Limits of Destiny (Volume 1)

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Limits of Destiny (Volume 1) Page 20

by Sharlyn G. Branson

  “Christ, you’ll be the death of me,” I said, still panting.

  He laughed. “Now it’s my turn.”

  “I don’t know if I’m up to it. It feels like my insides are still vibrating.”

  He giggled even harder. “You can do it, baby. I’ll make sure you can.” He looked so happy and carefree.

  I slid my fingers along the tender path hidden by his boxers. Alexander gave out a low moan when my palm slid under and grabbed his cock. I started to move my hand up and down, alternating caresses with hard squeezes.

  “Oh, baby, I want you so much,” he whispered.

  He wriggled out of his underwear and leaned over me. Our tongues tangled. I dug my fingers into his silky hair while he eased himself on top of me. He lowered his kisses along my neck and the top of my breast. He covered one of my nipples with his lips and sucked on it hard. I moaned and arched my back to enjoy his touch, his magic fingers, which burned my skin. Gently and slowly, he stroked my belly, hips, and butt, and each touch made me shudder in pleasure.

  “I want you,” I moaned, and he settled comfortably between my legs, sliding his huge member inside me. He gripped the bottom part of my ear with his lips, and I surrendered. He knew exactly what I liked and how to make me want him even more. He pulled out very slowly and then slowly entered me, again and again. He put his palms on my cheeks and stared at me with love.

  I raised my hand and ran a finger across his lower lip. He closed his beautiful eyes and continued to move inside me, filling me, surrendering to me, slowly and passionately. He leaned toward me again and pressed his lips against mine. He started to move in and out faster and faster, still kissing me. He skillfully turned his tongue in my mouth, sucking mine. He was fierce like a beast, but that was how I liked him. I loved it when he was fully inside me.

  Suddenly, he pulled out, turned me over on my stomach, and started to kiss my back, making his way down my spine, toward my butt. I trembled with anticipation, and when he glided back in, I moaned. “Oh God, it feels so good.”

  “Come on, baby, do it again. For me.” He kept on whispering in my ear, continuing his skillful thrusts.

  I lifted my hips to meet him. I could hear his choppy breath merging with my accelerated breathing. All my muscles were as tense as they could get when the third orgasm shook me. I screamed like crazy. Alexander caught up and came inside me. I lay on the bed completely drained.

  “There can be no question—you’re an amazing lover,” I said quietly.

  “I’m glad I can satisfy you so well.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.”

  Alexander swept aside a lock of hair from my face and gave me his beaming wide smile, showing his nice, gleaming white teeth. He was happy. “Don’t worry, honey. I’ll prop you up.” He winked at me, and I pretended to be offended.

  “I’m not an old lady.”

  He put his lips on my temple and whispered, “You’re the most beautiful creature in the world, and this creature belongs to me.”

  * * *

  Next morning, I woke up a little after nine and immediately turned to the other side, wanting to hug the man I loved, but Alexander had already gotten up. I wrapped my arms around his pillow and inhaled his scent, imagining, even if only briefly that I was hugging him.

  It was going to be an important evening. Tonight, we were going to the charity ball organized by the foundation Berg for Children. On the one hand, I was looking forward to meeting his parents, but on the other, I was anxious because I would also meet Vanessa—the woman I saw as a threat to our relationship.

  I had to get up—I couldn’t lie in bed any longer, torturing myself.

  I briefly called Lily and we arranged to meet in approximately one and a half hours. She was taking me to her hair stylist, Gabriel, who had golden hands and was known as the best in Zurich. Every haircut or style done by him was one of a kind.

  The weather was lovely, so I decided to go for a run through the streets of Küssnacht. I put on my jogging kit and went outside. A cool breeze was blowing. The sun tinted the ground with its golden rays and fluffy clouds danced in the sky. The birds sang continuously, chirping and chasing each other through tree branches.

  I put on a playlist of my favorite One Republic songs on my iPod and started to run, enjoying the wonderful view of the lake and gorgeous houses.

  I ran until my legs could barely hold me. I stopped by a bench, near a junction, to rest and stretch my muscles. While I was doing the exercises, a mother caught my eye. She was waiting at the traffic lights, holding a baby, and a small girl, maybe three years old, was standing next to her. She was very cute, with curly blond hair and a pink dress. And then something happened, something that could completely change anyone’s life in the fraction of a second…

  A teenager crossed on a red light. The driver of a passing car beeped his horn, and right at this moment, the little girl got scared and bolted across the road. I did what anyone in my place would. I ran toward the child, lifted her in my arms, and stepped back just before a BMW shot past us. If I were only a second later, the worst would have happened.

  I was still holding the girl in my arms when her mother ran toward me, crying.

  Truth is I was also scared, having realized what could have happened to me, but in such moments, one doesn’t consider the risks, but acts as quickly as possible.

  How unpredictable life can be. One minute you’re happy, and the next…

  I sat on the bench, trying to calm myself. My heart was beating so hard from the stress that I thought it might burst. My blood raced through my veins.

  Shit, that guy in the car could have run me over along with the kid…

  I put my palms on my head and tried to calm my breathing.

  Just as I stood up to go home, my phone rang. I checked the display—it was Alexander. I pressed the green icon to accept the call.

  His icy tone stopped me dead in my tracks. “May I know where you are?”

  I already knew him well enough to know he was furious.

  “I went out for short run in the fresh air. What’s happened?”

  “I looked for you… and didn’t find you,” he clipped.

  I hadn’t even considered my going out could worry him. “I’m coming home. Calm down, please. Nothing bad has happened.”

  “I’m waiting,” he said and hung up.


  When I returned to Alexander’s house, I saw Lily parking her Porsche on the opposite side of the street. Her car was amazing—white paintjob and black leather on the inside. We were both really into sports cars and shopping. We could spend hours in shops, looking for nice clothes and stylish shoes.

  We hugged and gave each other pecks on the cheeks.

  “Hi, Alexia.” Her smile lit up her face.

  “Hi.” I looked at her in approval.

  She was dressed in black pants, skintight below the knees, and matched with a pretty red tunic. Her stylish black sandals were, as always, high-heeled. Unlike me, she loved heels. Perhaps because she wasn’t very tall. Shoes without high heels were an anathema to her. Of course, when she went to the gym, which was once a week, Lily dressed in sporty clothes and wore sneakers.

  We entered the lounge and found Alexander talking to some man who looked around thirty and whose muscles showed he did a lot of sports and weights. He was quite attractive, with short-cropped dark hair and light-brown eyes.

  I went over to Alexander, who on seeing me pressed his lips together into a narrow line. I couldn’t understand why he was still sulking. Well, he clearly had gotten up on the wrong side of the bed today. I stood on my toes and kissed him, having decided not to pay too much attention to his bad mood.

  “Alexia, meet David Schwartz, my personal trainer.”

  David first shook my hand and then Lily’s.

  “Today we could have worked out together in my gym,” continued Alexander. “Schwartz can show you some good exercises.” I sensed he was tense even though he
was trying to hide it.

  “I needed to run in some fresh air,” I said sheepishly. Why is he making me feel guilty?

  David took out his business card from his gym bag and handed it to me. “In case you decide you need my help,” he said, and a faint smile snuck onto his lips.

  The doorbell rang, and Alexander went to open it.

  I wondered what I should do to get him alone to talk to him. It was necessary for me to understand why he was so angry. I didn’t like it when he looked at me sullenly, as if I’d done something really awful.

  My thoughts were interrupted when I saw him coming back with Francesco. His appearance was a great opportunity to introduce him to my girlfriend. Lily was into Italians and I noticed immediately that she liked him from the way she looked at him.

  Francesco leaned toward me, placed his hands on my shoulders, and warmly kissed me on the cheeks. “Ciao, bella. I’m glad to see you again.”

  “Me too, Francesco.” I smiled at him and glanced at Alexander, whose blue eyes were spitting fire.

  Alexander put his arm around my waist, kissed me on the neck, and whispered in my ear, “We have to talk.”

  After David left, I made coffee and went for a shower. Alexander came with me. While we were climbing the stairs, he didn’t say a single word, but after he shut the bedroom door behind him, he asked me angrily, “What do you think you’re doing, for God’s sake?”

  “What do you mean,” I asked in bewilderment. I really didn’t understand. “What did I do?”

  I put down my coffee cup on the small table by the window.

  “You went out without telling me where you were going and that worried me.” He nervously ran his fingers through his hair.

  “I’m sorry. Didn’t you read my note?” I pointed to the piece of paper I’d left on my pillow.

  He glanced at it and replied crossly, “No.”

  “I’m sorry, I should have called you on the phone.”

  “You’re sorry.” He stared at me as if he’d seen a ghost. He took several steps toward me, and I started to walk back until my back hit the wall. I couldn’t move—he’d placed both his hands on the wall around me at shoulder level and was staring at me.

  “And how can you go out dressed like this?” He put his index finger between my breasts and pulled my vest. “Don’t you get it? You’re driving me crazy. This fucking vest is completely sheer. Your nipples are so visible you might as well be naked.”

  I glanced at my breasts. I hadn’t noticed. “Everyone is dressed like this.” I tried to make an excuse.

  He grabbed it with both his hands and ripped it furiously. I squealed in surprise, and he covered my mouth with his lips. Putting his palms on my breasts, he hissed. “This here is mine, only mine, and I want to be only the one to see it.”

  “Alexander, stop acting like a domineering male. Don’t order me about as if I’m your property,” I snapped.

  “You’re already mine.” He waited to see how I would react to his words. His eyes were burning, his lips slightly apart. And all this passion with which he looked at me made me wet. God… I wanted him.

  He leaned in and started to kiss me passionately, as if someone would take me away from him. His hands started to caress my neck, back, waist, and hips. I felt them all over my body. He took hold of my butt, picked me up, and the next second, I found myself sprawled on the bed. I dug my hands into his hair and stroked his face. I wanted to calm him down.

  “How can you sulk about such things?” I whispered.

  “You’re so beautiful, and all of this incredibly sexy body is just for me,” he replied, panting.

  His fingers slid across my body, ignited my senses, and we surrendered to each other.

  I knew this was the only way to make him relax and settle down. When we made love, both of us got charged with positive energy. It was important for us to merge into one, because that was how we ironed out our differences and all disagreements became insignificant.

  “Fuck, this is exactly what I needed,” he whispered and gazed into my eyes. His face showed relief and calm.

  I pressed myself against him and quietly said, “I love you.”

  A smile flashed across his lips. He leaned toward me and kissed me imperiously, his tongue sliding deep into my mouth. I moaned in pleasure and barely managed to pull away from him. “If you continue like this, we’ll end up spending a long time in the bedroom.”

  “I’m addicted to you, babe. I don’t get enough time with you. I want more,” he said and withdrew from me with great reluctance.

  “As the Roman philosopher Seneca once said, ‘It is not too little time that is our problem, but the time we do not use properly.’ But I think in our case, we use our time together very well.”

  Who was I trying to be clever for? Who was I deluding? I wanted us to be constantly together, but I knew it was impossible.

  “I could stay in bed next to you all day, sweetie, but I have to discuss something very important with Francesco.” He held me tight, kissed me again, and then went out of the bedroom.

  I went for a quick shower. While bathing and changing, I thought about my oh-so-jealous boyfriend. I had to try to understand him better. Unlike me, Alexander had never been in a serious relationship and all this was new to him. Not that I was an expert, but I had some experience at least. I wondered whether Alexander loved me but was too afraid to tell me. God, I hope that is the case…

  * * *

  When I went into the lounge, I found Lily alone. “Sorry I took so long.”

  “No problem, dear. I get it—you and Alexander can’t keep your hands off each other. You’re so in love.”

  “I know what you’re getting at.” I smiled and gave her a sideways look.

  “Don’t try to deny you just did it.”

  “Was I denying anything?” I couldn’t hide my satisfied smile.

  “God, Alexia, this is exactly what I need too, and my relationship with Marco isn’t going anywhere. He seems distant.” She brushed her hair behind her ear.

  “So tell me. Do you like Francesco? I get the feeling he likes you.”

  Her face brightened as soon as I mentioned his name. “Yes, he’s very cute. By the way, we exchanged numbers and arranged to meet tomorrow.”

  “Oh, I see. By the way… This was my exact intention, darling. I had a hunch you’d take to each other.” I was happy my plan had worked. “I think drinks are in order. You won’t say no to a glass of champagne, will you?”

  “Of course I won’t.” She grinned. “Let’s put on some music. What do you say?”

  I went over to the sound system and put on a Bruno Mars tune—“Locked Out of Heaven.”

  “The perfect song after great sex,” I told her quietly, and we both giggled.

  “Lucky girl.” She pretended to pout.

  “Well… I can’t complain.” I shrugged and winked at her.

  I opened the champagne and poured us a glass each. We clinked glasses and drank half of the contents in one. We started to dance like crazy, jumping around, singing, and generally acting like we were out in a club. We were both crazy enough to make party with each other. It wouldn’t be the first time, but it was the first time at Alexander’s house.

  I saw him and Francesco watching us and detected that devilish sparkle in his eyes… and that sexy smile of his, which drove me completely wild. I went over to him, took his hand, and led him to our imaginary dance floor. He started to dance with me. Bodies pressed against each other, legs tangled, we surrendered to the rhythm.

  “Sex with you takes me to heaven. I think this should be our song,” I whispered in his ear. And he grabbed me and started to kiss me as if we were alone, just him and me. Lily’s words swam up to my conscious mind. You and Alexander can’t keep your hands off each other. And she was completely right. Our bodies sought and found each other in a tender kiss.

  I looked around and saw that Lily and Francesco had tactically retreated and were walking through the gorgeous gar

  When the song “Just The Way You Are” came on, Alexander took hold of my face and started to sing. What a voice—it made me weak at the knees. How could he be so perfect?

  Even though he still hadn’t said the words I love you, which I so yearned to hear, I felt his love. I felt it in my soul and in my heart. My jealous Alexander, my perfect Alexander. He was mine and I was his. Time didn’t exist, even if only briefly, even if only during the songs. And the lyrics spoke instead of us, revealing our feelings.

  * * *

  Gabriel, Lily’s hairdresser, managed to create a work of art with my hair. I was really happy with the look. He rolled my hair into large curls and put it up in an elegant bun at the back. I felt beautiful, and that was extremely important to me.

  I returned to the house and went into Alexander’s study to tell him I was back. The door was ajar. I knocked, took two steps forward to enter, and then froze on the spot.

  “I fucking told you worker safety is very important to me. How many times do I have to repeat it?” He screamed into the phone, which made me jump. I hadn’t seen him so furious before. Alexander spotted me. Sparks flew from his eyes, but they softened after a second. “I don’t want to discuss it any further. Do as I told you.” He hung up and tossed his iPhone on the sofa.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t want to disturb you. I just wanted to tell you I’m back.” I decided to go, but he stopped me.

  “Come to me, please.” His voice was now as soft as butter. I hesitated, but in the end, I walked over to him and he hugged me.

  “I scared you.” And without waiting for my reply, he added, “I’m sorry… I just get really mad when my instructions are not followed to the letter and, thus, mistakes are made. I’m surrounded by incompetent idiots. I should fire them and find other people who can do the job properly.”

  Snuggling up to him, I could hear his heart beating. I wanted to cheer him up. “If you continue to get angry all the time, you’ll turn grey very soon.”

  “And you’ll no longer like me. Is that it, Miss Welson?”

  “I’ll like you with grey hair too. You can be sure of that.” I raised my head, and our eyes met. “I just want you to take care of yourself.”


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