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Obsessive Page 1

by Lee Heaven

  Copyright © 2013 by Lee Heaven

  All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

  may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever

  without the express written permission of the publisher

  except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Not recommended for children under the age of 18 due to strong ‘Authentic Jersey’ language, sexually language and intense scenes.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Cover art done by: SelfPubBookCovers.com/Andrew

  Thank You

  I want to first thank all of you who have given me a chance and loved my book. The support you continue to give is what drives me to be better.

  Second, I want to thank my “Chrissy,” without your support and love I have no idea where I would be. We’ve known each other for twenty-five years. Here’s to another twenty-five!

  I Love You!

  Finally, to my “Decker,” I love you! Thank you for all your love and taking care of me!



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19


  Note From the Author


  ‘I’m a bachelor and nothing or no one will ever change that about me. No way will I give myself up to one woman. Why should I when I could have all the gorgeous and sexy women I could get. How many times I have told myself that over the years? I’ve been saying that since I was a teenager in high school and I caught my girlfriend making out under the bleachers with the star quarterback.

  But now, now I feel differently. I’m twenty-nine years old and everyone around me is falling in love and meeting that special someone. First it was Roman; he went and married Laura a few years ago. Now Decker, the one we all had thought would never settle down, just announced to the rest of us that he was head over heels in love with Sarah, the woman who is working for him while his leg is in a cast. Working didn’t even sound like the right word, it was more like a relationship that neither of them wanted to admit to.

  We all knew he was falling for her and we were just waiting for him to realize it himself. And who could blame him, the woman is smoking hot and she doesn’t even know it which makes it all the better because she doesn’t know her own power, she can cook a meal to satisfy us for a week –which is hard to do- and she is sweet as could be. But there are obstacles in his way. Mainly, she has a boyfriend. Yeah well the fucker is so mentally abusive towards her that we all have talked about just not letting her go home one night, but then Decker points out the fact that she has a daughter who she would never leave. We’ve all heard the phone calls and the crash of a dish and we all wish she would just leave him.

  Plus there were other guys on the team who were finding the love of their life and starting to settle down. But the four of us, Decker Jensen, Roman Emmerson, Tyler Ellis and me, Tobias Charles, we swore to be bachelors as long as we could but slowly they are going down. Roman was the first to cave and now Decker.

  I look across the table at the red head that I’m on a date with. I haven’t heard the last ten minutes of the conversation because my mind has wandered. The girl is hot, don’t get me wrong, long legs, huge firm tits, maybe firm isn’t the right word, huge fake tits and a nice perky ass, she’s definitely very fuckable, but she hasn’t shut up about her stupid little dog and the “cute” little outfits that she has bought it for the last fifteen minutes. I mean I love animal’s don’t get me wrong but she just said that she was in Barney’s and spent over five thousand dollars on stuff for the dog. Really five grand? For a dog?

  Have all the women I dated been this shallow? Why haven’t I noticed before? Was I that shallow to or did I not given a shit until now? The more I listen to this girl talk the more and more I get turned off. Geeze, thirty minutes ago I was set to take this girl home and fuck her until she didn’t even know her own name. But now, now all I want to do is excuse myself to the bathroom and then climb out the window and run far, far away.

  Would it be a dick move if I stuck her with the bill? She can afford it; she did just spend five grand on her dog, what’s a couple hundred on dinner?

  “…and can you believe it when I held up the sparkly pink parka he barked like crazy but when I held up the blue one he growled at it like it was covered in something gross. My little Boo Boo likes pink. Is it possible for a dog to be gay, because I think mine is,” she giggled.

  How the fuck am I supposed to respond to that? I mean really how am I? Can a dog be gay? I have no fucking clue.

  I should have turned this date down to begin with. When one of Decker’s lawyers told me about his cousin I should have known better. I mean just her name, Summer Rain Storm, should have scared me off. But no not me, I jumped right on it. Now I’m regretting that move.

  Ah, just how the fuck am I gonna get out of this now? Fake a stomach ache? The old pretend my cell phone vibrated in my pocket and fake a family emergency? Maybe I can turn her off by burping or farting really loud.

  She suddenly stopped talking and her eyes got really huge. Did I miss something? Did she ask me something?

  A hand clamped down on my shoulder and I looked up. Ah thank the fuck! Jimmy Hill, quarterback for The Jets. He’s a bigger man whore then I am. Maybe I can pawn her off on him. Do I really want to do that to him?

  Summer extended her hand toward him, “Summer Rain Storm, please to meet you.”

  I saw the laughter in Jimmy’s eyes despite the cool exterior on his face. He took her hand in his and then brushed his lips across her knuckles, “It’s a pleasure.”

  She giggled and turned red. She stood suddenly and excused herself to use the “powder room.”

  “Ah fuck man, thank you for interrupting,” I huffed out as he took her seat.

  “She that fucking bad,” he laughed as he picked up something and ate it off her plate. I don’t even know what the fuck she ordered.

  I ran my hands through my hair and sighed loudly. “She just rambled on and on for almost a half hour about her god damn dog and then just asked me if it was possible if the thing was gay because it barked at a pink coat and growled at a blue one.”

  Jimmy was laughing at me now. Full on holding onto the table so he wouldn’t fall out of his chair laughing. I wanted to hit him upside the head to get him to stop.

  “You can’t be serious. She really asked you that?” He laughed.

  “Dude, I kid you not. How the fuck do I get out of this date without a scene?”

  “I don’t think you have to worry about that anymore,” he said laughing again and pointing over my shoulder. “Colin found her,” he said as he got up and left the table.

  I turned in my chair to see her press her gigantic fake tits into the chest of Colin Flink, the kicker for The Jets. A part of me felt sorry that I was just about to dump my date on him, but another part of me was relieved. I waved at the waiter and got the bill. After signing the receipt I got up from the table and left.

  Thank god none of the paparazzi had caught on that any of us were in the restaurant yet and I was able to escape the restaurant quietly. I slipped into the back of the town car I rented for
the night and went home.

  I seriously needed to check myself and my priorities. I can’t continue to do this shallow dating any more. I needed something more in my life then these one night stands. I want someone to love and love me back.


  The four of us guys, Decker, Roman, Tyler and I, have gathered at Decker’s for dinner tonight. It’s been a long time since all of us had gotten together at the same time. In the off season someone is always on vacation or doing a family thing. Then there’s the holidays and before you know it its mid-January before we can all get together at the same time.

  I’ve walked into the kitchen to deposit our empty beer bottles and grab us all another round to find Sarah bent over the island with her ear buds in and not hearing me enter. I know I’m going to pay for it later and I’m sure Decker won’t be happy but it was such an easy target.

  I crept up behind her and smacked her ass. She flung an elbow back at my face and I ducked just in time before it got my nose. She screamed so loud that I knew it was only going to be a matter of seconds before Decker and the other guys come running in.

  Sarah spun on me, “You stupid son of a bitch.”

  I swept her into my arms and buried my face in her neck just as I heard footsteps on the kitchen floor. I knew Decker would be leading the guys into the kitchen and just to mess with him I brushed my nose against Sarah’s neck to make her giggle just as I said, “Meine liebe, just one kiss, my love.”

  I heard Decker release a low growl as he caught my words. Ha, mother fucker is so jealous. I nuzzled her neck again with my nose sending her into another round of giggles. She clutched at my arms trying to stand up straight but the giggling was too much and I’m sure it looked like we were making out or at least it must have looked like I was kissing her neck.

  One of the guys cleared their throat behind us and Sarah stopped giggling long enough to look over my shoulder and then gasped. She shoved at my shoulder, “You stupid son of a bitch,” she huffed at me as I let go of her and she walked over to where her iPod had fallen on the floor.

  “Oh, meine liebe don’t be like that,” I smiled at her.

  “Just what the hell is going on in here,” Decker’s angry voice said from behind me.

  Sarah picked up the pot holder that was sitting on the counter and chucked it at me. I grabbed it as it bumped my chest. “Stupid jerk smacked my ass and then tried to make out with me,” she hissed at me.

  Tyler and Roman laughed as they turned around and headed back into the living room as I turned to look at Decker. “Unclench Jensen,” I said as I clamped a hand on his shoulder as I walked past him to the fridge on the other side of the island. “I was just messing with her. She’s fine.”

  Sarah waited until I had my back to her and then chucked another pot holder at me hitting me in the back of the head. I chuckled as I grabbed four bottles of beer and turned around picking up the pot holder that now lay on the floor. As I placed it on the counter as I gave her my best imitation of puppy dog eyes, “Meine liebe, you break my heart. I only want to love you.”

  I laughed as another pot holder came flying at me. As I walked out of the kitchen I noticed Decker slide close to her and a smile spread across her face. If those two weren’t so in love with each other I would make a play for Sarah myself.

  She was perfect. Sweet, loving, caring and she could cook. But that fucking boyfriend of hers needed to go. He didn’t appreciate her at all and makes sure every day to shove some nasty bull shit in her face. Even though the boys and I haven’t gotten together all at the same time in a few months we talk all the time and we all agreed that Decker had to do something by spring training time to get her and her daughter out of that house.

  “You’re shit Tobias. You know that right?” Tyler asked as I handed him his beer.

  “Ah, fuck I was just messing with her when I slapped her ass,” I chuckled. “But the second she screamed I knew Decker would be in there and I had to mess with him.”

  “Someday you’re going to find a woman you are head over heels in love with then one of us is going to flirt with her and when you’re steaming mad you’ll know only a portion of what he’s feeling right now. Then what are you going to do?” Roman said as he raised an eyebrow. “You know he’s aggravated enough with her living situation, don’t make it worse by being a shit.

  “It was funny as shit though,” Tyler said laughing. “You should have seen how high he jumped off the couch when he heard her scream. I’m surprised he didn’t break his leg again.”

  Someday I wanted what Decker was feeling right now. I wanted to feel that gut wrenching pain when I thought something was wrong with the woman I was so madly in love with. I wanted to run into a room and make sure she was okay. I wanted to know what it was like to love someone so deeply that no matter what I would do whatever I could to fight for the woman I love. To never give up on her or us.

  Fuck man, I had never been jealous over some mans relationship, but that was exactly what I was right now. Mother Fucker! This is why I wanted to be a bachelor forever. I didn’t want to be this fucker I am right now. I didn’t want to be the asshole that was jealous of his friend’s relationships. But that’s exactly what I was right now.

  A few minutes later Decker had joined our little group again and we were all talking about what was happening on ESPN, when I heard the front door open. It must be the night aide that Decker has working. None of us had met her or the other aide that was here on the weekends yet.

  “Hey Deck…” she halted to a stop at the sight of all of us. Her mouth hung slightly open and her eyes were round in surprise as she caught sight of all of us. She was freaking gorgeous and my heart jumped into my rib cage. Fuck I wanted this woman, and not for just one night. I knew just from that one look at her, one night would never be enough.

  Roman let out a whistle and said “Geez Jensen, did you hire any women who don’t knock your socks off. This one’s just as good as Sarah.”

  Mine! The thought snapped to my mind and I fought off the urge to get up and punch him for the comment that he just made. But holy fuck balls was he right. My fucking dick twitched and I had to adjust my legs so it wouldn’t be obvious that I was two seconds away from a raging hard on.

  I suddenly understood everything that Decker was feeling. Does she have a boyfriend I would need to fight for her? Does she have a past that could drive me insane? Was she even into guys or was she into girls?

  Fuck! I was not walking out of this apartment tonight without knowing her story and knowing what I was up against in my fight to make this woman mine. I heard Sarah call for her and she shuffled off toward the kitchen disappearing behind the wall.

  Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! I finally understood everything because not even one word out of her mouth and I was head over heels. I was done and nothing and I mean nothing was going to stop me in making sure that for the rest of our lives I would make sure that I would love that woman.

  Love at first sight. Who the fuck knew it really existed. But fuck it did, and I wasn’t even sure if I knew her name.

  Chapter 1

  Life had never been easy for me. When I was three my father was killed in an embassy bombing and my mother had never gotten over that. She tried her best to raise me on her own but most times I was left to do it by myself as she found herself looking into the bottom of a bottle and barely able to make it to the bathroom.

  As a teenager I was horribly teased for my ‘Olive Oyl’ body. I was taller than most boys in school and was skinny as a stick. I didn’t have many friends, boys were only interested in me to find out if my small tits were real, or if I stuffed as they had suspected.

  At the age of eighteen I did what a lot of neglected and bullied children did, ran as far away from home as fast as I could. I finally stopped when I reached Las Vegas and enrolled in a nursing program at one of the colleges in town. I poured myself into my studies and graduated a year sooner then I should have.

  Not wanting to go back to Long Isla
nd after graduation I continued in school and went onto get my Doctor of Nursing Practice Degree. Six months into my doctorate program I landed a part-time job with Jubilee doing back stage work.

  After a few months of working some of the girls suggested that I should get some breast implants and if I did I would make the perfect show girl. I had finally grown a pair of hips and besides my small breasts, I should have been every man’s dream, but I wasn’t. So I took the girls suggestion and got myself a new pair of boobs, soon after the boys followed.

  I had met Landon Castle about two months before I graduated. He was tall, blonde like a surfer with a body to match and an Australian accent that could send you into orgasm just from him saying one word. I fell hard and I fell fast. After a few weeks we moved in with each other. The day I graduated, a few months later, he proposed.

  About nine months into our relationship my mother called and my world came crashing to a halt. My grandmother had died. My grandmother was the only woman who had tried to help in my life and the woman who I loved like crazy. Hating to leave Landon I reluctantly left for Long Island without him, he couldn’t get off work and had to stay behind. I buried my grandmother and planned to stay a few extra days. However, my mother’s drinking had gotten worse since the last time I saw her and deciding I didn’t want to deal with her I left to return to Vegas two days early.

  I was in such a rush to get home I left my phone at my mothers and wasn’t able to call Landon to let him know I was on my way earlier than expected. Upon walking into my apartment there was a sight I never expected or wanted to see. Ever!

  Sprawled on my living room floor was Landon with some girl squatting over him with his dick in her ass while she held a vibrator against her clit. Another girl was squatting over his face, he was licking her pussy as she pulled so hard on her nipples I thought she was going to pull them off. A third girl was off to his right side, shoving a dildo in her ass as he pounded her pussy with another one so hard I wouldn’t be surprised if she was left with bruises.


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