His Town

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His Town Page 21

by Ellie Danes

  “Fine.” He finally muttered.

  I stood and retrieved an envelope, refunding his money for the evening.

  Handing it to him, I said, “Trevor, please see Xander out.”

  But Xander made no move to leave. After a moment, I nodded to Trevor and he crossed the room and took hold of Xander’s arm. Staring at Xander with a raised eyebrow, I willed him to go without a fight.

  “Please come with me, sir.” Trevor asked as he roughly pulled Xander to his feet. Xander swatted his arm away with a defensive fighting move, obviously something he used in the ring, before taking a few steps back.

  “I can see myself out.” He spat. Then, moving toward the door and flinging it open, he was greeted by two other large men from security.

  Chapter Five


  We slowly made it through the crowd and found our way to the front door. Natalie seemed to be waiting for us there, as if she were already one step ahead. I didn’t care, I was ready to leave. I never should have gone out tonight in the first place.

  “Ladies, I’m sad to see you go.” Natalie gave us a brief smile. “I hope everything is alright.”

  “Not really.” I barked. I still felt upset and pissed off at the encounter with the so-called man of the hour that every woman had been fawning all over.

  Natalie nodded her head in agreement. “I know. Apparently there was a little situation with you and our bachelor? I want to assure you, we’re dealing with him as we speak. Asher is very strict about the rules being broken and our guests not being treated as they should be.”

  “Who? Asher?” My raised eyebrows mirrored my confusion. But after a moment, I shook my head. “You know what? Never mind. I don’t care who’s very strict. I’m done here and we’re leaving.” I grabbed Avery’s arm and gave it a tug as I noticed a large security guard taking a step forward.

  “That’s fine.” Natalie smiled. “But we’d really like you to come back tomorrow night. I promise, things will be different.”

  “No chance.” I answered back without giving it a second thought.

  Beside me, Avery chimed in. “We’ll think about it.” She said, smiling warmly. I couldn’t tell if she was being serious, or if she was just trying to be polite.

  Natalie dismissed Avery’s confirmation though, staring instead directly into my eyes. “Harper, I really hope you will be back tomorrow.” She motioned to the security guards. “Triple it for them,” she said. “And please, get them a car, not one of those smelly cabs.” She turned her attention back toward us. “Again, I’m really sorry about this Harper.”

  The large security guard rustled through some plain white envelopes and handed one to both Avery and I. Without even looking inside, I slipped it into my clutch and muttered, “Thank you.”

  Natalie pressed her finger to her ear. “You two should be going now. Xander is being escorted out and we would rather you not have to deal with seeing him.” She nodded again and the security guard opened the front door and pointed to a black town car with tinted windows. “That’s your ride. Just tell them wherever you want to go.”

  I was still angry over the confrontation with Xander, but suddenly I wanted to thank Natalie for being such a cordial host. His being an asshole wasn’t her fault, after all But even as I thought the words, it was too late to say them. She had vanished back into the party and we were quickly escorted to the waiting car.

  Slipping into the backseat, we waited for the car ahead of us to pull out, but it seemed to just be sitting there. I watched as the front door of the house opened again, and this time two large gentlemen emerged with Xander between them. Their big hands firmly held his arms as they walked him to the car. He broke away from the guards momentarily, however, and our eyes met when he happened to peer through our front window.

  “Asshole!” I mouthed to him as the guards grabbed his arms again and led him to the car. I heard him yelling back profanities at me, words I chose to ignore. Instead, I watched as he got into the car and it quickly pulled away.

  Our driver looked at us through the rearview mirror and smiled. “Rough night, it seems.” He chuckled a little, but I didn’t see the humor in his comment. Not getting the reaction he wanted from us, he quickly changed his approach. “Where to ma’am?”

  “900 Campus way.” I ordered.

  “I think we should come back tomorrow,” Avery suddenly said. “Aren’t you insanely curious about what all goes on here? Plus… Natalie seemed like she might be willing to give us the VIP treatment after tonight.”

  “She should,” I grumbled.

  Avery leaned back into the deep leather seats and exhaled dreamily. “I mean, I know he turned out to be a jerk, but look how quickly they handled it and made sure you were ok. Plus, did you see all those other guys? I bet whoever they have tomorrow night is a thousand times better.”

  I didn’t really care. Being set up in a situation like this wasn’t my idea of finding love. But I didn’t have the energy to argue with her now. So instead, I just closed my eyes and leaned back into the seat.

  A moment later, I heard the ripping sound of paper, followed by a scream. The driver swerved the car and then quickly corrected himself as I opened my eyes and stared at Avery. “What’s wrong?” I demanded.

  She held a wad of cash in her hand and was quickly flipping through each bill, counting. “Fifteen hundred!”

  “What?” I shouted. “Avery! We need to bring that back. They gave you someone else’s envelope.”

  “No! Open yours!” She fanned herself with the handful of bills.

  I hadn’t noticed the thickness of the envelope when I placed it in my clutch earlier, but I noticed now as I reached in to grab it. Ripping it open, I counted the stack of bills inside. “Fifteen hundred.” I whispered to Avery, not wanting to get the attention of the driver. “How is this right?”

  “We have to go back tomorrow!” Avery insisted now. “Getting paid to meet hot men!” Her grin was ear to ear. “I mean, I don’t really need the money, but hell, if someone wants to pay me to drink and meet guys, why not?” She giggled to herself and was almost overcome with giddiness.

  “I’m not sure.” I shook my head as the driver turned away from the river and began to head back into town.

  “Tell me you can’t see that money!” Avery fanned her bills some more, forcing me to look down at my own stack again. “Imagine the clothes you could buy, Harp! And your bills!”

  “Let’s just go home.” I exhaled and leaned back into the seat again, squeezing the money tightly in my hand as I closed my eyes once more.

  The truth was, I could use the money. I remembered Natalie telling the security guard to triple what we were given, but even at five hundred dollars, it was still more than I could make in almost two weeks at my part-time job.

  Without saying a word, I started to convince myself that perhaps there would be no harm in going back.

  It Takes Two

  The Matchmaker Series, Book Two

  (A Billionaire Romance)


  Ellie Danes


  Chapter One


  I pressed the microphone button and scanned the display for any sign of Natalie in the house. “Natalie, can you get in here now, please?” I was polite, but I didn’t hide the seriousness from my voice. Natalie bustled into the room almost before I had finished my sentence.

  “Hey, Asher.” She said with ease. “What can I do for you?”

  Hardly anyone called me by my real name. I had always hated it myself; Mason. It just felt stuffy to me. Asher had somehow become my nickname in college, and it had stuck all these years later.

  Still, this wasn't college and we weren't friends visiting over coffee. I needed to make sure she understood the importance of the conversation we were about to have.

  “We need to talk about last night,” I frowned at her, “Please take a seat.” Natalie headed for the couch and perched on its edge with her wor
k files placed in her lap.

  “I think we need to look at the screening process for our clients again,” I explained to her as I swept over the files in front of me. “I don’t want another incident like that to happen ever again.”

  “With all due respect, Asher,” Natalie began. “You know last night was a fluke. We are so careful,” she continued. “It’s never happened before, and I really don't see it happening in the future either.”

  I slammed my hand down on my desk, unable to keep my patience in this moment. “I don’t care whether it was a one time thing or something that happens every damn week. It shouldn’t have happened at all. I will not have another woman treated like that in this house.”

  I couldn’t keep the anger from my voice. The expression on Harper’s face after her encounter with Xander hadn’t left my mind, and it was enough to bring the situation to a head. Having Natalie question my judgment didn’t help. I felt myself wanting to unload on her, but deep down, I knew it wasn’t really her fault. I’d had my reservations about Xander from the start, but had accepted him anyway, for reasons I now couldn’t even recall.

  “I’m sorry,” I lowered my voice as I bit my lip, “I know it’s not your fault. Have we heard from the girl? Harper?” A small flicker of hope rose in my stomach, “Will she be joining us again tonight?”

  “I’m afraid we haven’t heard from her.” Natalie shook her head

  “What a shame,” I tried to keep the disappointment from my voice, knowing that Natalie would instantly catch on. She knew me well, and any interest I showed in any woman would tip her off. “I would have liked to have made it up to her. Maybe we should try to follow up, just to make sure everything is all right? The last thing we need is someone filing a complaint.” I knew it wasn’t likely, given that we had paid her a significant amount of money for the night. But mentioning the possibility of a complaint seemed like one of the few options to get her back here without raising suspicion.

  “I’ll look into it for you.” Natalie promised. “Right now though, the new clients are waiting in the hallway.” I looked at the clock and realized we were less than an hour from go-time. She handed me the files she had been holding onto. “Have you had a chance to review their videos?” Natalie paused, waiting for my reply as I flipped through the pages now in front of me.

  “Yes,” I answered. “I watched them a few days ago.”

  She nodded. “Should I send them in?”

  I shook my head quickly. “Give me a few minutes to look at these. I’ll call you when I’m ready for them.” I explained as she headed for the door, adding, “Please make sure they’re comfortable while they wait.”

  “Of course.” Natalie cast a smile at me quickly before she headed from the room and closed the door behind her.

  I flipped through the files, barely looking at the details. My mind was still partly on Harper and the night before as my glazed eyes attempted to focus on the stat sheet.

  Mia was 5’4, brunette, and a young businesswoman who had made her fortune at only 26.

  Henry appeared to be a little less desirable, but still handsome. He had a plump baby face and short dark hair, with a very warm and magnetic smile. Though he was a self-made millionaire, and was a great negotiator, he didn’t know how to talk with women. His file explained that he hadn’t had a steady girlfriend in his life for years. Nothing lasting longer than a few months.

  He would be a tricky one to find the perfect date for. He needed to break out of his shell, and I needed the perfect way to do it. I would never say that it was impossible though. I liked to give myself a challenge.

  Looking at the wall of displays, I watched the awkward interaction between Mia and Henry as they sat in the other room. I knew I had my work cut out for me, and unfortunately, they didn’t have my full attention.

  I clicked the button on the microphone, “Natalie, send in Mia please.” A moment later, the bubbly brunette burst through the door with a decided flounce of her summer dress.

  “Good morning, Mia.” I smiled politely as I extended my hand, guiding her to the couch. She stared at me, unconsciously sizing me up. A dependence on superficial attraction was the reason most of my clients came to me. The majority of them didn’t have any trouble finding an attractive date, but once they got beyond the looks that bounced them from relationship to relationship, they usually discovered it was a true connection that was missing.

  “Good morning, ” she smiled at me and continued staring with a seductive look in her eyes.

  I returned to my seat behind the desk, dismissing her engaging gaze and beginning the first part of our evening prep. “I watched your video the other day and have been reviewing your file and notes. I believe that we’ve found some men that are going to be exactly what you’re looking for.” She seemed to lick her lips in response, and I knew immediately she wasn’t going to have any problem finding a man. It was just finding the right man that would be the task. “So, why don’t you tell me what you’re looking for.”

  “Well,” she started to reel off a list. “He has to be handsome, rugged, smart, and most importantly, single.” She giggled. “I always seem to land the guys that have it all, including a wife.”

  I nodded. “Mia, I can promise that none of the men here tonight will be married. But let me give you a piece of advice that will help you.” I leaned forward and looked into her eyes. “Play hard to get, just a little. These men are all going to be vying for your attention. Make them work for it. By the end of the night, I’m sure you will have narrowed your options down.”

  I leaned back and waited to see if my comment had sunk in. It didn’t appear as if it had, as she continued to look at me as though I might be just what she was looking for. She obviously didn’t understand that she was giving off a “Fuck me now” vibe and that was probably the reason she was attracting the wrong types of men.

  Taking a deep breath, I continued. “I think your problem may be that you’re coming off as desperate, needy, and just wanting a man. You need the right man, not just any man, and that’s what we’re here to help you with.” I watched Mia’s expression as my words sank in.

  “I’m not–”

  I cut her off. “We both know that you’re not actually desperate, at least not in that way. But let’s just start tonight off by sending out the right message, okay?” I clicked the little black microphone button again. “Natalie? Will you take Mia to get a drink while I speak with Henry. Once I’m done here, we can get things finished up and ready for tonight.”

  “Of course.” Natalie ducked into the office with a big smile on her face, her purple hair bouncing on top of her head. She turned to Mia and gestured for her to follow.

  Henry slid into the room as they left, not saying much and barely making eye contact. “Are you ready for tonight?” I chuckled. I doubted that he was. In fact, I knew he was going to be overwhelmed. That many attractive women in one spot would put Henry into overload. He was more likely to shut down than to excel.

  Henry attempted a smile as he meekly looked up. “I…I think so.”

  I immediately wondered how he had made his millions, being as shy and reserved as he was. He must have been truly talented in his field, and likely capable of putting on a different persona in business. Which gave me an idea. “Tonight,” I began. “I want you to think about this as a business transaction.” I smiled through my pursed lips and watched his eyes light up. “Doing so will put you at ease, and I believe you’ll actually get to know these girls for who they are as a result.”

  Henry nodded. “I’m not really good at speaking with women. Most of the time, they approach me. And even then, I tend to freeze up.”

  “Trust me, Henry.” I assured him. “Tonight, it’s a business transaction. Go into it with the mindset that you are simply getting to know whoever you are about to go into business with. Don’t even think about the romantic possibilities. Instead, act like you’re interviewing an employee that is about to run your company. Whatever it ta
kes, just don’t view this as picking a date.” I rubbed the back of my neck as I watched him process my instructions. “Don’t worry,” I promised. “We will always be close by, and Natalie or Hunter will be there in an instant if you start to flounder.”

  Henry smiled and acknowledged what I was asking, seeming to grow more comfortable with the approach I was suggesting. Pushing the intercom button, I asked Natalie to bring Mia back in. The women entered together, Natalie closing the door behind them and standing in front of it.

  That was when I began to explain the rules, hoping that tonight, my clients might actually listen. I really didn’t want a repeat of the night before. “I will be at the mixer tonight, mingling right alongside you. But I ask that you do not speak to me directly. Please direct any issues to Natalie or Hunter. I’ll be there, but I like to remain out of the picture whenever possible, for a lot of reasons. Are we clear?”

  “Of course.” Mia smiled back at me.

  “I completely understand.” Henry nodded simply.

  The monitors on the back wall showed a few potential dates already moving into the main room. Hunter was directing them and I watched closely, hoping to see Harper’s smiling face. When I didn’t spot her there, I turned back to my clients.“Ok, you two. It’s time to get ready for this evening. Natalie will make sure you have everything you need. There are a few things I still need to do, if you’ll please excuse me.” I nodded to Natalie as she escorted the pair from the room and led them to the guest suites, where they could relax and prepare themselves.

  Sinking back into my chair, I watched the monitors that displayed the foyer and front of the house. I straightened when a familiar face appeared, but it wasn’t Harper. Instead, it was her friend Avery.

  No sooner had I seen her than Natalie’s voice echoed in my ear. “I just saw Avery arrive. No sign of Harper.”

  “I see that.” I confirmed. “Please let her know that she’s welcome to attend this evening, but she needs to return with Harper. No exceptions.” I realized it was a calculated risk that she may not return at all, but I had to try. I needed to see Harper.


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