His Town

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His Town Page 90

by Ellie Danes

  His body jerked—but not away from my touch — toward it.

  “Oh. My…God….” he breathed. “Keep going. Please, Kate. Please.”

  I loved that he was begging, that he wanted me that badly. Hell, I loved that I wanted him so badly.

  Our lips collided again, each of our mouths hungry for the others.

  He replaced my hand with his and guided himself into me, stretching me and filling me up. I sighed with release.

  Moans escaped our mouths.

  He held me up as he leaned firmly against the wall. He gripped my ass as I rode him up and down, over his body. Hips grinding against hips. Nails digging into flesh. Kissing. Panting.

  The rush, the need, the desire. It was all fast and extremely desperate.

  He gripped my hips, his fingertips digging into flesh, and pushed himself fully within me. I groaned with a relief I hadn’t quite known before, as I felt his heat and length, fill me completely.

  “Yes,” I gasped. I ran my fingers through his hair, grabbing a handful of locks with every movement, and then slid my hands down to desperately claw at his chest and back.

  He made noise after noise. I was doing the same. I squeaked out in nothing but pure ecstasy as he slipped inside, all the way to the hilt, thrust after thrust. His strength, lifting me up as he remained flat against the wall, astounded me.

  His hands palmed and massaged my ass with every stroke and I felt my body clench tighter and tighter with every movement. His biceps pressed firmly against my body as he held me tightly.

  My head dropped down to his shoulder, and I didn’t even realize what it was that I was doing until I was unbuttoning his shirt and moving his collar away to bite his neck. My teeth sank deep as I felt myself tremble in his arms, his nails digging into the flesh of my ass.

  I felt a fire build up deep inside of me. He was grunting, growling, his eyes closed tightly. I could tell that he was closing in on something incredibly powerful. He was getting close to pure and utter bliss. I knew because I was feeling the same way. I knew because he felt so damn good — and I could only hope that I did as well.

  I watched him as he turned a bright pink — flushed and heated — and it was all for me. I felt a release, an extreme pleasure as if my entire body was consumed with lust and joy.

  I screamed, rippling around him. He kissed me tenderly and moved us back over to the couch. It was crazy how much energy he had. I wasn’t doing any lifting at all, and I was almost completely exhausted. The only thing that was keeping me going was the complete and utter desire I felt for him.

  He walked us to the oversized chaise, and he was still thick within me. I couldn’t help but breathe out in excitement as I watched his chest and biceps flex as we moved.

  I wrapped my arms around his neck even tighter as he lifted me up just enough to pull himself out. I wanted to protest, but I knew we’d come together once again after we got situated. So instead, I merely got up on my knees and kissed him as he sat on the couch.

  His hands snaked up my back, massaging me as they went, and I was once again reminded how many clothes we still had on.

  I couldn’t even see his body well, as he journeyed over mine. His shirt was unbuttoned just enough for me to see his chest, and I could see his large, rounded biceps through the fabric — but that was all I saw of him. I craved more, but I was in so much need for him, that I didn’t even want to begin to bother taking anything else off.

  I needed another release. I craved it.

  “I hate your sweater,” he whispered in between kisses.

  “I hate all of these clothes,” I whispered back. “Mine and yours.”

  I let out a breathy sigh as he moved his pants further down and moved my panties to the other side. I knew what was coming. And by God, it couldn’t come quickly enough.

  I whimpered when he teased the area where my thigh meets my womanhood. I wanted him to hurry. I wanted him to keep going — to finish what we’d started.

  He ran his fingers down the length of the wet cotton between my legs and I couldn’t help but jerk my hips up to reach his delicate, teasing strokes. He smirked, devilishly, from what I could see from the one light barely shining throughout the room.

  His fingers laced, purposely, around the material of my panties, playing with it.

  “Please, Ian,” I found myself begging. I never begged, but it was torturous — there were too many feelings, too many pleasurable feelings.

  “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered as he moved to position himself between my legs once again.

  And in one instant, he entered me.

  It was only a matter of moments until we were moving in time with one another once again. The perfect rhythm to elicit perfect responses, perfect whimpers, perfect sighs and oh-so-perfect moans.

  I was floating again.

  He nuzzled my neck, kissing as he did, until he slowed his pace to an excruciatingly teasing one.

  “Ian,” I begged again, almost in a whisper.

  But he didn’t say anything. He didn’t even act like he heard me. Instead, he just continued. Slow. Short. Delayed thrusts. Over and over again.

  I was getting frustrated.

  “Ian!” I yelled, and I felt him smile at my neck just before he bit it roughly. Then, as if I’d said some sort of magic word, the pace increased and what had been slow, short, and delayed thrusts became long, deep, hard ones.

  I felt like I was going to explode.

  My breaths became shallow, as did his. My body twitched in delight at all the sensations, and I could feel my nipples tighten.

  He moaned and bucked against me wildly, so wildly that he was becoming sloppy… I knew that it was all about to culminate in the biggest and most euphoric experience I’d ever been a part of. I felt myself reach that point where I was about to come again, and this time it would be even stronger.

  “Oh my god, Ian!” I screamed out, loudly, in between panting breaths. Before I knew it, I was convulsing around him, feeling freer than I ever had before. Which was ironic, really. He was pinning me down into the softness of the couch. I had nowhere I could escape to; I was trapped between him and a mound of fabric and cushioning.

  I felt my back shift a few inches as he leaned down even more against me, his head falling to my shoulder. His breath puffed against my ear. It was hard and ragged and full of quiet moans. And then, I felt my entire body tighten once again. Waves crashed into me from every direction, originating between my legs. I was on fire, jolting and writhing with pleasure. “Yes!” I screamed.

  With one final thrust, I knew it was all over for him as well. “Kate,” he groaned. “Kate, my beautiful Kate.”

  I felt the weight of his body crash into my chest as he fell on top of me, completely spent. But I didn’t mind, in fact, I felt strangely empty when he moved off to curl beside me. But then he wrapped his arms around my waist. I turned to him and smiled, tucking my arm on the inside of his shirt and around his hips. We pulled and tugged at the other, and I marveled at the fact that we were still almost completely clothed.

  “Maybe next time we can do it without our clothes on,” he laughed, mimicking my thoughts exactly.

  “Who says there’s going to be a next time?” I breathed. Although I was just kidding, I realized that we still hadn’t talked about anything—we still didn’t know how this was all going to work.

  Not only did he and my father have a professional rivalry, but there was obviously a clear-cut history between our dads as well. Not to mention I was west coast bound in only a few months.

  “I really like you,” Ian whispered as he kissed my shoulder softly. I cuddled closer into his embrace. It was probably the most bliss that I’d ever experienced.

  “I like you too,” I whispered back.

  Chapter 17


  I couldn’t believe that I wasn’t drunk as I glanced around the living room. The light was dim, perfect for the mood, and the curtains were drawn shut. I honestly couldn’t have planne
d it better if I’d known what was going to happen. Drawing curtains and dimming lights were both part of my many moves. I’d met very few women who enjoyed having a good fuck right up against my wall of windows—too many onlookers. And Kate didn’t strike me as the type to particularly love such a display either.

  But it was strange how things worked. If I hadn’t been sitting at my window before she arrived, looking out into the city, I wouldn’t have been right next to the remote to draw the curtains.

  I still couldn’t really believe what had happened between me and Kate.

  It had been incredible, even better than the fantasy I’d been enjoying just before she arrived. It was different than I’d expected, in the best way imaginable. It wasn’t just that it was more heated and hurried. It was real, she was real, and nothing could have prepared me for how good the real Kate would feel. Not even — and maybe even especially — my own intense imagination.

  The room smelled of sex and sweat, and it would have been uncomfortable if I had company—well, company that didn’t include the woman I’d just fallen in bed with—but it did nothing but turn me on with her here beside me.

  We were both exhausted, tangled up in one another — and our clothes— as we lay, still spent, on the couch. I glanced over at her and smiled. She was looking up at the ceiling, and her hair was plastered to her face with droplets of sweat still beaded atop her forehead. Every time I looked at her, she grew more and more beautiful.

  Our breathing was ragged and rapid, because we still hadn’t gained our composure. She took her eyes off the ceiling and looked at me, a smile on her face. I wondered if she was as shocked as I was by what had just happened.

  “You okay?” I asked, barely able to compile a sentence.

  She nodded, still smiling.

  I grinned back, and pulled her to my lips to lay a single kiss on top of hers.

  Her lips were amazing. Perfectly luscious and plump. I felt like the most blessed man in the world that she was sharing them with me. She was so beautiful.

  “Wow,” she said with a smirk. She turned her body away from me, prompting me to hold her. I did, gladly.

  The fact that we were spooning didn’t make me feel weird at all. Usually I wasn’t big on cuddling, and the fact I was cuddling now would have freaked me out if I hadn’t been so incredibly distracted by the warm, lusciously soft feeling of Kate’s perfect ass pressed against me. My arms were wrapped around her, and my head rested just above hers.

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath, savoring the scent of her shampoo. She smelled good, like honeysuckle and melon. It was a smell so unique and so good that I knew it was one that I’d have locked away forever. It was now one of my favorite scents.

  I felt myself getting aroused again, as she shifted her body slightly, wriggling against me. Her warm flesh lightly moved over mine, and I couldn't help but stifle a deep moan low in my throat. I didn’t even realize that my pants were still down until I felt her there. I knew that I was going to be ready for round two at any moment.

  I wanted her so damned badly. But I knew that I shouldn't test my luck. We still hadn’t talked about anything.

  I whispered in her ear as I pressed a gentle kiss on her neck, relishing the taste of her skin. “So it’s not exactly morning yet,” I said. “But, good morning.”

  “Good morning,” she whispered back in what sounded like the most angelic voice I’d ever heard.

  Her voice was sweet, quiet, and full of what I could describe only as wonderment. Kate clearly lived in a world different from the one I lived in. Even with all the shit she had to put up with her family, she still seemed like one of the most positive people I’d ever seen.

  Sure, she’d come in ranting and raving like a lunatic. But everyone was allowed to be angry. She had emotions. She had sadness — I’d seen it. She’d had anger — I’d definitely seen that.

  Positivity still remained. She never gave up. She never quit fighting for a life she wanted.

  “Go to sleep,” I said, a smile forming on my face. I was leaning over her, watching her eyes blink closed every couple of seconds. She was completely exhausted, ready for bed. There was no telling how long she’d been awake — and by looking at the clock, I could tell that it was well past my own bedtime. Three a.m.

  I smiled again. Each time her lids fell, it took longer for them to open back up again. I knew it was only a matter of time before she was out completely.

  “I’m not tired,” she whispered, but her voice sounded exhausted.

  I smirked. She was so freaking adorable.

  “I’m telling you, I’m not tired.” She shifted again, grinding against me. I had to bite my lip to stifle the moan that was trying to escape my throat, and just enjoy the moment.

  She was probably the cutest sleepy-woman that I’d ever seen in my life. It was even cuter that she kept saying she wasn’t tired, when I was literally watching her fall asleep. I could even hear it. Her breath began to slow in pace, and increase in volume—into little snores.

  “Shh.” I marveled at her a little more, until I noticed that I was fondling her as my fingertips grazed over her fair skin at the uppermost area on her thigh. I bit my lip as I moved over the exposed flesh, which was her entire bottom half.

  I smiled. I was proud of myself for getting that much clothing off of her.

  I was still almost completely clothed. The only thing askew was my unbuttoned shirt and my pants, which were halfway down my ass.

  I felt a chill roll down my spine when I heard a giggle elicit form her mouth.

  “I need to get in the shower,” I whispered, leaning down in her ear. “Go to sleep.”

  I knew that if I stayed any longer, round two would have to commence. I’d go crazy otherwise.

  “Actually,” she said, just before rising up and facing me. “That sounds like the perfect thing to wake me up.”

  I groaned, suddenly feeling a nervous a catch in my throat. I was terrified. In confined spaces with her naked, our sexcapades would have only just begun, and despite my old ways of fucking and forgetting about it, it seemed like maybe Kate and I should talk about things before we got too carried away. “Maybe you should just rest,” I suggested.

  “You better let me in that bathroom, or you’ll regret it.” Her eyes were dark. It was comical, but it was also enough to make me shudder. Those dark eyes were full of lust as she pulled herself up to stand.

  I watched her adorable rounded ass saunter off toward my bedroom. I was mesmerized by her. I watched as she combed her hair with her fingertips and continued on, until she disappeared around the corner.

  Forget talking. We could talk later. Right now I had the most beautiful woman in the world strutting naked toward my shower. My jaw dropped and I sat there frozen for what was probably longer than necessary, before getting up in a hurried frenzy to follow. My pants almost tripped me as I stood, so instead of bothering with them for a second longer, I pulled them the rest of the way down and stepped out of them.

  I’d been in a trance, and I didn’t have a clue how long. All I knew was that I didn’t want to miss a shower with Kate. So with probably a little more urgency than necessary, I jogged to my bedroom and then to my en-suite bathroom. The door was shut.

  I took a deep breath, ripped my shirt off my arms, and opened the bathroom door.

  Watching the steam fill up the room, clouding up the mirrors and the glass, I couldn’t help but grin to myself. She was in there. She was naked likely lathering suds over her gorgeously fair body. But the best thing of all was I knew that she was in there waiting for me to join her.

  I could see her silhouette through the glass door, but only her silhouette. I couldn’t help but curse my frosted glass in that moment. It would have been nice to have a preview before opening the door, alerting her to my presence.

  I loved what I saw as soon as I opened the door and stepped in.

  Kate. Dripping wet. Water droplets slid down her body, teasing me. The image brought
me back to memories of how I’d stood around daydreaming about her and her supple body beneath a stream of water.

  It was like déjà vu, but it was a very, very welcome one.

  The water continued to stream over her skin. Down her face to her bottom lip, where I wanted so badly to kiss her.

  She looked at me, innocently. “What is it?”

  “Jesus,” I said. “You’re beautiful.”

  She smiled as I looked down at her, and I felt something ball up in my stomach. Nerves.

  Because I knew, right then and there, that she was the woman I wanted to be with more than anything in the entire world. It was frightening, but it was also exciting.

  I was so incredibly turned on, just by looking at her. She had an amazing power over me, a power that I couldn’t understand. She had so much control—and it astonished me. No woman had ever had this much control over me. It was thrilling but terrifying, all at the same time.

  She wasn’t all sudsy like I’d envisioned, but I could fix that. She purred happily when I reached out and slid my hand down the entire length of her body, as far as I could reach.

  She licked her lips, and I could tell that she wanted my mouth on hers once again.

  But I wanted us to take our time. Instead, I kissed her porcelain skin. First, grabbing her hands, trailing my lips to her fingertips, and then up her arm, to her shoulder, and finally her neck.

  She whispered, “You feel so good,” as my fingers threaded into her wet locks. I moved away from her neck and pulled her closely to me, gently, by a handful of her gorgeous red hair.

  From there, I sort of lost place of where I was. The next thing I knew was that we were soaking wet, battling tongues as we made our way hurriedly to my bedroom. I didn’t even know if we’d cleaned ourselves off, or if we’d even turned the shower off.

  All I knew was what came next—our bodies moving rhythmically together once again, and the way I felt when she brought her hands around my neck. I felt at ease. At home, even — more than in just the physical sense.


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