The Lost Mage 2

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The Lost Mage 2 Page 3

by A L Issett

  “Well you won, I lost. I don’t know what more I can say” Jon replied looking all around at the men outside the cage. “Is the money and title still on the table or did I screw that up?”

  “You don’t get anything now” Gwendolyn teased as Jon could see the Ketian High Witch ride up, her face covered in some type of bandage. “Fix her face, now!”

  Jon decided to play the good hostage and took a good look at the mages face. There was a little muscle damage but everything was mostly superficial, it would leave a nasty scar if left unattended but it would not hamper her too much. The woman’s face knitted together easily as Jon did not stop her from feeling the pain like he would have done others. The woman snatched off her bandages and rubbed her hands over her face and had a look of relief. Jon saw the water Mage coming up probably wanting her little cuts and scrapes healed and Jon obliged before the woman could even say anything. The princess pulled her horse to ride away from Jon when he decided to have a little fun. He focused on the princess’s lady parts and sent an immense wave of pleasure at her, so much she instantly moaned out and almost fell off her horse. The princess whirled around when Jon did the same thing but made it last a full minute as the girl sat on her horse frozen, scared to open her mouth in fear of what might come out. To onlookers they had to be wondering what was wrong with her with the way she seized up all of a sudden, they probably thought Jon was attacking her somehow. Jon knew the truth though, she had came in her small clothes at least three times and would soon feel unclean from all the stickiness that was bound to be down there. She would need a change of clothes quickly, that ought to keep her out of his hair for a while. The guards around Jon moved in after the princess left with swords drawn.

  “What did you do to her highness?” said one particularly angry looking guard Jon recognized from his time in the castle as Davie.

  “I made her girl parts moisten up to where she flooded her small clothes with wetness” Jon said unashamed and even laughed a little. “She is probably changing her clothes in that carriage up ahead as we speak, if you hurry maybe you can get a little peek”. Jon looked as the men one by one started turning red in the face, one even laughed at the whole scenario. Even the grim faced Davie stopped scowling to take in the situation.

  “Jon is it?” one of the guardsmen said as he rode his horse over. “That was nasty business with your mum it was but his Majesty gets what he wants. I come to ask a favor from you, ever since I was a kid I have had problems with my left hand ever since I was bit by a dog, and right now I am suffering from a nasty rash given to me by my favorite prostitute”.

  Jon looked at the man’s left hand as he held it up and could tell he had some nerves severely damaged. Jon fixed it easily, in fact ever since Jon merged with Drommul most of his magic had come to him easily enough. Jon could see the irritation the guard had talked about in his groin area, there were angry raised bumps which were dealt with quickly enough but the problem lay in his blood, Jon could see the sickness all inside of it. Jon turned the man’s natural defenses on it and stopped.

  “Stop talking to the prisoner” another guard Jon did not know said loudly.

  “You can fuck off Jake” the guard he had helped replied as he flexed his arm. “I feel better already and my hand don’t hurt no more. Jon if you ever get in his majesty’s good graces again come find me. I have at least three cups of ale that have your name on it, I was wondering what I would tell my wife about my rash but now I don’t have to. I’m going to leave whores alone for a bit, at least until I inspect their genitals”.

  “Well shit healer can you do something about this scar on my face” another guard spoke as Jon could see a wicked scar running down the left side of a guards face from forehead to the chin and costed the man the sight from that eye. “I got this little pretty from being captured by the Rahels, I really hate the damn thing and it’s the first thing people see when they meet me”.

  Jon had no idea why he was helping these soldiers but after he fixed the man’s scar and eye, all of the guards eventually found their way to his carriage complaining about various bumps and bruises begging to be fixed. Jon found the work easy enough at first but found out although he could use his power faster, it could not use it for long and eventually became very tired from the whole ordeal. Grateful guards snuck him some meat which he devoured so quickly they quickly gave him another portion. When Jon ate that one just as quickly someone stuck the hind leg of an elk through the bar as a joke and the guards now had a new game, see how much Jon could eat. Jon let his demon side seep through a little, giving him much sharper teeth and changing his taste buds a little. Jon bit into the elk and could feel the muscle give way under his teeth. Jon ate hungrily, Drommul he could tell was in bliss as he had only ate the fish demons for the past couple of centuries. Jon was only broken from his eating by the gasp of the guards as Jon looked down and saw he had eaten three fourths of the leg when a guard stuck his hand inside the cage and pulled it free as another threw Jon a wet rag. Jon caught on quickly and wiped his face clean just as Princess Gwendolyn came riding up into view. The men around Jon first were nervous but then had knowing smiles on their faces they tried to hide after Jon had told them what he did to the princess.

  “Healer we are approaching Ket” Gwendolyn said in an even tone. “I will let you out of there if you behave”.

  “Well then I have no choice but to behave then” Jon said as the wagon carrying his cage stopped. Jon watched as the door was unlatched and he climbed down from his imprisonment, tired but grateful to stretch his legs. He and Drommul were in agreement to abide by whatever his captors wanted, after all he literally had all the time in the world to enact his revenge.

  “If you want to ride in the carriage along with me and the other mages you may do so” Gwendolyn said as she looked at him from atop her horse.

  “I would like to use the bathroom first if you don’t mind” Jon said as he fidgeted slightly. Gwendolyn nodded as Jon went into the bushes with five guards all around him, Jon had helped the men but knew they would definitely attack if he tried anything. Jon fumbled for his manhood and relieved himself, to his surprise his jet was a sickly green and started melting through the surrounding plant life like some sort of acid based poison. Jon finished as quickly as he could and was thankful that while it may be harmful to his clothes, he was immune to the urine. Jon shook himself clean and walked back to the caravan where he could see it had stopped and the princess herself waved him over. Jon walked to the area of the carriage and climbed in behind the princess as the door was shut. Inside the carriage was Aquaria, Anna and of course Gwendolyn. They shifted so that he was near one of the windows instead of the door as he sat next to Anna. The caravan started up again as Jon still had felt sleepy from all of the healing he had done. Jon leaned against the window and let sleep take him again as he continued his trip into Ket.

  Jon awoke with a start when he remembered where he was. The carriage was empty now and Jon lay stretched out on the bench of the carriage with some sort of blanket over him. The carriage had stopped and it was definitely dark outside. Jon could make out several voices outside the carriage with one of them being the King of Ket. Jon shrugged off his blanket just as the carriage door opened and a guard poked his head inside”.

  “Get up you” the soldier said gruffly. “His majesty wants you and if you give him any trouble I’ll knock you out again with the hilt of my sword”. Jon smiled inwardly now he knew who his attacker was and quickly set to work. He made the man’s nerve endings around his cock super sensitive, if he had intercourse with a woman Jon doubted he could last more than two pumps maximum no matter how bad he tried to hold back, that ought to make him real popular with the ladies. Jon climbed out of carriage where the King was standing up talking to Gwendolyn and Geoff. Jon stood as the King acknowledged him and waved him over. Jon walked angrily as his plan fell apart, he could not show gratitude to this man.

  “I trust you have been treated well?” the King
stated rather than asking a question. “You should be back inside of Ket early tomorrow, do you need anything?”

  Jon stayed silent as the King chuckled a little. Jon felt someone slap him across the back of his head and decided to answer. “I do not need anything or want anything from you. I have been taken prisoner and nothing you do will make me want to stay here. The princess has assured me as long as I don’t try to escape or make trouble I won’t be misused. I know more than most the hospitality I can expect if I am thrown into your dungeon so I will do as I am told”.

  “Well father at least the peasant knows his place” Geoff said laughing. “You will do as we ask and I don’t care if you like it or not”.

  “Ah Geoff you lack the diplomacy of Gwendolyn” King Jafe laughed. “Jon you will be treated fairly but the fact that you did not come willingly means that you will keep some of my guards around you at all times. If you perform your duty when I ask, no harm will come to you. Are you hungry?”

  “I want no food from you” Jon replied icily as another blow came across his head. “You better start using respect” the soldier who had the modified manhood said loudly.

  “I do not want your hospitality Your Majesty” Jon said through gritted teeth. “I am fine as I am”.

  “Well if you should ever get hungry then please let someone know” the King replied. “I hear you summoned three demons and sent them to fight against my High Mage, she said you gave her quite a fright as she had to send them both back to the pit. I don’t mind if you summon your demons or not but if they cause trouble it will be you that suffers”.

  Jon stayed silent as Geoff laughed at his father’s words. Gwendolyn for her part remained silent as Jon tried to meet her eyes. She avoided his gaze as her father started speaking again. “Well Jon behind you is Wren, although you have had some disagreements in the past, he will be in charge of your personal guard. He will watch out for you and ensure no harm comes your way, it should go without saying that he will not hesitate to act in my best interests if you attempt to escape or harm. You are perhaps the most important mage in Ket and I have to look out for your well-being. Ahead of you is a silver carriage, it now belongs to you as my official healer. If you need to leave it for any reason notify Wren and he will see to your comfort”.

  Jon nodded and walked in the direction the King pointed and could see the caravan had grown considerably. It must have either met up with another caravan coming out of Ket or it was caught by the caravan the King traveled with. Jon didn’t care one way or the other and climbed into his new carriage. He shut the door behind him as sent for his demons to join him. The succubus came forward and she looked much better as her wounds had stopped bleeding. Jon knew demons healed quicker in the pit and wanted to help her out a bit. The insectoids were their also with one of them in obvious pain. Luckily despite its demon nature its pain receptors were easy to find as Jon shut them off then went about rapidly healing the insectoid as the other looked on in silence. The insectoid looked like it had been cut in two, probably from the High Mages wind spells as Jon started reattaching ligaments and other organs. Jon was luckily he had a roadmap, he would see how the other Insectoid was put together and then mimicked as he fixed the other demon. Jon finished with the demon and felt tired, working on the thing was more taxing to his magic than working on human flesh. Jon then turned his attention to the succubus and really looked at her. Her wings were on the mend and Jon helped them along at least repairing the tears and giving her back her gift of flight.

  “How did you take me?” the succubus said, her voice dripping with seduction. “I was prisoner, when your magic approached me I would have done anything to be free. Let me repay you master for everything you have done for me”.

  “DO NOT TELL THE SUCCUBUS ABOUT ME” Drommul commanded. “SHE IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED, I FREED HER BECAUSE SHE COULD PROVE USEFUL IN THE FUTURE”. Jon decided maybe the demon was right, even if he were wrong they were stuck together for quite a while maybe even permanently.

  “I do not require any payment” Jon said quickly and looked his others demons over. Right now we are prisoner, I can leave at any time if I wished it so I do not want any of you causing trouble until I give you word.

  “You have went through all the trouble of capturing me and do not even want to play?” the succubus said as she opened her legs slightly exposing her sex.

  “What is your name succubus?” Jon asked as her name popped into his head from Drommul.

  “My name is Alura” the succubus replied as she grabbed ahold of one of her breasts. Jon could feel himself getting excited but luckily he was a healer and the master of all types of bodies period, he willed himself to go down as he looked at his other demons.

  “I am Flit” one of the insectoids spoke, his voice having some sort of vibrating tinge to it. I am a drone sworn to protect Queen Mantia. I along with my brother were to throw ourselves at the Council of twelves army where we would have surely died. We followed your magic to avoid that fate. What will you have us do?”

  Jon could tell these were simple minded creatures, they had no real ambitions to do anything other than serve unlike most demons, perhaps that is why Drommul had grabbed them. The succubus for her part had sharp claws and teeth but looked no stronger than the average human female at her size. Digging through Drommul’s memories this demon was not made to be a fighter, but rather a lover. This was the demon that betrayed him to the council of twelve, she was promised a spot to be the 13th member but instead was tortured by the demon Goliath for centuries. Jon filed that knowledge away as the other insectoid began to talk in the same type of vibrating tone as his brother.

  “I am Slit” the Insectoid began. “We could not take the human magic users, one of them cut me almost in half, I was lucky to return to the pit when I did or I could have died. Thank you for fixing me master”.

  “Think nothing of it” Jon replied thinking about his next move. “Alura I have knowledge about your kind, you supposedly emit some type of scent that drives men wild, is this true?”

  “I have been trying to fill the air with it” Alura replied in her sultry tone. “The insectoids are immune to my charms, as a male though you should have been all over me by now so I can thank you properly for saving me. I must be out of practice for the centuries I spent in Goliath’s play room”.

  “I am a healer, I can block out any changes in my body and others” Jon stated plainly. I know how your kind feeds and I do not want you feeding on humans. Demons are immortal, you can’t take years off of their lives, you can feed on them exclusively. How many years do you take off of a human life per coupling?”

  “I have not had sex with a human in quite some time” Alura began. “In my prime I could drain a human of their life force in under a day of continuous sex. If it per orgasm then perhaps two years?”

  “Keep that knowledge to yourself” Jon began. “I am going to need one of you to send a message to Magus when I have time to set you free. For right now I want both of you insectoids to go back to the cave I sent you to the first time”.

  “Master, thank you for the cave” Alura replied. “But there is something you are not telling me. I met an old friend when I came to my senses there, a friend I call Traxxus. He told me all about you, Drommul”.

  “Then you know I have plenty of reason to kill you if you disobey me” Jon said letting Drommul’s tone slip through. Jon could tell Drommul was kicking himself for making such a mistake. “The next time you see him, tell Traxxus that I am unhappy with him and perhaps he should keep his mouth closed until told otherwise”.

  “It is not his fault master” Alura replied, this time with a bit of nervousness replacing the seductress. “He was only trying to be helpful”.

  “He would betray me just as you have” Jon said letting Drommul’s tone take over his body. “The only reason you are free right now is because you may be needed but you are not irreplaceable, remember that. From now on in my presence you will wear human clothing”. Jon watc
hed as the succubus nodded as he heard a knock on the door.

  “Who are you talking to healer” Jon heard Wren’s voice say.

  “It is none of your business” Jon replied as the door was then thrown open. Wren stuck his head inside as his demons crowed around in front of him, Alura in front of it all. From his vantage point Jon could see Alura’s female parts were level with Wren’s face as he stared blankly at them. Wren looked lost for a second before he snapped out of it a testament to his professionalism.

  “I’m watching you healer” Wren said as he slammed the door hard. Jon sent his demons back into Drommul’s cave and debated his next move. The demon inside of him was no help, although he was angry he normally relieved himself by raping the fish demons he caught, whether male or female before he ate them. Alura had his mind fixated on one thing and he would be useless unless he got a chance to relieve himself properly. Jon made up his mind, he would need to find out how many allies Ket had and get that information back to Magus. Jon himself would stay safe in Ket away from the war and let the pieces fall where they may. If Ket gets overran then he would leave and find a place amongst the victors, who wouldn’t want a healer working for them, especially one with access to a succubus. Jon would make out alright if he could keep his mouth in check when it came to either Geoff of the King himself. Every time he tried he found it difficult, true he could have just killed them both and be done with it but they both needed to suffer as he did, to know they are doomed and at the same time know they cannot stop it. Jon would figure this out as he went along, there was no need to enact his plan quickly. The night passed by quickly enough as Jon noticed the caravan barely stopped, they were serious about making it to Ket and must have rotated horses while Jon was sleep in the royal carriage. Jon looked out of the window and recognized that he was on Mage’s Road inside of Ket, the road was much nicer and consisted of tightly placed stones. It wasn’t even a year ago that Jon traversed this same road with Mariah, trying to escape into Magus but now he was going back into Magus in a nice carriage. Jon would have to send word to the old trader Harlo who had helped him out of Magus and let him know how Mariah made out, he would skip the part about her brutal rape and torture though, no use in worrying the old man. Jon could hear the sound of trumpets blaring, he must be coming upon a small town and their residents were welcoming the king. Jon looked out the window as he could see people lining the road throwing flowers and cheering despite the early hour. The caravan slowly made its way inside the town where it stopped in front of a sturdy two story building. Jon figured this had to be the town’s inn and that the King wanted a real breakfast. Jon was proven correct as a door opened for him and he was rudely told by a very sleepy looking Wren that the king requests his presence. Jon stepped down from the carriage and walked into the inn where he found the king already seated along with Gwendolyn, Geoff, the water Mage Aquaria and the High Mage of Ket. Jon sat down in the empty chair as the High Mage Anna was talking about laying on an actual bed for once to get to sleep.


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