Succubus Soccer Mom: A Reverse Harem Tale

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Succubus Soccer Mom: A Reverse Harem Tale Page 11

by Jacquelyn Faye

  He nodded at me. "Yeah. I think so, too. We eat here all the time." He paused to point between himself and Brady. "Never seen this one before."

  "Nope," Brady concurred.

  "So, you two dated before little old me came along?" I grinned and took a swallow of my wine.

  Brady laughed, but Daniel looked embarrassed. More so than he should have. I cocked an eyebrow in intrigue, but let it go. I'd been teasing, but I would have bet money they had experimented in their youth. My pussy liked that idea. A lot.

  Daniel was sitting on the other side of the table from Brady and I, having lost the hastily cast game of rock, paper, scissors they'd used to decide the seating arrangements. If the booth were a little bigger, the three of us could have sat on the same side. Instead of getting to touch both of them, I put my hand on Brady's thigh and smiled at Daniel.

  "So, where are you taking me after this?"

  "Dancing or a movie?"

  "Hmmm. Not a huge fan of dancing, and a movie seems kind of lame for our first double date."

  "What would you suggest?" Brady took a sip of his beer.

  "Any titty bars around?"

  He spit his beer and quickly covered the top of his glass with his free hand, saving Daniel from a beer shower.

  "Titty bar?" Daniel stared at me incredulously.

  "Yes. Strip club?"

  "I know what a titty bar is, I was shocked you wanted to go to one."

  "Why not? I like titties. They're pretty. Big titties, little titties, all the titties." I took another sip of my wine.

  "I'm game," Brady said without arguing, shrugging at Daniel.

  Sliding my hand a little higher on his thigh, I rubbed the tip of his cock through his jeans with my pinky. He looked down at my hand then over at me.

  The server chose that moment to return with another round of drinks. I polished off my wine and handed it to Brady to pass along, not stopping teasing him with my finger.

  "Here we go," she said, and set the full glass of chard down in front of me, reaching over Brady to do it. Her eyes didn't miss what I was doing, either. She froze for a moment, shifted her weight onto her other foot, and set a beer in front of him and another in front of Daniel.

  "Last one for me, please. Switch to Coke after this."

  Without looking from my hand, she nodded. "Sure."

  Finally, she snapped out of it, turned and walked away. Brady started laughing before I did.

  "What's going on?"

  "I'm touching Brady inappropriately. I don't think our waitress has ever seen someone do that in public before." I grinned proudly.

  "Damn it!" He slid his empty beer away.


  "I knew I should have gone with paper."

  "You never could beat me." Brady held up his bottle for a toast. Daniel clinked his and took a sip of his fresh one.

  "You have your phone?" He was cute and deserved a treat.


  "Put it below the table and take a picture."


  "Trust me," I said with a nod.

  In the time it took him to pull his phone out of his pocket and open his camera, I had fished Brady's cock out through his zipper one-handedly. I also hiked up the front of my skirt with the other and spread my legs.

  Daniel put the phone down by his crotch, and without looking, started snapping a few pictures. I stroked Brady's cock and diddled my clit to give him a show.

  "Now look."

  He pulled the phone up and flipped through the pictures, his eyes widening as a small smile crossed his lips.

  "Take a vid," I whispered across the table.

  When he was done fumbling through the controls, he lowered the phone and the light came on, illuminating beneath the table. While there was no one close enough to notice, I needed to be quick. Leaning over, I sucked Brady into my mouth while I slipped a finger in my pussy, pulling it out and rubbing the moisture all over my lips as I ground my fingers against my clit. I moaned into that suck and Brady hissed in pleasure.

  Not wanting an end to the show, I pulled my lips back up his length and let his tip pop free of my mouth before turning toward the camera and smiling. When I sat back up, Daniel pulled the phone above the table and hit play.

  It had done an incredible job capturing the sounds I'd made sucking Brady's cock, and you could even hear the little pop at the end. I'd been gently stroking Brady while Daniel watched the show.

  "You like?"

  He tore his eyes from the screen of his phone, and he nodded slowly. I could taste and smell the lust pouring from him.

  "You want a taste?"

  He nodded.

  "Drop your knife."


  I reached across the table, and his eyes followed my movements as I gently pushed the knife off the edge. It hit the bench beside him and bounced under. "You better get that, don't you think?"

  "I should…"

  He had to tilt on his side to get under the heavily lacquered wood and then dropped to his knees. I spread my legs and felt his tongue slide up between my folds and trail lazily across my clit. I tilted my head back in pleasure and had a wicked thought. Leaning forward, I lowered my head and whispered, "I didn't mean me." I gently shook Brady's cock in Daniel's direction.

  There was a quiet moan under the table.


  "Is that okay with you, Brady?" I looked over at him for approval.

  He seemed to think about it for a moment, then something passed behind his eyes. It felt like a memory, and I was sure it wouldn't have been the first time Daniel had Brady's cock in his mouth. It had probably been years and years, but it had almost definitely happened at one point in all their years of friendship. Finally, Brady shrugged. He was acting almost uninterested, but the smell of lust wafting from him surged.

  Letting go of the velvety softness between my fingers, I watched as a hand encircled his girth and pulled it down from its upright position. My eyes darted up in time to see Brady's lips part as his cock was enveloped by his friend's mouth.

  "Bring back some memories?"

  Brady's eyes widened in shock, and then a blush spread across his cheeks. "How did you?"


  "Yes," he hissed, and started breathing heavier.

  "Just a hunch. Boys will be boys." I grinned and kissed him.

  When I pulled away from that kiss, the waitress was standing a few feet from our table, eyes glued to the show beneath. Her arms were laden with plates of steaming food, but she wasn't moving a muscle, not wanting to break the spell. Finally, I reached down and tapped Daniel's head. "Food's here," I said softly.

  There was a muffled squawk as he pulled away and struggled to get back into his seat without banging his head. The waitress stepped closer and started setting our respective meals in front of each of us. Daniel looked up at her and held up his knife. "I dropped my knife. Think I can get a new one?"

  "Right away, sir."

  ∞ ∞ ∞

  You could tell it was a strip club just by the parking lot. They have a certain feel to them all on their own. The huge sign hanging from the building that said ADULT ENTERTAINMENT was the other clue.

  "The Candy Shoppe?" I chuckled at the name on the gold foiled door as we walked up. Thirty-minute drive to Salem just to see some titties. They better be real.

  "Yeah. Been a few years, huh?" Brady looked at Daniel.

  "My bachelor party, I think."

  "Oh, yeah. Well, let's hope this visit is a little better." Brady laughed heartily.

  Curiosity got the better of me. "Why? What happened?"

  "Samantha," Daniel answered.

  "She showed up to your bachelor party?"

  "While he was on stage…" Brady could hardly breathe.

  "Well, I'll try to make this visit just as memorable. But in a better way." I cupped his bulge beside me as we walked up to the bouncer.

  "Twenty apiece. Lady is free."

  Twenty bucks for a cover charge
wasn't bad. Ginger charged ten, but Full Exposure was a dive. There were three types of strip clubs. Diners, drive-throughs, and dives. Diners were like topless steakhouses. Nudity was used to entice men into coming and spending vast amounts of money on food and drinks. Drive-throughs were like tension relievers. Guys came in to watch a girl strip and then took her to the back for a private show. They were primarily for guys on their way home to a nagging wife and kids to go in and blow off a little steam. And other things. They were the ones who also paid off local law enforcement to stay out of the back rooms. Dives were the nitty-gritty hardcore titty bars. They tried to keep everything above board, but sometimes shit happened. The girls who worked there were the true professionals. Teasing but never pleasing, unless a Ryan walked in, or someone talked them into going home with them. As for the Candy Shoppe, I wouldn't know what category it fell into until we got inside.

  After we walked down a long purple hallway, we entered a dive. Nostalgia, lust, and the heavier smells of sex and cigarettes assaulted my nose, making my eyes water and my heart ache. It had been way too long. I almost trounced up to the bar and asked for an application.

  You have a dance studio. And kids.


  Butt sex?

  If I'm lucky.

  I ended the conversation with myself and followed Brady and Daniel to one of the round tables by the stage. Daniel pulled out the white leather swivel chair in the middle of the other two and offered it to me. It looked like it was older than I was. Oh, the stories it could probably tell. I just hope they used an industrial sanitizer.

  "Thank you, sexy," I said, and kissed him on the lips before settling down and taking my jacket off. Brady draped it over the back of my chair and sat on my left. Daniel took the last chair just as a waitress in a neon green thong and high heels slid up to our table. Her outfit and highlights on her skin were glowing in the blacklights above us.

  "What can I get you to drink?"



  "Bottle of rum."

  "We don't serve–­"

  I cut her off with a hundred-dollar bill I'd fished out of my purse before we got out of the car. I'd heard her argument before.

  "Overly inebriated customers. But you seem fine," she finished with a grin.

  "You want a glass with ice and some Coke or something?" Brady was staring at me like I'd grown a cock out of my forehead.


  He shrugged and looked at the stage. The dancers were between sets and the new performer was busy wiping down the pole before the next song started.

  "Everybody, give it up for Jazmin!" The DJ’s voice blared over the speakers just before the thumping bass intro to “More Human than Human” began thrumming through our chests. Jazmin reached out and gripped the pole, using it to do a backflip as she expertly wrapped her legs around it and spun around in a perfect arc. She wore the same excited smile I had plastered on my face each and every time I performed. She loved her work.

  "Damn," Daniel said, impressed.

  "She's good."

  "Better than you?" Brady chuckled.

  "Nope." It wasn't a lie. Humans just couldn't compete. She was close, though. Good enough to possibly be a cambion or have some diluted supernatural blood running through her veins.

  Daniel's hand rested on my bare thigh. Entranced by Jazmin's performance, I reached down and covered his hand with mine and began slowly moving it back and forth over my sensitive skin.

  "Your rum," the waitress said, loudly enough to be heard over the music. She put her hand on my shoulder as she leaned over me and set the bottle on the table in front of me. Her exposed skin was warm, I could feel the heat of it as her stomach brushed my shoulder.

  "Thank you."

  "My pleasure," she answered, letting the hand on my shoulder rub a small circle over my skin.

  Jazmin sashayed over to the edge of the stage right in front of our table and danced, slowly working her top over her head sensuously, just as the first teaser song finished and the second started. She was grinning wickedly at Brady as she squatted down and leaned back, supporting herself with one hand against the dancefloor as she pushed her panty covered mound in his direction.

  He took the hint and stood up, pulling a dollar out of the wad of small change we had stopped and gotten on the way over. She smiled at him, the corners of her mouth upturning with a promise of gratitude while he pulled the edge of her garter from her thigh and slowly brushed the bill up her leg and tucked it in.

  Her ass dropped to the stage floor, and she leaned back, letting her hand slide down over her stomach as she pressed the thin material of her panties between her lips and slid her finger upward, letting it dance over her clit momentarily before she rolled to the customer beside him.

  Brady sat down and gave me a blush. "Wow. She's kind of hot."

  "Kind of?" I laughed at his description.

  "Okay. Really hot."

  "You should ask her for a lap dance."

  "I'd rather have one from you."

  "I think that can be arranged."

  His hand found my other thigh, and I cooed at the sensation of just being lovingly stroked.

  "You should both get a private dance from the lovely Jazmin."

  The voice slithered over us like melted chocolate while the French accent touched places it had no business being. He'd been masking his presence, so I hadn't felt his approach, and I tried very hard not to seem surprised as I looked up and saw him standing over us.

  He wasn't overly tall, but his slender waist was exposed just above his jeans and below his cropped T-shirt. A black suit jacket hung open, draping down from his broad shoulders. The meticulously groomed blond goatee twitched as he smiled at me. He wasn't handsome, he was beautiful. Cascades of blond hair fell over his shoulders in soft waves that I wanted to reach out and caress.

  "Hi." Daniel and Brady slid their chairs out a little to turn to see him. It might have been better if they ran away. Safer at least. The statuesque creature standing behind me wasn't remotely human.

  "Welcome to my club. I hope you enjoy your evening." He paused to stare at the two hands on my thighs, still lightly stroking. A smile caressed his lips. "But I am sure you will."

  With that, he was gone, moved on to the next table.

  A vampire owning a strip club. Imagine that. I chuckled at the irony. Humans loved to portray vampires as strip bar owners in almost every paranormal romance book and movie in existence. If they ever found out it actually happened… Let's just say that Mr. Vampire would have to triple the size of the Candy Shoppe just to accommodate the human women showing up at his door. I laughed at the irony. And then frowned when I remembered the attacks.

  "Let's go," I said to my boys.

  "Go? We just got here!" Brady sounded disappointed.

  Daniel, however, saw the look in my eye and stood without being asked twice. "Come on, Brade. We'll get a better show at my place," he said with a toothy grin, and offered me his hand.

  Chapter 12

  "You need to tell Brady." Daniel sighed as the paint roller snikt across the surface of the back wall, leaving a thick coat of blue paint.

  I was trimming the bottom of the adjacent wall in gray. Once we were done with painting, contractors were coming in to sand and polish the wood floors. That was the extent of my renovations. The rest of the studio was in great shape. Once I'd signed the closing papers, it was surprisingly easy to get the permits and licenses. My secondary instructor was due any day.

  I'd called Ginger, the owner of Full Exposure in Orlando, and cleared it with her before extending the offer to Sage. She had been mentioning that she wanted to get out of the game for a while, but had nowhere to go, and no skills to utilize in a normal nine-to-five job. It was the perfect opportunity for her to get out. The apartment above the studio was hers for the taking, too. Plus, with her help, I wouldn't be spending every waking moment at the studio. It might have made sense businesswise to see how busy we would
be before I hired somebody, but I had zero business sense. If I had to, I could always get a job stripping. Maybe that was my plan all along, and I just didn't know it.

  "I know. It's not fair to him," I answered Daniel. "How do you think he's going to take it?"

  He stopped painting and set the roller down in the tray beside him. "Probably better than finding out his sister was gay."

  "That really bothered him?" I looked up and blinked at Daniel in shock.

  "That she was gay? No. That he was going to have to compete against her in the dating department? Yes." Daniel smiled and bent down, wiping some paint from my nose. "You're awfully cute, you know. Even when you're all smudged."

  I scrunched my face at him and stuck my tongue out, trying to get over the fear that had settled in the pit of my stomach. Just like with Daniel, I didn't want to keep what I was a secret from Brady, I was just afraid of how he would feel when he found out.

  If we hadn't run into the damn vampire at the Candy Shoppe, I wouldn't have even considered it. Ever. Until the day he noticed I never got any older. But with the vampire attacking people in Bickering, and quite possibly owning a titty bar in Salem… He might be better off knowing than not. He needed to know when to run.

  I snarled at the thought of the vampire. I'd moved well outside the city proper. The odds of running into a vampire should have been slim to none. The odds of running into two of them were infinitesimally smaller. They were territorial by nature and didn't want another of their kind within a hundred miles of them, unless they were of the same bloodline…

  So, either they were one and the same, or one sired the other. Either way, if the attacks didn't stop, I needed to do something about it. I wasn't the supernatural police or anything, but they were in my back yard. It would only be a matter of time until I got dragged into the mess, and the last thing I wanted was to get outed to the humans. I'd already been targeted once. The next time…would be the last.

  "Well, this wall is done. Got another trim brush? I'll finish it up so we can get some dinner." Daniel stepped back and admired his handiwork.

  "Dinner? What the hell time is it?"

  Daniel glanced down at his watch. "Almost five."


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