Limits of Destiny (Volume 1)

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Limits of Destiny (Volume 1) Page 17

by Sharlyn G. Branson

  “Not particularly. Let’s go to your apartment to drop off my suitcase. We’ll get a bite to eat after. What do you say?” he asked as we walked toward the parking lot.

  “I agree. Dad, I’m leaving the car to you. I just want you to give me a lift to the bank. I’ll be staying late today—I have to catch up on some work,” I informed him. “My boyfriend, Alexander, really wants to meet you. He’s invited us for dinner at seven p.m. at a very classy restaurant. You’ll like it.”

  “The restaurant or the boyfriend?” A huge grin appeared on his face and he winked at me.

  “Both, I hope.”

  * * *

  After we left his luggage at my apartment, we decided to have a quick lunch in one of the Chinese restaurants near the Sihlcity shopping mall. We both ordered rice noodles with chicken and vegetables and Coca-Cola Light to drink.

  When we’d settled on the high wooden chairs, my father started with his questions.

  “Are you happy with your boyfriend, Alexia?”

  He was concerned, as any loving parent would be for their child, about my personal life—and no less than I was. He was worried I was too far away from him—thousands of miles from home. Despite this, my father never tried to interfere in my decision to stay in Zurich after I’d graduated from college. On the contrary, he supported me and said when a person really wants something, they must go ahead and do it. Otherwise, they would later regret the missed opportunity. I would never forget his words. “You know whatever happens, if you no longer like living in Europe, the doors to your home in the States will always be open for you.”

  I smiled at the memory and replied sincerely, “Yes, most of the time.” I thirstily drank the Coke. I hadn’t had much to drink that day and my lips were dry.

  “What do you mean by most of the time?” He regarded me apprehensively.

  “The problem is Alexander has never been in a serious relationship before. He told me he wants to make a go of it. I can tell he has feelings for me, but I don’t know… I don’t know what will happen, and that scares me. I love him, Dad. I never imagined I could fall so deeply in love with someone in such a short time.” I played with my straw and stared thoughtfully into the distance.

  “It’s strange he hasn’t had a girlfriend yet. How old is he?”


  “Twenty-nine!” he exclaimed, stunned. “And you’re telling me for years he’s constantly been with different women?”

  Certainly, my father wouldn’t approve of his playboy exploits—I naturally didn’t approve either, but I couldn’t hide this, not this. I wouldn’t talk about the sex club, but this… This entire conversation was making me feel uncomfortable. I was not used to discussing such topics with my dad. We were very close—we could talk about all sorts of things—but talking about my sex life was hard. Even so, I decided to share some of my concerns with him.

  I sighed deeply and said, “I don’t know whether he’ll get bored of me. He’s not used to leading a monogamous life.” I focused on the strap of my watch.

  “Then he doesn’t deserve you,” he said and took hold of my hand. “You’re very beautiful, honey, also clever and intelligent. I’m not saying this just because you’re my daughter, but because it’s true. If he doesn’t appreciate you, then all the worse for him.”

  “Oh, Dad. You just see my positive aspects. I’m your child after all…”

  “What’s so bad about that?” He interrupted me. “You’re wonderful, my girl, and I don’t want you to sell yourself short. Alexia, I’m going to share something with you that I haven’t told you before. I fell in love for the first time at twenty-five—with your mother—and she was the same wonderful and pure creature you are now. I’ve said it many times. You’re very much like her.”

  “So it’s a family trait to fall in love at this age.” I smiled. I wanted to lighten the mood. I knew my father always became sad when he talked about Mom. Despite all the years that had passed, it was difficult for both of us to get over losing her.

  “Yes, that seems to be the case… Naturally,” he continued, “I’d gone out with other girls. Before I met her, I’d had girlfriends, but when I saw her, I instantly knew she was the woman with whom I wanted to spend the rest of my life. Unfortunately, fate took her away from me far too soon.” His eyes welled up. “But she remains the love of my life.” He looked me in the eyes. “Melanie must never find this out. I don’t want to disappoint her.”

  “Dad, I won’t say anything to her. Everything you just told me will stay between us. You can trust me.”

  “I know, kid. You’ve always had my back.” He squeezed my hand.

  “And you’ve had mine.”

  He smiled, leaned in, and kissed me on the temple. “Now that I’ve seen how much you love this Alexander of yours, I hope and wish he will love you just as much as I loved your mother.”

  “That would be amazing.” I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled up to him like I did when I was little.

  * * *

  At quarter to seven, I was on the way to the restaurant in Alexander’s Rolls Royce. As soon as I saw him sitting in the back, I threw myself into his arms. I needed to be close to him, feel his touch, be in his arms. I needed to inhale the intoxicating scent of his skin to which I had become addicted. I needed… him. He was the embodiment of everything I’d ever dreamt of seeing in a man—masculinity, strong spirit, and goodness. I couldn’t understand how he had managed to get so deep into my heart in such a short time. But he possessed it. He had managed to rouse every cell in my body, to reach the very depths of my soul, and make me feel like I belonged to him. I was his, in body and in spirit. I loved him like I’d never suspected I could love.

  Alexander Kraftberg had become a source of life for me. Just one look or smile was enough to make me feel like I had wings and could fly, fly away… high, toward the heavens, free as a bird. I was bursting with happiness and felt like breaking into a song all the time. I had touched the most wonderful magic—the magic of love.

  “I sense you’ve missed me, sunshine,” he said and kissed my hair.

  “Terribly,” I whispered and dug my face into his neck.

  “I’ve missed you too, baby. I’m sure you’ll want to sleep over at your apartment tonight.” He lifted my hand and placed it on his chest. “I can’t imagine how I’ll endure even one night without you.”

  “Alexander, my father’s staying for only two nights.”

  “Two nights… without you.” He didn’t hide his disappointment. He leaned his head against the back of the seat and sighed deeply. “Oh God.” He rubbed his face with his hand. “I’m in so deep.”

  “Please, let’s not argue about this. I want to spend more time with my father.”

  “I know.” He pulled me forcefully to him and looked into my eyes. “Alexia… what have you done to me?”


  The restaurant Pavillon was very classy. Everywhere one’s eyes could see, there were large windows on whose ledges were placed drop-shaped white pots with gorgeous white peonies. Ornate chandeliers hung from the ceiling. The white curtains, peppered with pale-beige figures, created a cozy atmosphere. The chairs were upholstered with soft purple and the tables, with their perfectly starched white cloths, were decorated with small night lamps and magenta orchids in black pots. Quiet, relaxing music drifted through the air.

  I regretted not putting on one of the more elegant dresses Alexander had bought me. Lightly, I pulled his elbow. “I should have worn something more elegant. You always look stunning, but I—”

  “Don’t worry, Alexia. You look great,” he said softly and led me to the table he’d booked for us.

  My father hadn’t arrived yet.

  When we sat down, I looked around and sighed. “It’s so beautiful and romantic here. We should come here another time—just the two of us.”

  “We definitely will, my sweetheart. I was certain you’d like it.” He had a look at the menu and asked me, “What wine
do you want?”

  “You’re the expert. I’ll leave it up to you.”

  A waiter arrived to take our order. Alexander requested, “Bring us a bottle of Riesling Smaragd Loibner Berg. We’ll order food later.”

  “Of course, sir, as you wish,” he replied and walked away.

  I saw my father walk in and waved at him. He also noticed us and hurried over.

  “Hi, Dad.” I got up from my chair and we exchanged kisses on the cheeks. “Meet my boyfriend, Alexander Kraftberg.”

  Alexander had also stood. He shook my father’s hand and said, “Mr. Welson, it’s very nice to meet you.”

  “It’s nice to meet you too, Mr. Kraftberg.”

  We sat and my dad continued. “I apologize for being late. The meeting went on longer than I expected.”

  “We’ve only just arrived, Dad.” I tried to reassure him. “I hope your meeting went well.”

  “It did, but even if it hadn’t, the trip would’ve been worth it just to see my girl,” said my father, gently squeezing my hand. Then he turned to Alexander. “If you don’t mind, I’d prefer to dispense with the formalities. Let’s address each other by our given names. I’m Colin.”

  “As you wish,” said Alexander with a slight nod.

  I watched the most important men in my life and was surprised by the similarity between them. They were both tall, wide-shouldered, and muscular. Real macho men, I thought and barely managed to hide my smile. Naturally, to my eyes, Alexander was absolutely perfect, the embodiment of what I’d always wanted and liked in a man.

  The waiter came over with our bottle of wine and poured some in Alexander’s glass. He took a sip and said, “It’s very good.”

  I reached over for the menu. I had noticed the various waiters were carrying on their trays true works of culinary art.

  “I can’t decide what to order.” I was finding it hard making a choice.

  “This restaurant is famous for its excellent cuisine, Alexia, so anything you choose will be delicious. I’ve been here many times and I’ve tried everything,” said Alexander, trying to make it easier for me.

  I carefully studied the menu and stopped at a crabmeat starter with mayonnaise, lemon juice, and black pepper. For my main, I chose grilled beef with oriental spices, seasonal vegetables, black olives, and gnocchi.

  Excusing myself, I went to the ladies’ room to check the state of my makeup and hair. When I came back, I found the men speaking intensely about hedge funds. After that, the conversation moved onto the latest construction technologies and methods and then again onto the best insulation materials. My father listened with great fascination, and I was glad to see he was interested in Alexander’s opinion.

  I ate everything I ordered. The portions weren’t large, but the food was extremely tasty, so I decided I just had to have dessert too. Opening the menu, my eyes immediately locked on MOKA ET CHOCOLAT 1844—chocolate gateau consisting of biscuits with mocha and chocolate cream poured over them and covered in crushed caramelized hazelnuts, as well as a bowl of Mokka-Sternanis ice cream.

  I had one spoon and literally moaned in pleasure. “My God, this dessert is out of this world.”

  Alexander smiled and gently held my hand. “Alexia and her massive love of chocolate.” He was gazing at me warmly with his beautiful sapphire eyes. He tenderly caressed my shoulder and his touch enhanced my enjoyment of the dessert by triggering memories of our wild sex at Lake Como.

  “So you’ve noticed it too,” my father mentioned. “I don’t have a sweet tooth, but Alexia is just like Claudia—her mother.”

  We heard a buzzing. My father took out his phone from his jacket, excused himself, and put some distance between us. I used the opportunity of being alone with Alexander and stroked his hard-as-stone thigh. I needed to touch him. It was hard to restrain myself while I was next to him.

  “Hmm… baby. You’ve become very naughty.” He put his palm over my hand, leaned in, and pressed his soft lips against mine. “You and chocolate—a very delicious combination,” he said and licked his lips.

  I smiled and my eyes gleamed. “Why do I get the feeling I’ve heard this before?”

  “At Como… We must do that again.” He gently ran his index finger from the bottom of my ear down my neck.

  “Mmm…” I made a quiet sound of pleasure. I was becoming breathless from the strong sex appeal he exuded. “Do you mean the game with the chocolate spread?”

  “Yes… And thinking about that, I get the feeling the seams at the front of my pants will burst. Definitely I can say you have a massive effect on me. I only have to see you and I immediately want you,” he said, and a sexy smile brightened his face. Looking down, I saw his erection, which he was hiding skillfully beneath his linen napkin.

  “I’m very familiar with the feeling… I can sense my panties are already wet.” I bit my lower lip and leaned toward him to whisper in his ear, “I so want to feel you deep inside me.”

  “Me too, but since I can’t have you tonight, I’ll have to satisfy myself.”

  “You’re allowed to use your hand, but don’t even think about going anywhere else.”

  “I have no such wish, and I wouldn’t hurt you, baby. Never. So I don’t want such thoughts going through your head. I’ll satisfy myself and I’ll look forward to the time when I’ll be able to lose myself in you again,” he whispered in my ear.

  “If I were alone in the apartment, I’d call you so we can have… you know what,” I said quietly.

  “Phone sex,” he mouthed and looked at me with his passionate blue eyes.

  I nodded coyly.

  “Have you done it before?”

  “Alexander, don’t ask me such questions. You’re making me feel uncomfortable… I haven’t done it. With you, however… it’s different. I told you.” I lowered my eyes, annoyed at his question.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

  “With you, I can do a lot of things I never suspected I could. And as I’ve admitted to you, many of those things were a first for me.”

  “Which makes me very happy, sweetheart.”

  “On the other hand, you’re not my first, so I have a base for comparison.” I took a sip of wine, feeling my lips had gone dry.

  “That’s how it should be. Hey.” He gently lifted my chin so I would look at him. “It’s unpleasant when I think about you with other men, but the most important thing for me is you’re with me now. I want you just for myself.”

  “I know and I feel the same. I want you to know I really appreciate your care and everything you do for me. Thank you for the wonderful dinner.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” His lips gently touched my hair. “I’m happy when I see you happy.”

  “Will we see each other tomorrow at noon?”

  “I won’t be in Zurich at noon tomorrow,” he replied, and his beautiful face became sad.

  “Nooo.” I couldn’t hide my disappointment. I had a great need to spend every free minute I had with Alexander. “I was thinking of coming over to have lunch in your office and maybe…”

  “Alexia, what are you getting at?” He looked at me with that devilish gleam in his eyes that drove me completely wild.

  “I think you know.”

  Dammit, why did I feel so uncomfortable talking about all this with him? We were a couple after all, and couples talk about that sort of thing. There was an incredibly strong attraction between us. Both of us had the need to be one whole, to make love. This was the best way we could express our feelings.

  “We’ll do it another time. Definitely. I really like your proposal, Miss Welson.”

  * * *

  When I woke the next day, I immediately texted Alexander.

  I miss you lots. Yours, Alexia

  A quick reply followed.

  I miss you too, honey. Kisses. Yours, Alexander

  Mine, I said quietly.

  My father was still in bed and I didn’t want to wake him. After all, the time difference between
Boston and Zurich was hardly insignificant—a whole six hours.

  I got ready as quickly as I could and left. I had mountains of work to do today, including a complicated bank analysis, which was causing me a lot of headaches.

  An important department meeting was scheduled for half ten. There were rumors that the boss was moving to another department and we’d be getting a replacement from Credit Suisse. All my coworkers and I were already sat around the large table in the conference room when Brauner came in with our new boss.

  My God, I thought I was seeing things.

  No, this cannot be true…

  Tobias Brauner was being replaced by Ralph Egli, my former boyfriend.


  When I saw him, my heart immediately reacted and started to beat so hard it felt it was going to explode. I sensed my cheeks were blushing and even felt hot to the touch. I was angry—no, strike that… I was furious with Ralph. What was he thinking?

  I sat on a chair in the hall for team meetings, and question after question swam into my consciousness.

  How the hell are we going to work together? How will I manage to hide from my coworkers that we used to be in a relationship so they don’t talk behind our backs? How will Alexander react when he finds out?

  Oh God… Alexander… He was going to erupt like Vesuvius and all his furious lava would pour over me. I was certain.

  How will I find the strength to tell him?

  These thoughts made me want to burst into tears, to start screaming in rage. I knew full well how hard it would be to work alongside Ralph every day. Certainly, he would try to get us back together. But I didn’t want that. I was content with the life I was leading and wanted everything to stay as it was—to continue going to work without worrying about how I would get through the day.

  Since I’d met Alexander, I put him first in all respects, but I still wasn’t ready to work with him. Perhaps I would feel more secure when our relationship had become steadier and a few months had passed. At that point, I would reconsider this option, but not now.


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