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Exquisite Page 8

by Elizabeth Hayley

  “I’m not above begging, Derick. Please. God, please. You’re gonna make me come like this,” she said as he pulled at her nipple.

  “Not yet,” he rasped, his facial hair brushing against her smooth skin. “Together.”

  Siobhan released the air she’d been holding in a huff as she tried to calm her stimulated nerve endings and focus on anything other than the beautiful man on top of her whose solid biceps she was currently gripping as he ground against her. “You seriously need to stop then.”

  He looked down at her, amusement in his eyes as he slowed his movements to a speed that had her teetering on the edge without falling over it. “Not stopping,” he said.

  Gradually, his expression became more serious, his eyes closing as she guessed he was trying to hold back, too.

  “Please. Derick, I want…”

  “What do you want?” he asked, his motion ceasing completely as he looked down at her.

  She returned his gaze, a fire burning in their eyes that was impossible to extinguish. “You. I want you.”

  Derick was still for a moment as his expression softened. Then he stood, his cock thick and heavy as he walked to the end of the couch, grabbed Siobhan’s ankles and yanked her toward him until her ass was on the armrest of the couch and her legs hung over the edge.

  He grabbed her thighs, spreading them wide so he could fit between them. Siobhan’s head was already fuzzy from the position, and when Derick finally thrust inside her, she thought she might pass out from the pleasure.

  Her body immediately conformed to accommodate his as she submitted to him, arching her back off the leather cushion as he gripped her hips and held her up so he could plunge deep inside her.

  The pressure built inside her until she knew she’d explode any moment. “Harder. God, harder,” she said, though she wasn’t sure if he could even comply with her request. He was already driving into her with such force, she was inching back with every thrust.

  She knew they were both so close to losing control as she felt each of their bodies tense with the hope of prolonging the pleasure. Derick’s shaky groan was what did her in, and the orgasm she’d been fighting came with a force she hadn’t felt before.

  Maybe it was the blood rushing to her head, or the alcohol, or that she was at Derick’s mercy. Or maybe it was because this man did things to her that could never be explained. Whatever it was, it had her quaking beneath him as his cock jerked inside her and filled her with his warm release.

  When the aftershocks of their orgasms had finally faded enough to allow them to break contact, Derick pulled out of her, his erection still firm though somewhat weaker. She thought about asking him if he had round two in him, but since she couldn’t even find the strength to ask, she figured she was too spent to follow through even if he could.

  “You’ve exhausted me,” she said.

  With a satisfied smile on his face, Derick extended his hands so he could help her up. “I think I know something that’ll relax you.”

  Chapter 30

  Tossing her bag on her bed, Siobhan headed for the bathroom to get ready for work. She had about twenty-five minutes before she had to leave for her shift at the Stone Room. She’d spent most of the day at the gallery. Now that it was fully up and running, she was on her own to do most of the work herself.

  Not that she minded. It was the most rewarding job she’d ever had. The artists were grateful to have their work shown, and they’d all been selling paintings steadily over the past few months. The phrase “beginner’s luck” popped into her mind, but she quickly pushed it out.

  The gallery would succeed. She would succeed. She had to. She had too much to pay forward to fail.

  She pulled a brush through her hair and reapplied her makeup—darker eye shadow and a lipstick that was a shade of red she’d never think to wear during the day. Then she put on a little bronzer to bring some life into her complexion. It was only the beginning of spring, and her skin still lacked the color she’d like it to have.

  When she got back to her room, she took off the clothes she’d worn all day and was heading to her small closet to choose the black outfit she’d wear for the night when there was a knock at her bedroom door.

  “Hold on. I’m not wearing anything,” she said. She definitely didn’t want Dom seeing her in only her bra and underwear.

  Siobhan heard the door open anyway and she quickly ran to the bed on the other side of the room to grab a blanket to cover up. “What the hell are—”

  “I thought you said you were naked?”

  She knew that voice. And it wasn’t Dom’s. “Derick?” she said as she turned around. “What are you doing?”

  “Well, I thought I was gonna get to see you without clothes on, but now I’m disappointed,” he said, a sly grin crinkling his eyes.

  “I thought you were Dom.” She dropped the blanket back on the bed with a relieved sigh and shook her head. “And what are you doing here?” she asked.

  “I came to give you a ride. I figured you could use a break from the subway.”

  “Oh. Um, okay. Thanks. That’s sweet,” she said, returning to her closet after giving him a quick kiss. “I’m almost ready. I just need to put something on.”

  “I disagree,” Derick said, putting a finger to his lips. “I feel like less is more.”

  She raised an eyebrow at him. “You really want me escorting wealthy businessmen to tables in only a bra and underwear?”

  He thought for a moment. “You do have a point. But I’m not taking you to work.”

  Her eyes narrowed, prompting Derick to explain, but he didn’t. “I thought you said you were giving me a ride?”

  “I know.”


  “So I’m giving you a ride, but not to the Stone Room,” he said, an amused grin spreading across his face. He put a hand into the pocket of his fitted gray pants and threw a nod toward her bedroom door. “Come on,” he said. “Better get dressed or we’re gonna be late.” Then he laughed in a way that made Siobhan want to kiss him and throw something at him at the same time.

  “I know I’m going to be late. To work. I can’t go somewhere else right now.”

  Derick shrugged. “Sure you can.”

  She opened her mouth to protest, but Derick reached out and put a finger under her chin to close it. “I thought you said you trusted me?”

  His tone didn’t match the seriousness of his words, and his expression told her this game was amusing him more than she’d like it to.

  She breathed in deeply and let out an exaggerated exhale. “I do,” she said.

  “Good.” He walked to her closet and stared for a few seconds before handing her a fitted, royal-blue, long-sleeve dress that was probably too short for the early April weather. “Wear this. It brings out your eyes,” he said. “And you look hot in it.”

  Trying to suppress a smile, Siobhan felt her insides nearly melt at his words. Then she reached out and grabbed the hanger from his hand. “The blue dress it is.”

  Chapter 31

  Siobhan was nearly bouncing next to him in the SUV. She was excited, but the responsible part of her was a bit worried about her job. “Saul knows I’m not coming in tonight, right?”

  “Yes,” he said, placing a hand on her thigh. The gesture was an innocent one, but even that small bit of contact had her hoping he would move his hand higher. “He knows you won’t be there.”

  “And he’s okay with it? Because after that stunt I pulled the night I left to go home with you, I’m pretty sure his tolerance for my bullshit is lower than it’s ever been.”

  Derick rolled his eyes playfully. “Yes, he’s okay with it. Now would you try to relax? We have a long flight ahead of us.”

  His eyes darted quickly to the window and away from hers, which she could feel widening. “Flight? Where are we going? For how long? I didn’t even pack a bag. Who’s taking care of the gallery?”

  Derick’s gaze remained fixed on the outside world as they drove, his li
ps pressed into a small grin.

  She grabbed his arm and tried to pull him toward her, but the effort was futile. It was like trying to move a truck. “Hey,” she said, now unbuckling her seat belt so she could climb onto him. “Would you care to elaborate a little or do you plan to ignore my question?”

  “I’m still deciding,” he replied with a smirk.

  She was straddling him now, and she gripped his hands to pin them on either side of his head. “Tell me,” she demanded, though her voice came out more like a plea.

  Derick laughed. “You do realize I let you put my hands here, right? I could easily get out of it.”

  “Tell me,” she said again, this time raising herself off of him so she could plop back down onto his lap.

  Derick let out a grunt at the contact. Then he removed his hands from where Siobhan had put them and grabbed her hips so he could lift her off of him and put her back in her seat. “Fine. But put your seat belt back on. It’s dangerous for you to be on top of me like that.”

  Siobhan raised her eyebrows at the unintended meaning of his words, but she complied.

  When the seat belt clicked into place he spoke. “I had Blaine pack you a bag, and I contacted Liza. Since she was interim curator, she’s capable of handling things while you’re away. But since this is the actual celebration for the success of the gallery, where we’re going and for how long stays a surprise for now,” he said.

  Siobhan inhaled deeply and let out a sigh that was equal parts frustration and appreciation. “Fine,” she said.

  Derick gave her a firm nod. “Good.”

  The rest of the drive to the airport was filled mostly with playfully seductive glances. Siobhan found herself wanting to get to wherever it was they were going, if for no other reason than to get back on top of Derick. Though it would definitely be sans clothes the next time.

  By the time they arrived on the tarmac, Siobhan nearly jumped out of the SUV when the driver opened the door. She looked at the jet nearby and wondered if that was Derick’s. It was bigger than she’d imagined, but she didn’t see another one close to them that it could possibly be. “Is that seriously yours?” she asked.

  He nodded as the driver opened the trunk and removed two bags. “Yup.”

  “It’s huge.”

  Clearly amused, Derick laughed. “That’s what she said.”

  Siobhan punched him in the arm, though she couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re so immature sometimes,” she said. “I kind of love it, though.”

  He smiled and extended an arm toward the steps of the plane. “After you,” he said.

  She climbed the steps and entered the plane, where they were immediately greeted by the pilot. Siobhan’s eyes widened as she took in her surroundings. The white leather seats were roomier than any she’d ever sat on when she’d flown commercial. And the windows were significantly larger as well.

  She sat down in a seat and gazed out the window at the darkening sky as she waited for Derick to stop talking to the pilot. A minute or so later, he walked toward her. “What are you doing?”

  Confused by the question, Siobhan looked around her. “Uh, sitting,” she said slowly.

  “I see that,” Derick said. “But this section’s for the crew. Our area is back there.” He held out his hand to help her up.

  He has a crew? These seats were nicer than first class—or what she’d seen of it on her way back to coach—and this wasn’t even where they would be sitting during the flight.

  When Siobhan stood, Derick leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Come on. Let me show you how big my jet is.”

  She bit back a laugh as Derick led her into the main area of the aircraft. She could easily forget she was on a plane if not for the circular windows that ran the length of the living area. In addition to the luxury seating, there was a full sofa across from a flat-screen TV that was anchored to the wall and a conference table with large leather seats surrounding it.

  She put her purse down on one of the nearby seats and ran her hand along the sleek wooden table. “This is incredible,” she said.

  Derick smiled as a man and woman walked into their quarters.

  The crew, she thought with a smile.

  “Siobhan,” Derick said. “This is Katherine and Richard.”

  Siobhan extended her hand to greet the two.

  “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, Miss Dempsey,” Katherine said. “Please let us know if there is anything we can get for you during the flight.”

  “Yes,” Richard said. “We’ll be serving dinner shortly. Please help yourself to the hors d’oeuvres.” He gestured behind him to the table with food and plates. “What can I offer you to drink?” he asked.

  She couldn’t place his accent, which sounded a bit like an Australian one. New Zealand, maybe? “Water would be great for now. Thank you.”

  Richard looked toward Derick, who asked for an unsweetened iced tea and a bottle of some kind of wine even the Stone Room didn’t serve.

  When Richard left, Siobhan headed over to the spread of food that had been put out just for them. Though she was hungry, there was no way they’d possibly eat even half of this, and it was only the first course. She looked at the calamari, bruschetta, antipasto, and various types of fresh bread, unsure where to start.

  When she looked up at Derick, he shrugged. “I remembered that you told me you love all things Italian on our first official date.”

  “Well, yeah, who doesn’t like Italian? I mean…” Siobhan’s words trailed off as things began to click in her brain. Once the full picture came together, she stared at her sneaky boyfriend. “Derick. Don’t tell me you’re taking me to Italy.”

  Derick’s lips twitched as though he was trying to fight a smile. “Okay. I won’t tell you.”

  Chapter 32


  He heard the warning in her voice. Maybe the time for playing games was over. “Technically Rafael is taking us.”

  “What? Who’s that?”

  “The pilot you just met.” He couldn’t help laughing. She was so cute when she was flustered.

  “Oh, yeah. I knew that.” She looked around the plane once more before settling her gaze back on him. “Really? Italy?”

  And here it was: make or break time. Either she was telling the whole truth when she’d said she accepted him for who he was, or she wasn’t. “Yes, really. You once told me that every aspiring artist should go there, but I missed out on taking you when that label still applied to you. Now that you’re an established artist…” he shrugged. “I thought it was time.”

  She bit the corner of her bottom lip and he could practically see her thinking. After a few moments, her body seemed to relax. “Blaine better have packed the right clothes or I’ll never speak to her again.”

  Derick felt his own body relax. He took two large steps and swept her into an embrace. “So this is okay?”

  She gave his waist a squeeze. “It’s more than okay. I’m not sure I deserve how good you are to me, but I’m thankful for it all the same.”

  He held on to her for a bit longer, before he forced himself to pull back. “We should sit down so we can take off.”

  Smiling at him, she lifted up on her tiptoes and pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Sounds good.”

  Once in the air, the crew served them dinner, and Derick shared the tentative itinerary he’d mapped out. “We’ll land in Pisa, and a car will be waiting to drive us to Florence. I figured we could see the Leaning Tower of Pisa on our way out of the city since it’s kind of a tourist must. We should arrive by late afternoon.”

  Siobhan bounced in her seat. “I’m so excited.”

  “Good. Then let’s let Katherine and Richard clean up dinner so we can relax.”

  Siobhan stood, but hesitated, looked at Derick, then back at her empty plate.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “It feels weird to make them clean up after us.”

  “Weirder than trying to find out where things belong on
a jet you’ve never been on before?” Derick teased. “You clean up after people all the time at work. Let someone do it for you for once.” He made his way to one of the seats by a window.

  Siobhan followed, her eyes glued out the window. “I love watching the view from up here.”

  “Me, too,” Derick replied. But he wasn’t staring out a window. His eyes were locked on Siobhan. A fact she realized when she turned to look at him.

  “Is there a bed on this plane?” she asked.

  Derick snorted a laugh. “What do you think?”

  “I think you’d better show it to me.”

  Derick unbuckled both of their seat belts and stood, holding a hand out to Siobhan, which she promptly took. He led her to a wooden pocket door that he pushed open and motioned for her to enter. He followed, closing and locking the door behind him.

  She turned instantly, their bodies fitting together perfectly as her hands slid up his chest and around his neck while his wound around her waist and settled on her ass, pulling her into him.

  Pressing his erection into her, he could barely contain a groan of pleasure. He nipped along her jaw as her hands tangled in his hair. Needing her naked, he reached down and pulled her dress over her head. Their mouths quickly found each other again as their hands moved in tandem to take his clothes off.

  Siobhan reached behind her back to unclasp her bra. She moved her hands to her thong, but Derick stopped them.

  “Let me,” he said. He sank to his knees and pulled her lace thong down her body slowly, pressing light kisses to her thighs on the way. Once he had them down, she lifted a leg so he could slip them over her black high heels. “Leave the shoes on.”

  Siobhan moaned her response.

  Derick kissed his way back up her legs to her apex. Dragging his hands up the inside of her thighs to her slick folds, he parted them before leaning in to flick his tongue against her clit.

  Her hands instantly threaded through his hair as she arched her back and moaned again.


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