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Claimed (Passion in Paradise #4.5)

Page 4

by Sarah O'Rourke

  Yowsa, but this guy really knew how to reach inside her heart and grab her attention. He was saying all the right things, too. Quite simply, she was running out of obstacles to put in his path.

  “I’m 25. You don’t think that’s too young?” she asked nervously, watching his face.

  Aiden snorted. “Depends. Do you think 35 is old?” he countered, lifting his chin almost as if he was daring her to find fault with his age.

  Carolina smiled and shook her head. “Of course not.”

  “Then I think 25 is perfect. Old enough to know your own mind, but young enough to still carry lots of my babies safely. Now, can we conclude the talking portion of our evening and move on to much more pleasurable activities?” he asked, nipping her chin playfully with his teeth.

  “I wanna see the rest of your house first,” she murmured, gasping when he bent his head to suck the vulnerable skin between her neck and her shoulder. That part about carrying his babies slid right in and out of her mind, losing space to the sudden fire that rekindled in her soul.

  “Unless you fancy a naked tour of the joint, you’re gonna have to wait until I get my fill of you tonight, Dimples. I find myself needin’ you in the worst of ways,” his gravelly voice rasped as he guided her hand to the hard bulge at his groin. “I’m achin’ for you, baby.”

  “Wow,” Caro breathed as her eyes fell to where her hand covered his arousal.

  “Is that a good ‘wow’, a bad ‘wow’, or a ‘what-the-hell-did-I-get-myself-into ‘wow’?” he asked with a sly smile. “I’m hopin’ like hell it’s the first one.”

  Squeezing his hardened length slightly in her hand, she heard his low moan of approval. “This looks… painful,” she murmured, petting the bulge gently as his hips pressed against her hand.

  “Only in the purest possible way, Carolina, but your touch is the sweetest kind of balm, darlin,” he rumbled, nuzzling her cheek as he watched her hand rub him. “Let me take you to bed, baby. I promise, I’ll make it good for you,” he whispered against her temple before pressing a slow kiss to the warm flesh.

  Nodding before she could talk herself out of it, Caro decided to take the plunge and throw herself headlong into pleasure. “Yes,” she agreed. “Take me to bed, Aiden.”

  Once her decision was made, things happened quickly. Clothing fell away from their bodies, piece by piece. Long moments later, the only thing that separated them was the tiny scrap of satin that shielded her pussy. Easing her back until she rested in the center of the bed, Aiden loomed over her, his dark eyes boring into hers as he stared down at her.

  Touching her cheek softly, he murmured, “You okay, Dimples? Not scared, are you?”

  Touched by his careful thoughtfulness, she felt herself falling a little deeper under this man’s magical spell. “I’m naked,” she choked, still unable to believe she was in his bed, her body poised to take things to the next level.

  “You surely are, baby, but you’ve got nothing to feel anxious over,” Aiden assured her with a devastating smile as his eyes traveled down her bare body while deft hands followed. “You’re as gorgeous without clothes as you are when you’ve got them on. I’m finally getting to touch all these luscious curves that’ve been tempting me all evening,” he murmured appreciatively, pausing to cup and squeeze one heavy breast in his hand. “It’s hard to believe you’re trusting me with all this.”

  Caro’s breath hitched in her throat as his clever fingers found their way between her splayed legs, sliding beneath her panties to explore her wet folds. “I can hardly believe it either,” she confided in a small voice. “I can’t help it, though. You’re a hard man to deny. Especially when you keep doing the most delicious things to my body.” His low chuckle was his only response as she laid beneath him, rolling her hips to meet the hand toying between her legs. Gasping when his thumb brushed against the sensitive nub at the apex of her thighs, she cried out when he chose that moment to lower his head to one ripe breast, pulling a stiffened nipple between his lips to suckle gently.

  It was sinful, the brutal pleasure he was forcing on her. Every part of her felt hot and needy, her body crying out for completion. Lifting her hips when she felt him slowly slide a finger inside her, testing her readiness, Caro felt herself growing more desperate. Dear God, it felt like her entire world revolved around the sensations he was creating between her legs. Rocking her hips as her breath became ragged and choppy, she clutched at his shoulders as he smiled around her breast. “Aiden, it’s too much,” she whimpered as her body rioted, eager for something that she couldn’t name, but hovered just out of reach.

  “Shhhh, it’s gonna be okay, Dimples,” he consoled her, lifting his head to stare down into her bewildered eyes. “Just let the pleasure have you, darlin’.” Curling his fingers inside her, he grinned when she released a hoarse cry.

  “Holy mother! Right there, Aiden,” she moaned as her back arched and her hips lifted, her wet pussy sucking at his fingers as his thumb manipulated her swollen clit.

  “Show me how you light up for me, Caro. C’mon, baby, catch fire for me,” he urged against her parted lips, kissing her deeply as she convulsed around his fingers, her body quaking against his as she climaxed underneath him.

  Aiden’s mouth muffled her shriek of satisfaction, but nothing could stop her body’s reaction to him. Dragging her nails down his back to clutch his firm ass, Caro’s body tightened as her orgasm flooded her. Coming down slowly from an extraordinary high, she was dimly aware of Aiden’s lips pressing kisses to her neck while she caught her breath.

  Opening her eyes a second later, his warm smile greeted her as he slowly lifted the still glistening fingers that had just been inside her to his mouth. Swallowing hard as she watched him suck those fingers into his mouth, her happy place (which had just gotten exceedingly ecstatic) did another joyful little dance.

  “Mmmmm,” he hummed hungrily. “Creamy and sweet. Just the way I like all my treats,” she heard Aiden’s deep voice praise. “I think it’s a safe bet to say I’m gonna spend a whole lotta time worshiping at the altar of your delicious pussy.”

  Caro shivered at the erotic image his words drummed up. “Oh, my,” she whispered shakily.

  “Letting go felt pretty damn good, didn’t it?” he teased, pressing a slow, deliberate kiss to the center of her throat.

  “I’ve never been so satisfied in my life, Aiden. Thank you,” she whispered, lifting a hand to stroke his strong jaw.

  “Dimples, that pleasure was all mine. I could watch you come apart underneath me for the rest of my life and it still wouldn’t be long enough.”

  Lifting her head from the pillow, she captured his lips in a tender kiss. “You’re sweet,” she breathed against his mouth. “But, now, it’s your turn,” she declared, lightly shoving his chest until he rolled over on his back. Moving to straddle him, she quickly hooked her fingers underneath the elastic of his silk boxers.

  Catching her wrists before she could strip him down to his birthday suit, Aiden did an ab curl and lifted his torso from the bed to face her. “Babe, you don’t have to do that,” he reassured her gently, brushing his nose against hers. “I didn’t give you that release to get something in return. You don’t ever need to feel obligated to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  God, this man was perfect. How many men would worry about a woman’s feelings when she was offering to blow him? Certainly not any she knew -- well, not until Aiden. Most guys would have been shoving their dicks in her mouth, not worrying about her comfort level. It appeared she’d finally lucked out and found the exception to every rule. He was like the white whale. The ultimate conquest come to life. ”I don’t feel any pressure, Aiden. I promise. But I do want to feel you,” she remarked, working his boxers down his hips. “And see you. And, most importantly of all, I want to taste you,” she finished with a saucy smile as she completely divested Aiden of his underwear and threw it over her shoulder.

  Settling back on her haunches, she stared down at the surprise
she’d uncovered. And, oh my, was it a big one. At least nine jaw-dropping inches, his cock was long and thick, and she knew it was going to take some work on her part to be able to take all of him comfortably. But, damn it, she wanted every scintillating inch of what he had.

  Laying on his back, Aiden watched her face closely even as his cock bobbed between them, bouncing lightly against his stomach. “Dimples, I can’t tell whether you’re terrified or turned on, and I’m getting a little bit worried down here.”

  “Well, let me see if I can put some of your fears to rest,” Carolina murmured, licking her lips seductively before she lowered her head to slowly lick the length of Aiden’s cock from root to tip. Swirling her tongue around his dick’s leaking tip, she moaned as his salty taste coated her tongue. Hearing him hiss in a tight breath through his teeth as the vibrations from her moan radiated up his staff, she pulled his mushroom shaped head into the warmth of her mouth and suckled gently.

  “Sweet Christ,” Aiden cursed sharply as the muscles in his thighs tensed when the heat of her mouth moved down his throbbing arousal, taking most of his length down her throat. She tightened her grip on his dick as she swallowed, and he nearly howled with pleasure. “Fuck, Dimples, do that again,” he snarled, burying one hand in her silky hair to gently push her back down on his cock. “Shit, baby,” he groaned. “No woman’s ever swallowed my dick like that. You’re a goddamn miracle with that mouth.”

  Carolina hummed happily at his praise, hollowing her cheeks and pulling his dick deeper into her mouth on every downward stroke. No expert of sucking dick, she was just happy he seemed to like what she was doing. Every time she’d tried to be this intimate with Daniel, he’d merely criticized her, complaining about her technique. Hearing Aiden’s low groans of desire and sighs of pleasure was just the confidence boost she needed. Maybe she wasn’t so bad at this whole sex thing after all. She certainly enjoyed going down on Aiden. Giving head was a whole new experience when a girl’s partner actually encouraged her with gentle words of praise. Savoring his unique taste, she was desperate to make him cum. She wanted to watch ecstasy consume him the way it had her. And more than anything, she wanted to provide the stimulus that pushed him over the edge.

  Unfortunately, Aiden had other plans.

  “Caro, baby, get up here,” Aiden insisted as he gently tugged on Carolina’s hair to pull her off his pulsing cock.

  “But I’m not finished,” Caro mumbled around his flesh, using her tongue to rub the sensitive underside of his dick and pulling a shudder from his big body.

  “Yeah, but if you keep up that torture much longer, I will be finished, darlin’. And when I finally get off with you for the first time, I don’t wanna fill your naughty little mouth with my load. I want to be buried inside that hot, tight cunt of yours. Now get that sweet pussy over my cock like a good girl before I decide to spank that ass. C’mon now, I wanna be kissin’ that dirty mouth of yours while I make you mine,” he demanded gruffly, keeping one hand in her hair while he used the other to cup her elbow and pull her up his body.

  More than a little turned on by his threat of a spanking, Carolina took her time moving up his body. She was thrilled when he rewarded her leisurely pace with a sharp slap to her right ass cheek. “Mmmm,” she moaned as her head fell backward and she felt the warm heat of his hand fall heavily against the globe of her ass. Slowly righting her head, she met Aiden’s eyes and bit the inside of her cheek anxiously.

  “You like that?” he asked quietly, rubbing his hand in a slow circle over the spot where he’d smacked her.

  “Would you think less of me if I said yes?” she asked nervously as her hair fell over her shoulder.

  “No, but I’d be pissed as hell if you lie to me,” he warned as his hand gripped the cheek of her ass and squeezed and he watched her face for signs of deceit.

  “I liked it, Aiden. A lot.”

  Aiden smile widened. “Did I luck up and get myself a bad girl with a heart of gold?”

  Carolina shrugged. “I dunno. Maybe you did,” she offered playfully.

  Wrapping a hand around the back of her neck, he guided her mouth down to his until her lip hovered less than a breath away. “If that’s the case, Dimples, I might just be the luckiest man in the world,” he declared before lifting his head to claim her lips.

  Melting into his kiss, Carolina decided it was past time she took some initiative to relieve that achy, hollow feeling that had been building inside her over the last several minutes. She knew what she needed, and she knew he was just the man to give it to her. Reaching between them, she palmed his length, guiding it to her opening. Drawing back to take a deep breath, she slowly sank over him, holding her breath as his cock slowly slipped inside her snug channel. Gasping as she felt the slow burn of his width stretching her walls, his cock burrowed a white hot path through her pussy. Clinging to his shoulders as she tried to catch her breath, she met his gaze with near frantic eyes. “Aiden?” she whimpered as his hips rocked slightly against hers.

  “Shhh, it’s gonna be okay, baby. It’s just a tight fit, but we’ll work through it,” he promised through clenched teeth. “Just try to relax, baby,” he urged as his hands tightened on her waist when she tried to wiggle on top of him and find a comfortable position. Groaning, Aiden’s neck arched against the pillow behind his head. “Dimples, sugar, you can’t move around like that. At least, not yet. I don’t wanna lose control.”

  Experimentally rocking her pelvis against his, she was relieved that some of the burn had faded and been replaced with an almost instinctive need to move. “But it feels so good to move,” she whined, shifting her ass again as she felt his cock pulse inside her.

  “Fuck, Carolina,” Aiden snarled, his fingers biting into her flesh as he tried to control those mind-blowing little gyrations of her hips. “I’m tryin’ to protect you, sugar. Much more of this and I’m gonna lose both my mind and my nut.”

  She couldn’t help laughing at that. “Would that be such a bad thing?” she whispered against his ear, nibbling his earlobe. “I might like feeling you lose control,” she taunted sassily, gently biting his corded neck.

  Wrapping his arms tightly around her back, Aiden quickly rolled, reversing their positions with one fluid motion. “You wanna get wild, Dimples?” he rasped against her neck, flicking his tongue against her salty flesh as he thrust heavily into her smoldering heat. Growling against her breast when her walls gripped him in a velvety embrace, he captured one pert reddish-brown nipple between his teeth and nipped gently in warning. “Release, you firecracker,” he ordered her with a hoarse bark of laughter.

  “Release what?” she questioned with faux innocence, mirth shining in her expressive eyes.

  “You know what,” he admonished, drawing his hips back to take another plunge into her silken passage. “That tight pussy is gonna make me blow before I’m ready.”

  “”I’m ready,” she goaded, lifting her ass from the bed to meet his deep thrust.

  Wrapping his hands behind her knees, Aiden urged her legs up, spreading her wide. “Alright, baby. You wanna fuck? We’ll fuck,” he declared with a wicked smile.

  Carolina moaned loudly as Aiden surged inside her, his hips rising and falling in an almost brutal tempo as he filled her, every thrust deeper than the last. With every lunge of his pelvis, his cock stoked a raging fire that was already threatening to burn out of control. Winding her arms around his neck, Carolina’s full breasts bounced with every plunge of his hips. “God, that’s so good,” she panted as Aiden’s dick flexed inside her, rubbing against a patch of nerves she’d never known she had. “Oh, yeah, right there, Aid,” she begged as her legs trembled above her head.

  Aiden’s snarling grunts mixed with her low cries of pleasure while their bodies strained together, so close that she wasn’t sure any longer where she started and he ended. With every passing moment, her body got closer to release. Staring up at Aiden, sweat poured from his face as his head fell back on his shoulders and his body tense
d above hers.

  “I’m so fuckin’ close. Get there for me, baby,” he managed to grind out as the muscle in his jaw flexed and his face tightened into a grimace. She knew he was concentrating hard to hold back his own impending orgasm by sheer force of will, his big body as desperate for climax as hers. “Touch yourself, Carolina. Let me watch you pet that pretty pussy,” he demanded, his deep voice almost guttural as he pounded inside her.

  Reaching her hand between them, it only took her seconds to give herself that extra little push she needed. Less than a minute later, scalding pleasure flooded her entire body as her cunt tightened around his cock, convulsing as she reached a peak so high it rendered her nearly blind with pleasure.

  Her high-pitched scream of completion would have deafened him if his own bellows hadn’t been echoing off the bedroom walls as he surged within her one last time, his deep thrust nearly pile-driving her into the headboard of the bed while hot, furious blasts of his seed coated her womb.

  It was unbearably hot.

  It was incredibly sexy.

  And it was also extremely stupid.

  Hell, it was beyond stupid.

  It was rash. Impulsive. Irresponsible. Reckless. Risky.

  But most of all, it was completely irreversible.

  Because neither one of the normally level-headed, intelligent people lying in that king-sized bed had ever once thought to grab a single condom.


  The both of them!

  Collapsing against the bed underneath the heavy weight of her new lover, Carolina Mayfair could only utter one word.


  Chapter Four

  “Oh, no! No!No!No!No!No! This can NOT be happening to me! I’m responsible. I’m conscientious. I’m always careful, Aiden,” Carolina babbled as she stared into the unflinching gaze of the man she’d just fucked. “It’s was even my nickname in college,” she confided with a hysterical little laugh. “Careful Carolina. My stupid roommate even made up a rhyme. She’s our careful Carolina. She never steps a single toe out of lina,” she recited frantically. “Unless, of course, a hunky fireman happens to decide that he wants to get into my panties. Then, I evidently throw caution to the flippin’ wind and dive pussy-first onto his dick,” she yelled, sweeping an arm toward the window as she jumped out of bed and began pacing.


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