Promised to a Highland Laird

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Promised to a Highland Laird Page 10

by Sky Purington

  While he should probably get up and put some space between them, he enjoyed being near her too much. “Tell me more about these charity runs.” He grinned. “We’re friends after all, aye? And friends share.”

  “That they do.” Yet he could tell she was hesitant. That she wasn’t all that comfortable talking about herself. “Well, like it sounds, I run to raise money for various charities.” Her cheeks reddened slightly. “And I often use my magic when I do.” She shook her head. “Never money for me but whatever cause I think needs it most at the time.”

  “That’s verra admirable,” he said softly, threading his fingers with hers. “Yet you sound guilty.”

  “Sometimes I feel that way,” she admitted. “But I can’t help myself. I’ve got this gift, and a lot of people need help.”

  “You’ve nothing to feel guilty about,” he replied, more impressed by her than ever. “Not if you use your gift to help others. Is that not the verra definition of a gift? To give something good to others?” He kept his eyes on hers, offering the praise she so richly deserved. “I’m verra proud of you, lass. You are a rare sort.”

  “Not really,” she murmured. “You’d be amazed how many people try to help others. Sometimes I’m truly astounded because so many of them barely have money of their own.” She shook her head. “But they have two feet and put them to good use.”

  “When did you first learn of your gift?” he said, already wondering how it might work alongside his to defeat a warlock...if that is, they were to fight one together.

  “Oh, I was little,” she said absently.

  That, it seemed, was the question that finally drove her off the cot.

  “’Twill be verra important for me to know,” he persisted as he followed her. “’Twas what eventually helped Conall and Lindsay defeat their warlock.”

  “There really wasn’t any defining moment.” She shrugged and didn’t meet his eyes. “I think it was a culmination of mini-events that made up my childhood.”

  Graham was about to ask her more when Lindsay called out from the tent entrance, “Anyone awake in there?”

  Before they had a chance to respond, she ducked in followed by Conall.

  “Hello, darlings.” Lindsay’s eyes flickered curiously over the tousled bedding on one cot before she smiled at them. “How are you feeling? Did you rest?”

  “I think I’m gonna let you keep guessing.” Christina winked then gestured at the ale. “We only have two cups, but we’re more than willing to share if you’re thirsty.”

  “Nay, we’re fine but thank you.” Conall’s eyes flickered from the cot to them as well. “Kenna is safe with Grant who wanted us to come speak with you before you joined the others.”

  “Sit on down then.” Christina gestured at the chairs, grabbed a mug of ale then perched on the edge of the cot. “So what’s going on? Everything okay?”

  “So far, aye.” Conall frowned. “But Grant is concerned about a few things. Mainly, the timeline and location of the battle. Not only is the area wrong, but the first day of the battle is supposed to happen on the twenty-third whereas right now they’re planning to attack the Sassenach on the twenty-second. Though he’s not sure how it’s all related yet, Grant’s of the mind that the Bruce’s marital status or lack thereof is somehow part of the problem.” His eyes settled on Christina. “And that, he’s guessing, must have something to do with the connection you two have made.” He tilted his head. “’Tis unusually strong, aye?”

  “Um...” Her eyes shot to Graham then back to Conall before she nodded. “Strong enough I suppose.”

  Lindsay narrowed her eyes. “Since when are you not direct to a fault?”

  Christina frowned. “I’m not sure what you’re getting at.”

  “Please.” Lindsay rolled her eyes. “Rare is the day I hear um on your lips. Even rarer is when you don’t tell me exactly how you feel about a man or anything for that matter.”

  Christina buried a grumble in her mug before taking a few sips.

  “So it’s as strong as Grant suspects for both you and Robert then,” Lindsay murmured as her eyes went to Graham. “And obviously pretty strong for Graham too.”

  “Very strong for Graham,” she replied dutifully, staying in part. “As to Robert, it’s...there.”

  Graham ignored a flash of irritation. How there was it exactly? How much did she desire Robert the Bruce?

  “Be that as it may, Christina,” Lindsay replied. “Grant’s beginning to think the draw between you and Robert and the fact that he doesn’t think he’s married might very well be due to your warlock.”

  “My warlock?” Christina mouthed before taking another swig of ale.

  “Both of yours. The warlock that is.” A flicker of amusement lit Lindsay’s eyes as they met Graham’s. “Seeing how you’re fated to be together and all.”

  “At least the gem already glows the color of Graham’s eyes,” Conall remarked dryly. “So they are well-prepared.”

  “Right, there is that.” Lindsay sat next to Christina, took her hand and eyed the ring. “You’re so lucky that it worked its magic right away, dear.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Christina cocked a grin at her. “Love at first sight.”

  “So it seems.” Lindsay eyed the tousled cot again. “Even so, we must remain focused. And that focus, I’m afraid, is on how monumentally wrong things will go if you end up with Robert the Bruce.”

  “Why?” Christina said. “What’s the big deal?”

  Graham frowned not only at her words but her thoughts swirling through his mind. She couldn’t stop herself when she responded to Lindsay. It was almost as if she was compelled. Or did she actually feel that strongly about Robert? More than anything, she was confused, and Graham felt how unnatural that was. Usually, she had a clear mind and knew what she wanted.

  “What’s the big deal?” Lindsay said in response to Christina, her eyes wide. “The big deal is even if he doesn’t remember, Robert the Bruce has been married for twelve years.” Her eyes went wider still. “Not only that but his wife, Elizabeth de Burgh, was taken alongside his daughter nearly eight years ago. She’s one of the people he’s supposed to barter for after all this is said and done.”

  Lindsay shook her head then continued. “And while many say they were man and wife in name only, Grant suspects it might have been more than that. He thinks getting her back was Robert’s driving force in the upcoming battle.”

  “Uh huh.” Christina bit the corner of her lips, nodded and narrowed her eyes. “So just to be clear. Robert and me having the hots for each other is what...the warlock’s doing? Because if we end up together, it’s going to somehow ruin Scotland’s history?”

  “Aye,” Conall confirmed. “’Tis not the way things are supposed to go.” His eyes went from Graham back to her. “You are meant to be with a MacLomain, lass, and no other.”

  “That’s the plan.” She grinned at Graham, her smile not quite reaching her eyes this time. “Right, darlin’?”

  “Aye.” He again warred with an onslaught of emotions. The ever growing desire to keep her close and the promise he had made to Kenna. “We are together well and true, so the warlock willnae use us to accomplish his goals.”

  Yet he worried. Was he putting his promise to a lass and her clan before the safety of his country? Would such a thing not destroy Kenna and her kin just as readily? His eyes met Christina’s again, and he ground his jaw. He had never felt more conflicted.

  “Good then.” Lindsay nodded and looked between Graham and Christina. “Just as long as you two are together and nothing happens between Robert and Christina, we should be just fine.”

  “But if you are not truly together,” Conall gave Graham a pointed look, “then I highly suggest you get busy changing that.”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Lindsay stood, patted Christina on the shoulder then took Conall’s hand. “But what are we worrying about?” She tossed a grin at the cot. “Because they’re clearly together.”

  “These two are killin’ me.” Christina’s words floated through Graham’s mind without her knowing. “Could they be any more obvious?”

  “The Bruce has requested that everyone join him at the fire outside his tent,” Conall said. “Before you do, I suggest you two have a talk and make bloody well sure Robert knows where your hearts lie when you join us.”

  Before they had a chance to respond, Conall and Lindsay left.

  “Bloody hell,” Graham muttered as he plunked down at the table and took a deep swig of ale. “We havenae got them fooled in the least, lass.” He shook his head. “I dinnae think we have any of my kin fooled for that matter.”

  “Then we’ll just have to keep working at it, sweetie,” she replied optimistically, downing a good swig of her own ale as well.

  “And here I thought Robert was your sweetie,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Well, I’ll be.” She set aside her mug, planted her hands on her hips and eyeballed him with a little grin. “Are you jealous, Graham MacLomain? For real?”

  “Versus for fake?” He snorted but couldn’t help a small grin to match hers. “So what if I am a wee bit? ‘Twould only help our cause and make things appear more believable betwixt us, aye?”

  “That it would,” she agreed, still eying him with amusement as she sat across from him. “You’re not starting to develop feelings for me, are you?”

  “Nay,” he replied a little too quickly. “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  He kept grinning. “Are you developing feelings for me?”

  “Lord, no.” She shook her head. “That just happens after I use my lightn’.”

  Confused, he looked at her in question.

  “Oh, I thought you might be referring to my interest in you when you first woke up,” she explained.

  Now, this could be fun. “Your interest?”

  “Heck, yeah.” She chuckled and was so blunt he had to smile. “The sort of sexual interest to match the ragin’ erection you had.”

  “’Tis normal when sleeping next to a bonnie lass,” he enlightened, so bloody charmed by her he felt like he had tunnel vision every time he looked at her.

  “Sure thing, honey, whatever you wanna tell yourself.”

  Seemingly restless, she stood and began stretching.

  “’Tis hard for you to sit still for too long, aye?” he said. “You like to stay active.”

  “Sure do.” When she wrapped her hands together and stretched her arms over her head, her breasts pressed against the front of her dress. So much so that he had trouble looking elsewhere.

  “That’s how you stay so slender despite your appetite,” he murmured as she began doing things that accentuated her in all the right ways and made his brogue thicken. “Ye burn off food as fast as ye eat it.”

  “Pretty much,” she commented. “Using my lightn’ creates an incredibly strong need for nourishment, rest and oftentimes sex. A whole lot of sex.” She bent over and grabbed her ankles, muttering, “What I wouldn’t do for some yoga pants right now. Or even running pants.”

  Eyes glued to cleavage begging to be released, his words were hoarse. “I ken the food and rest but why sex?”

  “I don’t know. It just evens me out somehow. Like cravin’ an icy cold sweet tea after a mid-summer’s nap. You just gotta have it. Lots of it.” Her sparkling eyes met his, and the corner of her mouth shot up. “It refreshes like nothing you’ve ever felt.”

  He had never viewed sex as particularly refreshing, but he would certainly take her word for it.

  “Oooh, and hell if I don’t get all sorts of crazy energy,” she continued, watching him with the devil in her eyes as she dutifully apologized to her granny for swearing again. “Nothing is more wild and untamed than post lightn’ sex.” She blew her hair out of her eyes and fanned her face. “I just wish it could be that way more often.”

  It can. I could see to that. As often as possible, he thought.

  “Aye,” he whispered, too dumbfounded to manage anything more coherent or dashing than that. Good thing too considering he was set to marry another woman.

  “We should...” He cleared his throat a few times. “Return to the cot.”

  Her brows slammed together, and she smirked. “Return to the cot?”

  “I mean fix the cot.” He downed his ale. “So that Robert doesnae come in and think...”

  He trailed off, frustrated that he cared. But he did. He had to. Right? Truthfully, he was all turned around. They should leave the cot in disarray so that Robert knew they were definitely together, but he felt guilty because of Kenna.

  Yet as his eyes lingered on Christina, his desire for her only grew stronger. He had never wanted to return to bed as much as he did right now.

  “There we go,” she announced, not spending much time on the blankets before she turned and grinned. She knew full well where his mind was, yet she had a way of making him feel all right about it. As if it was the most natural thing in the world. She gestured at the tent entrance. “Are you ready to go play our parts then?”

  Graham nodded, opened the tent flap and gestured for her to go first. As she passed, she did the last thing he expected. She came close, murmured, “Thanks for being such a gentleman. Now let’s get a bit more practice in for all to see,” and pulled his lips down to hers.

  It was probably a good thing they were more outside the tent than inside because he would have had her back on that cot in no time. She tasted of ale and lass, and he wanted to sample far more of her as their tongues met and danced. The way she kissed him made every muscle lock up in sweet anticipation.

  He wanted her beneath him, over him, wherever she bloody well pleased just as long as they were without clothes. He wanted to run his hands all over her while she spent her lightn’ energy down to the very last drop in his arms.

  They were both so lost in the kiss that neither heard Robert approach.

  “Och, laddie, ye’ve put in yer time, aye?”

  While tempted to pull her closer, deepen their kiss and show Robert the Bruce just how much time he was willing to devote to Christina, he gently ended the kiss instead. Her eyes lingered on Graham’s, her body trembling against his in need, as he cupped her cheek. “Are ye well, lass?”

  He knew she was. That she was from the moment they kissed. The problem was the deepening connection between them. The very real desire they thought would be easy to control.

  “I’m good, Graham,” Christina finally responded before she nodded. “So much better than I thought I would be...ever expected to be.”

  “Aye,” he said softly, unable to tear his eyes from hers.

  “As I said,” Robert came alongside, “ye’ve put in yer time, aye?” He looked between them. “Both of ye.”

  “We have,” she whispered, her eyes still with Graham’s until they drifted to Robert’s. What he saw at that moment was alarming. The ‘walking on a cloud’ place she had been with Graham became something else when she looked at Robert. More so, it was instant.

  Adoration. Desire. Flat out lust. But too much too fast. Unnatural.

  Dark magic.

  He didn’t doubt it for a moment.

  Or at least influenced by dark magic as Grant suspected.

  Robert held out his elbow to her. “Walk with me, lass?”

  “It would be my pleasure,” she said softly and with more flirtation than usual. “Where are we off to?”

  “Not far.” Robert shot Graham a smug look before they headed back toward the Bruce’s tent. “We’re enjoying freshly caught venison and good company before a busy day on the morrow.”

  “Doing what?” she asked.

  “Ye’ll have to wait and see.” He grinned. “’Tis hard to know if ye’ll be interested but I hope so.”

  She met his smile. “Why not just tell me?”

  “And ruin the anticipation?”

  Christina’s smile lit up her face, managing to make Graham’s groin tighten despite his growing conc
ern and aggravation. Though he remained close even as they joined the others, it felt like she was worlds away. Never once did she glance his way.

  Eventually, he joined Kenna to see how she was doing.

  “I’ve never seen ye look at a lass like ye do her,” she remarked softly. “’Twas how I once looked at Fraser.”

  “Och, nay,” he tried to deny, but Kenna gave him a knowing look then shook her head and murmured, “I dinnae want to take that sort of happiness away from ye, friend. ‘Tis not right. Ye deserve true love more than most.”

  “No more than any other.” He frowned at her. “And I dinnae deserve it so much that I’d sacrifice the safety of yer clan for it, lass.”

  “Ye mean my safety,” she said even softer. “Because of Fraser. Because ye feel ye owe it to him.”

  “Nay.” He frowned heavily and shook his head. “Dinnae ever speak like that, lass. Are we not friends then? Have we not been for a verra long time?”

  “We have,” she conceded as her eyes dropped. “And well ye know it, Graham MacLomain.” Her eyes rose to his. “And nearly more at one time if I recall correctly.”

  “Aye,” he whispered. There had been a time before Kenna and Fraser fell in love that something nearly ignited betwixt them. But it had been brief and never acted upon. Now he realized as their eyes held she hoped mayhap they would find it again. That the long years in between had not dulled the embers entirely.

  As their eyes continued to hold, he realized that would be a hard line to cross. In truth, at that moment he realized despite his intentions to marry her, loving her would feel like a betrayal to Fraser’s memory. That, he thought as his eyes flickered back to Christina, was half of it anyway.

  “She is verra bonnie,” Kenna said, following his line of sight. “And verra kind too I think.”

  “Aye, kinder than most,” he agreed. And far more bonnie. But he did not voice that. “And braver.”

  “’Tis good,” she remarked. “Because there is nothing but danger here.”

  He nodded. He knew.

  “Yet she has the protection of the Bruce,” he reminded.

  “Aye, if that’s what ye’d call it.” Her eyes narrowed slightly at Robert and Christina. “I’d say there’s just as much danger there as anywhere else.”


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