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Obsessive Page 8

by Lee Heaven

  “I miss him already,” she said as she raised her hand to wave at Decker who has appeared in one of the windows.

  Sarah and I stood there and watched the plane taxi down the runway and disappear into the sky. Even after we could no longer see the plane we didn’t move. Daniel had to finally get out of the car and push Sarah into it.

  I climbed in next to her, “Let’s go to the botanical garden.”

  “Brooklyn or New York?” She asked back. A little smile started on her lips. Sarah loved the city like it was her own, probably knew it better than most New Yorkers but when it came to doing touristy things she was just as excited as someone who had never been to the city would be.

  “Whichever you want,” I told her. I needed to make sure she was happy till Decker got back.

  “New York. Decker took me to Brooklyn the other day, so let’s do New York I haven’t been there since I was a teenager.”

  Sarah and I spent the whole day just wondering around the garden. Daniel was always two steps behind and no matter how many times we told him to come walk with us he wouldn’t. He had this belief that when we were in public we were not friends.

  Of course the stupid paparazzi were always lurking around somewhere. I knew it bothered Sarah that all the sudden because of who she was dating she was always followed. I do have to say she always takes it with grace. She won’t answer their questions, but if they’re in her way she will always ask politely to please step aside and let her through. She blamed it on her mother, said her mom told her to always be polite and use her manners.

  However she did have a side to her that could scare a truck driver. She had a mouth on her. If you made her mad she would go off on you with what she called her Jersey truckers mouth. She would let out more swear words then she would regular words.

  It was mid-afternoon and we had stopped wandering around to eat and take a break. Daniel had excused himself and went to use the bathroom. It was at this time that two young men took advantage and decided to approach us.

  Sarah was able to get the one young man who approached her to back away quite easily. I had to laugh at her when the young man turned white as a ghost. When he plopped himself down next to her, she took her fork and held it against his private part and with a voice that almost scared me said, “Fucking touch me and I won’t fucking think twice about shoving this fucking fork into your god damn nuts and fucking twirling it around like your nuts are made of fucking spaghetti.”

  I wasn’t so lucky about the guy who had sat down next to me. He kept trying to touch my arm and leg. I kept pushing his hand away and asking him to leave me alone. I knew how to defend myself but hated using it. Although if this guy didn’t back off soon he was going to meet the wrong end of what he wanted.

  It was when he reached out to touch my boob when I finally lost it. Grabbing his fingers I interlock mine and bent his hand back with a twist that rocket him to his feet. I pushed a little harder and it brought him to his knees, tears sprang to his eyes.

  I saw Daniel appear to my left as I dropped to my knees to level with this guys face. A crowed was starting to form and Daniel was asking me to release the man.

  “When any woman tells you no or to go away or continues to turn down your advances, you act like the gentleman your momma tried so hard to raise and obviously failed to do and you leave. To force yourself on someone who doesn’t want you is a dickhead move. Now I’m going to ask you one more time to leave me alone.” I twisted his hand a little harder and he whimpered. “And if you don’t I won’t think twice about snapping this bone that I have now twisted to its limit. Is that understood?”

  I let the man go and he quickly pushed himself away from me. Daniel stepped in front of me and turned me to walk across the room. Security had shown up at this point and was now asking questions. Sarah and I quickly explained what had happened and how it came to me having this man pinned to the ground.

  Forty-five minutes later as security walked away to escort the two young men out my phone started playing Boyz II Men. I knew right away it was Tobias, he had set my phone to play that song when only he called or texted. Pulling it from my pocket I saw it was a txt from him. I open it to find just a link to something.

  I open the link to find pictures of Sarah and me walking around the garden, smiling, laughing and then the altercation. It showed a picture of me on my knees in front of the man who had attacked me. I automatically saw how this picture looked to someone who didn’t know what had happened or bothered to read the article.

  My phone started ringing and I jumped when I saw Tobias smiling face. “Hello” I answered with a shaky voice.

  “I left you a few hours ago with one rule and you already broke it. What the fuck Maggie?” He growled at me.

  Holy shit I was dealing with one pissed of man. But he didn’t understand.

  “Tobias did you read the article?”

  “Why to find out that you hooked up with that guy in the middle of a public place.”

  “Go read the fucking article,” I snapped at him before hanging up on him. No way in hell was I going to let someone I wasn’t even dating try and dictate my life. If he had bothered to continue to scroll down and look at the article he would have seen right there in plain letters ‘Jensen’s Angel and friend attacked at New York Botanical Garden’.

  “What!” I snapped into the phone when he called me back less than a minute later.

  “Did he fucking hurt you?”

  “No I took care of him. I almost snapped his arm in half.”

  “I’m sorry I jumped to conclusions. I just saw the picture and it looked so different.”

  “Tobias in case you haven’t noticed I’m very attracted to you. I probably want you more then you want me. You asked me to wait till you got back, I told you I would. If I need to trust that you’re not out at the bars meeting girls, then you need to trust I’m not meeting any other guys.”

  He was quiet. All I could hear is his breathing into the phone. I wasn’t going to give him any more. I gave him my answer, he either trusted me or he didn’t and if he didn’t then this would be his lost not mine.

  “Ok Maggie, I trust you,” then he hung up on me.

  Geeze he can be a real pain in the ass.

  Chapter 7

  It has been three weeks since the guys left for spring training. Sarah and I go out into the city every day. Some days we shop, some days we just walk around. On the weekends we’ve hit the clubs. I just make sure that she is happy and free.

  I’ve talked to Tobias almost every day. Most times we talk it’s just conversations that allow us to get to know each other. What he likes and what I like, who we are as people, where we grew up and simple things that normal boyfriends and girlfriends would talk about.

  However, sometimes when we talk late at night our conversation turn into phone sex. I can still remember the first time it happened. It has sent me to bed plenty of nights with that thought. I was beginning to think I would need to relive that conversation in my head again tonight. It was nearing midnight and I still hadn’t heard from him. I had just turned my light out when my phone rang.

  “Maggie, tell me something. Can you feel me lying on top of you? Can you feel my weight holding you to me? Can you feel my lips on your neck, your jaw, and your lips? Do you feel my hand as it cups your breast? Do you feel my fingers running over your nipple?”

  “Tobias…” was all I was able to get out as I closed my eyes and could feel everything he just described.

  “Spread your legs for me sweetheart. Let me settle in your embrace. Let me lift you to get your shirt and bra off. Feel my lips and tongue on your nipples. Feel how hard I am. Lift your hips let me take your pants off.”

  I felt myself moving in time with his words, taking my shirt off, my bra, my pants and underwear. I felt my hands skim over my body, but, my mind saw Tobias doing all these things to me. It was his hands, his mouth and his body.

  “Maggie, feel me as I enter you. My hard cock slidin
g in and out, buried deep, deep to my balls,” he said into the phone as I slid my fingers into my wet pussy moving at the sound of his words. “Can you feel my head rubbing on your g-spot? Feel yourself dragging your nails down my back as I slam into you over and over?”

  I could hear him masturbating. I can hear his grunts as he brings himself closer to relief. I can feel myself getting closer and closer with every dip of my finger.

  “Tobias I need you to finish me. I need you to give me the release,” I panted as my hips bucked wildly.

  “I can feel your pussy tighten around my cock. You’re getting close you’re ready to give me your orgasm. You’re so hot and wet. I’m ready to fill you with everything I have. Are you ready? Feel my thumb stroke your clit. Feel me touch you. That’s it Maggie, cum for me.”

  As my thumb did one last pass over my clit I screamed his name as my body rocketed into an orgasm like I’ve never had before. I heard him call out my name as his release hit him. We both lied there, panting into the phone as we came back to earth.

  “Tobias…” I whispered after neither of us had said anything for a few minutes.

  “I’m here sweetheart. I’m just trying to picture you next to me, curled against me.”

  “Come home Tobias. Come home and feel me for real,” I practically begged him.

  “Soon sweetheart, I will soon. Now I want you to curl up under those blankets and close your eyes and go to sleep. I want your last thought to be of me and how I make you feel. Goodnight sweetheart,” he hung up before I was able to respond to him.

  He actually didn’t need to tell me to think of him. It’s all I ever did. He’s all I ever wanted to feel.


  Sarah was working late tonight, so Daniel and I had just dropped Josie off with Shawn in Jersey. I really disliked that man. He needed a good smack to the head and maybe a few other places. The one good thing is he didn’t like me either.

  He always gave Sarah or Daniel a hard time when they dropped or picked her up. But usually if I was there he would keep his mouth shut.

  We had just come out of the tunnel when my phone rang, “Hey what’s up?”

  “Hey did my little girl get off ok?” Sarah asked

  “Yeah, Shawn saw me and didn’t even get out further then his trunk. I don’t know why he’s so afraid of me,” I busted out laughing.

  Sarah started laughing to, “He doesn’t like you because you don’t bend to him and take his shit. It scares him to not have that control. Good I’m glad she’s ok though.”

  “You still at work?”

  “Yeah, I’ll be out of here in like ten minutes, no more. Want me to grab some pizza on the way home?”

  “I’ll do it. I’ll be home before you, so I’ll have it waiting for you. Don’t be long.”

  “I’ll see you in a little bit,” she clicked off.

  I called over to Angelo’s Pizza on 57th; it was close to the building and one of the best places. I ordered a large extra cheese pie and their black and white chocolate mousse cake.

  An hour and half later I was sitting at the dining room table picking at my second slice of pizza and Sarah still hasn’t come home. I had called her cell and the office multiple times but there was no answer.

  “Daniel, have you talked to Sarah? She should have been home an hour ago and she isn’t answering the phone.”

  “No I haven’t,” he called from the kitchen.

  I got a sick dreaded feeling deep in my belly and it quickly radiated out to the rest of my body. This isn’t like her, she always was in contact with someone. She never went without answering her phone, even if it was just a txt message back. “I don’t have a good feeling. I think something happened.”

  Daniel came into the dining room and looked at me. “Do you want me to call over to security in the building and have them check on her?”

  I nodded at him and he pulled his cell from his pocket as he walked back into the kitchen. I stood up and walked over to the window and looked out into the city. It was dark and the thoughts that were racing through my mind were causing me to panic.

  I heard a glass break in the kitchen a few minutes later, as I spun around Daniel came running out of the kitchen.

  “Let’s go,” he barked as he headed for the front door.

  “What’s wrong? What’s going on?” Panic was now in full blown mode.

  “I’m not sure. Security found something in the parking garage. We need to go check it out.”

  Daniel and I sat in the Audi TT and raced through the city. I felt like we were in a Nascar race as we sped towards Union Square, where the building was that Decker’s foundation used as home base. Nerves were pitted deep in my stomach and I wanted to yell at Daniel to pull over so I could throw up on the side walk.

  As we headed down 18th Street and crossed over Park Ave South I knew it was bad. The whole street was blocked off by police cars. THE WHOLE STREET!!!! Daniel pulled up and lowered the window to speak to the officer by the barricade.

  After a minute we were allowed through and told to go to the third level of the parking garage.

  “Daniel what is going on?” I asked as we hit the third level and turned the car to where all the activity was. My eyes were wide and I could feel the tears stinging.

  There must have been thirty cars and probably double that in police officers around the garage. There were a few officers with dogs walking around and it sounded like there were more walking around and talking on the levels above and below us.

  “I’m not sure Maggie,” he said.

  I knew he was lying. There was something in his tone and the look on his face that said otherwise.

  Parking the car as close as we could get we got out and walked to where all the activity was. “Daniel that’s the Escape Sarah took to work this morning. What is going on?”

  Ignoring me completely Daniel turned to a man in an impeccable black suite, he had ditched the jacket but was wearing a suite vest instead, his tie loosened around his neck and his shirt sleeves were rolled up and you could see the tribal tattoo sticking out. “Detective Kelly, I’m Daniel Jones, we spoke on the phone. This is Maggie Hemsworth. What do we know?”

  Pointing to a man who looks to be a hundred years old in a security uniform, “That is Mr. Kenneth Smith, he said that he observed Ms. Starr leaving the office around seven-thirty this evening. Upon receiving your phone call around nine pm, he came out to do a parking lot inspection to see if her car was still here. He said the first two levels were completely empty but when he got to the third level he found this.”

  He turned and ushered us over to where the Escape was sitting. I gasped at the site before us. The door to the car was open just the slightest bit. Nothing you would have noticed just driving by, almost like it wasn’t closed all the way. Sarah’s Louis Vuitton briefcase was laying on the ground, folders and papers spilling outwards. Her phone lay blinking on the ground with missed calls and text messages, next to that her car keys.

  Detective Kelly points to a laptop on the back of a police car. “We were able to pull footage from the security camera. Can you tell me if you recognize the car or the man?”

  We watch the screen and saw Sarah came into view. She looked behind her and then continues to walk toward the car. As she reached her door a man appeared from the passenger side window of the car parked next to her. He sticks something in her neck and she falls limp in the man’s arms immediately. He then let her fall to the ground, got out of the car, placed her in the back seat and left the garage.

  “NOOOOOOO!” I screamed as I lunged into Daniel’s arms. “Who the fuck was that?”

  Daniel rewound the video a few times and then stated “I don’t know. I don’t recognize him. I don’t know the car. I assume you ran the plates?” He asked Detective Kelly.

  I had my face pressed into Daniel’s chest as I cried. I didn’t want to see anymore. I just wanted this to be some type of joke and have her jump out and scream ‘Gotcha ya!’ But I knew that wasn’t goin
g to happen. There was just too much real activity going on for it to be fake.

  “There were none. He never looks at the camera and he made sure to make sure he was unrecognizable with his clothes and baseball cap. We’re looking to see if there is any report of a stolen vehicle matching that description, but chances are if it’s stolen the owners may not even know yet.”

  Daniel nodded as he continued to hold onto me as I sobbed into his chest.

  “Oh god, Decker! He’s going to flip. Oh. My. God!” I finally gasped out.

  Oh that poor man this was going to kill him. It took him almost five months to get her to realize he was madly in love with her and now she was cruelly ripped from him. He’s not even here to find out. No, this was not something he could find out from watching TV or over the phone from someone who saw the TV coverage.

  Oh this was going to kill all the guys. In the months since she had worked with Decker she had met most of the guys during the day and they all had come to love her. I think back to just a month ago when Tobias and the guys were over, they had the idea of going and getting her from a bad situation before Decker or I had even thought of it.

  She had been through so much already, why did someone need to add one more bad thing!

  “We’ve notified Thomas Branning, VP of the Yankees. He’s waiting for two Florida State Troopers to arrive and escort him to a waiting plane.”

  Yanking my phone from my pocket, I press a few buttons and walked a few feet. I had to call Tobias. He needed to be by Decker’s side when he found out. Hell, I needed him by my side right now.

  “Maggie, babes, why are you bothering with a schmuck like Tobias when you can get a real man like me,” Roman joked when he answers Tobias’s phone.

  “Roman, halt die klappe. Legte Tobias am telefon!” I yell into the phone.

  I normally love Roman and his teasing, the man despite being married, was the biggest flirt ever. But this, this was not the time and I just snapped at him.


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