Promised to a Highland Laird

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Promised to a Highland Laird Page 13

by Sky Purington

  “I will protect her with my life,” Sven vowed, evidently not offended or simply not interested in arguing. “Go save your women.”

  Graham nodded. “Aye.” His eyes met Lindsay. “Are ye ready lass?”

  “Yes. Absolutely.” She nodded and squeezed his hand. “Get her back safely. Don’t let me down.”

  “I wouldnae dream of it,” he assured. “I’ll get her out, lass. Ye’ve my word ten times over.”

  She nodded. “I know I do.”

  Conall’s hand landed on her shoulder and drew her attention his way.

  “Be verra careful lass.” His eyes held hers, his love obvious. “Please.”

  “You know I will be.” She leaned over, brushed her lips across his, held his eyes for another moment then headed for the nearby Scots.

  “Well, hello there,” she purred with a very believable brogue as their eyes turned her way. “I was out for a stroll, and the castle drew my attention then I saw ye standing here so gallantly and just had to come over and meet ye.”

  Within moments every last one of them was staring at her with adoration.

  “’Tis always bloody amazing watching her do that,” Conall muttered, clearly impressed despite his concern.

  “Naturally, I’m not alone,” Lindsay murmured to her devoted followers as she leaned against a tree seductively and batted her lashes. “What lass would be?” Her smile was blinding as she eyed them all. “My friends are just behind ye now, but they willnae bother ye at all.” She cocked her head, demure. “Ye’ll just let them climb that wall and be on their way, aye?”

  A wall they clearly had no idea was so undefended.

  “Aye,” the men responded, nodding avidly as they stared at her.

  This was their opportunity.

  “Remember, lads,” Conall commented as they secured their weapons, rushed forward and began climbing. “If we have to fight, keep it quiet. We dinnae want this heard overly much.”

  If it were, Lindsay would spin a tale to her men about what the sounds must be, and they would, in turn, spread the rumor. Even so, Conall was right. The sound of too much warfare might very well travel too far to be controlled.

  They didn’t have to climb very far before they dropped over the wall onto a narrow dirt pathway that led alongside the second wall. A wall built so close to the castle it provided easy access to several windows. As expected, the pathway was a dead end in either direction. A means to lure the enemy so they could be slaughtered.

  “You’re right, Graham,” Bryce said, speaking within the mind as he peered up. “There isnae anyone standing guard there.” He shook his head. “’Tis bloody strange.”

  “But most welcome,” Conall said as he began climbing and they followed.

  As speculated, neither climb was all that far. When they sidled through a window then dropped into a dark stone corridor, Graham was struck anew by its emptiness. What was going on?

  “It just keeps getting stranger and stranger, aye?” Bryce said into their minds.

  “Aye,” both he and Conall responded as they slowly made their way down the corridor. As far as they could tell, nothing in this part of the castle was guarded.

  “How far to where the lasses are kept?” Conall asked.

  “Fortunately, not all that far,” Bryce responded. “Though we’ll have to pass by the courtyard and main gate.”

  Graham nodded, more than ready. That direction might take them past the bulk of the Sassenach but so be it. A bit of the enemy’s blood on his blade would do him good. As it turned out, however, they found even more Sassenach than anticipated. Some of which were sleeping with their hands on their blades.

  “Is it me, or does it look like a battle already took place here?” Graham started before images started flashing though his mind. First, of Christina being dragged by her hair down the very stairs he looked upon.

  He ground his teeth and clenched his blade when he realized she was barely coherent. More so, when he saw the raw, purple bruise on her cheek. Far more men than what stood in the courtyard now, hooted and hollered as she was dragged to the center.

  “Bloody hell,” Graham growled as the man dragging her forced her to her knees in front of him, grabbed his crotch and yelled to his men, “Now we’ll show these Scots a real man, eh lads?”

  They roared with approval as he worked at the strings on his breeches. Enraged, Graham felt Bryce grab him when he nearly barreled down to rescue her from something that had clearly already taken place. Based on the heavy frowns on his cousins’ faces they saw the same images.

  What had she endured?

  What horror did they put her through?

  Suddenly, so fast the eye barely caught it, she grabbed the man’s ball sac, twisted and dropped him to his knees. Then she narrowed her eyes and roared, “Anybody move and I’ll rip them right off!”

  The man whose balls she held was now flaming red in the face as he managed to squeak, “Listen to her,” and shook his head.

  Her eyes scanned the numerous men around her. If he were to guess, she was appraising them as though getting ready to go into battle. Did she know how to fight?

  Seconds later that question was answered as she grabbed the man’s blade, kneed him hard in the balls then one by one went after the others. Though the images continued to come as flashes, two things were very clear. She knew how to fight, and her superhuman strength certainly gave her an advantage.

  “Bloody hell,” Bryce murmured. “Have ye ever seen a lass fight like her? Anyone for that matter?”

  Graham and Conall shook their heads as she spun and kicked and punched, using just about every part of her body in creative ways. All the while, she held onto the blade and even grabbed another, using them sparingly. Just enough to slow the men down.

  Not only did her fighting take many to the ground but clearly spooked others as they fell back, making the sign of the cross over their chest. How else could it be considering one moment she fought in eerie silence and the next with vicious roars.

  Her heart and soul and most definitely her magic were wrapped up in the stunning grace in which she annihilated anyone who got in her way. Nobody stood a chance, and they bloody well knew it. She had a way of looking at her target before taking them down. More than that, he got the feeling she was pre-planning her every move. That she knew just how to wound the man she would be fighting five men later.

  “She glows, aye?” Conall said. “And ‘tis frightening her enemies.”

  “Aye,” Graham and Bryce said. Because she was and it seemed mortals alike knew it.

  It made perfect sense why her granny saw her gift as lighting. While he saw her glow to a degree all the time, she was much brighter right now. So one had to wonder...did the Sassenach think she was evil or some sort of warrior for God?

  Rather than heading for the gate, she seemed to be working her way back upstairs before the images faded. Graham shook his head as he realized why so many men were here now, what had to be sometime later. They were guarding the door to the tower, likely terrified to go any further.

  He was somewhat amazed they hadn’t already surrendered to the Scots to flee her wrath.

  “She made her way back to the tower chamber.” Bryce’s eyes met Graham’s. “Back to Kenna.”

  Graham nodded. “And still no word from her, aye?”

  Bryce shook his head. “Not since they were first taken to the tower.”

  “She’s still here,” Graham said, praying his senses were right. “I can feel her.”

  “How the bloody hell are we going to get by so many men without causing a stir?” Conall muttered.

  “Ye two will have to distract them whilst I go up the stairs and save the lasses,” Bryce said.

  “Why ye?” Graham narrowed his eyes. “Those are my lasses up there.”

  “One of them anyway,” Bryce replied.

  “I’ve heard Christina in my mind too,” Graham growled.

  “But has she heard ye?” Bryce retaliated. “I dinn
ae think so.” He shrugged. “Besides, ye and Conall fight better together.”

  “When we can utilize our magic,” Graham reminded. “Which we cannae right now.”

  “Enough.” Conall frowned at Bryce. “Ye bloody well know Graham should go. That ‘twill be him both lasses want to see.”

  Bryce scowled and was about to respond, but Conall cut him off. “We willnae debate this anymore. Not whilst every moment that passes Lindsay risks her life waiting for us to return.”

  Bryce and Graham stared each other down for another moment before Bryce finally nodded and relented. “Aye, then.”

  Decision made, they wished each other well then Conall and Bryce headed in another direction entirely. As far away from the gates and the bulk of Scots on the other side as they could to keep the sound of battling down. Hopefully, this would allow Graham to escape more easily with the lasses.

  When Conall called out a few minutes later, men went running. As he figured would be the case a few stayed behind but not too many. Wasting no time, Graham headed into the courtyard, kept his berserker laughter to a minimum and began fighting like a madman.

  He fought to avenge Christina’s poor treatment, no matter how brief it had been.

  There were only ten soldiers, all of which he was eager to end. He cut two down with a blade across their necks before they barely saw him coming then whipped a dagger into another’s gut, finishing him off as well. He punched the fourth so hard in his windpipe, he staggered back and wasn’t much use afterward.

  That left six.

  He side-kicked one in the stomach before crossing swords with two more as he whipped a dagger so that it nicked another’s jugular vein. The second the men he battled glanced at the vast amount of blood spewing from their comrade, he tore them both open with a wide swipe of his blade.

  That left three.

  He swiftly finished off the one he had side-kicked then faced off with the last two.

  They were so shaken by that point, that he was able to punch one out cold then parry with the last one for a few minutes before he finally ended him. Not about to let one bloody Sassenach live, he sliced open the throat of the man he had knocked out.

  After that, he headed for the tower. The door had been shut, and not surprisingly, no warriors were posted along the stairwell. It seemed they were so terrified of Christina that nobody stood guard at the top of the tower either.

  Relief rushed through him when he spied the lasses alive and well. Kenna, who seemed to have been tucked behind Christina, rushed into his arms when she saw him.

  “Thank goodness yer here.” She stepped away from him and looked at Christina with worry. “She’s been standing guard over me all this time.” Kenna shook her head. “She is so exhausted she can barely stand.” She kept shaking her head. “I dinnae think she’s all that coherent anymore.”

  Graham headed Christina’s way as she leaned back against the wall, shaky. “You have no idea how glad I am to see you, darlin’.”

  “About as glad as I am to see you, lass.” Though tempted to pull her into his arms, they needed to keep moving. “Can you find just a wee bit more strength to get out of here? I can carry you if not but ‘tis best that I’m free to fight.”

  “I’ll be okay.” She nodded, pulling herself upright with determination as she gripped her blade tighter. “Let’s get out of here.”

  Graham eyed her for another moment, impressed with her drive despite how exhausted she was. He knew being awake that long could be difficult never mind that she had battled hard and used her magic.

  “Aye then,” he said. “I’ll lead the way.”

  Christina and Kenna nodded and followed him down. Not surprisingly a few men were racing up. He kicked the first into the one behind him then raced down and slit their throats before they had a chance to gather themselves.

  After he peeked out the door to find the courtyard empty, he gestured that the lasses follow him. They kept to the shadows and moved fast. Not fast enough though. Three Sassenach were heading in their direction.

  Graham whipped his blade into one man’s neck, drove his sword into the next one’s gut then punched the third. Before the third had a chance to respond, he snapped his neck then pulled his blades free from the others. After that, they started up another set of stairs then down the hallway he and his cousins traveled before.

  “I’ve nearly got them out,” Graham said into their minds.

  “Good,” Bryce responded. “Once yer clear of the castle let us know, and we’ll follow.”

  When a Sassenach appeared ahead, Graham raced at him and swiped his sword across his midsection before the man had a chance to utter a word. No more appeared after that. Once they got to the window, he turned to the lasses. “I’ll go first then you will jump into my arms, aye?”

  Both nodded.

  “Kenna first,” Christina said. “Then I’ll follow.”

  “No, ye should go,” Kenna urged. “I know how to use a blade and yer far too tired, my friend.”

  “Not so tired that I can’t defend us if I have to,” she said. “And no offense, but we both know I’m the better choice.”

  Kenna sighed but didn’t argue the point.

  Though he hated leaving Christina undefended, she was clearly the better fighter. He could only pray she was not too tired to do so if need be.

  “Aye, then.” This time he couldn’t help but pull her into his arms, unable to stop his thickening brogue as he murmured, “If ye have to fight, then fight with everything ye have, aye? I’ll be back to help in no time.”

  “Don’t worry about me,” she whispered before she met his eyes then stepped back. “Just go. Now. I wanna get out of here and never look back.”

  That’s when he realized as their eyes held, how bad it had really been. That she had likely killed someone for the first time within these castle walls. He cupped her cheek and gave her a look of reassurance before he pulled away. After one final glance down the corridor, he crawled out the window and scaled down the first wall quickly.

  “Come, lass,” he called out to Kenna once he reached the bottom. “Jump.”

  Kenna did just that, landing easily in his arms.

  He looked up. “Now you, Christina.”

  She nodded and was about to crawl out when someone yanked her back.

  “Bloody hell,” he growled then looked at Kenna. “Crouch down and stay to the shadows. I’ll be right back.”

  “Aye.” She nodded, her eyes suddenly moist. “Dinnae let her die, Graham. She saved my life.”

  “I willnae,” he assured as he swiftly climbed back up the wall, doing his best to set aside the stark fear he felt. If she was dead, he would make it his mission to murder every last Sassenach in this castle before the night was through.

  When he reached the top, it was to find her on the hallway floor with a man’s hands wrapped around her throat. Enraged, Graham yanked him off her and smashed the Sassenach’s head against the wall. Meanwhile, Christina gasped and scrambled back, holding her neck. His fury getting the better of him, he slammed the man’s head against the opposite wall then started punching him again and again. A blade would be too swift a death.

  “Cousin, ye need to release yer rage, focus and get them out of here,” Conall said into his mind. “We’re running out of time.”

  Graham knew he was right, but all he could see was this man strangling the life out of Christina, so he kept beating him.

  “Graham,” Christina said hoarsely. “It’s all right. Just end it already...please...I’m not gonna last much longer.”

  That got through.

  Her distress.

  So he sliced his blade, and finished it, then went to her.

  “Just go,” she gasped, leaning against the wall. “I’m right behind you.”

  He nodded and moved fast, rejoining Kenna in record time and ready to catch Christina when she all but rolled out the window, slid over the wall and fell into his arms. Getting her over the next wall was going
to be impossible without his cousins’ help. She was too far gone, and this wasn’t the sort of wall one could climb with someone over their shoulder.

  So he let his cousins know what was happening as he rested Christina on the ground against a wall and helped Kenna first. Lindsay was still leaning against a tree with an ever-growing circle of adoring men around her.

  Graham made sure Kenna was safely with Sven then rushed back. By the time he rejoined Christina, she was out cold, and his cousins were making their way down. They became a three man team as Bryce hoisted her up the wall to Conall who dropped her down into Graham’s waiting arms. She never stirred. Not once.

  “Well, lads,” Lindsay declared to her adoring fans once everyone was safely away. “’Tis time for me to retire. I’m sure ye ken.” Every last man looked crestfallen as she smiled lovingly and winked. “And dinnae forget, I was never here nor my friends, aye?”

  They all nodded avidly, one speaking up. “Might ye stay a wee bit longer, lassie? ‘Twould mean so much.”

  “I cannae,” she said with regret. “In fact, whilst my friends and I leave, I need ye to keep a close eye on those windows above the wall and shoot an arrow at anyone who might appear, aye?”

  They nodded and said, “Aye!”

  “Good then.” She smiled, blew a kiss and sauntered away, joining Conall at last.

  “I dinnae think you needed to swing your hips all that way,” he muttered before he pulled her into his arms and kissed her soundly.

  “There ye are,” came a soft murmur before Grant appeared out of the darkness.

  “’Tis bloody good to see ye, Grandda,” Conall managed around kisses.

  “Aye, I see you’re all torn up from missing me,” Grant mocked, but there was a pleased smile on his face as his eyes flickered over Conall and Lindsay then landed on the others. “I dinnae yet ken the reason behind their abduction, but I do know that it might verra well push this battle not only to its proper timeline but possibly even the location.” His eyes swept over everyone. “We willnae return to Robert’s encampment until the day after next. Until then, we will split into two groups to lessen the odds of being discovered.”


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