PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella)

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PARANORMAL ROMANCE: Shapeshifter Romance: The Vampire's Stolen Bride (BBW Fantasy Alpha Male Romance Books) (New Adult Vampire Fun Mature Young Adult Billionaire Steamy Love and Romance Novella) Page 41

by Sophia Hunter

  Chase turned to her, his muscular arms slack at his sides. “I love you,” he said again – louder, fiercer. “Have since we were seniors in prep school and you moved away for college. It’s why I never dated, why I never tried to ‘find a girl’ like you keep suggesting.”

  “Chase,” Joy swallowed. “You never, I mean…”

  “I’ve always wanted to do this,” Chase said, sweeping an arm to indicate the gifts surrounding her on the couch. “Wanted to shower you in jewels and make you smile from a delicious meal. Wanted to make you happy.”

  “Chase,” she said again, watching as he stepped closer with every word. She didn’t move away as he reached out a hand to cup her cheek, or bent to her level to stare into her eyes.

  “Wanted to do this,” he said softly, leaning closer to kiss her lips.

  Joy didn’t pull away. She sat there, her back ramrod straight as Chase put his mouth to hers. After a moment he bent his head another way, gently grinding his lips against hers while his hand followed her face up into her hair. Joy closed her eyes and moaned – a small noise in the back of her throat. Chase heard it, and pulled away.

  “Oh my god, you suck,” Joy rolled her eyes, grabbing the front of his shirt to pull him back down. She sealed their lips together, scrambling her hands to grip his shoulders and tug him closer. Necklaces twinkled as they fell from her lap and she moved onto her back, Chase close behind as he followed her down.

  “I love you,” he whispered, moving his lips to her neck. He sucked at the skin there, making Joy arch her back, and professed it again and again. “I love you, I love you,” he sang.

  “Chase,” she demanded, tugging at his hair. He took the hint and nudged his knee between her legs, rubbing against her crotch. “Ugh,” she groaned, biting her lip as color blossomed on her face. “Why didn’t I wear a skirt today?”

  “I can help with that,” Chase kissed her shoulder as he sat up, his hands finding the front of her pants as he moved to undo them. Joy had never been one to sit idly by in the throes of passion, and she sat up to help him with it, finally shimmying out of her slacks with a shove. Chase grabbed the bottom of her pant legs and yanked them off fully, tossing them to the ground.

  Chase urged her to spread her legs with his own, his hands splayed out over her thighs as she moved. He ducked down there, and Joy only realized what he was doing when it was too late to stop him. “Chase—”

  He mouthed her through her underwear, a black pair of cotton panties, to her embarrassment. She could feel his tongue swipe against her, and his mouth suck on all the right places.

  “Chase,” she said, yanking at his hair. “I haven’t—You don’t want—” she gasped when he simply tugged her underwear to the side with a finger and thrust his tongue inside. She convulsed around him, the sensations making her shiver in pleasure as he kept up a persistent pace between her legs.

  Finally, just when she thought that she couldn’t last any longer, he sat up. His green eyes were blown wide, and he licked his lips obscenely as she stared back.

  “Pervert,” she panted half-heartedly, and he just shrugged. “C’mere,” she ordered, reaching for him with open arms. Chase kissed her fingers but stayed where he was, gripping her under the knees. “Wait,” she said, stopping him. “You haven’t heard my answer.”

  “Your answer?” Chase asked, frowning.

  Rolling her eyes, Joy sat up, wrapping her arms around his neck. “I love you too,” she kissed his nose. “I just never imagined that you’d be interested,” she admitted quietly, turning her face into his neck.

  Chase sighed, his hard chest heaving against her. “How could I not be?” he asked, kissing her arm. Shifting underneath her, he sat up straighter, grabbing her hips. Kissing her again, he picked her up, bringing her down on top of him.

  Joy knew what he was doing, and she drew back at arm’s length, holding onto his shoulders as she helped him position her. She felt him at her entrance, a warm promise nudging against her, and she rolled her hips downward, welcoming him in.

  Chase gasped at the sensation, his hips jutting up against her thighs. He stayed still, for a moment, but Joy wasn’t having it and she pulled herself up just to drop back down, panting as he sucked in a breath.

  “That good?” Joy joked.

  But Chase gripped her hips and looked her dead in the eyes. “Better,” he said seriously. It was the only warning he gave before he lifted Joy up and slammed her back down, thrusting into her at the same time. Joy gasped, and held on.

  It wasn’t long before Chase was shuddering underneath her, his arms shaking as he moved them faster and faster. Joy could feel herself nearing the end too, and she grabbed Chase’s face to kiss him hard, shivering as her stomach clenched and she convulsed around his dick.

  Chase dropped her as he kissed her back, his teeth sharp as he grabbed the back of her head and held her to him, grinding their lips together. He pulled them apart to breathe, releasing a shaky hiss of a sigh as he closed his eyes, reaching his own orgasm.

  “I love you,” he said softly, bringing their foreheads together.

  “Ditto,” Joy replied, just to fuck with him. He laughed, and closed his eyes.

  Chapter 6

  By the time midnight rolled around, Chase and Joy were freshly showered and presentable, more than ready for a party. They took the limo, laughing and drinking all the way to the King’s mansion.

  “Nervous?” Chase asked, enjoying the sight of Joy in her new blue gown.

  “Nah,” she shook her head, careful not to spill her drink. “Not now.”

  “Not now that we’re dating, you mean,” he winked.

  “Well yeah,” she nodded. “It does make the whole thing a bit easier, but it’s not like we’re engaged now or anything,” Joy pointed out.

  “No?” Chase leaned forward, placing a warm hand on her knee. “Do you want to be?”

  “Ha. Ha.” Joy said dryly, brushing him off.

  “I’m serious,” Chase shrugged, putting his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his seat.

  “Just because we’ve known each other since forever doesn’t mean that we should date for a day and then decide to get married,” she said, giving him a look.

  Chase raised a hand and held up a finger. “You hate the idea of moving dolls more than spiders,” he said, then held up a second finger. “Your favorite color is purple, though you look better in blue.” He held up a third, “You love watermelon but the sight of the black seeds makes you sick.”

  “What’s your point?” Joy interrupted him with a huff.

  “That I know you better than anyone,” Chase dropped his hand. “Maybe even you.”

  “Yeah?” she asked, taking a moment to sip her wine. “Then you’d know that I wouldn’t agree to an engagement so quickly.”

  Chase shrugged, and said, “I’ve got time.”

  As the limo pulled up to the King’s mansion, Joy found that she had swallowed enough wine to leave the vehicle with a confident arm around Chase’s elbow and face the familiar landscape with a bitter smile.

  “It’s hasn’t changed,” she commented, looking at the rose garden. “He told me loved me, there,” she pointed to a bench hidden among the thorns. “Oh, and one night we fell asleep under the stars – on accident, of course. But it was right over there,” she said, nodding toward the stone gazeebo. It hurt, to have all of those sweet memories so fresh in her mind.

  “And there,” Chase said, motioning toward the dark mansion before them, “Is where you’ll make Jake regret ever throwing you away.”

  Joy grinned, and hugged his arm to her chest. “See? This is why we’re friends—well. More than friends, now.”

  “Also because we get along so well?” he asked innocently.

  “Of course,” she laughed. “Plus, you know, I like your face.”

  “And I love your eyes,” he countered, kissing the top of her head.

  “Welcome to King mansion,” an old man greeted them, interrupting their
idle chitchat. “Miss Young,” he said kindly. “It’s been a while.”

  “Hello, Mr. Andrews,” Joy smiled. “Oh, this is Chase Jones. We’re here for Jake’s party tonight.”

  “Wonderful,” he turned away, leading them inside. “I’ll let him know that you’re here,” he smiled.

  “Thanks,” Joy beamed at him. “He’s the King’s butler,” she whispered to Chase.

  As Andrews led them down to the ballroom, Joy was surprised to recognize so many of the faces that were in attendance. “It’s like,” she whispered to Chase, “One big college reunion.”

  “Well, that would explain why I don’t know anyone,” Chase muttered, staring out at the crowd.

  “Ah! Chase Jones, and the soon to be Joy Jones! Oh, that has a nice ring to it, wouldn’t you say?”

  Joy and Chase turned to find Jake, dolled up in a black and yellow suit with two women on each arm.

  “I certainly think so,” Chase agreed gruffly, his eyes narrowed at Jake.

  “Wonderful, wonderful,” he laughed, slapping one of the girls on the ass. “Now, I hope you don’t mind, Chase, if I borrow your fiancé for a moment? You can have this one to keep you company while I do,” he said, sending the girl he’d just struck forward with a lecherous smirk.

  “No thanks,” Chase held up a hand, making the girl stop.

  “It’ll only take a moment,” Jake promised, gently taking one of Joy’s hands in his to kiss the back of it. “Joy?”

  Joy bit her lip, and looked up at Chase. “Can you get me some wine?” she asked, giving him a look.

  “Joy, he isn’t—”

  “Its fine,” Joy smiled, patting him on the shoulder as she unwound her arm from around his. Leaning up to kiss him on the cheek, she whispered, “We’re in a room full of people. What’s he going to do?”

  Chase gritted his teeth and squared his shoulders, stepping past her toward the buffet on the other side of the room.

  “Well, now that your brute is gone,” Jake said with a huff. “Here, leave,” he muttered to the women, and they left giggling.

  “What?” Joy crossed her arms. “Got a new insult to try?”

  Jake seemed to pause at that, and he looked her up and down slowly. “You look…very beautiful, tonight,” he said finally.

  It caught Joy off-guard, and she had to force a laugh. “Gifts, of Chase,” she tried to say.

  “No,” Jake shook his head with a small smile. “Gifts all your own, I assure you,” he promised.

  This was the Jake that Joy had dated. This was the man who had gone to every expense for her happiness, who had put up with her sass and unladylike tendencies. This was the man that she had missed.

  “Do you ever,” Jake said, shifting on his feet. “I mean, do you miss us?”

  Joy forced a frown onto her face and asked, in her most disgusted voice, “You’re asking if I miss the relationship that was killed on the whim of a spoiled man-child?”

  That made Jake laugh, but then he raised his eyes, staring at something behind her in the crowd. “True,” he agreed, a cruel smile on his lips. “But I’m a King, and I always get what I want.”


  Without another word, Jake flung himself at her, grabbing her head as he clashed their lips together. Joy screamed into his mouth and shoved at his shoulders, biting at the lips she could get at.

  Suddenly, he was pulled away, and it took Joy a moment to realize that Chase was standing before her, holding Jake by the scruff of his neck.

  “She doesn’t want you,” Jake laughed nervously into his face. “She kissed me—”

  “Any fool can see that you kissed her,” Chase growled angrily.

  “Doesn’t change the fact that she doesn’t want you,” Jake hissed. “She told me so herself!”

  As Chase glanced at her, uncertainty flickering in his eyes, she realized that the whole ballroom was staring at them. Every person she’d ever sat next to in a classroom, every alumni that had an influential family, was watching.

  And she found that she just didn’t care.

  “You’re so bitter,” she said, stepping forward to glare at Jake. “And unhappy, that you’d try to rob me of my happiness?” Scoffing, she turned to Chase. “C’mere,” she demanded. “Help me get his greasy taste out of my mouth.”

  There was no hesitation – Chase gladly bent forward, sealing her lips in a deep kiss. But she wanted more, and she threaded her fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to suck his tongue into her mouth.

  “Oh, please,” Jake scowled.

  Chase and Joy pulled apart with a smile, and Chase turned to Jake with bruised lips. “Still think she doesn’t want me?” he asked cheekily.

  “Get off,” Jake demanded quietly, squirming out of Chase’s grip. “And get out!”

  “Gladly,” Joy rolled her eyes, taking Chase by the hand as she led him out of the ballroom.

  “I’ve already called your car for you,” Mr. Andrews smiled to her as she came walking down the entrance hall.

  “You knew we wouldn’t be long, didn’t you?” she asked with a sad smile.

  “All I know is that Mr. King only knows how to mistreat the jewels in his company, yourself included,” he said quietly.

  “Thank you,” Chase stepped in, shaking his hand.

  “Thank you,” Mr. Andrews nodded, “For bringing this one happiness.”

  Chase just grinned. “Well, it’s only right that I give her what she’s always been giving me.”

  It was raining as Chase and Joy stepped outside. They ran for the car, laughing as they yanked at one another to win at an imaginary race.

  Joy got to the car first, just barely beating Chase as he climbed in after her. “I love you,” she said, a raindrop caught on the bow of her mouth.

  “And I love you,” Chase grinned, licking it off.


  A Wifey for the Bad Boy

  A Wifey for the Bad Boy

  Chapter 1

  Samantha stepped out of her car with a suspicious look around. The neighborhood that she’d pulled up to certainly seemed safe enough, and she had to admit, if the playground parks that she’d driven by were anything to go by, it was one of the cleanest in the city. Still, the towering brick building that her brother’s instructions had led her to definitely ruined the image. Not only was there an odd dogpile of motorcycles sitting just outside of it, but there were also two smokers, squatting and laughing right in front of the entrance.

  Sighing to herself, Samantha closed the door of her lime green bug and stepped up onto the sidewalk. Her black heels clicked against the pavement, and as she marched towards the smell of smoke, she had to remind herself why she was there in the first place to keep her feet moving.

  “Please!” James, her younger brother, had come begging to her for help just the day before. It was the first time that she’d seen him in months, and though she’d frowned at his shaven head and leather jacket, she’d ushered him into her apartment without hesitation.

  “What happened? James?” she’d asked, crouching next to where he’d collapsed onto the floor.

  “They’re going to kill me,” James had whined in the back of his throat, his brown eyes filling up with tears. “Sis, please.” Apparently, he’d gotten himself into trouble again.

  And, like an idiot, Samantha had thought that she could get him out of it like she always did.

  “Please, what?” she’d asked. “How can I help?”

  James had only been too happy to tell her. Which was why she was approaching a building rumored to have a biker gang holed up inside of it, with two thousand dollars cash in her pocket.

  The smokers stood up as she approached, and she swallowed around the lump in her throat as she forced a smile. “H-hello,” she said as warmly as possible. “I’m here on behalf James. Uh, James Smith.”

  Putting out his cigarette, the man with a blue mohawk shoved his hands into the pockets of his leather vest and chuckled. “We get a lot of Smith’s,�
�� he said snidely. “Sorry if an old name like James doesn’t really ring a bell, either.”

  “Uh,” she said nervously. She contemplated just turning on her heel and leaving, especially if they hadn’t been expecting her like James had said they were. And who knows? She could’ve come to the wrong place entirely.

  “Nah,” the other man, a tall lanky guy with a shaved head and tattooed neck, said. “She’s talking about the Smith kid who took a joyride. The one who owes boss two grand?”

  “Oh,” Blue Mohawk snapped his fingers. “Ohhhh, yeah. You must be the sister. Yeah, boss has been expecting you.”

  “Great,” Samantha smiled, relieved, though her heart was still going a mile a minute. “If you could just tell me what floor—”

  “Oh no, sweetheart,” the tall one shook his head softly, a sympathetic grin on his lips. “No one goes in without an escort. Come on,” he took one last drag of his smoke and flicked it into the road. “I’ll take you.”

  “No fair!” Mohawk shouted.

  “Hey, you couldn’t even remember that the boss was waiting for her,” he shrugged, wrapping an arm around Samantha’s tense shoulders. “Guard the door, will you?” he laughed, leading her inside.

  Samantha had never been so uncomfortable in all of her life. The guy touching her smelled like motor oil, and she had half a mind to pull out of his grip. It didn’t help that she’d decided to wear one of her best dress suits, opting for a professional and intimidating look rather than an unkempt and easily impressionable one.

  “Right here, sweetheart,” the man turned them towards an elevator. Another man who was also clad in leather waved from where he was slouched up against the wall, and her escort returned the gesture with a smile. Well, at least the grunts were happy. Maybe the boss wouldn’t be so bad?

  “Where to?” the new man, an older biker with a rounded stomach, asked calmly.

  “Fifth floor,” the tall guy answered. “We’re up to see the boss.”

  “Oh,” he said, looking Samantha up and down. “Is that a new one?”


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