A Naked Singularity: A Novel

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A Naked Singularity: A Novel Page 4

by Sergio De La Pava

  Were you two involved?


  Were you his boyfriend?

  No, nothing like that, we was just friends. I ain’t gay nor nothing. He was letting me live there while I tried to get back on my feet you know?

  Were you working?

  No he was working and would pay the rent. What happened was I came into some money by way of my brother. He’s some kinda rapper though all I knows is growing up the boy couldn’t rhyme cat with hat. So anyway David seen me dropping bills left and right and he felt I should have been directing some of that his way since I ain’t never been paying no rent. Anyway, one day I come home and he’s all in my shit taking out my money. We got into it and I hit him in self-defense but I never pulled a knife on him and I did take back the money but it was mines anyway. The truth is we both hit each other and the only thing that ended the fight is that we both started bleeding and he kinda panicked because I’m positive and he hasn’t had the balls to get himself tested; ignorance be bliss that’s what he say. So I moved out like that night and I moved in with another friend of mine who liked my rook opening a lot more than David.

  When was that?

  That was like two months ago.

  Who did you move in with?

  Warren Holliday but that didn’t work out neither cause he’s like a known felon and shit.

  What does that mean?

  Well he’s a felon and it was knowed.

  Why was that a problem? Everyone’s a felon.

  He just done crazy things that’s all.

  You seen David since you moved out?

  Two days ago he came to visit me in the hospital.

  Yeah why were you in the hospital?

  I was on a roof with the professor smoking crack when the cops rushed up. I got a running start and tried to jump on to the roof of the building next door like in them action movies only I didn’t make it. I fell three stories and shattered both my legs see?

  How did David know?

  Somebody must’ve told him. When he showed up I was shocked man. Cause this was like my nemesis you know what I mean? But he was saying he still loved me and that he didn’t want me arrested and that when I got out of the hospital I could come and stay with him again since the apartment I was staying in is now a crackhouse and’s been condemned to death. Anyway when they were going to release me from the hospital the police were there and they arrested me saying that David had filed a complaint against me like two months ago but they wouldn’t tell me what for. I don’t think he’s going to impress the charges is what I’m saying.

  Well if you’re right and he doesn’t testify in the grand jury within six days you’ll be released.

  I think that’s what will happen because two days ago he was telling me how much he loved me and all.

  I thought you two weren’t involved like that? Well?

  Okay I lied, we were, but I wouldn’t want that to be common knowledge throughout the community and whatnot.

  Don’t worry, both your opening and this other secret are safe with me.

  Any questions before we go in front of the judge?

  No, I understand.

  Good then, but actually, I have a question.



  He’s a guy from the neighborhood who’s always getting good rock . . . he once took a class in college.

  I see, we’re done.

  Terrens Lake?


  Go in there . . . here’s my card Terrens, don’t lose it. My name’s Casi, I’m going to be your lawyer. You’re sixteen?


  Cops are saying you sold drugs to an undercover.

  na, i don’t sell drugs. TNT just came up and swept a bunch of us up i wasn’t doing nothing.

  Who was selling there?

  tons a guys be selling out there, it’s a big spot.

  What were you doing out there?

  just hanging out with a friend.


  we call him Boop.

  What’s his real name?

  i d’know, just Boop.

  Where does he live?

  d’know, think downtown.

  Anybody else there that you know who saw what happened?

  na, yo i got a question though.


  in the van they were saying to each other that i was a JD lost and shit. what up with that? if i’m a what do you call lost subject, what am i doing in the van right?

  Lean back a second . . . is that what you were wearing when you were arrested?


  Including that shirt that says LAND OF THE LOST?


  There’s your answer.


  The cop who buys radios a description to his arrest team of the guy he wants picked up for selling to him. The description is always JD, as in John Doe, followed by the distinguishing feature of the seller, like your clothing in this case.



  damn. i’m going to kill my cousin for getting me this shit at Niketown.

  Let me look at something . . . you have another drug sale pending?


  What’s going on with that case?

  i’m supposed to get probation on that.

  You pled guilty?


  When’s your next court date?

  d’know, sat home on the fridge.

  Who’s your attorney on that case?

  d’know his name but he’s got red hair and a mustache.

  You have his card?

  na i lost it.

  Who’s the judge?.


  What part?

  damn, ninety-three maybe?

  No such part, thirty-nine?

  na, not thirty-nine.

  Well you’ve got a big problem now right? When you took the plea on the other case the judge told you that one of the conditions you had to meet before you would get probation was to avoid getting rearrested right?

  yeah! how’d you know?

  And now you’ve picked up another sale. So basically the judge doesn’t have to give you probation anymore, she can sentence you to state prison instead. Not to mention this case where you’re facing a minimum of one to three.

  but i wasn’t selling this time. i didn’t have stash or marked money on me nor nothing so how can they charge me with a sale?

  They can and for someone who doesn’t sell drugs you sure got the terminology down. Who do you live with?

  my grandmother.

  Why did you tell CJA you live with your girlfriend?

  cause i stay in both places while my moms is trying to get me back.

  Get you back from where?

  cause she gave up custody when i was a kid and now she’s trying to get me back, we in family court next week. she’s suppose to be in court right now with her common-law fiancé and whatnot.

  Well is she? You see her?

  na, i don’t think so, but i can’t see the whole space.

  What’s her name?




  I’ll look for her. We’re going in front of the judge soon and he’s going to decide how much your bail is. Any questions?

  nah but could you tell the judge that i ain’t trying to do no jail time cause i just had a son, he’s three weeks old and he needs me and shit. i think my baby mama’s coming too.

  I will kid, step out.

  Listen can I talk to you about a case, docket ending 654, Ah Chut?


  This is a sixty-one-year-old first arrest. Unlicensed General Vendor. Can I get an ACD?

  Dithorderly conduct and time served.

  I know but give me an ACD. This guy’s sixty-one. He’s been in the system twenty-nine hours.

  I don’t give ACDs on UGV. I’ll give him a 240.20 and time served.

  Even for this guy? He’s been in twenty-nine hours on a first arrest for selling batteri
es on the subway.


  Well here’s the problem. The guy doesn’t speak a syllable of English which means if you’re not going to dismiss it I have to get an interpreter which means twenty-nine is going to turn into thirtysomething.

  Sorry, but that’s the standard offer.

  Brilliant. Keep up the work.

  Rory Ludd. Ludd!


  What’s up? You in the park after it closed?

  Yeah but right they can’t arrest you for that?

  Well they can, although my feeling is it may be indicative of some kind of frontal lobe damage on the part of the arresting officer.

  That’s right man, what you said about the lobe! I like this guy, looking back at his colleagues. This is ridiculous you can’t even hang out in the park no more? I had no drugs on me, no beer, nothing! Can they do that? The cop just rolls up on me, tosses me, finds nothing then arrests me on some fucking park regulation. How long I been in here man?

  Twenty-three hours.

  That’s not right man I’m going to sue, can you take the case?

  Look, in about fifteen or twenty minutes we’re going to be in front of the judge, they’re going to offer you time served and you’re going home.

  Right but right this wasn’t right?

  Right but it will soon be over.

  So with time served the case is over right and it doesn’t go on my record?

  No it does go on your record but your sentence is the time you’ve already been in.

  But I didn’t do anything man I was just walking in the park that’s a crime now?

  Look I know it’s bullshit but why compound it Rory? Just take your time served and go home. You already have a record and God knows a damn park regulation violation isn’t going to make it any worse.

  You’re right man I’ll take it. Let me ask you this though: if I was some white guy in a suit and tie think they would have arrested me? But I hear what you’re saying B and I’ll take the time served.

  Good, we’ll be in front of the judge in a bit.


  Finish up, we’ll go get some food.

  Hey Dane.

  How long you going to be?

  What are you talking about?


  We had dinner during the break you know, should have come if you were hungry.

  What three hours ago? You call that dinner?

  We did. Where’s Linda?

  She split, she had no more cases to do.

  What envy I felt just now when you said that.


  Yes, envy.

  Never feel envy.


  No, instead simply alter the environment giving rise to that emotion in a manner that removes its factual basis.

  Nice sentiment but I can’t leave.

  You don’t mean you can’t leave right? Literally?

  No I guess not, but I won’t.

  In that case you should be feeling an entirely different emotion and one a great deal more painful I’m afraid. Anyway what about that food? I’ll explain to you what I mean there.

  Sorry but I think I’ll have to pass on the second dinner at one in the morning, thanks anyway.

  Bizarre decision.

  Docket ending 638—Ray Thomas!

  That’s me Casi but I’ll remember the spurned invitation.

  You’ll recover.

  Tara Simms?


  Terrens Lake’s mother right?

  That’s right.

  I’m going to be his attorney. We’re going to go in front of the judge in the next half-hour or so and he’s going to decide whether to set bail or release your son. Does Terrens live with his grandmother?

  Yeah with my mother. He told you I abandoned him I suppose, he tells everyone.

  He didn’t tell me anything, I’m just trying to verify his address so I can try to get him out.

  What are they charging him with?

  Drug sale to an undercover.

  Did he have marked money?

  I don’t know yet. We’ll find out when we get in front of the judge. Do you have any money for bail?




  Does he go to school?


  Does he work, what does he do?

  Hm-hmm that’s what I say. I tell him he needs to get a job and stop hanging out with his friends but that’s all he do.

  Do you know who his attorney is on his other case?

  No, all I know is he has . . . damn, what am I thinking?

  Red hair?

  No, red mustache. You know Terrens has a new baby boy?

  Casi can you help this person?

  Excuse me a minute Ms. Simms, we’ll talk again afterwards.

  What’s the matter?

  I need to speak to judge.

  What about?

  I want to be arrested.

  Arrested? For what?


  Hold on, don’t scream, let’s go out in the hall to talk about this . . . what’s the problem?

  I want the judge to arrest me.


  Because I want to be in jail.

  Why do you want to be in jail?

  My wife and her brother they’re going to kill me.

  Why do you say that?

  I know.

  Why would they want to kill you?

  Because I’m guilty.

  Guilty of what?

  Just guilty.

  You’re not making any sense sir. Why do you think they want to kill you?

  Have they said anything?

  No. They don’t say things they look at me a certain way. They say things that aren’t the same thing but I know what they’re really saying and I know what they’re really thinking. They blaming me, they think I’m guilty but I’m not. But they thinking so much that I’m guilty that I have almost become guilty. I don’t mean that I only feel guilty I mean that I have really become guilty because of them.

  What are you guilty of ?

  You not listening.

  I am but I don’t . . . let me ask you this: do you have a doctor you see?

  Yeah I have a doctor but that’s not important.

  Is he a psychiatrist who helps you?

  Yes but he doesn’t . . . no! I don’t have doctor, no doctor.

  Do you have his card with you?

  I don’t have a doctor I just told you! I want speak to judge, he can arrest me and put me in jail, that’s where I . . . need to be!

  Listen the judge doesn’t arrest people and besides even if he did no one gets arrested just because they think they’d be safer in jail. What you need to do if you’re concerned about your safety is go the police precinct and file a report. But I will say that it doesn’t sound as if these people have said or done anything to cause you to fear for your safety. Maybe what you should do is call this doctor who doesn’t exist and tell him what you’re feeling or talk to your wife about it. The precinct is like two blocks from here why don’t you go there now because if you keep disrupting the court you might actually get your wish which believe me you would almost immediately regret. Goodbye.

  Can you put me in jail?

  No, I spring people, the very opposite of your request, but I think if you are legitimately scared you should go the police and tell them what you just told me or else talk to your wife or another family member about your concern, okay?

  You a good man you are.

  Your cases are up Casi.

  I have to go back in there and do some cases. Here’s my card, call me tomorrow if you still need help.

  Good man!

  Docket ending 645—People versus Darril Thorton! Defendant is charged with Sex Abuse in the First Degree on the sworn complaint of Officer McAfee. Quiet in the courtroom! Counsel waive the reading of the rights and charges but not the rights thereunder?


  People any notices?

  People are
serving 190.50 felony grand jury notice. People are also serving statement notice: the defendant stated in sum and substance to Officer McAfee at the time of his arrest: I never touched that bitch, she’s a crazy crackhead. I’m on parole why would I do this? The people are also serving identification notice. There was a confirmatory point-out identification by the complaining witness in this cathe. The point-out was at the corner of 118th Street at the time and place of arrest. Your honor, the people are requesting that bail be set in the amount of one hundred thousand dollars. The defendant is a two-time predicate felon and in fact is a mandatory persistent in this case. In addition he’s had ten other misdemeanor convictions and has an extensive warrant history having warranted on virtually all of those cathes. He’s currently on parole your honor for a manslaughter conviction. He’s used different names, different dates of birth, and different social security numbers. In this case your honor, the complainant and the defendant are known to each other. The attack occurred in the complainant’s home and she’s concerned for her safety, we’re asking that you issue a full order of protection.


  I’m serving cross grand jury notice on the people and I’m asking that you release my client on his own recognizance. I understand my client has a serious record judge but you’ll note that he’s been on parole almost two years and he’s been doing well; there haven’t been any violations. As CJA confirmed, he’s also been working during this time as an auto mechanic on 118th Street . . . in fact, he now informs me that he was arrested while at work at the garage. As far as the accusations in this case, he vehemently denies them judge. You’ll notice from looking at the complaint that there’s approximately a two-week lag between the date of this alleged incident and the arrest of my client so that certainly casts some doubt on the truth of these accusations.


  I don’t have any information on the reason for the delay your honor.

  Well judge I would also like to know if there was any medical attention given to the complainant?

  There was no medical attention your honor.

  So this woman is making this accusation judge but there doesn’t appear to have been any immediate outcry or any medical attention. Additionally, it appears that the complainant may not be the most reliable witness here in that I understand upon information and belief that she has a drug problem and criminal history. My client’s address and employment have been verified by CJA judge so I’m requesting that you release him.


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