PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)

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PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella) Page 15

by Sophia Hunter

  “I know. A mistake that I have taken care of.” He stroked her cheek with his thumb. “You mean the world to me Shannon, you know that?” he asked in a whisper but she didn’t answer, mostly because she didn’t know what to say. She shook her head and her gaze dropped to the ground.

  “Nate…this is not a good idea,” she whispered as he lowered his head and brushed her lips with his. She closed her eyes when he kissed her again and his hand slowly went down the side of her body slightly brushing against her breast making her shiver. When he pulled away she was almost breathless. “Nate…” she started.

  “If you want me to stop, all you have to do is just ask and I will,” Nathan said softly before he lowered his head to kiss her again. She wanted to tell him to stop. She wanted to pull away but for some reason, she just couldn’t. Her hand slowly went up and held the back of his neck as he kissed her slowly, softly. She could not help but notice how soft his kisses were. It was like all her life the thing she had been doing in the name of a kiss was all wrong. It was always so rushed, so rough. Every single man she had ever kissed was always forcing his tongue into her mouth way too early and sometimes a little too deep for comfort. His other hand slid down the side of her body and held her waist before he pulled her towards him. She exhaled in his mouth as he took her upper lip and then her lower lip. He suddenly surprised her when he took her into his arms and placed her on the counter standing in between her legs. He pulled away briefly and held her neck as he looked into her eyes. He might have been breathing heavily but his breathing was controlled, a little too controlled compared to her panting.

  She was looking into his eyes as he began undoing her blouse buttons. She was getting increasingly nervous as he unbuttoned her blouse. The last time he had seen her body, she had been a lot smaller and her body had been perfectly toned. But she was now almost three times the size she used to be and the visual of Keisha kept creeping into her mind.

  “Nathan, wait,” she said in a whisper as he began pushing her blouse off. He looked at her and she was sure he could see the discomfort in his eyes.

  “What? Do you want me to stop?” he asked and she shook his head. “Then what is it?”

  “I don’t…I don’t look the same…” he leaned forward and kissed her before she could finish what she was saying. He gently pushed the blouse off her shoulders and looked at her. He was looking right into her eyes as he ran a finger down her chest and then her cleavage.

  “You are perfect to me,” he said as he leaned forward. “You have always been perfect to me,” he said again as he kissed her shoulder. She closed her eyes again and tilted her head to the side allowing him to trace his lips up her neck. His other hand was slowly caressing her right breast making her moan softly.

  “I want you, Shannon. I want you right now,” Nathan murmured against her skin and she brought a hand up and caught a fistful of his hair in response. He picked her up again and walked them to the living room. She was moaning softly as he gently lowered her on the couch. She looked up at him and she could feel her cheeks flushed as he slowly took off his jacket and then his tie. She could feel her own panties drenched in the wake of his kisses and caresses but she just couldn’t understand how he could be so composed. When he finally took off his shirt, her eyes ran over his perfectly muscular body and she sighed. He was a lot sexier than she remembered but it was not that she minded.

  She looked at him as he climbed on to the couch and knelt in between her legs. He kissed her lips softly and then softly ran his kisses down her neck and then her chest. He slipped a hand under her back and undid the clasp with ease. She arched her back and he pulled it away exposing her breasts to him. She was biting her lower lip as he looked down at her. He interlaced his fingers with hers and pinned her hands down on either side of her body before he brought himself down and kissed her again. She let a moan escape her lips when his warm chest rubbed against her bare breasts. He went on kissing her down until he took a nipple in his mouth. She was moaning as he sucked on her nipple and without realizing it, she was arching her back, thrusting more of herself into his mouth. Nathan let go of one of her hands and gave her other breast equal attention from his flicking finger tips. She was moaning and gasping for breath as he kissed and sucked on her. When he finally released her nipple, she breathed a sigh of relief but it was short lived because he traced his tongue across the bridge of her breast to take in her other nipple.

  Nathan pulled away and looked at her as he unbuttoned her pants. He then pulled down the zipper and looked into her brown eyes as he pulled down her pants. Shannon was raised her hips again allowing him to pull her panties down. At that moment, she found herself cursing for waiting so long before she did some highly needed grooming. Nathan caressed her thighs as he looked down at her already wet pussy and then lowered his head burying it in between her legs.

  Until then, Shannon thought she had seen everything had to offer but the way he was eating her out made her want to scream. He was kissing her pussy the same way he had been kissing her mouth earlier and flicking his tongue on her already distended clit. Shannon was holding on to the edges of the couch as he kissed and sucked and thrust his tongue into her wet salty depths. She was not sure whether it was the fact that it had been a long time since anyone paid this much attention to her intimate areas but she could feel herself releasing into his mouth. She moaned and groaned as he secured his hands under her knees and went on flicking his tongue on her, sucking and taking in everything she had to offer.

  By the time he finally pulled away, Shannon was spent after two strong orgasms. He then pulled away from her and quickly pushed his pants off. She raised her head and gasped when she saw his cock. She had always known that he was hung but she never once considered him to be this big. She shifted uncomfortably as he settled on her.

  “Nate…careful,” she whispered. “It has been a really long time.”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “I would never hurt you.”

  Nathan kissed her softly as he positioned his cock at her entrance. She gasped into his mouth when he began pushing himself into her. As soon as she felt the bulbous head of his cock slip in, she knew she was in trouble. She tightened her grip around his back as he pulled back. She whimpered when he pushed himself back into her. He pulled out again and slipped himself back into her wetness again. This time, she spread herself wide as she felt him stretching her out, filling her every fold. It was not long before he began moving himself in and out of her with ease. She buried herself in his shoulder as he fucked her.

  Soon enough, his strokes had turned from slow short ones to deep hard ones and Shannon was surprised that she was able to endure his girth. She hiked her knees higher making him get deeper inside her. She was moaning and gasping as he slammed his hips against his pelvis. Her moans were growing louder and louder and she was digging her nails into his flesh. She could feel herself tightening up against his shaft and she knew almost too well what this meant.

  “I’m going to cum…I’m so close,” she said in a whisper.

  “Don’t hold back, baby. I want you to feel you cum,” Nathan whispered back.

  Shannon didn’t need any more encouragement. She closed her eyes and let out a moan when she felt herself climaxing. Her orgasm was all the inspiration he needed. He thrust into her one more time as he felt himself emptying into her. He was moaning softly as she held him tightly before he finally collapsed on her.

  At the back of her mind, Shannon knew that she was going to probably have to take a cab to work to avoid being late but she didn’t really care. It was well worth it.

  Chapter 5

  It had only been a couple of days since Nathan made love to Shannon but the two days felt like years to him. If he had a choice, he could have stayed in Virginia but he was hell bent on getting his new project off the ground and there was no way he was going to give anyone more than thirty per cent of something he knew was going to be the best thing since sliced bread.

  It was on
a Wednesday afternoon when he walked into his New York office.

  “Good news about SubFeed?” Lee Saunders, his friend and chief operating officer asked as he followed him into his office. Nathan sat down and sighed loudly.

  “Too soon to tell but the meeting went better than the last,” he said with a smile before he leaned forward and pressed his intercom button. “Diana would you get me a bottle of vitamin water in here please?”

  “Of course Mr. Willoughby,” the secretary said over the intercom.

  “Thank you.” Nathan let go of the intercom button and looked up at Lee. “Did you want a bottle too?” he asked and Lee shook his head as he sat down.

  “So, what is going to happen if none of these meetings go the way we hope?” Lee asked as he looked at Nathan who was shaking his head.

  “We do it the old fashion way. Endure the two yearlong humble beginnings and then use the proceeds to take the project national,” he said.

  “That will take a little longer than we initially planned,” Lee pointed out.

  “Well, true but that way no troll is going to be taking over the majority of the company.” Nathan leaned back in his chair. “Given a chance I wouldn’t like to give out any percentage.”

  “You do know that is not the way investors work, right?” Lee asked as Diana walked in carrying his bottle of vitamin water.

  “Good afternoon, Mr. Willoughby,” the petite woman said as she handed him the bottle. “Miss Keisha Larson has been calling you. She says she has been trying you for the past few days.”

  “Thanks Diana, I’ll deal with that.” Nathan opened the bottle and took a long sip of his water.

  “What if she calls again? What do I tell her?” Diana asked and Nathan sighed.

  “Anything you want just don’t let her calls through,” he said. Lee and Diana gave him a surprised look.

  “Sir?” Diana asked.

  “And send a message to security. Let them know that they are never to let her into the building at any cost,” Nathan said again as he took another sip of his water. “And if you could also call the Virginia office and ask the security office to do the same, I would highly appreciate it.”

  Diana shrugged and then nodded.

  “Of course, sir,” he said before she walked out.

  Lee waited until she closed the door after her and then turned his attention to Nathan.

  “What the hell, Nate? Isn’t Keisha that model you’ve been seeing?” he asked in a whisper even though they were alone in the room and Nathan nodded. “What happened?”

  “Every casual hook up eventually goes wrong,” Nathan said. Lee frowned.

  “Casual? You’ve been with her for almost four months.”

  “And?” Nathan asked before he took another long sip. “You have literally just defined what casual means.”

  “Well, I don’t know how I can say this without sounding like a complete tool but four months for you is like forever.”

  Nathan took one last sip and then put the bottle on his desk.

  “Really?” he asked, smiling.

  “Yeah really.” Lee shrugged. “And for God’s sake, she is a freaking model, Nate. Hell, if you don’t want her, I’ll take her.” Nathan laughed.

  “She is a little gold digger that one, I wouldn’t really recommend it. Besides, I’m not sure what your wife would say about that.”

  Lee shook her head and leaned against his seat.

  “So,” he started as he crossed one leg over the other. “What happened with little Miss Perfect?” he asked.

  “Well, for starters she wasn’t so perfect and two, things changed,” Nathan said as a smile played on his lips.

  “What do you mean things changed? What could be so big that you let that go?” Lee asked and Nathan sighed.

  “I found her,” he said in a soft voice. Lee shook his head.

  “Who? Who did you find?” he asked. The anxiety in his voice was obvious.

  “Shannon,” Nathan said in a soft voice. “Shannon Michaels.”

  Lee frowned and then shrugged.

  “Wait, that’s that girl you have been telling me about. Your stepsister, right?” he asked.

  “Used to. Used to be my stepsister,” Nathan corrected him. “We do not share any bloodline…my dad was married to her mom at some point. That’s all.”

  “And you found her?” Lee asked. “How?”

  “I don’t know. I think it was just a matter of chance really. She works at Locatelli’s Kitchen, the restaurant I had a meeting at.”

  Lee smiled.

  “Matter of chance indeed,” he said. He looked at Nathan and noticed a smile playing on his lips. “Wait, did you seal the deal already?”

  Nathan raised an eyebrow over the other.

  “Don’t say it like that. She is not some…floosy I met in a club,” he said. “She is…different.”

  “How is she different?” Lee asked and Nathan looked up, his smile broader than ever.

  “She is…real. The women I have been with have always been with me because they wanted something but with her…she loved me when I had nothing.” He slowly ran his fingers on the desk. “That’s all, really. She is real.”

  Lee leaned forward and drummed his fingers on the edge of the desk.

  “You really carried a flame on for this girl for all those years?” he asked and Nathan nodded.

  “I never stopped loving her, Saunders. She was the one who got away.” He switched on his computer and shrugged d. “By the way, I will need a new place in the neighborhood, pronto.”

  “But you have a great place here,” Lee pointed out.

  “I know and Keisha has my address here as well,” Nathan said. “I’m thinking of bringing her over and she cannot be in the same place I fucked Keisha.”


  “So let me get this straight,” Mika started as she looked at her best friend. “You wait four days to tell me that you hooked up with that hot guy who is supposedly your stepbrother?”

  “Was,” Shannon said as she pushed a curl from her face. The two were seated at one of the Locatelli tables as they waited for it to open.

  “So that day you were supposed to pick up your car…” Mika started and Shannon nodded. “Wow,” Mika said under her breath. “So when do we get to meet this mystery man? And by ‘we’ I am really talking about myself.”

  “He is New York for some work thing. But I think he should be coming in later today. So maybe the weekend,” Shannon said.

  “Already in charge of the schedule?” Mika asked.

  “Don’t do that,” Shannon said in a warning tone as she wagged her index finger at her friend. “Don’t use that judging tone with me.”

  “Whoa…I’m not. I’m just surprised that you are opening yourself to the possibility of happiness again.” Mika shrugged. “I mean, after you broke up with Russell last year you swore you were going to a nunnery in Austria, remember?”

  Shannon smiled.

  “I was hurting and not thinking straight at the moment which was allowed given the state of mind I was in at the time,” she said before she tucked another stray curl behind her ear. “After all I had just got out of my third bad relationship in a row.”

  “So he didn’t have a girlfriend?” she asked.

  “Actually he did…but he said she was more of a casual hookup,” Shannon said. “But I honestly don’t want to talk about that right now. That woman is Satan’s spawn.”

  Mika was just about to say something when Vincenzo announced that the restaurant was officially open for the evening.

  “This is not over,” Mika said as she stood up.

  “No, it’s not,” Shannon walked to the main floor where her two bosses were standing.

  “Hey everyone. Tonight is going to be especially packed. We are packed to capacity in reservations and we even have a number of celebrity coming in so everyone, look sharp,” Matthew said.

  “And keep those smiles,” Vincenzo said. “Alright, doors open everyone!” He
walked towards the kitchen and Mika looked at Shannon.

  “Celebrity guests?” she asked.

  “Apparently,” Shannon said.


  The shift was generally uneventful with a whole lot of big tippers. Some basketball players were in town and they had chosen Locatelli’s Kitchen as their dining choice. It was great publicity for an already popular restaurant and Shannon knew that it wouldn’t be long before her workplace got upgraded to a five star restaurant.

  By ten in the evening, Shannon already had around two hundred dollars and tips and she knew more money was going to be coming her way. She had just taken her last order of the hour when Matthew walked up to her.

  “Hey, Shannon. Someone wants to see you outside,” he said.

  “But my table…they just ordered their main course,” she said and he nodded before he took her notepad and looked at it.

  “This will be at least ten minutes, fifteen tops before it’s ready to go,” he said. “Go on. She said that she just needed a few minutes with you.”

  “She? Do you know who she is?” Shannon asked.

  “I’m not sure why she feels so familiar but she is driving a pretty impressive car and her style looks expensive,” Matthew said and Shannon shook her head.

  “That doesn’t really help,” she said before she walked out.

  She was mildly relaxed as she made her way to the parking lot. A smile played on her lips when she remembered her first day at Locatelli’s when Nathan cornered her at that same parking lot. She was still smiling when she saw a woman walking towards her in a short tight bandage dress.

  “Oh shit,” Shannon said under her breath when she noticed who had called her outside. “I seem to have a really bad rapport with this parking lot,” she thought as she looked at Keisha. She opened her mouth to talk but she just couldn’t find the right words to say. It was as if she was tongue tied all of a sudden. All she could do is look at that perfectly tanned size zero woman in a shorter than short outfit and what looked like incredibly uncomfortable heels.

  “It took a while but I finally got your name,” Keisha started. “Shannon Leigh Michaels.”


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