A Secret Between Friends: A New Zealand Sexy Beach Romance (Treats to Tempt You Book 6)

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A Secret Between Friends: A New Zealand Sexy Beach Romance (Treats to Tempt You Book 6) Page 14

by Serenity Woods

  She smiled. “You are such a sweetie.” She leaned forward to give him a brief kiss, but he slid a hand into her hair and held her there, exchanging a long, slow smooch.

  When he let her go, her cheeks had flushed, and her lips looked plump and swollen. “Mm,” she murmured. “Nice.” She flopped onto her back. “Phew. It’s so hot in here!”

  “Hot stuff.” It was his turn to roll onto his side and observe her. She lifted her arms above her head and stretched on the bed, eyes closed, like a cat. Being a redhead, Tamsin had had very pale freckled skin, which he hadn’t minded at all, but there was something beautiful about Genie’s flawless skin that bore a healthy, golden glow. Under the hot sun, it shone with a light sheen, and when he reached out a hand to trail down it from her neck to her breasts, it felt like velvet.

  “Mm,” she purred again.

  He drew circles around her breasts, down over her stomach, and across to her hip where the scars began. He wondered if she’d push his hand away if he tried to inspect them, but although she opened her eyes to watch him, she let him trace a finger from one mark to the next. Most of them were on the mend, but he could imagine how painful they must have been at the time.

  “If I join them up,” he said, “will I get a picture of Winston Churchill or something?”

  She gave a small smile. “You’ll have to try it one day.”

  His fingers lingered over the large graze on her stomach that looked as if someone had dragged a cheese grater across her skin. “What caused this?”

  “I can’t remember,” she said. She met his gaze for a second. She was lying—he knew it instinctively. What wouldn’t she tell him?

  She blew out a breath. “It’s so hot! I need a drink.”

  He decided not to push her. “Yeah, it’s pretty steamy in here.”

  “Come on. I brought some Diet Coke with me and there are ice cubes in the fridge.”

  They met back in the kitchen where they poured themselves a long glass over ice and took it out onto the deck. He noted that Genie hadn’t picked up the cane. She still had a limp, but at least she was walking.

  They sat in the shade and put up their feet, enjoying the sea breeze that dried their towels and lifted the hair around Genie’s shoulders.

  She asked him about his business, and he was touched that she’d checked out his website and knew the different trips and services he offered.

  “You’ve worked so hard at getting it off the ground,” she said. “Are you proud of what you’ve achieved?”

  His eyebrows rose. Nobody had ever asked him that. “Yeah, I guess.”

  “I saw you helping that girl in a wheelchair.”

  “Yeah, we offer all sorts of services for disabled people.”

  She smiled. “That’s so cool.”

  “I think so. And it doesn’t take much to get the equipment installed really—I don’t know why more companies don’t offer it. Everyone loves swimming with dolphins, but there’s something extra special about watching people and kids with mental or physical issues getting into the water. I guess it’s like when they say dogs never judge—they don’t care if you’re horrifically scarred or can’t walk. They’ll love you all the same. Dolphins are like that, and there’s something healing about being near them.”

  “I can see that.”

  The sun was dropping lower in the sky, and the clouds that had gathered to the west were increasing the humidity. He couldn’t read Genie’s expression. What was she thinking? Was she regretting what they’d done? He hoped not, but he had to admit he wasn’t sure where they went from here. Although he’d thought an afternoon spent naked with her might well end up in bed, he hadn’t thought any further than that. She’d said I’m not looking for anything long term, so did that mean this was it? He didn’t want to put his foot in it and assume she’d sleep with him again, although he certainly wouldn’t be averse to a fling with her before she returned to the Army. Should he suggest it?

  He decided to take it step by step. “Would you like to go for dinner at the restaurant? My treat?”

  “You’ve already paid for the lodge,” she pointed out. “It should be me buying dinner.”

  “Even so. It seems appropriate after all the pleasure you’ve just given me.”

  She laughed. “I could say the same. It definitely wasn’t one way, sweetie.”

  “That’s good to know. So, dinner?”

  “Sure. I’m starving, actually.”

  “Thank God, I thought it was me. We did work up an appetite, though.”

  She grinned as they made their way back inside. “We sure did.”

  He caught her and pulled her into his arms. “Thank you. It was truly amazing.”

  Lifting a hand, she cupped his face and brushed his cheek with a thumb. “It was.” A flicker of something crossed her face, but it had gone before he could work out what it was. “Okay,” she said, “meet you back here in five minutes.” She kissed his lips and then limped off to her bedroom, closing the door behind her.

  Niall stared at it for a moment, hands on his hips. She hadn’t invited him to move in there with her. Did that mean it was all over? The pang of sadness surprised him, but he pushed it away.

  He turned and went into the room where he’d left his bag and took out his clothes. Plenty of time to work on her, he thought as he pulled on jeans and a white shirt that was a little less crisp now than when he’d put it in the bag, but still looked smarter than his T-shirt.

  Returning to the living room, he’d just fastened the sliding doors and locked them when Genie reappeared. She’d changed into a simple long beach dress similar to the one she’d worn on the pier. This one was a deep blue with large light blue and orange swirls. The soft fabric clung to her curves, and although she’d pinned up her hair again, tendrils curled around her face. The ensemble suited the hot and sultry conditions perfectly. She looked like a tropical flower.

  Did she taste as sweet and hot as it implied? Niall was tempted to take her back into the bedroom, push the dress up her thighs, and bury his mouth in her. Unsure what her reaction would be—and also genuinely hungry—he stifled a sigh. “You look gorgeous.”

  “Oh. Thank you.”

  Was it his imagination or did she blush slightly?

  “You don’t look so bad yourself,” she said. “I like the white shirt.”

  He led the way to the front door. “I’d have added a bow tie but it’s too hot.”

  She chuckled, following him out and waiting while he locked it. He noted that she didn’t bring her cane. “I can’t imagine a tux being the usual sort of clothing worn here somehow.”

  “Me neither. This is New Zealand after all.”

  They were right—the few couples who’d already made their way to the restaurant were dressed similar to themselves, in shorts and T-shirts or simple dresses and shirts.

  It was a gorgeous restaurant, filled with tables covered in white cloths, with tropical flowers providing colorful centerpieces. The waitress showed them to a table on the deck, and Niall took a seat opposite Genie, pleased he’d made the right choice in coming here. The deck overlooked the sand and the sparkling Pacific, and even though it was warm outside, they were sheltered by an umbrella, and the sea breeze was strong enough to keep them cool.

  They ordered a glass of wine each and chose their meals, Genie opting for pasta and Niall for a steak. While they ate, Genie asked him about Melbourne, and then they talked about his trip around Europe and what his favorite cities were. She told him about some of the places she’d been, including funny stories about his sister.

  The food was delicious, and they both had a dessert, then coffee before deciding to take a walk along the beach. It was seven o’clock by now, and although the sun hadn’t set, it had flooded the sky with oranges and pinks that were reflected on the calm ocean like a watercolor painting.

  “It’s so gorgeous here,” Genie said. It had seemed natural to offer her his hand as they were walking along, and she’d given him a
small smile before accepting it. She was still limping, but she seemed to be coping without the cane, which pleased him.

  Neither of them had spoken for a while, and she caught him in the middle of remembering the way she’d touched him while they lay on the sand, her touch light and sensual.

  He fought not to blush and smiled. “I’m glad you like it.”

  “It’s been a lovely day, Niall. I’ve really enjoyed it.”

  “Me too.”

  “I feel a bit guilty.”

  “Oh, why?”

  “Because fulfilling the bucket list was supposed to be about honoring Ciara and bringing her closer, but I haven’t thought about her as much as I should have.”

  “It’s okay. I’m sure she’d understand.”

  “I hope so. I hope she’s up there somewhere smiling down at us. I don’t think she would have resented us getting together today, do you?”

  Niall looked away, across the ocean to the boats making their way back to Paihia. He looked up at the sky, at the bruised clouds that threatened hot summer rain, and felt a flicker of guilt. It’s just a fling, he told his sister. It doesn’t mean anything.

  “Niall?” Genie had stopped and now turned him toward her. She had a sultry look in her eyes, and his heart rate picked up as she stroked his face. “It’s nearly dark,” she said. “We’ve avoided the topic all evening, but I don’t think we can dodge it any longer. When we get back to the lodge, are you coming to my room or not?”

  Chapter Nineteen

  Genie’s heart hammered, but she kept her cool, forcing herself to wait for Niall’s reply.

  He hesitated and looked out to sea. Was he worried she was pushing him for a relationship? If so, he’d got the wrong end of the stick.

  She took a step back from him. “You don’t have to reply now. And don’t worry if the answer’s no. I just thought it might be fun as we’re here together tonight, and we had such a good time earlier. But no worries if it was just a one-off. I don’t mind! Anyway, I’m going for a swim.”

  Without further ado, she placed her small clutch bag on the sand, caught her dress by the hem, and pulled it over her head. Niall’s eyes widened when he saw she wasn’t wearing anything underneath. Trying not laugh, she dropped the dress on top of the bag and waded out into the water.

  She didn’t want to get her hair wet and so didn’t dive under, but instead swam out leisurely, enjoying the feel of the silky, cool water on her hot skin. When she was out of her depth, she turned and looked back toward the shore.

  Niall stood there, hands in the pockets of his jeans, watching her. His head was tipped to one side, and a small smile played on his lips. He looked so gorgeous, smart and yet casually sexy in the white shirt, the long sleeves rolled up to just below his elbow.

  It had been such a lovely evening. Of course it wasn’t the first time she’d ever been to dinner with him—as kids they’d gone out with Sinead and Garret on a regular basis, and as adults they’d often dined with the rest of their friends. It wasn’t even the first time she’d gone out with him alone, as they’d occasionally caught lunch together in the past when she was home on leave and the others had been busy.

  But it was the first time they’d had dinner together, the first time they’d both been single when they’d dined, and it was definitely the first time they’d eaten together after having sex. It had been an interesting experience. She’d tried hard to concentrate on what he was saying as he talked, but her traitorous mind had repeatedly strayed and replayed memories of their lovemaking. And now, even though she’d only meant for it to happen once, she couldn’t stop thinking about taking him to bed, having his lips on hers, and feeling him inside her again.

  Did he regret sleeping with her? When she’d mentioned Ciara, he’d gone quiet. Did he think Ciara would have disapproved? Or was he worried what Sinead would think if she found out? Genie turned around in the water, looking up at the stars beginning to appear in the darkening sky. She really hadn’t meant this thing with Niall to overshadow her plans to honor her best friend. Surely Ciara wouldn’t have been angry with her? I love you, she whispered to the air, hoping Ciara could hear it, wherever she was. I miss you. Please don’t be mad at me.

  She turned back to the shore, inhaling sharply at the sight of Niall unbuttoning his shirt. The sand was empty, the restaurant far enough away so the diners couldn’t see them, and besides, apparently it was common to find people on this beach skinny-dipping at all hours of the day.

  His fingers moved slowly between the buttons, undoing them until the shirt hung loose, at which point he let it slip from his shoulders onto the sand.

  Genie bit her lip as he started work on his jeans. His smile widened as he slid the zipper down, and then eased the denim over his hips before letting it fall to the floor, leaving him in just his black boxer-briefs.

  Her eyes widened. She’d already seen him naked in full daylight so it shouldn’t have come as a shock to her, but the obvious erection that strained at his briefs made her catch her breath. So he was still interested in her.

  He stepped out of the jeans, then eased the elastic of the briefs over his erection before stepping out of them too. Genie waited, heart pounding, as he walked toward her into the shallows. Unembarrassed by his nakedness and his state of arousal, he waded up to his knees, stood and stretched, then dived into the water. He emerged just before her, coming up to shake his head and scatter her with droplets.

  His mouth was on hers before she could say anything, and they exchanged a heated kiss, his tongue sliding against hers in an erotic dance that made her heart race even more. She sighed and wrapped her arms around him, and for a while they just kissed. Genie felt tingly with pleasure, the swirl of the cool water teasing her skin. Strains of jazz music from the restaurant filtered down to them, along with the call of a morepork from a tree farther up the beach.

  Had she ever felt this sensual, this heavenly? She would have said it was purely to do with swimming naked in the sea under the stars, but in reality it was more than that. It was all connected with the man whose arms were wrapped around her, and whose lips appeared reluctant to leave her own. She’d loved him for so long and worshipped him from afar, and it really was a dream come true. Whatever the future held, whatever happened when they returned to their normal lives, she was thrilled that right here, right now, he wanted her, and she wasn’t going to pass up on the opportunity to make the most of him.

  He tore his lips away from hers and took her face in his hands. “I need to get you back to the lodge,” he said, his voice husky with desire. “I’d take you right here in the sea, but it’s cold, and besides, I want to make it last this time. I want you naked in my bed where I can kiss every inch of you.”

  Just his words aroused her, and she kissed him again, half-wishing she could wrap her legs around him and let him slip inside her. But she was sure the cool water wasn’t particularly conducive to maintaining an erection and there was the issue of the condom. Anyway, the notion of returning and letting him “kiss every inch” of her was appealing, to say the least.

  They swam to the shallows and made their way onto the sand to collect their clothes. Not having brought towels, they let the warm night dry them as they walked back to the lodge. Genie’s held onto Niall’s arm, although she was pleased to be coping as well as she was without the cane. It had purely been a matter of confidence, and she was touched he’d made the effort to help.

  Their feet sinking in the sand, they climbed the slope to the grass in front of the lodges. Genie tried not to giggle and failed at the sight of Niall clasping his clothes to his front to hide his erection from any diners.

  “Sucks to be a guy,” she said, letting her hair loose as he unlocked the door.

  “Oh, I don’t know. It has its advantages.” As soon as she stepped inside, he shut the door behind her, dropped their clothes on the floor, and swept her up in his arms.

  “Don’t drop me!”

  Carrying her through to the bedroom
, he pretended to trip and threw her onto the bed. She bounced and squealed, but before she could get up he was on top of her. She sank back onto the mattress, pinned beneath his weight, and threaded her hands into his wet hair as he kissed her.

  After a while he lifted his head and kissed her cheek and around to her ear. “Do you always taste like this?”

  Her eyelids fluttered as he sucked her earlobe. “Like what?”

  “Sweet. Like strawberries.”

  “I’ve no idea. I don’t lick myself very often.”

  He kissed down her neck, his tongue warming her skin. “Now that’s something I’d pay to see.”

  Her laugh turned into a wince as he shifted on top of her, and she pushed him off her knee. “Ouch.”

  He kissed her nose. “Sorry.”

  “You’re so heavy.” It was only half a complaint—they’d left the air con on when they went out, and the icy air on her ocean-cooled skin meant his body was supplying welcome heat.

  “Aw. Poor Gin. Squashed flat by the naked dude.”

  Any sarcastic reply she was going to give evaporated as he kissed down to her breasts. In spite of the cool air, her nipples were relaxed and soft, but when he closed his mouth over one and sucked, it tightened immediately to a peak. She groaned.

  “Fuck,” he said. “You have a fantastic body.”

  She opened her eyes and looked up at the ceiling. “Even with the scars?”

  He lifted up to look at her. “Especially with the scars.”

  “Is this a speech about how they’re like stretch marks and they give character blah blah?”

  To her surprise, he didn’t laugh, but instead he moved on the bed so he was level with her hip and traced his fingers over them. “Actually, yes. They’re a part of you now. They’re a symbol of your courage, Gin. Don’t be ashamed of them.”

  His reply was so unexpected that emotion welled inside her. She bit her lip as tears pricked her eyes and then, as that failed to stop the tremble of her bottom lip, raised an arm to cover her face. Shit, what was wrong with her? She hardly ever got tearful. She’d had a couple of glasses of wine—that must be it.


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