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Killian Page 12

by Brenda Rothert

  She complied and I looked her over as I rolled on the condom. Long, lean legs in a pair of silky white panties and dark heels. Her white bra strap blended into her smooth, fair skin.

  I put both hands on the panties and ripped them. Sidney gasped as I sank into her from behind, the panties dropping to the floor.

  “Hands on the table,” I said, thrusting deep. “Don’t let go.”

  I grabbed one of her shoulders and wrapped my other arm around her stomach, fucking her hard.

  “You like watching while I fuck you?” I asked.

  “Yes.” Her voice came out in a breathy moan.

  I moved my hands to her bra strap, ripping the two sides apart. The clasp gave way and she shrugged it off. I reached for her breasts and squeezed one. She dropped her head forward and moaned with pleasure.

  “God, Killian. So good.”

  I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled until she was facing the mirror.


  I squeezed one of her nipples between my thumb and forefinger. Her face twisted with pleasure. Seeing how much she liked it made my balls tighten, aching for release.

  I hiked her knee up onto the table and reached between her legs, rubbing her swollen clit.

  “Ahhh, Killian,” she cried. “I’m coming.”

  I managed three more thrusts before I climaxed with her, pulling back on her shoulder so I could sink all the way in. Then I wrapped my arms around her, swelling inside with gratitude.

  Nights of tough losses usually ended with me on a barstool, drinking away my frustration. But Sidney was my outlet now. Not just in a physical way, either. I wanted to talk about the game with her. I’d never imagined there would be one person who could fill so many different needs in me.

  “I’ll make the pancakes,” I said, kissing her shoulder. “Go get changed into something comfortable.”

  She murmured her assent. I focused on the two faces in the mirror. Both were sated and content.

  When was the last time I’d felt content? I wasn’t sure I’d ever known it at this level. I wasn’t a perfect match for Sid, but hopefully the things I was able to give her – the non-material things – would continue to be enough.


  I whisked the pancake batter together while Frank Sinatra sang out over the sound system. Her affinity for old music was rubbing off on me.

  “You have any cinnamon?” I asked when she walked into the room, now dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, her hair tied back.

  “I think so.” She went to a cabinet and opened it, rooting around. “For the pancakes?”

  “Yep. My mom always made them with a shake of cinnamon.”

  “A shake?” She grinned at me.

  “One shake of the container. And a pat of butter between every pancake in the stack.”

  Her grin had faded as she handed me a small metal can of cinnamon. “I wish I had memories like that. My mom never cooked.”

  I met her eyes, hoping she’d say more. She turned her back to the counter next to the stove, put her arms on it and boosted herself into a sitting position there.

  “We always had a cook,” she said. “And it wasn’t one of those funny, sweet maternal women you read about in books. My mom actually had trouble keeping cooks because she was so particular. And then I went to boarding school when I was twelve.”

  I thought about myself at that age. “That’s pretty young to leave home.”

  She shrugged. “It was mostly a home of staff. For a woman who didn’t work, my mom kept herself really busy. You know, charity work, boards of directors … anything to avoid spending time with her children.”

  Her nervous laugh belied the pain behind her statement. I thought about my mom. She’d taken me to movies, sledding, swimming, hiking … most every weekend we weren’t busy with my hockey had been filled with another adventure.

  I’d been bitter for a long time over her being taken away too soon, but something she’d said close to the end came back to me. “I wanted more time with my son the man, but I got every minute of him as a boy. And those were the best times of my life.” She’d squeezed my hand and smiled as she’d spoken, looking content. For the first time, I now understood her words. She’d been a good mom – the best. That had given her peace at the end. I was starting to feel the same sense of peace in myself.

  “Do you spend any time with her now?” I asked Sid of her mom.

  “We do spa days once a month. At least we did when I was in New York full time. And she asks me to lunch and includes me in her charity work. I think some people just don’t know what to do with children, and she’s one of them. It’s a lot better now that I’m an adult.”

  I slid a golden pancake on a plate and grabbed the batter, pouring my next one into the skillet.

  “Do you want kids someday?” I asked.

  Her laugh was humorless. “I don’t know. I work a lot. I don’t want to be an absentee mom like my own was.”

  “But do you want them? Wanting them and deciding whether it’s a practical option are two different things.”

  “I’d like to hope it’s possible.”

  I shook my head and smiled. “You’re the best I’ve ever seen at not saying yes or no. You’d make a great politician.”

  She wrinkled her face with distaste. “Ugh. Never. The answer’s yes. Yes, I want kids. What about you?”

  “Yeah. I’d love half a dozen little boys I could wrestle with. Teach ‘em how to pee standing up. All that good stuff. And hockey, of course.”

  “What if you got half a dozen little girls?” she asked, amused.

  “Shit, I don’t know.”

  “Girls can play hockey.” Her tone had a hint of defensiveness.

  “Of course they can.” I patted her knee in apology. “I just wouldn’t know what to do with girls.”

  “The same things you’d do with boys. Other than the peeing standing up.”

  I considered. “I guess you’re right. I’d be cool with girls until puberty. Until they started dating.”

  “I’m making mimosas to go with the pancakes,” she said, sliding down from the counter. “And you look absolutely sick right now, by the way. Standing in front of the stove wearing nothing but suit pants. You’re so damn hot.”

  “Thanks,” I said, smiling.

  She focused on the drinks and my mind wandered back to my mom. What would she have thought of Sidney? They were alike in a lot of ways. Both strong and confident. Both loyal and caring. Mom would’ve liked seeing me with a woman who knew there was nothing she couldn’t handle. A woman who picked me up when I was down. Who made me forget other women even existed.

  Sidney popped a glass into my hand and I sipped the sweet drink.

  “That’s really good,” I said.

  If the guys could see me now, sipping an orange juice and champagne cocktail while making pancakes while they were out drinking beer and eating steaks … I’d never live this shit down. Sid and I were at her place because I couldn’t ask her to come out with us after games and keep our secret safe. But I was shocked by my own realization that I preferred this to a macho evening with the team. Being alone with her was better than taking her to a crowded bar. Tomorrow morning I’d wake up well rested, with her in my arms, instead of hung over on my couch.

  This fast track to domestication was unnerving. But I decided not to over-analyze it. I was happy and so was she. We didn’t need anything else right now.


  The following morning I sat behind my desk, staring up at the ceiling and remembering the incredible night of passion I had shared with Killian. I’d never done things like that with any man, yet with Killian I didn’t even think twice about it. My reverie was interrupted when Barb announced that Frank Trask, CFO of my real estate company, was on the phone. Two minutes later he delivered bad news about a deal we thought would close without a hitch.

  “We’re not going to be able to close on time with those liens showing up on the title search,” he said.r />
  “I know that. I just don’t like the alternative.”

  “Sidney, I hate to say it, but it’s time to kill this deal.”

  “This is the buy of the decade, Frank.”

  He laughed into the phone. “And now we know why. It’s encumbered.”

  “How much to unencumber it?”

  “No, don’t even go there. It’s too much money even for you.”

  I sighed with frustration. “Alright, whatever you think is best.”

  “I know you are upset, but how many times have you told me there are unlimited opportunities out there?” he said. “We’ll start looking for the next one right away.”

  “You’re right. As usual. What was Alan Marsh thinking anyway? He knew it wouldn’t clear title.”

  “He made the mistake of thinking you’d want it bad enough to pay more.”

  “Tell him to fuck off and thank him for wasting my valuable time.”

  Frank’s voice held a smile. “Got it. How’s the hockey team?”

  “It’s good. I’ve got a good coaching staff and I actually think this team is going to turn things around—even though we lost our last game.” Changing the subject, I added, “Frank, thanks for keeping things in line while I’m gone. I’m really pleased with everything I’m seeing and I know we’ll get something else lined up.”

  “Good, I’m glad you’re happy. I’ll have a list of new leads for you by the end of the day.”

  Just as I ended the call my office door burst open and Barb came in, her expression frazzled. Nicole was hot on her heels, looking like a toddler about to throw a fit.

  I looked back and forth between my two assistants. “What’s—”

  “I’ve had it with her,” Barb said. “She got into my email.”

  Nicole crossed her arms angrily. “It’s my job to take care of all personal contacts. She’s been hoarding emails that should have been forwarded to me.”

  “Oh, Lord,” Barb said, rolling her eyes skyward. “Give me strength.”

  I put my hands out, palms down, in an effort to calm things. “Let’s talk about this. Barb, what kinds of emails are we talking about?”

  Her eyes bulged wildly. “Can we first address her reading my email? I’ve been an Administrative Assistant for twenty-one years and never have I been undermined this way. One of us needs a babysitter, and it’s not me.”

  I didn’t say it, but I couldn’t argue with that statement.

  “I don’t even know why I’m still here,” Nicole cried, bursting into tears. “You both hate me and don’t trust me with anything important.”

  Barb glared at me, unmoved by Nicole’s outburst.

  “Alright, look,” I said. “For right now, Barb, please try to call on Nicole for help when you can. Nicole, don’t ever read Barb’s email again, or anyone else’s for that matter. Any computer except your own is off limits to you.”

  Barb cut in. “Oh, she broke into my email on her own computer.”

  “Nicole?” I looked at her.

  She shrugged. “I’m sorry. I’m trying to do a better job. I shouldn’t have read her email, but I knew she was hoarding stuff.”

  “You’ve got a meeting with Orion in one minute,” Barb reminded me.

  I got up from my chair, ushering them both toward the door. “Nicole, I suggest you go find Keri and see if she needs help with some of the events she’s planning. And Barb, please call IT and tell them I want the security of our network fixed immediately, or someone’s getting fired. Our email is apparently in a vulnerable position.”

  When I opened the door, Orion and Bruce were in the main office area standing at the drink station.

  “Coffee’s fantastic, Barb,” Orion said, sipping from a paper cup.

  “I made that coffee,” Nicole said, stomping off.

  Orion gave me a questioning look. I rubbed my temple and went over to pour myself a cup of coffee.

  “I’m ready,” I said half-heartedly. “You can head in. I’m right behind you.”

  Orion and Bruce went into my office and I stirred cream into my coffee. I took a fortifying sip and looked at Barb.

  She pointed at me. “I’m tellin’ you right now, Sid, if that girl tangles with me again, I am going to whoop her ass.”

  I tried not to smile. Barb was a consummate professional and I’d never seen her so rattled.

  “I can hear you!” Nicole cried from inside her office, still sounding tearful.

  “That’s good!” Barb called back. “I hope you caught the words whoop and ass.”

  Nicole’s silence told me she’d caught every word. I needed to address things with them more thoroughly, but for now I had to focus on the business of my three enterprises. The inner-office drama would have to wait.


  It was after five o’clock, but when I walked into Sid’s main office suite, I saw that Barb was still at her desk. Nicole’s door was open and I could see that she was still at her desk, too. It was a couple of hours til game time, but I wanted to deliver some news to Sidney in person.

  “She’s free,” Barb said, not greeting me as she usually did.

  “Thanks, Barb,” I said as I approached Sid’s office door.

  I knocked softly and walked in, giving Sid a confused look as I closed the door.

  “Everything okay with Barb? She’s not her usual self.”

  Sid gave a weary sigh. “Yeah, it’ll blow over. How are you?”

  I shrugged and sat down, elbows on my knees, feet spread wide apart. “I’m sure you already know, but I found learned the league’s fining me a grand for the fight with Brotz.”

  “I got a call on it this morning,” she said. “I tried to fight them on it, but I got nowhere.”

  “I don’t expect you to fight it. I can fight my own battles. The fine is excessive, but I don’t know if I’ll appeal. I haven’t decided.”

  She knitted her brows together in a serious look. “Do you need the money? Because I can—”

  “No, I don’t need money,” I said defensively. “You think that’s why I’m here?”

  “No. I’m just saying that if you do …”

  I shook my head. Her assumption that I was too broke to pay the fine pissed me off. “I’ll take care of it.”

  “Please, don’t get mad at me right now. It’s been a hell of a day.”

  My anger drained away. Sid was rarely overwhelmed.

  “What’s going on?” I asked. I’d leave the conversation about her lending me money for another time.

  “Oh, Barb and Nicole are at each other’s throats,” she said in a low tone.

  “Why? What happened?”

  “The bottom line is that Barb’s capable of doing most everything for me, and Nicole is threatened by her. She wants to assert her place here.”

  “Remind me why she still has a place here?”

  Sid covered her face with her hands. “I know. I should have terminated her a few weeks ago. I just … haven’t had time to deal with it.”

  I got up and walked around the desk, putting my hands on her shoulders.

  “Yes,” she said softly. “That. Please.”

  Her shoulders and neck were tight with tension. I massaged her with my thumbs the way I knew she liked best. The coconut scent of her hair made me want more of her, but I couldn’t have it right now.

  “I can’t stay long,” I said, as much to myself as to her. “I’ve got to get back to the locker room soon. You’ll be in your box watching?” I asked.


  The door to her office swung open and we both froze. I didn’t bother taking my hands away from her shoulders, because it was too late. Nicole was openly staring at us.

  “Uh … hi, uh…sorry” she said, biting her lip nervously. “I…I just wanted to say I’m leaving for the day.” Realizing she had walked in on a private moment she quickly closed the door before Sid had a chance to respond.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, taking my hands away from her. “I wasn’t thinking
. It was really fucking stupid. I should have left the door open knowing they’re still here.”

  Her shoulders dropped and she sighed deeply. “I don’t even care anymore. I really don’t. You’re the only thing keeping me sane. Orion makes all the decisions about the roster anyway.”

  The fact that she’d let it go helped me do the same. The guys could give me all the shit they wanted. Being with Sid was well worth it.

  I walked over to her office door and opened it, peeking into the main office area. Barb’s desk was vacant and the lights were off. I closed the door and turned the lock on the handle.

  “Get up,” I said.

  Her eyes brightened as she rose from her chair. I approached purposefully, backing her against the wall behind her desk.

  “Show me your pussy,” I said in a low tone.

  She licked her lips, her expression a mix of desire and uncertainty.

  “I won’t touch,” I promised.

  Hiking her skirt up around her hips, she lowered her white panties to mid-thigh. My cock sprang to life, hardening as I stared at the short patch of red curls right above her slit.

  I grabbed two fists full of her skirt and pushed her against the wall, putting her creamy skin and exposed pussy on full display.

  “We’re gonna win tonight, and after the game I plan to fuck this pussy long and hard. I want you to get it ready for me. Go get it waxed bare and buy some lacy panties.”

  “Yes,” she said softly. “I’ll be ready.”

  I stared into her eyes, taking in their glazed look. We both knew I’d be shredding those panties tonight. And we were both fucking dying for it.


  I always felt ten feet tall walking out of the tunnel before a game. The roar of the crowd and the thrill of the game ahead gave me an adrenaline rush like nothing else.

  But tonight there was a deeper fuel to my fire. Sidney. I couldn’t stop picturing her, skirt hiked up and panties bunched around her thighs.

  When it came to sex, she didn’t just do what I told her, she loved doing it. The wanton look in her eyes when I’d told her to show me her pussy had me more charged up than anything.


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