The H. Beam Piper Megapack

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The H. Beam Piper Megapack Page 28

by H. Beam Piper

  The Paratime Police were lined up separately for inspection, and Stranor Sleth, Tammand Drav of the Zurb temple, and several other high priests were checking the authenticity of their disguises. A little apart from the others, a Paratime Policeman, in high priest’s robes and beard, had a square box slung in front of him; he was fiddling with knobs and buttons on it, practicing. A big idol of Yat-Zar, on antigravity, was floating slowly about the room in obedience to its remote controls, rising and lowering, turning about and pirouetting gracefully.

  “Hey, Vall!” he called to his superior. “How’s this?”

  The idol rose about five feet, turned slowly in a half-circle, moved to the right a little, and then settled slowly toward the floor.

  “Fine, fine, Horv,” Verkan Vall told him, “but don’t set it down on anything, or turn off the antigravity. There’s enough collapsed nickel-plating on that thing to sink it a yard in soft ground.”

  “I don’t know what the idea of that was,” Brannad Klav, standing beside him, said. “Understand, I’m not criticizing. I haven’t any right to, under the circumstances. But it seems to me that armoring that thing in collapsed nickel was an unnecessary precaution.”

  “Maybe it was,” Verkan Vall agreed. “I sincerely hope so. But we can’t take any chances. This operation has to be absolutely right. Ready, Tammand? All right; first detail into the conveyer.”

  He turned and strode toward a big dome of fine metallic mesh, thirty feet high and sixty in diameter, at the other end of the room. Tammand Drav, and his ten paratimer priests, and Brannad Klav, and ten Paratime Police, followed him in. One of the latter slid shut the door and locked it; Verkan Vall went to the control desk, at the center of the dome, and picked up a two-foot globe of the same fine metallic mesh, opening it and making some adjustments inside, then attaching an electric cord and closing it. He laid the globe on the floor near the desk and picked up the hand battery at the other end of the attached cord.

  “Not taking any chances at all, are you?” Brannad Klav asked, watching this operation with interest.

  “I never do, unnecessarily. There are too many necessary chances that have to be taken, in this work.” Verkan Vall pressed the button on the hand battery. The globe on the floor flashed and vanished. “Yesterday, five paratimers were arrested. Any or all of them could have had door-activators with them. Stranor Sleth says they were not tortured, but that is a purely inferential statement. They may have been, and the use of the activator may have been extorted from one of them. So I want a look at the inside of that conveyer-chamber before we transpose into it.”

  He laid the hand battery, with the loose-dangling wire that had been left behind, on the desk, then lit a cigarette. The others gathered around, smoking and watching, careful to avoid the place from which the globe had vanished. Thirty minutes passed, and then, in a queer iridescence, the globe reappeared. Verkan Vall counted ten seconds and picked it up, taking it to the desk and opening it to remove a small square box. This he slid into a space under the desk and flipped a switch. Instantly, a view-screen lit up and a three-dimensional picture appeared—the interior of a big room a hundred feet square and some seventy in height. There was a big desk and a radio; tables, couches, chairs and an arms-rack full of weapons, and at one end, a remarkably clean sixty-foot circle on the concrete floor, outlined in faintly luminous red.

  “How about it?” Verkan Vall asked Tammand Drav. “Anything wrong?”

  The Zurb high priest shook his head. “Just as we left it,” he said. “Nobody’s been inside since we left.”

  * * * *

  One of the policemen took Verkan Vall’s place at the control desk and threw the master switch, after checking the instruments. Immediately, the paratemporal-transposition field went on with a humming sound that mounted to a high scream, then settled to a steady drone. The mesh dome flickered with a cold iridescence and vanished, and they were looking into the interior of a great fissionables refinery plant, operated by paratimers on another First Level time-line. The structural details altered, from time-line to time-line, as they watched. Buildings appeared and vanished. Once, for a few seconds, they were inside a cool, insulated bubble in the midst of molten lead. Tammand Drav jerked a thumb at it, before it vanished.

  “That always bothers me,” he said. “Bad place for the field to go weak. I’m fussy as an old hen about inspection of the conveyer, on account of that.”

  “Don’t blame you,” Verkan Vall agreed. “Probably the cooling system of a breeder-pile.”

  They passed more swiftly, now, across the Second Level and the Third. Once they were in the midst of a huge land battle, with great tanklike vehicles spouting flame at one another. Another moment was spent in an air bombardment. On any time-line, this section of East Europe was a natural battleground. Once a great procession marched toward them, carrying red banners and huge pictures of a coarse-faced man with a black mustache—Verkan Vall recognized the environment as Fourth Level Europo-American Sector. Finally, as the transposition-rate slowed, they saw a clutter of miserable thatched huts, in the rear of a granite wall of a Fourth Level Hulgun temple of Yat-Zar—a temple not yet infiltrated by Transtemporal Mining Corporation agents. Finally, they were at their destination. The dome around them became visible, and an overhead green light flashed slowly on and off.

  Verkan Vall opened the door and stepped outside, his needler drawn. The House of Yat-Zar was just as he had seen it in the picture photographed by the automatic reconnaissance-conveyer. The others crowded outside after him. One of the regular priests pulled off his miter and beard and went to the radio, putting on a headset. Verkan Vall and Tammand Drav snapped on the visiscreen, getting a view of the Holy of Holies outside.

  There were six men there, seated at the upper-priests’ banquet table, drinking from golden goblets. Five of them wore the black robes with green facings which marked them as priests of Muz-Azin; the sixth was an officer of the Chuldun archers, in gilded mail and helmet.

  “Why, those are the sacred vessels of the temple!” Tammand Drav cried, scandalized. Then he laughed in self-ridicule. “I’m beginning to take this stuff seriously, myself; time I put in for a long vacation. I was actually shocked at the sacrilege!”

  “Well, let’s overtake the infidels in their sins,” Verkan Vall said. “Paralyzers will be good enough.”

  He picked up one of the bulb-headed weapons, and unlocked the door. Tammand Drav and another of the priests of the Zurb temple following and the others crowding behind, they passed out through the veils, and burst into the Holy of Holies. Verkan Vall pointed the bulb of his paralyzer at the six seated men and pressed the button; other paralyzers came into action, and the whole sextet were knocked senseless. The officer rolled from his chair and fell to the floor in a clatter of armor. Two of the priests slumped forward on the table. The others merely sank back in their chairs, dropping their goblets.

  “Give each one of them another dose, to make sure,” Verkan Vall directed a couple of his own men. “Now, Tammand; any other way into the main temple beside that door?”

  “Up those steps,” Tammand Drav pointed. “There’s a gallery along the side; we can cover the whole room from there.”

  “Take your men and go up there. I’ll take a few through the door. There’ll be about twenty archers out there, and we don’t want any of them loosing any arrows before we can knock them out. Three minutes be time enough?”

  “Easily. Make it two,” Tammand Drav said.

  * * * *

  He took his priests up the stairway and vanished into the gallery of the temple. Verkan Vall waited until one minute had passed and then, followed by Brannad Klav and a couple of Paratime Policemen, he went under the plinth and peered out into the temple. Five or six archers, in steel caps and sleeveless leather jackets sewn with steel rings, were gathered around the altar, cooking something in a pot on the fire. Most of the others, like veteran soldiers, were sprawled on the floor, trying to catch a short nap, except half a dozen, w
ho crouched in a circle, playing some game with dice—another almost universal military practice.

  The two minutes were up. He aimed his paralyzer at the men around the altar and squeezed the button, swinging it from one to another and knocking them down with a bludgeon of inaudible sound. At the same time, Tammand Drav and his detail were stunning the gamblers. Stepping forward and to one side, Verkan Vall, Brannad Klav and the others took care of the sleepers on the floor. In less than thirty seconds, every Chuldun in the temple was incapacitated.

  “All right, make sure none of them come out of it prematurely,” Verkan Vall directed. “Get their weapons, and be sure nobody has a knife or anything hidden on him. Who has the syringe and the sleep-drug ampoules?”

  Somebody had, it developed, who was still on the First Level, to come up with the second conveyer load. Verkan Vall swore. Something like this always happened, on any operation involving more than half a dozen men.

  “Well, some of you stay here: patrol around, and use your paralyzers on anybody who even twitches a muscle.” Ultrasonics were nice, effective, humane police weapons, but they were unreliable. The same dose that would keep one man out for an hour would paralyze another for no more than ten or fifteen minutes. “And be sure none of them are playing ’possum.”

  He went back through the door under the plinth, glancing up at the decorated wooden screen and wondering how much work it would take to move the new Yat-Zar in from the conveyers. The five priests and the archer-captain were still unconscious; one of the policemen was searching them.

  “Here’s the sort of weapons these priests carry,” he said, holding up a short iron mace with a spiked head. “Carry them on their belts.” He tossed it on the table, and began searching another knocked-out hierophant. “Like this—Hey! Look at this, will you!”

  He drew his hand from under the left side of the senseless man’s robe and held up a sigma-ray needler. Verkan Vall looked at it and nodded grimly.

  “Had it in a regular shoulder holster,” the policeman said, handing the weapon across the table. “What do you think?”

  “Find anything else funny on him?”

  “Wait a minute.” The policeman pulled open the robe and began stripping the priest of Muz-Azin; Verkan Vall came around the table to help. There was nothing else of a suspicious nature.

  “Could have got it from one of the prisoners, but I don’t like the familiar way he’s wearing that holster,” Verkan Vall said. “Has the conveyer gone back, yet?” When the policeman nodded, he continued: “When it returns, take him to the First Level. I hope they bring up the sleep-drug with the next load. When you get him back, take him to Dhergabar by strato-rocket immediately, and make sure he gets back alive. I want him questioned under narco-hypnosis by a regular Paratime Commission psycho-technician, in the presence of Chief Tortha Karf and some responsible Commission official. This is going to be hot stuff.”

  Within an hour, the whole force was assembled in the temple. The wooden screen had presented no problem—it slid easily to one side—and the big idol floated on antigravity in the middle of the temple. Verkan Vall was looking anxiously at his watch.

  “It’s about two hours to sunset,” he said, to Stranor Sleth. “But as you pointed out, these Hulguns aren’t astronomers, and it’s a bit cloudy. I wish Crannar Jurth would call in with something definite.”

  Another twenty minutes passed. Then the man at the radio came out into the temple.

  “O. K.!” he called. “The man at Crannar Jurth’s called in. Crannar Jurth contacted him with a midget radio he has up his sleeve; he’s in the palace courtyard now. They haven’t brought out the victims, yet, but Kurchuk has just been carried out on his throne to that platform in front of the citadel. Big crowd gathering in the inner courtyard; more in the streets outside. Palace gates are wide open.”

  “That’s it!” Verkan Vall cried. “Form up; the parade’s starting. Brannad, you and Tammand and Stranor and I in front; about ten men with paralyzers a little behind us. Then Yat-Zar, about ten feet off the ground, and then the others. Forward—ho-o!”

  * * * *

  They emerged from the temple and started down the broad roadway toward the palace. There was not much of a crowd, at first. Most of Zurb had flocked to the palace earlier; the lucky ones in the courtyard and the late comers outside. Those whom they did meet stared at them in open-mouthed amazement, and then some, remembering their doubts and blasphemies, began howling for forgiveness. Others—a substantial majority—realizing that it would be upon King Kurchuk that the real weight of Yat-Zar’s six hands would fall, took to their heels, trying to put as much distance as possible between them and the palace before the blow fell.

  As the procession approached the palace gates, the crowds were thicker, made up of those who had been unable to squeeze themselves inside. The panic was worse, here, too. A good many were trampled and hurt in the rush to escape, and it became necessary to use paralyzers to clear a way. That made it worse: everybody was sure that Yat-Zar was striking sinners dead left and right.

  Fortunately, the gates were high enough to let the god through without losing altitude appreciably. Inside, the mob surged back, clearing a way across the courtyard. It was only necessary to paralyze a few here, and the levitated idol and its priestly attendants advanced toward the stone platform, where the king sat on his throne, flanked by court functionaries and black-robed priests of Muz-Azin. In front of this, a rank of Chuldun archers had been drawn up.

  “Horv; move Yat-Zar forward about a hundred feet and up about fifty,” Verkan Vall directed. “Quickly!”

  As the six-armed anthropomorphic idol rose and moved closer toward its saurian rival, Verkan Vall drew his needler, scanning the assemblage around the throne anxiously.

  “Where is the wicked King?” a voice thundered—the voice of Stranor Sleth, speaking into a midget radio tuned to the loud-speaker inside the idol. “Where is the blasphemer and desecrator, Kurchuk?”

  “There’s Labdurg, in the red tunic, beside the throne,” Tammand Drav whispered. “And that’s Ghromdur, the Muz-Azin high priest, beside him.”

  Verkan Vall nodded, keeping his eyes on the group on the platform. Ghromdur, the high priest of Muz-Azin, was edging backward and reaching under his robe. At the same time, an officer shouted an order, and the Chuldun archers drew arrows from their quivers and fitted them to their bowstrings. Immediately, the ultrasonic paralyzers of the advancing paratimers went into action, and the mercenaries began dropping.

  “Lay down your weapons, fools!” the amplified voice boomed at them. “Lay down your weapons or you shall surely die! Who are you, miserable wretches, to draw bows against Me?”

  At first a few, then all of them, the Chulduns lowered or dropped their weapons and began edging away to the sides. At the center, in front of the throne, most of them had been knocked out. Verkan Vall was still watching the Muz-Azin high priest intently; as Ghromdur raised his arm, there was a flash and a puff of smoke from the front of Yat-Zar—the paint over the collapsed nickel was burned off, but otherwise the idol was undamaged. Verkan Vall swung up his needler and rayed Ghromdur dead; as the man in the green-faced black robes fell, a blaster clattered on the stone platform.

  “Is that your puny best, Muz-Azin?” the booming voice demanded. “Where is your high priest now?”

  “Horv; face Yat-Zar toward Muz-Azin,” Verkan Vall said over his shoulder, drawing his blaster with his left hand. Like all First Level people, he was ambidextrous, although, like all paratimers, he habitually concealed the fact while outtime. As the levitated idol swung slowly to look down upon its enemy on the built-up cart, Verkan Vall aimed the blaster and squeezed.

  In a spot less than a millimeter in diameter on the crocodile idol’s side, a certain number of neutrons in the atomic structure of the stone from which it was carved broke apart, becoming, in effect, atoms of hydrogen. With a flash and a bang, the idol burst and vanished. Yat-Zar gave a dirty laugh and turned his back on the cart, whic
h was now burning fiercely facing King Kurchuk again.

  “Get your hands up, all of you!” Verkan Vall shouted, in the First Level language, swinging the stubby muzzle of the blaster and the knob-tipped twin tubes of the needler to cover the group around the throne, “Come forward, before I start blasting!”

  Labdurg raised his hands and stepped forward. So did two of the priests of Yat-Zar. They were quickly seized by Paratime Policemen who swarmed up onto the platform and disarmed. All three were carrying sigma-ray needlers, and Labdurg had a blaster as well.

  King Kurchuk was clinging to the arms of his throne, a badly frightened monarch trying desperately not to show it. He was a big man, heavy-shouldered, black-bearded; under ordinary circumstances he would probably have cut an imposing figure, in his gold-washed mail and his golden crown. Now his face was a dirty gray, and he was biting nervously at his lower lip. The others on the platform were in even worse state. The Hulgun nobles were grouped together, trying to disassociate themselves from both the king and the priests of Muz-Azin. The latter were staring in a daze at the blazing cart from which their idol had just been blasted. And the dozen men who were to have done the actual work of the torture-sacrifice had all dropped their whips and were fairly gibbering in fear.

  Yat-Zar, manipulated by the robed paratimer, had taken a position directly above the throne and was lowering slowly. Kurchuk stared up at the massive idol descending toward him, his knuckles white as he clung to the arms of his throne. He managed to hold out until he could feel the weight of the idol pressing on his head. Then, with a scream, he hurled himself from the throne and rolled forward almost to the edge of the platform. Yat-Zar moved to one side, swung slightly and knocked the throne toppling, and then settled down on the platform. To Kurchuk, who was rising cautiously on his hands and knees, the big idol seemed to be looking at him in contempt.


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