Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2)

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Shiftless (The Neturu Chronicles Book 2) Page 11

by Sarah Carter

  Alex looks down. “I’ve thought about it a lot. Every time we talk, I want to say something, but it never comes out. Then I found out you were going to be here and I knew I had to say something.”

  “Well, I don’t know what you want from me.”

  “I guess nothing,” Alex whispers, stepping away from her.

  Claire raises her hands. “That’s not what I meant. What do you want? Do you want us to date? Do you want to be my boyfriend? Do you want to come out to my family?”

  “I want something,” Alex answers, looking her dead in the eyes.

  “I don’t know what to say,” Claire exhales.

  “Then I know your answer. This won’t change anything between us, so don’t worry about that.”

  She steps up to him. “Alex, I’m not saying no, but you kind of sprung this on me. In an elevator.”

  The elevator dings and the doors open.

  “Come on.” Claire grabs his hand and pulls him to her room. Sliding the card through, Claire opens the door.

  They walk in. Alex turns to her. “Don’t feel pressured by anything. I’m fine if you want to stay friends. There won’t be any hard feelings.”

  “Alex,” Claire whines. “This is a lot to take. I’m not saying no, but…I don’t know.”

  “Let me do one thing,” Alex says.

  “What’s that?” Claire asks.

  Alex steps forward and kisses her. Claire tenses but after a second, gives in. They stand there kissing each other for a while. Alex wraps his arms around her and pulls her tight against him. Claire wraps her arms around his neck, and they stay in that embrace.

  Finally, Alex pulls away. “Let’s go to my room,” he whispers against her lips.

  “What? Why?” Claire replies.

  Alex gives her a look.

  “Oh, no, no, no,” Claire stammers. “No sex.”

  “Why not?”

  Her jaw drops and Claire says, “Just because it happened once doesn’t mean it’s going to happen again.”

  “You can’t blame liquor because we were both sober,” Alex states, obviously not amused.

  “Alex, I’m saying no. I want to wait. We should have waited,” Claire says.

  “You do regret it.”

  She rolls her eyes. “That’s not what I’m saying. It’s not that I regret it being you, I just regret us not being together. I regret not being engaged or something. It was a moment in time and it happened. I just wish we had waited.”

  “Well, I can respect that,” Alex says softly. “We can pretend it never happened.”

  “But it did. We don’t need to hide that.”

  His eyebrows go up and his eyes widen. “No, I think we need to hide it from your family. No one knows but us, so it’s fine.”

  Claire barely whispers, “Yeah. We can just keep it between us.”

  “So, no boyfriend, but at least something.”

  “Sort of,” Claire says. “Barely dating, testing the waters. Is that alright?”

  “Sure, whatever you want.”

  Nodding, Claire solidly states. “Then we’re sort of dating, but nothing serious. I think I need to put my bathing suit on.”

  “Yeah, about that,” Alex snaps. “Could you have picked a skimpier bathing suit to bring?”

  “What? You know I like showing off my body. Please, Alex. I don’t work this hard, to look this good, to hide it. You know that about me already.”

  “Yes. I was very happy to see that you brought some regular attire for this week.”

  With a grin, Claire says, “Wait ‘til you see what I’m wearing tonight.”

  “Tonight?” Alex chirps, sounding really confused.

  “We’re going to a club,” Claire declares, dancing from side to side excitedly. “Dancing.”

  Losing all humor, Alex retorts, “I hate clubs and I don’t dance.”

  “But you can come with and watch me dance,” Claire suggests. “I can move very well, thank you.”

  “Damien is going, isn’t he?”

  Claire bites her lip. “Yes.”

  “Then I’ll be there.”

  “Oh, he isn’t that bad,” Claire exhales dramatically.

  “Have you seen the way he looks at you?” Alex yells. “It’s not, ‘hey, I want to be your friend,’ it’s ‘hey, you’re dead sexy. Come here.’”

  Claire bursts out laughing. “You know nothing will happen, so relax. That’s Damien Blakely you’re talking about. I’m the last Neturu he would ever want.”

  “You’re beautiful, strong, and sexy as hell. You’re the total package.”

  “I’m also the most unusual shifter there is. Let’s not forget about that.”

  “Whatever, Claire,” Alex groans. “Go get your bathing suit on. I would rather not see Damien any more than I have to.”

  Going to the bathroom. She shuts the door and whispers, “What did I just do?”

  Chapter 6

  Claire finds Kayla and Jackson sitting on the side of the pool when they get outside. Kayla smiles, “Isn’t it a gorgeous day out?”

  “It’s so sunny and warm,” Claire replies, putting her face up to the sky.

  “I want to work on my tan,” Kayla declares.

  “Girls,” Jackson groans.

  Kayla rolls her eyes and then looks at Claire. “I like your bathing suit.”

  “Thanks,” Claire replies, looking down. “It was a bit pricey but I had to splurge.”

  “Jackson bought me mine,” Kayla sighs. “My family doesn’t have a lot of money, so he spoils me.”

  “Someone has to,” Jackson chuckles, “Got to take care of my baby.”

  Claire laughs. “My family has money, but we’re pretty simple.”

  “Other than your love of motorcycles,” Alex snorts.

  “I’m not the one who owns the Ducati,” Claire retorts.

  Alex shrugs, “You’re just jealous.”

  “That’s an understatement,” Claire agrees.

  “What’s an understatement?” Damien walks up to them.

  Smiling, Claire says, “I’m jealous that he has the Ducati.”

  “I like fast cars. Never have been one for motorcycles,” Damien declares.

  “Can’t ride one?” Alex chirps.

  “Never felt the need,” Damien replies. “Now, a chick on a motorcycle is very hot, and I bet I could get Claire into fast cars if I tried.”

  With a half-smile, Claire says, “I don’t know. I like feeling the power between my legs.”

  “Claire,” Alex yells.

  “What?” she retorts with a blasé attitude.

  He looks at her sternly. “That was not an appropriate comment.”

  “Says who?” Damien scoffs. “I think it was just fine.”

  “I make a lot sexual innuendos. You know that, Alex. Two things I’m secure in: my body and my sexuality. So, really, this isn’t new,” Claire says, looking at him.

  “I just thought you’d use a little discretion now,” Alex whispers.

  Rolling her eyes, Claire replies, “I’m not a prude.”

  “You’re so up Damien’s alley,” Kayla chirps. Everyone stops dead. “What…it’s true.”

  “I don’t know if I’d say that,” Claire mumbles.

  Kayla grins, “I would.”

  “Kayla,” Jackson scolds. “Stop trying to set him up.”

  “It’s my job,” she groans.

  A chuckle comes from Damien. “I don’t think I need your help.”

  “Then hit on her.” Kayla giggles.

  “Kayla, stop,” Jackson orders with a smile. Kayla wiggles her eyebrows, and Claire laughs.

  “There will be no hitting on her,” Alex declares seriously.

  Damien turns to him and raises an eyebrow. “Am I to presume you’re telling me what I can’t do?”

  “No,” Alex replies through clenched teeth.

  “Excuse us for a second,” Claire growls, grabbing Alex. She drags him away from everyone. “What the hell is your problem?”

  Alex scowls at her. “Aren’t you going to step in and say something?”

  “Like what?”

  “Don’t hit on me. I’m seeing someone,” Alex suggests.

  Claire’s jaw drops. “Alex, we’re taking this slow, really slow. That doesn’t mean boys are going to stop hitting on me, and I’m not going to stop them.”

  “You’re a true Neturu,” Alex spits out. “I won’t have multiple partners at once, sorry. Neither will a girl I’m dating.”

  “Now I’m pissed,” Claire snaps. “Did I say I was going to date you and Damien at the same time? It’s Damien. He’s never going to want me. We’ve been over this.”

  Alex looks off to the side. “Guys can see past that problem Claire.”

  “Not him,” Claire replies. “Alex, just stop. You’re being ridiculous, and if you don’t stop, I’ll openly flirt with him.”

  “Please don’t,” Alex sighs. “I just want this to work between us.”

  Exasperated, Claire says, “Alex, you sprung this on me after six months. You aren’t even giving me time to decide how I feel. We’re testing out the waters, not diving in head-first.”

  “I can’t stand the idea of you doing anything with that guy,” Alex snaps loudly.

  “Just stop it!” Claire yells. “UGH! I can’t even look at you right now.”

  She spins on her heel. Walking past everyone else, Claire throws her towel on a chair and dives into the water. When she comes up, she swims to the other side of the pool and hangs onto the edge with her head on her arm.

  A minute later, someone comes up on the side of her. “You okay?”

  “No,” Claire mumbles into her arm. “Why are guys such jerks?”

  “Not all of us are like that,” Damien replies, lifting himself onto the ledge next to her. “Am I causing that big of a problem? I can leave you alone.”

  “No,” Claire quickly says. “I don’t want that.”

  The corner of Damien’s mouth twitches. “Alex left. He asked my permission first. I said it was alright. That’s the only reason I came over here. I don’t want to cause problems.”

  Claire pushes up and sits down next to him. “You aren’t. He laid this on me out of nowhere.”

  “You had your talk?”

  “Yes, I said we could try something but I made it clear it would be slow. He doesn’t want slow. I would understand more if he just wanted down my pants, but he wants something more than that,” Claire sighs.

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  Shrugging her shoulders, Claire says, “I don’t know. I guess not. You know, you read all these books where a girl meets a guy and it’s a pulse-pounding romance. I’ve never had that. My first two boyfriends were human. Alex is the first Neturu that I’ve had any contact with.”

  “And it’s not pulse-pounding?”

  “Shouldn’t it be?” Claire looks at Damien.

  He gazes at her. “I always prefer the relationships that take your breath away.”

  “I’ve never had that,” Claire whispers, returning his stare. “With Alex, it’s safe. I know him. He won’t hurt me.”

  Damien tilts his head to the side. “Just because he won’t hurt you doesn’t mean he’s the right guy.”

  “Can I be honest?” Claire exhales.

  “Of course.”

  “What Neturu is really going to want me? I mean, I don’t work properly. Alex sees past that and doesn’t care. I may have to cling to that fact.”

  A shocked look passes over Damien’s face. “You’re basing your life off of that? That’s horrible. Who would be that shallow?”

  “Damien,” Claire retorts. “Please. Don’t be ridiculous. You sure as hell couldn’t date me, so I don’t think that comment means anything coming from you.”

  His jaw drops. “That’s what you think of me?”

  “Well, be serious. Would your family let you date me, knowing what I am?”

  “It doesn’t matter what my family thinks. If I wanted to date you, I’d date you. You have a lot to offer, Claire. Alex sees that.”

  She looks down and kicks the water. “I have so much confidence in myself in certain areas. I’m athletic and have a great body. I think I’m pretty. I can kick everyone’s ass. I own my own motorcycle. But when it comes to love, I think my problem hinders me.”

  “Stop it now,” Damien demands. “I think you’re wonderful. Any guy would be lucky to have you.”

  “I guess,” Claire mumbles, not looking at him.

  “Someone will definitely love you for how great you are. There are a ton of guys here who are doing nothing but drooling over you.”

  Claire looks up with a grin. “That’s because I have such a rocking body.”

  “You do have a rocking body,” Damien agrees. “I love checking you out.”

  Claire laughs. “And I love that you check me out, because I like staring at you, too.”

  “You know what I love?” Damien smiles.

  “What’s that?”

  “Your text messages,” he replies. “That’s the most fun I’ve had with a girl in a long time. You can do that whenever you want.”

  With a nod, Claire laughs. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “So, I have one question.”

  “What’s that?” Claire inquires with a smirk.

  Damien leans in. “Were you wearing underwear?”

  She tilts toward him and whispers, “No.”

  A look of shock passes over Damien’s face. “Are you serious?”

  “Mmhmm,” Claire hums, biting her lip playfully. Damien stares at her with heat in his eyes. She just cocks her eyebrow.

  “Okay…hot…but why?”

  Shrugging, Claire replies, “Sometimes I don’t. I have no idea why.”

  With a chuckle, Damien says, “Wow…alright…I think it’s time for that cold shower again.”

  “That’s the kind of reaction that I like.”

  “Well, you can text me anytime and tell me that,” Damien declares. “I would thoroughly enjoy it. A great morning wake-up call.”

  “Good to know,” Claire giggles. “So, if I’m sending you sexy texts, what do I get in return?”

  He grins. “You’ll just have to wait and see.”

  “Looking forward to it.”

  “I have another question.”

  With a smile, Claire asks, “What is it?”

  “Am I supposed to be flirting with you? Isn’t this what Alex is worried about?”

  Claire opens her mouth and then closes it. “I guess…I mean…well, I flirt with guys. He knows that.”

  “Oh, so I’m not anything special, huh?” Damien laughs.

  “No, you’re definitely a different situation,” Claire replies. “I actually want you to flirt back with me.”


  Looking into his eyes, Claire says, “Because it’s fun and you’re hot as hell.”

  The corner of Damien’s mouth twitches. “I’m going to be honest about something.”

  “Uh oh. What?”

  Leaning in closer, Damien says, “I don’t care what Alex thinks at all. He’s making so many accusations that I think I’m going to give him something to really worry about.”

  “I should probably be upset about that,” Claire whispers, getting even closer to him.

  “Probably,” Damien exhales, “But right this second, I don’t think you should care.” He brings his lips down to hers. Claire closes her eyes in anticipation. Something breezes past them and a wave of water splashes them.

  They both gasp. Claire shakes the water off her hands and opens her eyes. Damien is wiping his face, and laughing. She starts to giggle with him, “Well, then.”

  He looks at her. “We’re all wet.”

  “Let me clue you in on something,” Claire starts. “We were wet already.”

  “Is that so?” Damien says, with a mischievous smile. “I’ll show you wet.” He grabs ahold of her and pulls her into the pool. They go under, with Damien holding on
to her. When Claire finally gets to the top, Damien floats inches away from her with his arms still around her waist.

  “If you wanted me in the water, you could have just asked,” Claire laughs.

  Damien shakes his head. “Nowhere near as much fun.”

  “So what are you going to do now that you have me in here?” Claire asks, as they tread water.

  “I don’t know. What do you want to do?” Damien retorts. “I think we were talking about flirting and sexy texts.”

  Biting her lip, Claire says, “Oh, were we?”


  She looks up and says, “No. I think you’re mistaken.”

  “Oh, we weren’t?”

  Claire shrugs. “I see it this way. The sexy texts will only go one way. That doesn’t seem fair at all.”

  “What would you like in response?” Damien inquires. “I could probably think of something.”

  “Oh, could you? Well, I guess we’ll have to wait and see.”

  “So, does this mean I’ll be receiving more texts?”

  With an arch of an eyebrow, Claire says, “I don’t know.”

  “Hmmm. I’ll be honest with you about something,” Damien starts.

  “What’s that?”

  “For your own well-being, I think you should figure out Alex before we go anywhere.”

  Her eyes widen. “Go anywhere? Where are we going?”

  “Well…I’m not sure,” Damien replies. “But, I do like receiving those texts and wouldn’t mind receiving some more. Plus, flirting with you is thoroughly entertaining.”

  “Alex,” Claire exhales. “I don’t know what to do about that. He does care about me and he knows my secret.”

  Damien looks at her thoughtfully. “You can’t base a relationship off of that. Someone else may come along that’s interested in you that you’re more interested in than Alex. You need to be with Alex because it’s right and he’s who you want.”

  “I know that this is ten shades of wrong,” Claire mumbles. “But it’s the truth.”

  Damien adds, “You need to do what your heart tells you to do. Follow it.”

  Looking down, Claire just shrugs her shoulders.

  Damien pulls her closer. “Someone will come along who takes your breath away,” he whispers. “You have to decide if that’s Alex.”


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