Hexes and Havoc: A Paranormal Academy Bully Romance (Sleepy Hollow Academy Book 3)

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Hexes and Havoc: A Paranormal Academy Bully Romance (Sleepy Hollow Academy Book 3) Page 11

by Zara Zenia

I scratched the back of my head and pondered her assumption. “I hope you are right.”

  Marina gave me a consoling look. “I think it’s really sweet that you’re so worried about him.”

  “Aren’t you worried too?” I asked.

  “Of course, I am.” She didn’t skip a beat in responding. “I just don’t want to be too anxious about the situation when I don’t have enough information to make a decision about how to react.”

  “But Boris…” I trailed off, unable to finish the sentence regarding the poor, deceased cafeteria manager’s’ fate.

  “Was a different breed of shifter altogether, was older, not as resilient and able to fight off viruses as Vlad is. He’s a healthy young person.”

  “Boris wasn’t that old,” I countered.

  Marina gave me a pitied look as if she didn’t want to start an argument. “We can go and visit with Vlad for a little while if it will make you feel better. I want to see him too.”

  Her admittance relieved me. “I just want to see how he’s doing. I want to see for myself whether he’s getting better or worse. I feel like my stomach is in nervous knots. I won’t be able to rest until I witness his current condition for myself.”

  “I know exactly how you feel,” Marina said as she stood up and extended her hand for me to take. She gave me a beautiful smile. Her hair billowed around in little wispy waves in the gentle breeze. “So let’s go and find out what’s going on in the infirmary,” she stated.

  “What if they don’t let us in to visit with him?” I asked.

  “It shouldn’t be a problem.” Marina sounded confident. “They might just give us a mask to wear, but we’ve already been exposed to the sickness, so there’s not much they can do to stop us from going in.”

  We walked hand in hand to the infirmary, but we didn’t say much to each other. It wasn’t due to any tension between us, but more because we were both apprehensive about what condition we might find Vlad in once we arrived in his hospital room. I guessed that we both were just better at internally processing our fears and expectations before stating them verbally to one another.

  I felt like my body was tensed in a dense wiring of stress that had my nerves on edge. I felt like at any moment, anything could set me off. It was true, I was extremely worried for Vlad and whether he was going to make it through this illness.

  Before we stepped inside the infirmary, Marina clutched my arm and held me back for a moment.

  “You need to change your demeanor in front of him,” she instructed. “Don’t let him see how anxious you are. If you show your emotions too colorfully, then it’s only going to make his recovery that much more impossible.”

  I took a deep breath to prepare myself. I nodded to her. “I know you’re right. It’s just easier said than done.”

  “It’s going to be fine,” she said, and her eyes twinkled affectionately. “Just take a few moments to compose yourself and then we’ll walk inside.”

  I closed my eyes and tried to center myself.

  Calm down, I told myself. He’s going to be fine and he’s not going to set you ablaze. Just like Marina said, they probably have him on all kinds of counteractive medications to stop the shifting.

  When my eyes popped open again, I looked right into Marina’s gorgeous chocolate gaze. She stared at me with expectancy.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Yes.” I nodded with more confidence than I felt, but she said if I didn’t exhibit those doubts on the outside, everything would be alright. I just had to learn to be a performance artist for Vlad’s benefit.

  We walked inside directly to the nurses’ station. The general temperament of the room was enough to enhance my stress. There were nurses and doctors scampering around the area, skirting in and out of various sick and demanding patient rooms.

  “It’s like hell in here,” I muttered under my breath, suddenly feeling a little lightheaded and dizzy.

  Marina looked at me and interlocked her fingers with mine. She gave my hand a tender, yet coaxing squeeze that gave me a boost.

  The receptionist sitting at the rounded desk station glanced up at us. Her features were tight and tense. I didn’t know whether it was just my imagination, but her eyes looked dazed and delirious as if her brain couldn’t process the level of stress going on inside the building.

  “Can I help you?” she asked in a distracted tone without even lifting her gaze to look at us.

  I shifted my weight and cleared my throat. I leaned over the counter to try and get her attention, but she just continued to frantically type on her computer keyboard and shuffle through papers with shaking hands.

  “We’re here to see Vlad Florescu. The dragon?”

  The woman barely flickered her eyes to us with brief hesitation. “He’s down that way. Hallway C, room five-zero-six.”

  I glanced at Marina who shrugged at the response.

  Was it really going to be that easy for us to breeze past the desk and go see Vlad? We turned around and started walking in the direction of hallway C when the receptionist stopped us.

  “Wait,” she called out behind us.

  I exchanged a look with Marina. “There’s the catch we were expecting.”

  The woman extended her arm and held out two masks for us. “You need to wear these.”

  Marina nodded and gave the woman a consoling smile. “Thanks.”

  She took them and without another word, the woman busied herself back in her work.

  We put the surgical masks over our noses and mouths, hooking them behind our ears to hold them in place.

  “Are you ready for this?” Marina asked as we stalled in front of the closed door of Vlad’s room.

  “Does it matter if I’m not?” I chuckled anxiously. “We’re already here.” No turning back now.

  Marina patted my back. “You can handle it. Nothing could be worse than almost being lit on fire yesterday.”

  I managed a meager smile. “I suppose you’re right about that.”

  I rapped my knuckles lightly against the door. I paused, waiting to determine if we would get a response on the other side.

  “Do you hear anything? I asked. I was tingling with anticipation. Suspense hung densely in the air.

  “No.” Marina shook her head.

  “Let’s just go in,” I said.

  She nodded. “Do you want me to go first?”

  “No.” I took a step forward, cracking the door open a little more.

  “Vlad?” I asked cautiously and craned my head behind the door before entering the room any further.

  I saw him. He was laying in the bed, sleeping peacefully. His chest rose and fell tranquilly. He had dark circles under his eyes and his hair was a little damp and matted to his temples from sweat, but other than that he looked normal, aside from maybe being a little on the pale side.

  “He’s asleep,” I said, glancing over my shoulder at Marina.

  “We shouldn’t wake him,” she whispered.

  Then, Vlad began to stir. He groaned and moved his legs under the sheets. He winced as if he was in pain. His eyes fluttered open. He went cross-eyed, attempting to focus on our faces. It was as if we were just blurry shapes to him.

  “Daniel?” He squeaked and then coughed. “Marina?” His voice was raspy and scratchy.

  “Yes, it’s us.” Marina breezed across the room and took his hand. “We’re here now.” She softly stroked his hair to the side.

  “He’s heavily sedated,” a nurse said, suddenly walking into the room with a tray of food. “He might show confusion, but he’s stable and subdued for now.”

  “Thank goodness,” I muttered to Marina.

  The nurse sat the tray of food on the bedside table. “He hasn’t been eating much, but we bring him meals anyway.”

  “Maybe I can get him to eat something,” Marina said gently.

  I looked at the tray. I couldn’t blame Vlad for not wanting to eat the items on it, aside from a jiggly bowl of red Jello, there was a plain looking dr
y muffin and a cluster of scrambled eggs that looked as if they had been sitting out a while.

  The nurse gave us an apologetic glance as she noticed me inspecting the food. “Ever since the director of the dining hall…”

  “It’s okay,” Marina interjected. “I’m sure this food will be sufficient.”

  The nurse nodded gratefully to her in acknowledgement of the save and briskly left the room.

  “Do you want to eat a little bit, buddy?” I asked and grabbed the spoon. I handed it to Marina. “Maybe you could scoop up some of the Jello for him to try?”

  She pushed the spoon into the Jello. “I’ll sure give it my best shot.”

  Vlad clamped his lips shut and vigorously shook his head. “I can’t eat that.”

  Marina looked crestfallen. “Do you want a sip of water?” She held up the glass.

  “No.” The shade of Vlad’s cheeks faded into a subtle green shade.

  “It might make you feel better,” she coaxed gently. “You need some energy. You don’t want to get too weak…”

  Vlad sighed dramatically. “Alright. I’ll take one bite of the Jello and a sip of the water.”

  Marina looked pleased as she maneuvered the spoon to his mouth. He swallowed it down and took a large gulp of the water after that. He looked fatigued.

  “That’s enough for now,” he said.

  We sat on the edge of his bed in silence, just watching him drift in and out of sleep. Every now and then, he would whimper.

  “I can’t take this anymore,” I whispered to Marina.

  My stomach churned with waves of queasiness. My fingertips turned numb. “If I don’t get out of here, I’m going to have a panic attack.”

  Marina hastily stood up. “We can go. He’s not really awake to notice us anyway.”

  She kissed the top of his forehead and I gave him a fist bump, even though it was only one sided since he was practically unconscious.

  As soon as we stepped out of the infirmary, I took a deep drag of fresh air. “He looks terrible.”

  “Try not to think about it,” Marina said, but even her features reflected that she wasn’t going to take her own advice.

  We walked together silently for a little while, holding hands. I had no idea where we were going, but when we reached a secluded area near her dorm building, we stopped.

  She took both my hands and gazed in my eyes. “I’m afraid of losing him,” she said softly.

  “I know. I am too,” I agreed. “I don’t suppose it does us any good to sit and fret about it though, does it?”

  “No,” she murmured.

  I pulled her to me, just holding her close made me feel better.

  “I don’t want to lose you either, you know,” she said softly.

  I leaned down and pressed my lips to hers. I couldn’t explain the urgent desire to kiss her, but when she began fervently kissing me back and exploring my mouth with her tongue, I was happy that I took the compulsive leap.

  I ran my hands through her hair. She roped her arms around my neck and dragged her nails across my shoulders and back, driving me crazy with yearning. She breathed out with a relaxed, soft moan. The sound was music to my ears. I was lifted into the clouds, bouncing into euphoric oblivion.

  I let out a passionate groan and began showering her neck with kisses while brushing my fingers through her hair. God she was enticing. I couldn’t keep from moving my hands over her form. It had been too long since we’d been together. She was delicious and sexy, and I wanted her more than anything.

  Marina’s lips parted and she delicately nibbled on my bottom lip. Our breathing became more hungry and rapid, panting as we fondled each other and locked lips with ecstasy in the darkness of the chilly evening air.

  I tickled her neck with more kisses, then opened my mouth further and sucked on her neck. I was losing control of my own primal instincts. I felt the dire need to sink my teeth into her soft skin as my tongue stroked her pulse. I smelled her blood pulsing through her veins, and it made the flesh between my legs throb with desire.

  I pulled away in the blink of an eye, taking a deep breath and setting her from me.

  “Were you afraid you were going to bite me?” Marina’s eyes were wide with passion.

  “A little,” I admitted, “I was still under control though,” I panted.

  Marina bit her lower lip and nodded.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I would never hurt you on purpose, you know that, right?” I felt like an asshole.

  “It’s okay.” Marina’s eyes flickered with longing as if she was still thirsty for more intimate time with me.

  I knew the feeling. I could barely see straight I wanted her so badly, but right now, with everyone getting sick, it wasn’t the appropriate time. I needed to calm down.

  “I’ll walk you up to your dorm room,” I offered, pulling her back into my arms.

  Marina looked disappointed. The sexual tension was supercharged and sizzled between us like a barrier that we couldn’t break through. It was exceptionally frustrating.

  A few minutes later, I stood outside her dorm room. “Goodnight, baby,” I whispered.

  She lifted her chin and gazed up at me with fondness. “Try to get some rest, Daniel,” she said. “I know you haven’t been sleeping much, since you’ve been getting up during daylight hours. Having Vlad so sick has got to be unnerving for you even more than me.” She stroked my cheek. Go to bed early tonight. It’s better to focus on something other than worry and stress.”

  “I will. I’ll dream about you,” I said softly.

  Her eyes brightened. “Me too, about you.”

  I waited until she had safely entered her room and closed the door before heading away. I slowly trudged back to the house I shared with Vlad thinking about Marina. While we’d been intimate before, I’d never bitten her. We’d been together just the two of us, and we’d been together with the others joining in, but none of us had ever used our powers to enhance the experience and to bite her would do that. I wanted that with her, but I didn’t think she was ready for it, so I’d backed off.



  When I woke up the next morning, I got dressed and attempted to leave my dorm room like I normally would. I had classes to attend and I didn’t want to be late. The kiss with Daniel was still buzzing in my mind and helping me channel elation.

  “What has you so happy so early in the morning?” Laurie grumbled from her bed.

  I looked over at her. “Good morning, sleepyhead. Nothing much, just thinking about Daniel, I guess.”

  Laurie lifted up on her hand and arched a brow. “Just Daniel?”

  My heart hummed along to a gleeful beat. “Well… not just Daniel, more like the kiss he gave me last night before we said good night.”

  “Oh really? Are you thinking of splitting from the poly and dating just him?”

  I shook my head. “No, not at all. Just, trying to keep my mind off of Vlad being sick, you know?” I tried to remain optimistic, especially hopeful that Vlad would make some strides toward a speedy recovery. I willfully reminded myself that he was young and healthy, giving him an upper hand at fighting off the illness. “Thinking about Daniel’s kiss was allowing me a moment of…” I trailed off.

  “I get it. You just needed a minute of happiness before the worry set back in.”

  “Yeah.” I nodded. “Anyway, I’m off to class, see ya.”

  But my plans were derailed the second I stepped out of my room and into the hallway. There were barriers over two of my neighbor’s doors that looked oddly like what they did for places that were quarantined.

  I just stood there for a moment, feeling rising perplexity when I saw a man wearing a hazmat suit trudging down the hall in my direction. He had his head down and wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings. At first, he didn’t notice me, but once he did, he halted in his tracks and gave me a stern look.

  “You shouldn’t be out here,” he said firmly.

  “Be out…where?” I
cocked my head to the side and stared at him. “I was just going to get to class—” I pointed toward the exit, but he shook his head vehemently.

  “No. You aren’t allowed to leave your dorm room.”

  I felt my eyebrows raise cynically. Who was this guy? He looked official, but I had never seen him before, and he was decked out in head to toe protective gear as if the apocalypse had happened.

  “Why can’t I leave?” I demanded answers and the evasiveness was a determent.

  “The entire campus has been quarantined,” he said, “and all students are required to stay in their dorms until further notice.”

  “Quarantined?” I repeated. Panic rose in my throat. “Why?”

  “Nobody is allowed in or out of campus. All classes have been suspended for now,” he added a little more forcefully this time.

  I took a deep breath. This couldn’t be happening. It was surreal. “But we don’t have any food, or—”

  “I’m sorry, someone will be along to take care of that,” he said with a wan smile, but his features showing through the protective helmet were slightly softer. “But you must go back in your room.”

  “Is it because of the illness going around?” I asked. “Is it spreading?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.” The man’s facial features fell somberly. He glanced up and down the hallway with suspicion and then leaned in closer to me. “I’m not supposed to release this information, but there are now at least three dozen cases and rising.”

  “What?” I felt my jaw slacken. I was surprised that it didn’t hit the ground in shock. “I’m sorry…did you just say three…dozen? And rising?”

  “Yes,” he stated with regret. “Including two human staff members.”

  My hand trailed up to my mouth and I covered it to muffle a gasp. “It’s spread to the humans…” I met the man’s gaze. “I’m sorry. I just have to make a call—”

  “Be careful whatever you do,” the man said. “And take precaution inside of your room.”

  I gave him thankful smile. “I will.”

  As soon as I walked back inside my room, I tossed my bookbag to the corner and plopped down on my bed, reaching for my cell phone. I plucked it from my back pocket, but before I could dial, Laurie rolled over on her bed and looked at me.


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