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Osmosis Page 19

by Susan X Meagher

  Giving her a quick glance, Jordan saw that Mia’s mind was made up. Grumbling quietly, she did what Mia asked, pulling up in front of the terminal a few minutes later. “I like to go to the gate with you.”

  “Too risky,” Mia said. She leaned over and kissed Jordan, ramping up the emotion until she heard her lover groan. Mia felt a little light-headed, but she managed to say, “It’s too tempting to grab you and drag you onto the plane with me. I know I’m not strong enough to carry you from here.”

  Her smile was sad, and Jordan’s gaze didn’t move from Mia’s eyes. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too. And I’m gonna be thinking about you every minute.” With great care she smoothed Jordan’s hair into place, straightened her collar and the placket of her shirt. “But you, my Olympic beauty, have to concentrate on your game. I want you to be completely self-indulgent. Don’t think about anything other than your body, your game and your team.”

  The corner of Jordan’s mouth curled up in a half-smile. “You’ve gotta give me some time to think about you. I’m only human.”

  “Okay.” Mia looked up, thinking. “You can think about me when you get into bed at night. You think about how nice it feels to be loved for being exactly who you are. Think about how we don’t have to be together to be connected. And that whenever you think about me, I’m thinking about you.” She slipped her arms around Jordan and kissed her again and again; their bodies pressed together, lips feverishly seeking the sweet softness of each other’s mouth.

  “I love you,” Jordan finally said, her voice thin and soft. “And I love Jamie and Ryan for loving you.”

  “They love you too. We’re family.”

  “We are,” Jordan said. “And having you be with them makes this so much easier. I know you’ll be happy.”

  “I will. But I’ll be happier when we’re back together. Now kiss me and get going before that cop over there has a stroke!”

  Jamie was sitting in the backyard, drinking a cup of coffee and reading a textbook when the back door opened and Ryan started down the steps. Glancing up, Jamie’s eyes opened wide and she gave Ryan a wolf whistle. “Whew! Did you have a date this morning?”

  Grinning, Ryan stood on the grass and did a slow turn. “Just therapy. You like?”

  Jamie let her eyes roam over her lover’s body, her pulse quickening a little as she took in the crisply ironed denim shirt that was only partially buttoned. A very snug tank top was visible, but not visible enough for Jamie to see what were surely braless breasts. The fact that she knew Ryan never wore a bra with the spandex top piqued her interest, and made her strain to see if she could get a peek at what she hoped were erect nipples.

  The shirt was tucked into wheat-colored jeans that Jamie’d recently had custom tailored for her long-legged partner. They fit even better than Jamie had hoped, and she was glad that she’d lowered the measurements an inch in the waist and hips. Ryan still hadn’t gained back all of the weight she’d lost after the carjacking, but she finally looked healthy and fit. And the fact that she fills out that bra now, doesn’t hurt either.

  The shiny, dark brown, ankle-length boots and leather belt made Ryan look fully put together—for the first time in quite a while. Her hair hung loose around her shoulders, a plus, in Jamie’s opinion. It seemed like she’d had it in a ponytail or a braid ever since softball had started, and Jamie smiled when she saw the sun glinting off the raven strands, highlights leaping out at her.

  “You look ravishing,” she finally uttered, her voice husky. “And that’s just what I’d like to do to you.”

  Feigning insult, Ryan put her hands on her hips. “I finally dressed up for you and now you want to ruin it?”

  Standing, Jamie closed the small distance between her and her partner. “We can’t get in sync. You’re dressed and I’m in my jammies.”

  Ryan bent and kissed her tenderly, moving her lips slowly and gently over Jamie’s. “Mmm … you may be in your jammies, but you still took the time to brush your teeth. I can taste … something clean through the coffee.”

  “Baking soda. I use the unflavored stuff when I’m gonna drink coffee. I can’t stand the taste of mint competing with my java.”

  “How did I not know that? All these months and you’ve still got secrets.”

  “Sure do.” Jamie took her hand. “Let’s go upstairs and I’ll show you another couple.”

  Regretfully, Ryan stood her ground. “Can’t, baby; I wouldn’t be able to relax. I’ve got so much to do. Besides,” she looked at her watch, “don’t you have class in an hour?”

  “Yeah, but I’d skip it to wrap my lips around you.” She sidled up to Ryan and started to nuzzle at her neck, interspersing teasing licks with sharp little bites. Her uninjured arm circled the jean clad waist, and she rubbed her face against Ryan’s breasts, feeling them move and shift with the pressure. “I’m a needy girl,” she murmured, grasping Ryan’s ass and sending a jolt of feeling through her partner.

  “How needy are you?” Ryan purred. Her hands were roaming over Jamie’s back and sides, feeling the swells and dips of her muscles, her ribs expanding and contracting more quickly as her breathing sped up.

  Sliding her foot between Ryan’s to give her better access, she pressed her center against Ryan’s leg, swirling her hips as she ground against her. “Very. It’s been forever,” she pouted dramatically.

  Ryan had a very vivid memory of “congratulations on the Putnam/thank you for the game/let’s make up from our fight” sex on Tuesday, but she didn’t think that was relevant. If Jamie thought it had been too long, that was all that mattered. “Show me how needy you are,” she said, hearing that her own voice was now as deep and rough as Jamie’s.

  Smoky green eyes met hers and Jamie pulled her down for a dazzling, dizzying series of kisses. By the time her lover paused, Ryan’s knees were weak, but she was supported by Jamie’s body—still astride and pressing against her leg. “Let’s go.” She quickly made for the stairs, a little shocked when Jamie impudently slid her hand right between her legs as she took the first step. But she didn’t try to dislodge it. It felt so good to have Jamie get bolder and more confident about her sexuality that Ryan wouldn’t have considered putting a damper on any of her playfulness.

  As they reached the kitchen, Ryan turned and wrapped Jamie in her arms, kissing her with a nearly frantic passion. Jamie responded, holding on to Ryan as well as she could with one arm. Their bodies were pressed feverishly together, Ryan’s hands running through her hair, along her body, and back to her face, where they held her as gently as a china doll.

  Panting, Jamie backed away. “Bed. Now.”

  “Counter. Now.” In a flash, Jamie’s panties were on the floor, and her long T-shirt joined them a few seconds later—since Ryan was much more careful around her splint. She was lifted and settled on the cold granite, letting out a gasp that was captured by Ryan’s eager mouth. Again, Ryan was relentless in her assault upon Jamie’s lips, the soft skin on her throat, her flushed ears. Slowly, she worked her way down the willing body, finally gathering Jamie’s breasts in her hands and pressing them together firmly, where she worked at the rigid nipples with unflagging interest.

  Jamie held on with her right arm, wishing desperately that she could grasp and hold her lover with her left as well. Ryan seemed to sense her need and she released her breasts and held her tightly, not missing a beat with her warm, wet mouth.

  “That’s it,” Jamie urged. “Hold me tight. Hold me …”

  Ryan followed her command, holding her firmly while her mouth moved further down her body. She grasped her hips in a nearly bruising grip and nuzzled between her legs, filling her lungs with the musky aroma of desire. Jamie’s legs spread immediately, welcoming Ryan with alacrity. Blindly reaching behind herself for a chair, Ryan’s foot found one and dragged it across the floor. She knelt on it, then sat back on her haunches to reach her prize.

  As soon as Ryan’s mouth covered her, Jamie slid closer to the edge of the c
ounter and lifted her legs until they rested on Ryan’s shoulders. She was braced on her good arm, her body contorted in a pose that would have been unimaginable if she weren’t shaking with desire. But the only sensation she felt was Ryan’s hot breath on her, and when that delectable tongue swiped along her from bottom to top, she cried out with need. She would have fallen if she’d moved her good arm, so she had to lie there, passively letting Ryan work her magic. Though she couldn’t move her arms, her hips were unrestrained, and Jamie swiveled and twitched them across the counter—trying to position herself to force Ryan to hit the magic spot.

  Ryan knew exactly where Jamie’s hot spots were; she just wasn’t ready to probe them. Few things gave her more pleasure than watching and feeling Jamie’s body writhe under her touch, and she hated to bring the fun to a close any sooner than necessary. She lingered around Jamie’s opening, delicately inserting the tip of her tongue again and again, then swirling it around in a tiny circle.

  Jamie thumped the counter with her splint, her moans music to Ryan’s ears. “Please,” she begged. “Please make me come.”

  Ryan growled like a big cat protecting her kill.

  “Please,” Jamie said again. “Come on, baby, do it!”

  Placing a wet kiss on her lips, Ryan tilted her head, her mouth shining in the morning light. “Tell me what you need. Exactly what you need.” She loved to hear Jamie give voice to her desires; it always made her pulse quicken.

  “My clit,” she begged. “Suck my clit. You know just how I like it.”

  “Is that all?” Ryan asked innocently, slowly lowering her head while keeping her eyes locked on Jamie’s.

  “No, no! Fingers! Put your fingers inside me. I need you inside me, baby. Inside!”

  Grinning lustily, Ryan slid two fingers inside, pressing down, then spreading her fingers apart to give Jamie the pressure and the fullness she needed. As she elicited the deep, throaty moan that sent chills up her spine, she dipped her head and covered her lover’s clit, sucking gently but firmly. As soon as her tongue brushed across the tip, Jamie cried out and her body stiffened. She was completely still, save for the first spasm that rolled through her vulva, making Ryan smile. Another gentle swipe of the tongue sent Jamie over the edge, and she thrust her hips hard, pushing against Ryan’s hand as if she was trying to pull the talented fingers deep within herself.

  Jamie’s body was expressing itself clearly, but her mouth was unable to form a single syllable . She slid down to let her upper body fully rest on the counter, her torso winding up in a remarkably uncomfortable-looking position.

  Ryan stayed where she was, pressing tender kisses into the still-throbbing flesh, watching the moisture trickle from her unabated. While Jamie recovered, Ryan pressed her cheek against a thigh and took in a deep breath, feeling remarkably sated. She knew she was dripping wet and could come in a matter of moments, but she was satisfied—thoroughly satisfied. She got up and pushed the chair away, then wrapped her arms around Jamie, pulling her partner’s limp body into a sitting position.

  Her head resting on Ryan’s shoulder, Jamie murmured, “The things you do to me …”

  “The things you do to me,” Ryan said, laughing softly. “Watching your body respond and hearing you beg for what you need makes me so hot … it’s … unreal.”

  “Take me upstairs. I’ve got plans for you. Big, big plans.”

  Ryan turned her head and caught Jamie’s lips—licking, sucking, teasing them with her mouth and tongue. Jamie was moaning again, rubbing her breasts against Ryan, who somehow managed to stick to her agenda. “I have plans for you, sweetheart. You’re gonna get in the shower, get dressed, and go to class. Then I’m gonna clean up a little, change my undies, and get to work. I just have to.”

  Jamie sat back and stared at her, unblinking. “You’re not serious.”

  “Yeah, I am. I told you I had to get moving.”

  “But … that was before we started to make love! Aren’t you turned on?”

  “Heck yeah,” Ryan said, laughing. “But I’m happy. I had a lot of fun this morning, and I didn’t even have to take off my new pants!”

  She looked very happy at her declaration, and Jamie, puzzled by her usually hair-trigger-response lover, could see that she was serious. “Did I pressure you, baby?”

  “No, not a bit! If I really wasn’t into it, I would have told you. But I thought this would be a great way to start the day. I got to feel love and tenderness and passion—not a bad way to get the juices flowing.”

  Jamie put her good arm around Ryan, and was helped off the counter. “Come on, hot stuff, let’s go rinse off some of these juices. I don’t want my whole class to know how I spent my morning.”

  “They’d be jealous,” Ryan smirked. “I bet every guy and half of the girls wish they were in my shoes.”

  “Yeah, that’s probably true,” Jamie said, humoring her partner. “But you’re the only one I want. Although, next time, I’d like your shoes and your pants and your shirt on the floor, rather than on your body.”

  “That can be arranged. As a matter of fact,” she said, leading Jamie up the stairs, “I don’t have a thing on my agenda at about ten o’clock tonight.”

  “You’re on. Pencil me in, babe.”

  After a somber lunch, Jordan took Mia to the airport for her late afternoon flight to SFO. Jordan was following the signs to short-term parking, but Mia said, “Just drop me off, Jordy. That’ll be easier for me.”

  A quick glance showed Jordan that Mia’s mind was made up. Grumbling quietly, she did what Mia asked, pulling up in front of the terminal a few minutes later. She made one last try. “I’d like to go to the gate with you.”

  “Too risky,” Mia said. She leaned over and kissed Jordan, ramping up the emotion until she heard her lover groan. Mia felt a little light-headed, but she managed to say, “I know I’m not strong enough to carry you from here, but if you came inside, it would be too tempting to grab you and drag you onto the plane with me.”

  Her smile sad, Jordan’s gaze didn’t move from Mia’s eyes. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too, and I’m gonna be thinking about you every minute.” With great care she smoothed Jordan’s hair into place, straightened her collar and the placket of her shirt. “But you, my Olympic beauty, have to concentrate on your game. I want you to be completely self-indulgent. Don’t think about anything other than your body, your game, and your team.”

  The corner of Jordan’s mouth curled up in a half-smile. “You’ve gotta give me some time to think about you. I’m only human.”

  “Okay.” Mia looked up. “You can think about me when you get into bed at night. You think about how nice it feels to be loved for being exactly who you are. Think about how we don’t have to be together to be connected. And that whenever you think about me, I’m thinking about you.” She slipped her arms around Jordan and kissed her again and again, their bodies pressed together, their lips feverishly seeking the sweet softness of each other’s mouth.

  “I love you,” Jordan finally said, her voice thin and soft. “And I love Jamie and Ryan for loving you.”

  “They love you too. We’re family.”

  “We are,” Jordan said. “And having you with them makes this so much easier. I know you’ll be happy.”

  “I will. But I’ll be happier when we’re back together. Now kiss me and get going, before that cop over there has a stroke!”

  When Mia had spoken to Ryan the day before, Ryan said she wasn’t sure who’d be at the airport to meet her—but someone would. Mia found the O’Flaherty rule about having someone pick you up a little odd—not to mention inconvenient for them, but she had to admit it did make her feel like someone was very glad she was home.

  She was fairly sure that she didn’t gasp aloud, but it was a near thing when she saw Conor standing by the gate. “Hi,” she said, feeling uncharacteristically shy. She wasn’t sure if she should hug him or not, but he resolved her dilemma by bending over and giving her a friendly
, almost brotherly, hug.

  “You look great!” he said, his big voice booming.

  “Thanks. You look good too. I like your hair that way.”

  He reached up and ran his hand through his unusually long hair. “Jamie’s got me going to the same place she and Ryan get their hair cut. The guy charges so much, I decided to wait as long as possible between haircuts. But I’m kinda getting used to it being longer. I think I’m gonna see how I like it as it grows.”

  Mia looked at him quickly, not wanting to let him see her checking him out. He was, she had to admit, even better looking with longer hair. It was so black and thick that she was nearly drawn to running her hands through it—probably exactly what his dates would do. “Might as well let it grow now. One day you’ll get married and your wife will be in charge of it.”

  “Right,” he said, laughing easily. “Jamie’s in charge of Ryan’s, Maggie’s in charge of Brendan’s. Heck, even Aunt Maeve changed the way Da cuts his.” He snapped off a quick look at Mia. “Yours is getting long, too.”

  “Yeah. I don’t have a hairdresser in Colorado, so I let it grow. Jordan likes it longer, so I’m gonna do what you’re doing, see what happens. If it drives me nuts, I’ll cut it.”

  “Have you had it long before?”

  They were walking now, and Mia was feeling more comfortable with him by the minute. “Oh, yeah. Until college. It straightens out a little bit when it’s longer. But I had to braid it at night or it would have looked like a bird’s nest in the morning.”

  “I think I’ll stop before mine gets that long,” Conor said thoughtfully. Then he shot Mia and look and grinned, and she gave him a playful slap.

  “You’re in a good mood. What’s going on with you?”

  “Nothin’ much. Ryan told me you were coming to town, and when she said your flight was after I finished work, I asked if I could pick you up.”

  Her stomach flipped and Mia prayed he wouldn’t make a play for her. Deciding to get it over with if he was going to try and rekindle old feelings, she asked, “Why?”


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