Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World

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Empires of the Word: A Language History of the World Page 76

by Nicholas Ostler

  spread of Spanish 340, 343, 347, 364-373, 376, 444, 495

  Amharic 36, 92

  Amish community 92

  Ammonite 70

  Amorite 60n

  Amorites 35n, 40, 42, 53, 60, 111, 164

  Anacharsis, Scythian sage 243

  Anáhuac, town in north-eastern Mexico 344

  Anatolia 38, 42, 43n, 47-48, 65, 71, 83-84, 86, 106, 153, 247, 249, 250, 260, 260n, 262, 263-265

  incursions by Gauls 293-294, 314

  and Russia 434

  Sultanate of Rum 263

  Turkish advances 264, 266

  Andalūs, el- see Spain

  Andalusi dialect of Arabic 99

  Andalusia 332

  Anderson, Benedict 400n, 557

  Angevin dynasty 460n, 463, 465-466

  Anglesey 302, 313

  Anglo-Dutch war 493

  Anglo-Norman 460n, 461-465 see also

  Norman French

  Anglo-Saxon Chronicle 461

  Annales Cambriae 313

  Annals of Ulster 313

  Anshan 56-58

  Antialkidas, king 192, 247

  Antioch 90, 247, 250n

  Antiochus Soter, king 68

  Apollinaris, Sidonius 300

  Apollonius of Tyana 258

  Aquitanians 301

  Arabia 101, 102, 121, 209

  Arabic 20-22, 35, 38, 49, 78, 88n, 93-105, 335, 527n

  Andalusi dialect 99

  bilingualism 97-100, 163

  demographics 527n, 530

  diglossia 98

  Language Teaching 521

  Maghrebi dialect 78n

  phonetic distinctions 108

  pronunciation 69n, 94

  and Queen Cleopatra 131

  sacred language 93-96, 98, 100-101, 110, 520

  script 94n, 97

  similarity to Hebrew 110

  spread of 95, 97-98, 102-105, 108, 111-112, 134, 141, 149, 164-165, 209, 212, 260, 377, 490, 528n, 536, 547, 554

  Arabs, and Egypt 164-165, 260

  Aragon 99, 332

  Aram 35n, 64, 80, 83

  Aramaeans 43-44, 64-66, 111, 164

  Aramaic 12, 13, 21, 22, 35, 35n, 38, 47-50, 57, 80, 250, 335, 536

  alphabetic script 63-64

  chancery language 269, 517, 548

  in China 141

  and Christianity 88-90, 90n, 111

  coins 247, 249

  and Egypt 129-132, 149, 164-165

  Imperial 80-81

  inscriptions 83-85, 249

  and Iran 108

  and Islam 88n, 97

  as lingua franca 246, 258

  overtakes Akkadian 60-61, 63, 65-68, 70, 76, 78

  pronunciation 81

  related to Arabic 93, 110

  supplanted by Greek as language of Persia 85

  written interlingua 82

  Arcadia 236

  Arcado-Cyprian dialects of Greek 236

  Archaeology 31, 46n, 67, 124-129, 136, 281, 290, 357

  Ardashir, king of Persia 259

  Argentina 339, 372

  Nonconformist Welsh 93

  Aristophanes 551

  Aristotle 265, 278

  Armenia 41, 88, 93, 96, 241, 269

  Armenian 24n, 43, 300n, 434, 435, 442

  alphabet 88

  Arnold, Matthew 516n

  Arphaxad, Hebrew ancestor 35n

  Arrian, Greek historian 272

  Arsaces, Parthian king 85

  Arsames, Persian governor 83

  Artaxerxes, king of Persia 82

  Arte de la Lengua General …del Perú 334, 346

  Arthur, legendary king 461

  Arthurian legends 313

  Arwadites 35n

  Aryan languages 41, 176-178, 187-190, 195-198, 212n, 216-217, 223

  Aryāvarta 186-187

  Ashdod 129

  Ashurbanipal, king of Assyria 32, 54, 59


  English 505, 513, 528

  French empire 417

  immigration 535

  Iranian languages 109

  Persian 108

  Portuguese empire 385-390, 496

  Roman rule 252

  Turkic languages 107

  Asia Minor 12, 295

  Aśoka, emperor 84, 151, 178, 186-9, 197-9, 208, 215, 218, 220, 246, 503n

  Assamese 176

  Asshur 35n, 61, 66

  Asshurbanipal 56

  Assyria 13, 30, 40, 42, 44, 46-47, 49, 56, 61-65, 111, 120, 423n

  deportations 65-66, 79

  and Egypt 128-129, 164-165

  Astrakhan 106, 427

  Atahuallpa, Inca emperor 342-343, 356

  Atatürk, Turkish priest 105n

  Athens 232-233, 242, 254n

  Attila, Hun general 106, 306

  Atsuya, Washisu 449

  Attic dialect of Greek 229-230, 231n, 271

  Atticism 255-257, 329

  literature 268

  writers 254n

  Augustine (Saint), bishop of Hippo, 46, 75-76, 307n, 308

  Augustus, Roman emperor 76, 259

  Austin, Moses, US developer 490, 494

  Australia 12, 19, 505-506, 508, 510, 514n, 535

  Austria 448

  Austro-Asiatic languages 201, 205

  Austronesian 22, 205

  Avars 41, 262, 306, 425

  Avesta scriptures 48, 96

  Avienus, Roman poet 290

  Aymara 357, 364, 368, 370

  Ayvu Rapyta 361

  Azerbaijan 93, 434-435, 443n

  Aztecs 1-4, 12, 15, 348, 351-355, 372

  Babur, emperor 106, 212

  Babylon 53, 55-57, 278

  civilization 30, 50, 53, 56-57, 58-61, 63-64, 66, 70, 79-80, 82, 129, 165

  dynasties 44, 47, 68

  Kassite takeover 40-41, 55, 60, 62, 63

  use of Akkadian 42, 61, 67n, 111, 130, 247

  and Nimrod 35n

  origin of name 58

  Talmud 90

  Babylonia, Greek overlordship 245, 247

  Bacchylides, Greek lyric poet 130

  Bacon, Francis, English sage 328

  Bactria 178, 257-258

  Bactrian 48n, 108

  Baghdad 101, 167

  Bahasa Indonesia 403, 444, 532

  Bairoch, P.510, 575-576n65

  Bali 204, 207

  Balkans 261, 424

  and German 447

  military catastrophe 273

  population 260n

  Slav invasions 310, 423

  spread of Slavic 275, 280, 309

  Baltic states 429, 431, 432-433, 439, 442

  Baluchistan 47

  Bantu languages 9, 22, 23n, 103-104, 507, 532

  Banu Hilal 100-101

  Barbarians 158, 160, 167-170, 227, 228, 230, 232

  Basa Perteges (Dutch) 389n

  Basham, A.L. 216

  Basil I, Byzantine emperor 262

  Basque 301

  Basques 290, 306n

  Basshar bin Burd, Persian poet 98

  Batavi 398n

  Bayeux Tapestry 319

  Bazin, Louis 139

  Beal, Samuel 138n

  Becket, Thomas à, Norman bishop 408

  Bedouin 93

  Behistun, rock inscription 32, 57

  Beijing 143, 144, 145, 151, 529

  Beja 131n

  Belarus 425, 429, 431, 439, 443

  Belgium 407, 418-419

  Bengal/Bengali 149, 527n, 528, 530

  Berber (Tamazight) 127, 292, 307n, 412n

  Berbers 36, 97, 99-100

  Bernardino, Brother Gaspar de San 388

  Bhāgavad Gītā 195


  Authorised version in English 473n

  Greek Septuagint 248

  Latin Vulgate 294

  New Testament 87

  Matthew 87n

  Old Testament 31, 70

  translations 472-473, 485, 521, 573n114, 574n24

  see also Hebrew, scriptures

  Bislama 508

  Bismarck, Otto, Ge
rman Chancellor 505

  Bît Bazi 44

  Bithia 76

  Black et al 69n

  Boer War 399

  Bogotá 341, 362, 366, 568n15

  Bohairic dialect of Coptic 92

  Bokhara 101

  Bolivia 339, 357, 368, 370, 372

  Book of Routes and Kingdoms 422n

  Borneo 507

  Bosnian, William 399

  Bosnians 430n

  Bourguiba, Habib, President of Tunisia 420

  Bousquet, G.H. 402n

  Boutros Ghali, Boutros 420

  Boxer, C.R. 396n

  Boyl, Father 365

  Brahmi script 85n, 156; see also Indic scripts Brahui 39

  Braudel, Fernand 85n, 110

  Brazil 336, 373n, 374n, 380, 384, 385, 390-395, 444, 446, 480, 531

  Brennus 293


  bubonic plague/Black Death 313, 466-468, 518

  and China 148-149

  colonies 412, 415, 444, 482-484, 490-495, 505-511

  see also India

  empire 19-20, 478

  immigrants 491, 506, 533-537

  Industrial Revolution 510, 519

  language replacement 310, 312

  military catastrophe 273

  origin of name 517

  Peasants’ Revolt 468

  Roman invasion 301-304, 310-311

  Saxon invasions 304-305, 310-314

  see also India; United Kingdom

  British and Foreign Bible Society 438

  Brough, John, British scholar of Sanskrit 184

  Brunei 505, 532

  Brythonic languages 291

  Buchanan, Claudius, British ranter 499

  Buddhism 99, 108, 118, 120, 141, 143, 145n, 146, 147, 151, 158-159, 172, 225, 246

  and Pali/Sanskrit 178-179, 189-192, 199-200, 203, 207-212, 214, 217-220, 536

  Bukhara 435, 437

  Bulgaria 262, 310

  Bulgars 261, 306, 425

  Burgundians 20

  Burma 134, 178, 201, 202, 203, 205, 207-208, 505, 507

  Burns, Robert, Scots poet 516

  Burundi 105

  Business see Trade

  Byblos (Gubla) 39, 41, 44, 71-73, 128

  Byzantine empire 96, 106, 121, 167, 260, 263n, 329, 425, 427

  Byzantium see Constantinople

  Cabot, Sebastian, French navigator 349n

  Cadiz 45

  Caesar, Julius, Roman dynast 277-278, 286, 293, 294, 297, 301

  Caesarius of Arelate, Latin writer 308

  Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, Spanish dramatist 344

  Californios 495

  Calhoun, John J., US Senator 488

  Calliana 89 see Kalyana

  Cambodia 199, 203-206, 417, 514

  see also Khmer

  Cambyses, king of Persia 47

  Camões, Luis Vaz de, Portuguese poet 381-382

  Canaan 35n, 69n, 70-71, 78, 110-111, 128

  peoples 44, 67

  Canaanite languages 129

  Canada 411-415, 444, 487, 535

  Canterbury Tales, The (Chaucer) 470n

  Cantiga de Santa Maria (Alfonso X) 384

  Canton (Guangzhou) 159-160, 334

  Cantonese (Yuè) dialect of Chinese 136, 141, 147, 528

  Carian 84

  Caribbean 335, 337, 339, 346, 349, 365-366, 379, 411, 412, 419, 479-481, 494

  Carlos III, Spanish king 374, 377

  Carlos V, Spanish king 367, 377

  Carolingian Renaissance 316

  Carthage 21, 34, 45-46, 71, 75-78, 97, 241, 290, 292, 293-294, 305, 307n, 536

  Cartier, Jacques, French explorer 412, 519

  Castile 332, 334, 384, 529

  Castilian dialect of Spanish 99-100, 332-333, 364-365, 367, 374, 382, 384, 400, 529

  Catalan 300, 320n, 382

  Catherine the Great, empress of Russia 410, 431, 433, 434, 435

  Cato, Marcus, Roman senator 279

  Catullus, poet 330

  Caucasus 12, 429, 434

  Cavalli-Sforza, Luca, human population geneticist 9n

  Caxton, William 468, 471

  Celtiberian 288, 291-292, 300, 301

  Celtic languages 273, 276, 278, 281-295, 300, 462, 464-465, 517, 554n

  Celts 274, 281

  Atlantic Celtic 290-291

  expansion across Europe 289

  failure of Latin in Britain 295-299

  Greek view 276

  inscriptions 283, 284-285

  mass migration 293

  and Norman invasions 462-463

  tribes 282

  see also Gauls

  Central Andes 358-359

  Central Asia 101, 380, 435, 436-437, 443

  Ceylon see Śri Lanka

  Chad 98

  Chadic languages 36, 98

  Chagatay Turkic 106, 435

  Chalcedonians 89

  Chaldaeans 44, 47, 82, 335

  Champlain, Samuel de, French explorer 412

  Chandragupta Maurya, king 191, 245

  Chang-an (Xian) 90, 91, 151

  Chanson de Roland 319, 332n

  Chardin, Teilhard de, French theologian 403n

  Charlemagne, king 316-317

  Charles the Bald, king 317-318

  Charles II, king 485

  Charles III (the Simple), king 460

  Charles V, king 100, 364

  Chaucer, Geoffrey, English poet 406, 470

  Chechen-Ingush 423n

  Chechnya 434

  Chibcha (also Muisca/Muysca) 349, 361-364, 367, 568n15, 569n37

  Chichimeca 351-352

  Chile 339, 358, 373n

  China 34

  chronological charts 117-122

  demographics 530

  etymology of the name 137n

  examination system 169-171


  barbarian threat 158, 160, 167-170, 276

  coping with 167-173

  Portugese expeditions 334

  Russian 427

  and Korea 451

  modern name Zhōng-guo 167

  population 152-153, 161, 173

  racial policy 143

  religion 90, 150-152, 158-159, 172, 178


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