The Lost Mage 2

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The Lost Mage 2 Page 11

by A L Issett

  “ANY WHO GOES FORWARD WILL DIE” Drommul said loudly as he grabbed a nearby demon and ripped its head clear from its body. To Jon’s surprise one demon turned around and started flying towards where it first came from, followed by another then another. Demons who had not yet caught up to the fight must have assumed it was over and turned around also. In the crowd Jon could make out something screaming for them to turn back around but it was a small voice among the hundreds of wings beats, no matter how small Drommul had recognized the voice and flew straight towards it at a rapid speed claws out waiting for contact. Jon could see the target Drommul was going after, it was a demon shaped like a cross between a large red eagle and a lizard. Whatever the beast was it sensed Drommul then took off at a speed Jon didn’t think was possible. This was Pigazus, one of the council of twelve and commander of the skies. This enemy harassed Drommul until he was a good ways away from his stronghold; Drommul was too weak to fight back as his wounds were so bad he could not heal as quickly. Drommul must have sensed it was pointless and flew on to catch up with his Insectoid. Flit was moving as well as he could, Mantia was still injured and despite trying to beat her wings she was slow, Flit was trying to help her out when Drommul caught up to them and put the queen in his arms and flew. Mantia was not used to physical exertion, this Drommul knew since he had only seen her once or twice. Drommul continued his flight as Jon remembered Gaea, she was tied down but hopefully she was smart enough to get herself out of that trouble. Vulcan was still alive Jon thought but he was badly burned, hopefully she could get herself out of that trouble. Jon thought about her predicament hard when suddenly he found himself in the small clearing, Gaea was just getting herself untied when Drommul appeared in the small clearing holding the Insectoid Queen. Jon instantly recognized what happened and took over Drommul’s body while summoning Flit back from the pit to get the insectoid out of trouble.

  “I am the healer’s demon” Jon halfway lied as he walked towards the earth mage. “Do you require assistance?”

  “I don’t know if I can sneak past the Ketians” Gaea replied as she looked sadly at the body of her familiar still roasting on the fire.

  “Then follow me” Jon said as he used one of his claws to snap the leather strap holding her hostage. Jon picked the earth mage up and took to the sky when he saw a brief flash of fire followed by nothing. Drommul went to investigate and noticed Flit was on the ground, his left arm was missing and he looked scorched, a few feet from him was Vulcan, he was missing half of his left arm and had a sizeable chunk out of the side of his neck. Jon could tell the man would never rise again and banished Flit back to his cave and continued back to his residence as Baronet, Mantia was still with him but flying on her own but would never say anything. As they flew back towards his home, Jon alternately too turns healing Gaea and Mantia, when I thought struck him. Jon grabbed ahold of Mantia and thought about his cave as all three were transported to the pit. Gaea instantly started coughing as Jon forgot how hot and humid the air was, a human could not survive in this environment. Jon thought about Mage Gaea’s office and seconds later they were there. Jon lowered the female to the floor as thoughts raced between his and Drommul’s thoughts. They could teleport to places they had been before, just as long as they go through the pit first. Jon traveled back to his cave and then to his grounds, specifically the little room he deemed his private place and changed back into his human form. Jon shook his head as he saw he was naked, somehow he would have to fix this problem. Jon sighed as he opened the door and saw a passing slave and pulled him into the room.

  “M-my lord” the slave said shakily.

  “No time for that now, what is your name?” Jon asked quickly.

  “Sean my lord” the slave said shaking.

  “Where are you from Sean?” Jon asked.

  “Kiley my lord, I am from Kiley” the slave said as Jon could see the man was scared to death.

  “Well Sean Kiley” Jon said before the slave fell to his knees and cut him off begging for mercy.

  “I am sorry my Lord” the slave cried out. “My sister is a freewoman, she is sick I had to sneak away to see her, time got away from me. I didn’t mean to stay gone for two days!”

  Jon’s mind went racing as he came up with a plan. “When did you sneak away and who saw you leave?”

  “No one saw me my lord, I didn’t want anyone else to get into trouble” The salve said as Jon picked him up to his feet surprising the man with his strength. “I-I left at night on the full moon”.

  “Well Sean Kiley I have a proposition for you” Jon said with a smile. “You are going to tell everyone I wanted to see my lands as a peasant and made you take me to Kiley so I can see if anyone was being mistreated. That will explain to all who asks where you were at and what you were doing. You will say this to the lady of the house and everyone else. Now how did you happen to blend in wearing clothes like that?”

  “Well I have other clothes underneath these ones my Lord” Sean said confused. “They are clothes my sister bought me for my birthday last year”.

  “Well take off the clothes you have on right now” Jon said with a laugh. “The Baronetess has probably been looking for me and it is doubtful that she is in a good mood, you are going to be my savior and I am going to be yours. From this moment onward you are my assistant”.

  Jon dressed quickly, the slave clothes were horrible, a little more than a potato sack reconditioned with rough ill-fitting pants also. Jon lamented he had no boots but quickly dismissed it as he walked out of the room with Jon and began laughing loudly like he and the slave were in conversation.

  “There you are” Jon heard a voice say, probably that of overseer Brent who had fancied himself master of the place since the King or his family rarely visited. “You’ve got a beating coming your way and why are you dressed like that?”

  “Ignore the fool” Jon whispered as they pretended not to hear the overseer.

  “Turn and face me Sean” Brent screamed. “Just because your whore of a sister has her freedom doesn’t mean you do. I was on my way into town to drag you back here myself”.

  “Go away” Jon said as he and Brent rounded the corner. Jon suddenly heard a large crack as something slapped against his back. Jon was lucky he was in Drommul’s body, the blow probably would have hurt his skin if he were human. Jon turned around and caught the next strike of a small whip headed for Sean and with his offhand backhanded Brent across the face, sending the man tumbling to the floor. Jon held on to the whip and began striking the man with it sending blood everywhere as Brent screamed out. Brent rolled around and tried to stop the assault to his face as Jon found his back and opened up a nice bloody streak that could be seen through the clothes. Brent got up and ran as Jon walked behind the man. He had hated bullies and although Gwen protected the man before, he would get no reprieve now. Jon motioned for Sean to follow him as Brent screamed for help throughout the manner, saying the slaves have revolted. Jon rounded a corner and was met by a strong gust of wind which knocked him back to the wall followed by a familiar huge gray wolf that lunged at him. Jon caught the big animal in midair as it began licking his face.

  “Down boy” Jon said with a smile as he let the big wolf lick his face. “I haven’t been gone for that long, now get off me so I can go after that idiot that hit me”.

  “Jon?!?” Jon heard Gwendolyn say his voice.

  “Hi Gwen” Jon said as he got up and dusted himself off. “I only left to town for a day or so, I didn’t expect to be whipped then attacked by Timber when I got back”.

  “What are you talking about and why are you dressed like that?” Gwen said as she walked over closer.

  “Well I made this slave Sean here take me into town to see if anyone has been abusing their power” Jon began. “I stayed gone to get the just of it, before long people will recognize me on sight and I will be unable to grasp if there is any undue suffering”.

  “And you did not tell me about this” Gwendolyn said as Jon knew she w
as barely containing her anger.

  “Well I couldn’t tell you love” Jon said with a smile. “If I did you would have insisted on coming along and no matter what you don’t look like a peasant, your teeth are too white and straight and your skin is much too fair. I would have a better chance of trying to pass myself off as a prized racehorse then you would have fitting in. Or you would have all of these guards go with me which definitely would not have completed my illusion. Or you would have talked me out it, three options I was not a fan of. But I’m back now, at least Timber misses me”.

  “Jon” Gwendolyn said as she started trembling a little. Jon responded by making her body aroused which snapped her out of her shock. “Tell me whenever you decide to up and leave, I was getting ready to send a bird to father”.

  “Well that would have been awkward” Jon said with a smile. “I see the overseer hiding behind you and the rest of our guards; he is to be immediately expelled from this place with no possessions. Striking me with a whip is something I will not stand for”.

  “My lord, I thought you were a slave, have mercy I would not have did it if I knew who you were” Brent stammered.

  “Are you being a little harsh” Gwendolyn asked.

  “I think I am being lenient” Jon said dismissively. “Do you know what happens if you strike a noble in the capital? I have heard tales that they brand your face and throw you out of the country without so much time to say goodbye to your relatives, living or dead”. Jon could see the realization dawn on Gwendolyn’s face about his words. That was precisely what happened to Jon when he barely touched Geoff’s boot. “I’ll tell you what love, this piece of garbage can have all of his property along with his position back if he can beat me in a duel, I’ll even give heal him up a bit, let’s make it tonight sometime?”

  “My lord” Sean said quietly as he whispered into Jon’s ear. “Overseer Brent is one of the best blades around here, he is the one who trains your men. Do you think this is wise?”

  “Ah I see” Jon said with a smile. “My new assistant has informed me that Brent is one of the best blades around, he is the trainer of our small force and if it is wise to duel him. I think Brent is a coward that beats on people too scared to fight him back, I think he will be no more competition for me than a whore is for a rich noble”.

  “My lord you take that back” Brent said as he stepped forward, blood still running down his body from where he was whipped.

  “Perhaps you are right Brent” Jon said as he started healing the man’s face and injuries, causing the guards around him gasp a little in shock. “A whore would be a tougher challenge”.

  “I’m warning you my lord, take it back or I’ll accept your challenge” Brent said angrily apparently not fazed by his healing.

  “Well then fantastic, we will duel in the main hall where I can properly kick your ass for all to see, let’s say after the sun goes down?” Jon said with a smile.

  Jon walked over and kissed Gwendolyn on the cheek, surprising her as held her hand. Before Gwendolyn could say anything a runner came up and informed them the prince was on his way.

  “When I could not find you I called him” Gwendolyn said apologetically. “I didn’t want father to know yet and I-“

  “Say no more” Jon said with a smile. “Well then at least they will be present for the duel. I plan on showing everyone what type of lord I am, I do not tolerate anyone being mistreated no matter their station”.

  Jon walked to his bed room ignoring the glare he received from some of his guards, obviously they were loyal to the overseer. Jon got dressed with help from Sean, obviously the man took it serious about him becoming Jon’s adviser. Jon finished getting dressed then walked out into the ball room where the fight was supposed to take place, already there were Geoff, Kate and Gwendolyn.

  “I hear you have been playing peasant” Geoff said with a laugh. “Now you are going to try and duel with your master swordsman because you don’t like the way he has been treating your slaves”.

  “Well he did bring his whip across my back” Jon replied a little cheerful. “If your overseer whipped you, even if by accident would you let bygones be bygones Your Highness?”

  “I would have Venom feat on his flesh” Geoff spat. “No one touches me, let alone whips me!”

  “Well then you and I are in agreement, I will beat some sense into him” Jon replied.

  “Are you going to use magic?” Gwendolyn asked.

  “I won’t need to” Jon replied.

  “Well if Brent kills you, you known father would have him killed no matter on the deal you gave him” Gwendolyn replied.

  “That is his problem” Jon laughed. “So little faith in your betrothed but so much in the man who attacked me?”

  “It’s not that Jon” Gwendolyn replied.

  “Well relax then” Jon said with a smile. “I am sure I will get my point across tonight that I am not a man anyone should cross lightly. Now I have to find me a proper weapon, I need something for bludgeoning not something as elegant as a sword. Sean do you know where I can find a large piece of something heavy that can be held like a weapon?”

  “The overseer has practice stock my lord” Sean replied. “It has a handle but is basically a heavy piece of square iron stock used to build muscles in your troops. I see them practicing with it like a sword, it makes people faster and stronger in sword play”.

  “That seems like the type of weapon I want, go fetch me one” Jon said as he loosened his arms up.

  “You seem confident” Geoff stated.

  “I am very confident Your Highness” Jon replied. “I think after this battle, all my potential enemies will know never to underestimate me despite my calm demeanor”.

  Jon had the slaves remove all of the furniture from the room, it was more than large enough to have a duel in. Jon bounced around on the heels of his feet as Sean returned lugging a heavy object. What Jon noticed though was that the man sported a fresh lump that would eventually turn into a black eye. Jon took the object and could see it would be perfect. It was one solid piece, it looked to be made of fine steel despite the fact it was only for practice. It lacked a cross guard that would have protected the fingers but had a pommel. The weapon was square and just heavy enough that a big man would have problems swinging it, but not so much so that it would be impossible to lift. Jon decided not to use all of his power yet, he just let the weapon stay on the ground as he looked over Sean.

  “Who hit you slave?” Jon asked as he grabbed Sean’s chin and turned the man’s face so he could see the damage before healing it.

  “It was the Mage Wynchara” Sean replied.

  “Who or what is a Wynchara” Jon asked.

  “She is your wind mage my lord” Sean replied. “You also have a fire and water mage to help out around your estate”.

  “Well then it looks like we will be needing a wind mage also” Jon laughed as he heard the sounds of heavy booted feet on the way into the room. Jon looked and could see Brent come in followed by ten guards, all rough looking men and a mage. She was around forty or so and probably enjoyed a cushy life here with no master to order her about. Jon had not seen any mages when he first came to the estate but perhaps they were lining the road on the way in.

  “You ready to get this over with already whore?” Jon said as he laughed in his speech.

  “My lord you really should reconsider” Brent replied as Jon could see the man was boiling with rage. “I do not want to hurt you but I will for your attack on my character”.

  “Well I don’t want to hurt you either Brent” Jon replied and plastered a smile on his face. “I aim to kill you outright and piss on your corpse, are you ready to do this?” Brent stayed silent as he went to the opposite end of the room and held his sword in the ready position. Jon admired the chest plate the man wore, maybe he would make himself one when everything was all over. Jon nodded and charged at the overseer, with his weapon held high. Brent was shocked at the speed Jon closed distance and wen
t to dodge Jon’s first strike, probably thinking the weapon was so heavy it would be impossible to bring it back to defend in time. Jon enjoyed Drommul’s strength as well as the satisfying crack of leg bones shattering as he struck Brent’s outer thigh then flattened himself so the returning strike passed over the top of him. Jon Struck fast, driving his weapon into Brent’s head. The sound was like a ripe melon as brain and bits of skull exploded all over the place drenching the nearby troops in gore. Jon casually picked his weapon out of the mess and picked off a bit of chunky brain matter and ate it. Drommul was in bliss at the rare treat as the people around him were all in shock.

  “Throw the mage into this arena” Jon said as he then started shaking with anger. “Any who defies me will fucking die. If she is not in the arena in two seconds I will kill the men next to her”. Jon watched as the shocked mage was pushed forward, her grip still on her staff.

  “You struck my assistant bitch” Jon spat. “Summon your demon or familiar if you have one”. Jon watched as a small flying demon appeared into existence. It wasn’t very powerful, this Jon could tell. It looked like a small flying boulder with no eyes and a row of sharp teeth. Drommul’s memories told him the demon attacked by ramming into its enemies, then it would feast on the remains. Jon nodded as the demon went after him with amazing speed considering what it was. Jon gripped his weapon with two hands like he had seen the woodmen do with their axe’s when trying to fall a tree and put his all behind the swing. He connected solidly with the demon and sent it flying back towards the mage where it hit her solidly in the face before continuing its travel where it practically disintegrated against one of the heavy stone pillars in the room. Jon walked over to the mage and saw her head was in worse shape than Brent’s was and knew she would never rise again.

  “Well that was fun” Jon said non chalantly as he handed his weapon to Sean. “All of you hear were loyal to a fool. If I hear any of you griping about the way I do things you will find yourself in this very room with your brains adding to the decorum. Am I clear?”


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