Fosters: Blackhawk

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Fosters: Blackhawk Page 29

by L. Ann Marie


  I text her 'thank you', she sent the sonogram picture. I have no fuckin clue what is what on it, but I have a picture if my baby boy. I put my phone away and stand at attention outside the office Jamie, Kevin and Mitch are having their meeting. Zack and two men are double timing it down the hall. What the hell? "It's a setup." He opens the door to the office with his gun drawn. I follow while the two IST guys stand at the door one looking in one looking out. Mitch is standing at the end of the conference table. Zack pulls her behind him. I pull her behind me and turn to go back out. Someone on the other side of the room fires. Jamie, Zack and Kevin fire back. I get the fuck out with Mitch just in time for fuckin shots to fly in the hall.

  IST is firing back when Jamie comes out the door shooting. He pulls Mitch behind him, I give him cover to get her to the other side of the hall. Baxter Security comes behind the asswipes shooting at us and takes them down. I'm so fuckin glad they pulled such a big team together. I thought it was overkill; I have no problem admitting I was wrong. Four move in front of Jamie and Mitch six are behind. With Kevin and Zack behind, I keep the front clear, it sounds like a gun fight on a tv show behind us. Suv's are waiting out front, a line forms as BS makes it out the door. We get Mitch in the second one and BS and IST spread to the front and back. "Is the plane secure?" Jamie asks someone on his phone. He shuts it down. "Get us to the airport."

  "I'll miss the meet and greet." Mitch says softly. I look at her, she's not fazed by the shoot-out we just went through. Fuckin women are fearless. I look at Jamie.

  He's not smiling. He's looking at her. "We just killed countless men and you want to go to a meet and greet? Angel I'm starting to worry about how the violence is desensitizing your ability to make rational decisions. We just had a shoot-out in an office where you were presenting your new software to a group of supposed businessmen that pulled guns on us." He's watching her.

  "Did anyone of our get hurt?" She asks.

  "No angel, but that isn't a reason to stay as far as I'm concerned. Our men being hurt is not a criteria for any of my decisions. If we were fooled by this meeting I have to ask how that happened and have the answer before you're out in public again." He's calm and sounding reasonable. Mitch rolls her eyes looking out the front window. I hold in my laugh, she's too much.

  I'm glad we're going home. Zack came up the hall knowing before Jamie knew. "How did Zack know it was a setup?"

  He looks at me with that blank mask on. He's pissed. "Tess."

  Mitch looks at him. "Tess had a vision about my meeting?" She shakes her head. "Baxter's didn't know anything about the setup?"

  He looks at her with the blank face, "No." Fuck, no wonder he's pissed.

  "I'm glad we're going home. I can't wait to see the kids." She says look out the window again.

  "Did Ben pull me new flight plans?" I ask.

  "He's waiting for the last possible minute. I didn't know if we would be detained in-route." I nod. "Kevin is on with him and Beau."

  It's a tense ride but a safe one. At the plane I re-check the preflight work that was already done and get us the fuck out of Chicago. We land in Foxboro. I'm fuckin wiped.

  Climbing in the suv I put my head on the headrest and breathe. My guide is not waiting to take me away. I get a bad feeling and open my eyes pulling out my phone; Jamie touches my hand stopping me from dialing. "We're on our way to the hospital. Someone shot through the safe room wall and hit CJ and Chet. She's in surgery right now; Aleena said Steve, Christian Jacob, Jessie, and Jeremy are holding her until you get there."

  I suck in a breath. She's in surgery a fuckin gain. The baby. "What about the baby?"

  "I have no other information. Danny is sending me updates every thirty minutes but they just say still waiting. It's been three hours."

  "Fuck!" I close my eyes and find my guide. I call on Nunánuk and ask her to watch over my boys and give them the strength to hold onto her and the baby. I call to Jeremy but get nothing.

  After fuckin forever we get to the hospital. I would have called but they need to hold her while I can't, I'm not distracting them. As I'm walking to the waiting room I call my spirits, I feel them close. Jeremy comes running he's crying. "Help" I hold him walking through the door. Everyone is here sitting in a circle. I sit in the open seat and hold my boy while I hold on to my girl. They're holding her. I fly us over the reservation. At the lake Nunánuk has a circle of our friends and family holding on with us. I circle them, Aleena is here splashing everyone. I thank them and call for strength for them and us. 'Hear me CJ, we won't let you go. Come back to us baby.' I keep saying it over and over.


  I open my eyes and stand. "Yes."

  "We've repaired the damage; because it was a head wound we induced a coma. The next few hours are critical..."

  I put my hand up. "She's alive, what about the baby?"

  "The baby is doing fine. The man that took the bullet for her saved him..."

  "When can I see her?" I don't give a fuck about anything else.

  "I just came from ICU, she's stabilized there. Two at a time ten minutes each time..."

  "No I am Indian; we need three to keep the spirits healing her. We'll wear mask or anything you want us to but we need three." Steve puts his hand on my shoulder.

  "I'll let the nurses know." He looks nervous.

  I look over my shoulder; Steve, Ben, Jamie and Kevin are standing with me. "Thank you." I lift Jeremy. "Who else Jeremy, who's going to get her back for us?"


  Jessie comes to me, "Ten minutes then Joey. Then Steve." I nod.

  Christian takes my hand then looks back. "You need to help from the waiting room. Hurry." He pulls us through the hall to the elevator. We walk right in her room and I blink back the tears.

  Christian goes to the other side of the bed. Jeremy wiggles out of my arms and sits by her feet, they hold hands. I bend kissing the bandage on her head. Jeremy reaches for my hand, I hold CJ's with my other. As soon as I feel the heat I jump. 'Hold on to him Christian don't let him go.' We fly over the lake, he's helping me. I give the ancient chant for healing, Jeremy says it with me. We circle Nunánuk and our people. Aleena is here again. 'My princess, help us in our call for strength and healing.' She splashes us, 'I am here my brother the warrior, we make three. Eagle Eye is here with Brody and Bear, they make three. Jeremy gathered us to make three.' I circle them feeling the water soothe the heat, we chant together. I hear so many voices with us. I feel Joey, she chants with a smile making Nunánuk smile, Aleena laughs splashing high. When Steve comes to us the heat is back. Jeremy asks for Brenna, then Jacob. He's giving everything to the spirits thanking them for taking the pain from him like a grown warrior. I'm so proud of him I hold him tight and thank him. We take up the chant with Nunánuk again. She tells us to go back and be with CJ, they will continue. I'm unsure what to do. Jeremy says we have to give it some time. I take them back. Opening my eyes I see he's pale and exhausted. Steve comes for him saying he needs Little Ben and Jessie. I nod kissing my boys and thanking them.

  "Daddy." Jeremy says with a smile. I kiss his head before Steve carries him out. Danny and Brantley come in. I keep CJ's hand and close my eyes while I hold Brantley against me. Everyone comes and goes, I don't let her go.

  Steve is talking to me. I open my eyes. "Cloud you need to sit. I'll stay, go see the kids. Little Ben's outside. We won't let her go." I look at him. I'm not leaving her. "It's been almost five hours. Sit, regroup, kids are nervous."

  Fuck, I nod. "Don't let her go."

  "Never." He says as he takes her hand.

  As I walk out, Little Ben walks in. Baxter Security is standing guard, one at her door the other at the end of the hall. Driscoll is outside the waiting room door. He throws chin to me. I nod. The chairs are in a circle. I touch Jeremy's head he opens his eyes. He looks better. "Daddy." He smiles.

  He puts Christian's hand in Jessie's and stands up on the chair. I lift him over and bring hi
m out to the hall walking away from Driscoll. "Littlest Ninja tell me she's going to be ok." He nods with a smile. "Thank you Jeremy." I hug him tight.

  "Believe." He says. I nod.

  Chapter Twenty Four

  Two days


  "She's still asleep." I tell them. Steve is with her while I come and talk to the kids. Jeremy walks by me and out, I look out the door, he's going to her room. I sit with Jacob in my lap and Christian on my side. Joey comes over with a smile. My happy girl. I lean and kiss her cheek.

  "How are you guys doing?" I ask a little ashamed that I haven't been home with them since I got here.

  "Dad we understand. We're being taken care of." Christian says Jacob nods and kisses my cheek. Brantley and Taylor pull chairs to sit in front of us. I touch each ones face.

  "Thank you for understanding." I tell them. "What are you doing today?" I know the Officers have been keeping them busy.

  "We're cooking with Sam. Some of us get to serve too!" Joey is all smiles.

  "Sounds like you're looking forward to it. I'm glad; when you're old enough he may give you a job if you show him you can do it." I tell her.

  "We're getting paid today. The Brothers are all busy so we get to take the Prospects jobs." Taylor says, Christian kicks him. What the fuck?

  "I'm not asking you but tell me guards will be with you." I can keep them here.

  "Yes we have Bull and Driscoll. Chet is staying all day too, he has to sit though, Ben didn't want him to come but he's a stubborn butt. Jeremy, Jacob and Christian are staying here." Joey says.

  "Ok." I hear Jeremy calling me. I stand up kissing Jacobs head. "I'll be back as soon as I know what's going on." I tell them as I'm walking out the door.

  I run to the room seeing all the activity. A nurse is pulling on Jeremy. "Let him go." She looks at me then Steve. "Let. Him. Go." I walk closer and she steps back.

  Jeremy puts his hands on CJ's stomach and smiles. He speaks in the ancient language. The nurse looks at the doctor. He points to the machines. Steve is holding CJ's hand; I put mine over Jeremy's on her stomach. I feel Steve's hand on mine, I jump and we fly. Nunánuk is laughing telling me to keep going, trust in the spirits. I circle the lake then dip us right in calling our spirits to guide us.

  Jeremy laughs, 'he's doing it' he's so excited I smile.

  'Who Little Ninja?'

  'The baby, that's why they want him, he's healing her. Nunánuk, Aunt Aleena and the baby, the three. He's doing it daddy. You believed, everyone believed.' He laughs again. Steve laughs with him.

  I open my eyes and CJ is looking at me. She's looking at me. I feel the tears and don't give a fuck, she's looking right at me. I kiss her lips. "I've been waiting for you to wake up; it seems our boy has been busy." She blinks twice. Jeremy puts his head on CJ's stomach. Her other hand moves to his head.

  The doctor and nurses stand watching. Steve puts CJ's hand in mine. He touches Jeremy's back. "No. Together." Steve nods and steps back.

  "Mr. Blackhawk we should really examine your wife." The doctor says.

  "You'll have to do that around us. We're not leaving and not letting her go." I tell him. I wipe the tears off her cheeks. "Not letting her go." I move to the side so he can get closer to her. I wipe my face on my arm.

  He talks to her and checks her eyes; she finds mine as soon as he's done. He asks her questions and she answers in a soft hoarse voice. While he works around Jeremy to listen to the baby's heartbeat a nurse is un-bandaging her head.

  "The baby's heartbeat is strong." The doctor smiles at Jeremy. Steve laughs from the doorway.

  The nurse dropped the bandages and is staring at CJs head. She has a scar above her ear going back about four inches. I move the nurse; she's not doing anything anyway, and kiss her scar. Her hair is shaved around it. She's not going to like that. I smile at my beautiful wife. She smiles back. "Hi." She says with her eyes shining.

  "Hi baby. How are you feeling?" I skim my knuckles down her cheek.

  "I'm thirsty and I have to pee."

  I laugh. The doctor moves me down and examines her head.

  "Daddy." Jeremy reaches for my hand. I give it to him; he puts it on CJ's belly. Nothing happens. He starts talking softly and I feel the kick. CJ laughs. Holy shit, my baby's kicking. I smile at my boy, he's beaming. He's so fuckin happy it looks like he's going to burst.

  I look back at CJ, she's smiling. I remember she's thirsty. "Can we get some water for my wife?" A nurse says she'll get it and walks out. "She needs the bathroom." I tell the doctor.

  "She has a catheter in. It removes the fluid from her bladder; it causes the sensation of needing to go." He looks at CJ then Jeremy who's talking to the baby. "What language is that?"

  "The ancient language of Mohegan. My people use it to call the spirits for guidance and healing." I'm answering him but looking at CJ.

  "Can I borrow him for another patient?" He asks shocking me; I look at him wondering if I heard him right.

  CJ laughs. Jeremy kisses her stomach telling the baby he loves him then slides off the bed. He walks around and climbs up me. I lean him down to kiss her cheek. "Mommy." She tells him she loves him.

  He wiggles down and holds the doctors hand. "Christian." He looks at me.

  "He needs his brother and the other Indian. If you try to walk out of here with him a gun will appear from the guards. Make sure you have the Indian." His eyes go wide and he nods.

  Steve laughs, "Right here Cloud."

  I don't take my eyes off CJ. "Thanks Steve." She's smiling.

  "How does your head feel baby?" I run my finger above her scar where they shaved.

  "A little foggy and a little headachy but not too bad. What happened?"

  "Rachel's phone went off while you were in the safe room. Two guys were firing at it when Danny came in. He got the guys but you and Chet we're shot. Chet caught you when you were falling and took a bullet in the thigh, he saved the baby." I bend to kiss her shocked face. "Chet is fine, he'll be in a brace for a while but Mitch hooked him up with her doctor."

  "Mom." Brantley says crying. "Christian said it worked, the baby helped." He runs to her hugging her. I lift his bottom half up and put him on the bed with her.

  She laughs. Fuckin CJ. "I'm good Brantley. I guess the baby helped. I was sleeping so I don't know." She sounds weak.

  "We did the chant to help him heal you. Aunt Aleena said we just have to believe and it would work." He touches her face so gentle. "I'm glad we believed. The nurses think we're nuts but it worked and we don't have to see them no more anyway. That's what Jeremy said."

  I laugh and can't stop. Fuck it feels good not to be worried. Danny comes in. I look to see if a nurse is going to kick one of us out. No one shows up so I look back at CJ. Danny slaps my back. "Looks like she's ready to go home." I just nod.

  She smiles. "I'm ready." She makes Brantley laugh. I'm so happy just to watch her laugh.

  Doc comes in with Taylor. I hug my little man kissing his head. Sally comes in with Joey. Holy shit, I can't believe the nurses aren't kicking us out. "Where's Jacob?"

  "Tess took him and Jessie with some doctor, Bull went with them." Little Ben says he's holding Aaron's hand. I laugh. "Brenna, Victor and Darren are with a nurse and Driscoll. Those nurses went from laughing at us to being so nice asking us to see this person or that person. I guess we're not crazy anymore."

  Danny cracks up. "Fuckin kids always break it down."

  Steve comes in with Jeremy and Christian. Christian goes right to CJ, I take a tired Jeremy from Steve. "Was a little girl. She's doin better." He smiles. Little Ben puts his hand on Jeremy's back.

  The room is getting small. I squeeze CJ's hand. "I'm going to call Jamie and let him know you're ok." She nods.

  I walk out with Jeremy on my shoulder. The doctor that took him earlier comes running down the corridor. He's all smiles. "She's talking, they just called her parents, her grandfather is with her." He stops and looks concerned. "Is he ok?"

  "It takes a lot out of him. He needs to rest, you have all the people that help him helping other people. Doc, I need you to promise me this won't go any further than right here. You can't let the nurses tell anyone. That's why my wife was shot. Someone's trying to get the baby because of the healing. My kids can't go anywhere without body guards."

  He pales, "I understand. I'll make sure they understand, if they spread it around they lose their job. The little girl, she's been in a coma for months, she's the chief of staff’s granddaughter. She's talking. He's with her now. I'll explain it to him."

  "I hope he understands it's a matter of life and death for my kids and my wife."

  He nods. "I wanted to thank your little boy here. Please tell him she's going to be ok. She thanked him. She said he spoke to her with friends around a beautiful lake. His name is Jeremy right?" He's smiling.

  I smile back, "Yeah he's Jeremy. He told us she's going to be ok, but I'll tell him she said thanks."

  "Can we do anything for him or your family?"

  "Just keep them safe. Don't let what they're doing here today get out."

  Jeremy lifts his head. My Littlest Ninja is tired but smiling. He holds his hand out to the doctor when the doctor puts his hand up Jeremy moves his hand and folds his fingers in then fist bumps him. I laugh. Fuckin kids. Christian comes to us. "Jeremy said he wants to come back to help. He said you have to wait until dad says it's safe. It's not safe now. The bad men are still looking for a way to get us. Casey is going to be ok now. Some people can't get fixed; we should help the ones that can."

  The doctor is looking from Jeremy to Christian. "Jeremy doesn't talk much." I tell him, he nods looking at Jeremy. "We can probably find a way to come back. Without a family member in your care hopefully. If you get me a card I'll make sure you're on the day we come."

  He nods still looking at Jeremy. "I need to run some tests on your wife; we can move her to a room downstairs once I get the results."

  "I just need to call my boss. Don't move her without me."

  "I won't. I don't think the other guy would let me anyway." He says, I think he means Steve. He's probably right. Christian goes back to CJ room. Jeremy lays his head back on my shoulder. I turn away from the doctor and call Jamie. He's happy to hear it and he'll make sure she's covered wherever she's moved.


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