onto his toes to try and thwart Valdieron, stepping to the side, but Valdieron released the man's arm with his left hand and elbowed backwards, catching the surprised Darishi in the stomach. The force of his expelled breath was easily heard, but then Valdieron released him totally and spun with a rising elbow with his right arm, catching the doubling Darishi in the face. This blow was hard, though still pulled, and it snapped the Darishi's head back and he toppled to the ground, gasping for breath and holding his bleeding nose and mouth.

  Angered shouts went up from the other clans, and several others also stepped forward, drawing their own weapons in outrage at what Valdieron had done, but Akor and the Black Lions drew their own wooden weapons and stepped forward to show their support for Valdieron. Surprisingly, it was the big man whom Valdieron had humiliated on the first night of sparring that began shouting for the other clans to back off. He could only imagine the Darishi was saying that these men had taken the challenge of their own free will, and had known the possibilities. Slowly the Clansmen backed away and Valdieron retrieved his wooden weapons, eyeing the others warily. He twisted to see that Jalek had risen and was watching the proceedings with interest.

  A booming laugh broke the tense silence that ensued, and another Darishi stepped through the crowd. He was dressed in a flowing Ulster that could not hide the sweep of twin swords behind him, and his tall frame slipped past the other clansmen with ease. His slender face, backed by long dark hair interlaced with plaited lengths at the back and before each ear, made him instantly recognizable to Valdieron.


  The slender Darishi inclined his head in greeting, thin mouth pressed into a smile. The two, although having fought at the Tournament, had not met on a social level, which made Javin's affable greeting curious. The Darishi stepped forward and clasped Valdieron by the wrist, and Valdieron locked his own hand around Javin’s.

  “Making friends, I see?” The Darishi smiled at his own joke, eyeing the clansmen around them, some of whom still had weapons drawn. Some drew back under his gaze, and most lowered or re sheathed their weapons. “Tell me, what have you done to be here?”

  Valdieron studied the smooth face of the Darishi. He wondered at this sudden respect Javin had for him. He remembered after his victory over the Darishi at the Tournament, the proud Warrior seeming to have accepted his defeat. Maybe his respect came from seeing Valdieron as a fellow Warrior.

  “I think I am to be sacrificed to the Serpent,” he answered coolly, wondering if he had accepted what was going to happen to him. Javin's eyes narrowed, however.

  “The Sacrifice of the Serpent is reserved for those who have committed grave crimes against a Clansman.” Javin sounded as if he did not believe Valdieron could have done something so bad. “What did you do?”

  Valdieron sighed and leant closer to the Darishi so the others around him couldn't hear, even though he didn't know how many of them could understand his words. “Khalan of the Black Lion Clan killed his older brother Dhalan, during a raid by Hara'kar, and he is blaming me for the death.”

  Not knowing what to expect from the Darishi, he was still surprised when Javin sank back in thought, his eyes still boring into Valdieron. “That is a grave accusation by Khalan, Valdieron of Tyr. Is it warranted?”

  Valdieron shook his head wistfully, eyeing the clansmen around them. It was obvious this meeting between the two was surprising the other clansmen. They had obviously expected the two to be fighting right now, not talking as if they were long time friends. “On my word, no, but I don't think that will account for much in the end.”

  Javin only nodded at this, not helping to waylay Valdieron's expectations. He cast a glance back at the Pavilion where the Equinaries were gathered already. “I will speak with my father about this, and also try to convince the Equinaries of your innocence, but I fear they will not vote against the new Chieftain of the Black Lion Clan.”

  Valdieron nodded in thanks and began to turn away, thinking the entertainment for the evening was over, but as he did, a gentle tapping on his shoulder turned him back around to find the Javin had taken up a wooden sword and was testing it for balance. He settled his gaze and a smile played across his face.

  “For old times sake?”

  Valdieron could only smile in return as he hefted his own swords and Javin was tossed another by a close Clansman. At the likelihood of a contest between the two, the circle around them widened, the crowd no longer grumbling as they expected Javin to humiliate this stranger as he had humiliated them. Maybe they did not know that it was Valdieron who had ousted Javin from the Tournament. The Black Lion Clansmen apparently did, however, and there began a boisterous chanting of his name as he waited for Javin to prepare. Some coins were even passed as a few made wagers, though Valdieron had to blot this out as he readied himself, knowing Javin was a different matter altogether.

  Their first pass was measured, all four swords making connection as the two swordsmen used the strokes to get into a rhythm, while at the same time seeing how the other was acting. Valdieron knew he had improved somewhat since their meeting at the Tournament, though even now he did not know if he was Javin's equal.

  Then they met each other again, growing more fluid with each attack as cutting and thrusting weapons were swept aside with twists and turns, and feints one way became strokes the other way. If Valdieron had have been intent on the crowd, he would have heard a collective sigh of appreciation as they watched these two 'dance' inside the circle.

  Valdieron twisted one sword with a flick of the wrist and stepped inside another parry, moving backwards for leverage against the Darishi who liked to be close, but as Valdieron knew, his own style relied on distance for him to incorporate his entire repertoire. Javin knew this and pressed him, however, forcing Valdieron to match him up close,
but when the Darishi withdrew momentarily, Valdieron had not been struck, but conversely neither had Javin, who was still grinning as if this were a game. To his surprise, he found he was also enjoying himself, knowing it was good, clean fighting and that neither should get hurt too seriously.

  A barking command halted their swords inches from each other as they moved for a third exchange, and both were instantly turned to the direction of the command. The crowd also turned, showing their displeasure at the interruption, though only for as long as it took them to recognized the Equinary of the Black Lion Clan standing at the edge of the rock platform, at which point they quieted humbly.

  “Valdieron of Tyr, you are summoned to stand trial before the Council of Equinaries.” It was not a statement, but more of a command, its gravity seeming to weigh heavily on the collective clans, whose eyes all seemed to turn on Valdieron, possibly expecting him to flee at that time. He did not, however, merely signaling with his sword to Javin to thank him for the fight, and then tossing both wooden swords to Akor, who caught them and dropped them at his feet, his face set in a mask of regret.

  Javin stepped up beside him after tossing his own wooden weapons aside, offering his own genuine smile, but the Equinary motioned for him to remain as the two stepped towards the platform.

  “The council has much to hear and discuss this night, Javin of the Water Seekers clan. Any input you have can be given after the council have dismissed the suspect.” It was clearly a command not to be questioned. Javin inclined his head respectfully to the Equinary and stepped back off the platform, but not before giving Valdieron's shoulder a supportive squeeze.

  A thin wall of hide encircled the central area of the platform where the combined Equinaries waited, as guards peeled back flaps for the two to enter, Valdieron respectfully behind the Equinary. The area within was not big, barely enough for the Equinaries from nine of the ten clans, with one position as yet unfilled. Obviously they meant to make a decision with this one still vacant, which Valdieron had to admit must have been because of the gravity of the charge against him. The sooner they reached their decision; fewer rumors could be spread throughout the Clans.


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