by Kyle West
Xenofold: The Xenofold is the collective conscious of the vast neural network of the xen. It is the collective mind of all that is Elekai, and an Elekai’s strength of blood determines their ability to connect with it. This connection either manifests naturally through the Gift of Inherence, or it must be trained. The vast majority of Elekai, however, cannot train a Gift, but they still enjoy small boons offered by the Xenofold, such as being able to receive Xenohealing, or being able to eat certain plants grown from the xen without succumbing to sickness.
Xenofont, The: The Xenofont was one of the wonders of Hyperborea, and the first to be constructed. It was a deep well, made from directing the xen to grow deep into the earth, until it tapped the ichor of the Sea of Creation, which made possible the construction of the vast city.
Xenogenesis: Xenogenesis occurred mostly in the early First Century and during the Ragnarok War. It was an era marked by explosive growth of the xen, characterized by many ichorous lakes, rivers, and streams, and the absorption of many forms of native Earth life into the Xenofold. The process of Xenogenesis can obey either Elekai or Radaskim directives, and it was the victory of the Elekai over the Radaskim during the Ragnarok War that made it possible for the Elekai to take control of the process. During the Great Dawn, many humans, who later became the Wild Tribes, became Elekai when they were guided by dreams and visions into the Red Wild. It was during this time that Elekai humans enjoyed a very close connection to the Red Wild, and first began learning how to direct its energy to grow trees and plants, while also learning to evolve new ones.
Xenogenesis began slowing during the second half of the First Century, and the Great Blight’s multicolored hues began to subside into a subtle red, apparently a sign of maturity. It was around this time that the Great Blight began to be called the Red Wild. It no longer expanded; ichor existed only beneath the surface except in rare circumstances; and no more human Elekai were created from among humanity. Creatures native to the Wild, such as dragons, also were no longer created within the ichor, meaning any dragons that were created had to come about naturally.
Xenoplast: The biomolecule within all xen-based plant life responsible for the absorption of light. It absorbs colors in all spectrums but red, which is what gives xenolife its naturally red hue.