No Chance

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No Chance Page 2

by Christy Reece

  “I understood their feelings. It hurt but I understood.”

  “What about your mother?”

  “My mom took off when I was a baby. Divorced my dad. I don’t know where she is. My dad married my stepmom when I was four. She was a widow with a son a couple of years younger than me.”

  “And that was your brother … the one who died?”

  “Yeah.” The tightness in his chest grew more painful as he allowed himself to think about the bright, funny kid that became his brother the instant he met him. “He was never my ‘step’ anything, though.”

  “But your stepmom. She’s still alive?”

  He stared into the night again. “I believe so.”

  “She was one of the ones, wasn’t she?”

  He looked back up at her. “One of the ones what?”

  “That resented you for being alive?”

  He shrugged. “She lost both her son and her husband.”

  “And one of her sons survived.”

  Gabe swallowed. Dammit, he hadn’t allowed himself to think about that hurt in years. Even though he’d understood the grief his stepmother was feeling, it had torn him apart to see the questions in her eyes. Why had he survived? What made him so damn special that he had lived when everyone else had died? He had never been able to answer that question. Admittedly, before his capture, when he’d worked tirelessly beside the villagers, he’d believed he had discovered the answer. Then that theory got blown all to hell.

  Aware she was still waiting for an answer, he said, “It’s all water under the bridge now. I’m sure she’s made a new life for herself. She’s probably got another family now.”

  Her body trembling with anger, Skylar clenched her fist to hold in her emotions. Gabe was acting as if it were completely normal to have people resent his survival. Instead of celebrating that he had lived, apparently they’d begrudged him for it. She might be able to understand strangers feeling that way. But people who knew him? And his stepmother? A woman who’d raised him, supposedly loved him? Not only was it inconceivable, it was indefensible.

  She wanted to stomp her foot and tell him he should get mad, too. But she could see it in his expression—he had long ago accepted their treatment.

  “You know, it suddenly occurs to me that you now know everything about me and I know nothing other than your name.”

  Skylar tensed for a new reason. Now that he’d explained where he’d been the last few years, she knew why he didn’t know who she was. Her parents had only started allowing her to model when she was seventeen. Any photographs of her before that were published only in the society pages of the local papers and magazines. The modeling was still only occasional, but she’d quickly become a celebrity.

  She had a choice to make. Tell Gabe and see his expression change to one of wariness. He would treat her differently. See her differently. Might even end their brief acquaintance immediately.

  Or she could allow him to think she was just an average American college girl taking a vacation on her own. The resort staff wouldn’t out her. Most of the guests were here for the very same reasons she was. Escape. An opportunity to be themselves. She’d already spotted a couple of actors and a musician. They’d barely looked her way, as she had them. This place was all about privacy.

  Could she take this time and be a different Skylar James? The lure of being treated like a normal person as opposed to the American princess the media liked to dub her was just too enticing to resist.

  Holding out her hand, she smiled and said, “Let’s walk and I’ll tell you all about Skye James.”


  “Oh wow, Skye. Did you see that?”

  Leaning back against the hard chest behind her, Skylar looked up at Gabe. “Yes. They’re beautiful.”

  Concern furrowed his brow. “Are you okay? You’ve hardly said anything since we got on the boat.”

  She forced a smile, hoping it didn’t look as fake as it felt. “I’m fine. I think I had too much lunch. I’m kind of sleepy.”

  Midnight blue eyes darkened as they roamed her face. “I kept you up too late last night.”

  Skylar shivered. When he looked at her like that, it felt like bolts of electricity were running through her. How had she fallen in love so deeply, so quickly?

  Gabe lowered his head and pressed a soft kiss to her mouth. “I can never resist that look.”

  “What look?”

  “The one that says ‘Kiss me.’”

  She couldn’t keep the smile from her face. This time a real one. “I’ll have to keep that look on my face all the time then.”

  “Look at that one!” a voice shouted.

  They turned to see another whale soaring through the water. Gabe wrapped his arms around her and Skylar looked out into the sea. It was a spectacular sight, but she couldn’t keep her mind on anything other than what she had to do. She had to tell him the truth.

  Almost two weeks had passed and she still hadn’t told him that one small secret. She couldn’t keep it from him any longer. When she’d first made the decision not to tell, it had been the lure of being treated no differently from anyone else. Falling in love with him had never been in her plan.

  Gabe was everything she could want in a man. Kind. Considerate. Sweet. He treated her with the utmost respect. Listened when she talked, as if what she said was important. She had never been treated like what she thought really mattered. Oh, she knew her family loved her, but other people had never acted as if she had a brain in her head. She was pretty. She had money. She was photogenic. That’s all they saw, all she was to most of the people in the world. Gabe saw beneath the surface. He knew who she was. He just didn’t know who she was.

  And Gabe made her see herself differently, too. He was twenty-three years old and had done wonderful, exciting, useful things with his life. Skylar couldn’t think of anything useful she had accomplished. Gabe made her realize she had been drifting, allowing others to control her destiny. She’d never really thought about her place in the world till she met him.

  He had changed, too. Every day they were together, he grew less grim. His thin body was filling out and he no longer looked malnourished. Occasionally she would see that dark sadness reemerge, but she was usually able to bring him out of it quickly with a kiss or a joke.

  How would he react when she confessed? Would it make a difference to him? She would still be the same person. So what if she had a little more money than the average person? Did a few extra bucks mean that much? Okay, a few million extra bucks. But it was still just money.

  Gabe knew her family was wealthy. She hadn’t been able to hide that. Not many college-aged girls could afford a vacation on a remote luxury resort in the South Pacific. When she’d told him that her father owned some companies, he’d asked a few questions, but hadn’t seemed that interested or impressed. Money didn’t seem to mean anything to him.

  Gabe bit her earlobe gently and whispered, “You ready to go back?”

  Skylar shivered. That growly voice, those deep blue eyes, delicious, soul-deep kisses. They just did it for her every time. Pulling away from his arms, she turned to gaze up at him. Unable to keep one other secret from him any longer, she said, “I love you.”

  An amazing transformation took place. The last of those shadows lifted and his mouth curved into the most beautiful smile she’d ever seen. “I love you, too.”

  Determined to ignore the blaze of the searing sun, Gabe squinted his eyes against the brightness as he lobbed the ball toward Skye, his mind on something other than playing tennis.

  She yelled, “Out!” and ran toward him, a little frown scrunched on her pretty face. “Are you sure you want to play?”

  Dropping his racket below his waist, Gabe nodded. Speaking at a time like this was impossible. They’d done everything he could think to stay out of his bungalow. Tennis had never been his favorite game, but if it achieved his goal, he’d play all day.

  Skye had no idea what he was going through. And that innocence wa
s the very reason he was standing in almost-one-hundred-degree heat playing a game he not only sucked at, but also disliked. Doing what he really wanted to do was out of the question.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Fine. Just kind of hot.” And he meant that sincerely.

  “Want to go for a swim?”

  Skye in a swimsuit was a torturous vision beyond his imaginings, but maybe if he swam two or three miles, he’d be able to think of something other than how much he wanted to remove her suit and make love to her until they dropped in satiated exhaustion.

  Aware that she was looking even more concerned since he hadn’t answered her question, Gabe did the only thing he could do. He swallowed hard and said, “Sure, a swim sounds good.”

  She took his racket from him. “I’ll drop these off on the way to my bungalow and meet you back here in fifteen minutes. How does that sound?”

  Gabe managed a grimaced smile and watched as she ran off the tennis court. She was driving him crazy and he could do nothing about it. Skye was as innocent as he’d first thought … a virgin. The last thing he wanted to do was make her do something she wasn’t ready for.

  Shoving his fingers through his hair, he stared out into the vivid blue water, the color reminding him of Skye’s eyes when she wanted him to kiss her.

  He’d never been in love before. Hadn’t even known this type of love existed. He’d had a couple of girlfriends in high school he’d really liked but hadn’t loved. And the girl in Africa who had betrayed so many … he’d had many feelings for her, but they hadn’t been love. Now that he’d met Skye, he was certain of that.

  His dad had once told him that when that special someone comes along, you just know it deep in your gut. He’d been right.

  Skye was special in every way possible. The purity he’d seen in her eyes when they first met had been confirmed the first time he kissed her. She’d been sweet and eager, but also inexperienced. Her eagerness to learn and Gabe’s willingness to teach had led to some of the steamiest make-out sessions he’d ever experienced, but he couldn’t take it further. Skye wasn’t ready, and until she was, neither was he.

  That this beautiful woman, who could probably get any guy in existence, loved him humbled and amazed Gabe. And because of that love, he knew she wouldn’t stop him if he asked for more than just hot kisses. He couldn’t do that to her. When they made love, it would be her choice … not because she felt pressured but because it was something she was sure she wanted. Until that happened, he would continue his daily regimen of cold showers and extreme exhaustion.

  “Gabe, are you coming?”

  He jerked around to see Skye waiting for him outside the gate. Hell, he’d been standing here under the hot blaze of the sun without any concept of time.

  Taking a breath, he ran toward her and held out his hand. “I’ll swim in these shorts.”

  Her sweet smile assured Gabe she knew nothing of his struggles to keep his hands to himself. When Skye was ready, she would let him know. He just hoped to hell he could still walk.

  They were halfway down the sidewalk, headed to the beach, when the first clap of thunder rumbled.

  Skye shot him a disappointed glance. “Looks like that swim will have to wait.”

  Pressing a kiss to her palm, Gabe spoke his mind before he considered the words. “Wonder what we can do instead?”

  Guilt hit him at the flash of apprehension in Skye’s expression. Dammit, and after he’d told himself it had to be her decision. If those words didn’t sound like pressure, he didn’t know what did.

  He was about to suggest they find shelter somewhere and play cards, when Skye surprised him by pulling her hand from his. Shooting him a smile he felt to his soul, she shouted, “Race you home!” and started running.

  Loving her spontaneity and sheer exuberance, he erupted in laughter as he ran behind her. With the enticing sight of her beautiful bottom and gorgeous legs, Gabe was content to let her stay several feet ahead of him.

  Another loud clap of thunder boomed, warning them a downpour was imminent. In the next instant, as if a dam burst open, rain gushed down, pummeling hard.

  Increasing his speed, Gabe caught up with Skye, wrapped his arms around her, and picked her up without breaking his stride. With a soft little laugh, Skye put her arms around his neck and pressed her face against his chest.

  At the bungalow, he took the steps two at a time and kicked open the door with his foot. He looked down at the drenched woman in his arms and swallowed hard. If there was anything sexier than Skye in a bathing suit, it was Skye in a wet bathing suit revealing everything that swimsuit had covered. Her beautiful breasts and hard nipples pressed against the wet material.

  Dropping her feet to the floor, Gabe could barely catch his breath as he growled, “I’ll get us some towels,” and stomped into the bathroom. If she stayed one more moment in his arms, he would break every promise he’d made to himself.

  He pulled off his rain-soaked shirt, grabbed a towel, and roughly dried his chest, all the while giving himself a stinging lecture on self-discipline and self-denial. In his mind, he repeated his reasons: Skye was too young. Too inexperienced. Wasn’t ready. He loved her too much to pressure her. When she was ready, she would tell him.

  His mind set on keeping his hands to himself, Gabe grabbed another towel and headed back to the bedroom. He jerked to a stop at the door. Shock and sheer wonder punched him in the gut at the vision before him.

  A nude Skye.

  Apparently hearing him, she whirled around, her beautiful hair swirling and then landing around her shoulders like a dark, silken cloud.

  Gripping the towel in his hands, Gabe stopped breathing, his eyes hungrily devouring every luscious inch of her creamy flesh. He had seen her in various stages of nudity while they were making out, but had never imagined how incredible she would be. Gently sloping shoulders, full plump breasts a goddess would envy, flat, taut stomach, lovely hips curved into the shapeliest bottom imaginable, long legs, lightly tanned and toned to perfection.

  Gabe’s eyes inventoried every beautiful feature and then went back to her face. His heart almost cracked. While he’d been staring, she’d been standing in nervous uncertainty. How could anyone who looked like Skye be unsure about her body? She was perfect in every way. That vulnerable, innocent expression grounded him. Whether he understood her need for reassurance or not, her expression told him she did need it. Forcing his stiff legs to move, he walked slowly toward her, unable to keep his eyes from roaming down her body. Heat zoomed, settled low, and throbbed unrepentantly.

  Within inches of her, under the roaring of lust in his head, he heard himself say, “You’re even more beautiful than I imagined you would be.”

  Uncertainty disappeared and she gave him a look of such relief and happiness, it was all he could do not to grab her and devour every inch of her sweet body.

  Reaching out, Gabe touched a jutting nipple with his finger, somewhat surprised his hand wasn’t shaking. He felt as though small earthquakes were erupting inside him. This woman was the loveliest, most wondrous creature in the universe.

  At his touch on her nipple, Skye moaned and closed her eyes.

  “Your nipples want my mouth on them, don’t they?”

  Her eyes flew open, but Gabe’s gaze stayed on her nipples, fascinated to see them harden even more. It was almost as if just by staring at them, he made her even more aroused.

  “Please, Gabe.”

  “What, Skye baby?”

  “Put your mouth on me.”

  Throbbing with a need so great he could barely speak, Gabe managed to breathe out “With pleasure” as he lowered his head and put his tongue on her nipple. Coherent thought vanished; the sweet, hard bud against his tongue tasted more delicious than the sweetest of candies.

  His hands had a will of their own as one held her closer and the other caressed the silken flesh of her stomach. When he reached the soft, springy curls at her mound, he stopped and whispered, “Open your legs for
me, Skye.”

  Gabe watched her face for any kind of hesitation or fear. He saw none as Skye spread her legs so he could move his hand between them. Fingers touching her softly, he opened the soft folds at her sex and gently pressed a finger against her hard bud. When he felt the hot, sweet moisture of her arousal, Gabe whispered, “You’re soft and so wet down there. So hot and sweet.”

  Her eyes fluttering closed, she shuddered and opened her legs more. Gabe pressed deeper and almost lost it when she moved sensuously against him, sweetly riding his finger. A burning haze of lust swamped him; Gabe fought the almost overwhelming need to lay her on the floor and push inside her immediately.

  She wanted him, he knew she did, but he had to make sure. Her first time should be something special. Gabe wanted this experience to be something she would look back on with pleasure, not regret.

  “Are you sure, Skye?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my entire life.”

  “There’s no rush, no hurry. There’s never a time you tell me to stop and I won’t. Okay?”

  “I love you so much, Gabe.”

  Control on the edge of shattering, Gabe said, “Let’s get on the bed.”

  Locking his eyes with hers, he pushed her backward into the bedroom and stopped her at the edge of the bed. Skye sat on the edge; Gabe went to his knees before her.

  Never had he seen anything more beautiful or more precious than Skye. Love, acceptance, arousal, and surrender were all there in her eyes. Unable to hold back the words that had been hammering at him for days, Gabe whispered, “Marry me.”

  Her smile was unlike any she’d ever given him before, and her words, “Yes, Gabe. Yes,” told him exactly what he needed to hear. She was completely and totally his forever.

  Sealing their commitment with a soft kiss to her mouth, he whispered a heartfelt vow against her lips, “I’m going to love you past forever.”

  No longer able to hold back, Gabe pulled her legs apart, spread the moist, pink folds of her sex, lowered his head and devoured her sweetness. Under the roaring need inside him, he heard a screaming gasp, felt her body tense beneath him, and then Skye, his sweet, beautiful Skye, exploded against his mouth.


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