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Obsessive Page 10

by Lee Heaven

  I had seen Decker breakdown a lot over the past week and it always amazed me. He was 6’3” and probably pushing two hundred and fifty pounds of pure muscle but he was a giant teddy bear and loved that woman to his bones. To see him like this killed me.

  This past week has sent us all into a tailspin. We all had moments of freak outs. We all broke down in some way trying to ease the pain and hurt.

  I wondered if Sarah was going to notice the new front door. When I woke up the morning after she was taken I walked into the living room to find the door hanging by one hinge and half the living room furniture turned upside down. Daniel, Frank and Jonathan were finally able to get Decker to calm down before the house was totally destroyed.

  Chapter 8

  It took Sarah three days to come around. She had locked herself in the bedroom and wouldn’t talk to anyone. She barely ate and Decker said she was barely sleeping and wouldn’t even look at him when he would go in there. When she finally came out she was able to convince Decker to go to the stadium for a few days of practice.

  She wasn’t quite herself for the first few days after she came out her room but that was to be expected. However, when the night guards came on she was closer to being herself again. I’m not sure how it happened, but somehow she became close to the one guard, Jimmy. She didn’t look at him the way she looked at Decker, with love and stars in her eyes, but he would walk in the door her shoulders relaxed a little more, her eyes focused and her smile appeared.

  One of the first things she asked after she saw her parents and sister off was why we had a new front door and how come the two end tables had been replaced. Decker stumbled through the story of how the morning after she was taken in a rage of sudden anger he had ripped the apartment apart and broken a few things. The eyebrow cock she gave him and the way his head dropped was all the scalding he needed.

  It was now Friday morning and opening day for the team and the stadium. It was a big opening to as we were set to play our rivals, Boston. There was also a press conference scheduled to answer questions on Sarah’s kidnapping, which she wasn’t happy about, but Decker insisted she needed to do this and put her story out before the trial.

  The rest of the team came home last night. They had gotten in so late that I wasn’t able to see Tobias. He did send me a text at 2am saying he was home and would see me tomorrow.

  So now tomorrow is here and we are at the stadium for a press conference. I’m not sure how she’s going to get through this without a panic attack. I just hope the reporters aren’t too hard on her.

  I stand off the side with Tobias behind me, his hard chest pressed against my back. I wanted nothing more than for his hands to be on me, but he has them stored in his pockets. I’ve wiggled my ass against his groin multiple times and he still refuses to remove his hands from his pocket. I know it’s affecting him, I could feel him growing against my back and his breath hitch every time I wiggle.

  As we watch Sarah answer question after question I stifle my giggle as I wiggled against Tobias one more time. I felt his right arm move as he slipped his hand out of his pocket and gripped my hip. Oh god, YESSS!! That feels amazing.

  He bends down and sticks his lips right next to my ear, “Continue down this road and you will be punished.”

  Holy Crap! Before he could even move his lips I slowly and deliberately wiggled my ass against his groin again. His teeth latched on to my earlobe as a low animalistic growl escaped his throat. His grip on my hip tightened just before he said, “After this game you will pay for this teasing, meine Liebe.”

  Meine Liebe? No way I’m his love. He can’t really mean that, can he?

  Before he moved his mouth away he ran his tongue up my ear and a shiver ran up my spine in anticipation. Just as I felt his teeth part to nip my ear, Roman was storming past us grabbing Sarah off the stage and rushing her out of the room.

  I was on the move behind them, Tobias still holding my hip in his burning grip. I was so wrapped up in what Tobias and I were doing that I didn’t even hear what was going on. All I know is the entire team and even some of the reports did not look happy at whatever was said.

  I was quickly at Sarah’s side when I entered the locker room a few steps behind them. She was already on her phone scrolling the internet for something, Roman at her side begging her to put the phone away and not look for it, but she kept pushing his hands away as he tried to take it from her.

  She gasped and dropped the phone and cried into Romans chest as he lowered her onto the bench to sit. I bent and picked up the phone and began to read what she was looking at. Tobias must have been reading over my shoulder because at the same time we both said “Mother fucker.”

  Kevin had released a statement saying that Sarah wasn’t raped by him and in fact she had begged him for it. Oh this guy was just asking to get his ass beaten. I cannot believe what I am looking at, how dare this mother fucker say things like that, he kidnapped this woman and is now trying to make it seem like she wanted it.

  Sarah was devastated, the guys on the team were fuming and Decker, well Decker was beyond enraged at this moment. I couldn’t even think of a word that describe how pissed off Decker is. Kevin better hope he is never alone in a room with Decker, hell with any of the men that have now locked her in the locker room.

  Unfortunately, I was kicked out. As soon as it was time for them to start getting changed, Tobias ushered me out of the room and plopped my butt into a chair right outside the doors. He told me not to move and not to come back in till I was told. I wonder if that was a move just to keep me from seeing the other players naked, I mean Sarah was still in there so it’s not like I wouldn’t have been allowed, but it seemed like Tobias didn’t want me sneaking a peak at any of the guys.

  We’ve been home from a great home opener, where the Yankees creamed the crap out of Boston, for about two hours now. I was hoping to get to see Tobias after the game but I wasn’t able to as he had something to do with the boss. So I sadly went home, alone.

  Now I lay on my stomach on my bed reading another trashy novel. I was so into the book that when a heavy weight dropped on me I jumped and squealed at the surprise. As much as it startled me I wasn’t scared at all. I knew exactly who it was by the way my body hummed for him.

  He buried his face in my neck and inhaled. “Tobias let me turn over,” I moaned as his lips moved along my neck.

  He lifted onto his arms removing just enough weight so I could turn underneath him. Once on my back he pressed all his weight into me. I snaked my arms around his neck holding myself to him. His blue eyes looked down at me filled with lust.

  “Hi” he finally said running his lips down my jaw.

  “I didn’t think I would see you tonight. How did you get in?” I asked as he pushed up my shirt and cupped my breast.

  He ignored my question and locked his lips around my nipple. His tongue rolled across my tight pink tips making a moan escape my mouth as my hands gripped his hair.

  Moving to the other nipple he divested me of my shirt and bra, tossing them to the floor. His fingers worked to untie the string on my pajama bottoms and they quickly joined my shirt and bra. I was left in just in my undies as Tobias lay on top of me in his Hugo Boss three piece suit.

  I worked at the buttons on his jacket and vest as his fingers slipped between my skin and underwear. Just as two of his fingers slipped into my wet sex I was able to undo his tie and pull it free of his neck. After catching my breath I went to work on the buttons on his shirt.

  Tobias quickly sat up and pulled his shirt, vest and jacket off all at once, tossing them to the floor to join my clothes. His biceps were huge and twisting down his left arm was a full sleeve tattoo of the tree of life, his right arm tattooed with some sort of star design. His chest a hard plane of muscles leading down to an eight pack of abs and even though his pants hide most of it you could tell he had that sexy V muscle.

  Holy shit, he’s so fucking sexy. How many guys actually have eight abs!

His one hand went to the button of his pants as his other hand went back to work on my throbbing wet sex. Two fingers sank into me as his thumb went to work on my clit. I was working my way towards an orgasm with my eyes rolled back when I heard his pants hit the floor and the distinct sound of my underwear being ripped off.

  His broad shoulders soon parted my legs father and his tongue replaced his thumb, stroking my clit as his fingers glided in and out of me. Working his tongue like a skilled man he built me up, the thumping in my ears started and sweat broke out all over my skin. My orgasm rolled through me, lifting my hips off the bed as my sex clenched his fingers and my hands clawed at his hair.

  When refocused again I looked into the clear blue eyes of Tobias. He had adjusted himself and was now hovering over me with the tip of his cock notched against the entrance to my sex. I smiled up at him and he bent his head to place a kiss on my neck. He mumbled “Ready” against my skin and when I moaned back as my answer he slammed into me.

  Tobias hit me so hard that we actually scooted up the bed an inch or two. He slowly slid out to the tip of his penis and then slammed into me again, pushing us up the bed some more. I had to push my hands against the headboard just to keep my head from slamming against it.

  He sat back on his legs and pulled me up over his thighs, his fingers digging into my hip and thigh. He picked up his pace and was now moving hard and fast, his pelvic bone hitting my mine and his balls slapping against me.

  I felt my orgasm building in my ears again. The thumping moved from my ears to my eyes, as they fluttered closed, fireworks of colors started to appear. I leapt over the edge and exploded around Tobias.

  I felt Tobias continue to pound into me and with a roar of my name he released into me and then collapsed on top of me both of us gasping for breath.

  Tobias buried his face in my neck and said “Maggie, I didn’t use a condom.”

  “Its fine Tobias,” I said running my hands through his sweat dampened hair. “I’m on birth control.” He nodded as if to say ok. “Do you have to go or can you spend the night?”

  He answered by lifting me up, pulling the covers down, pulling me against his chest and covering us with the blankets.

  I snuggled into him, breathing in the mixture of his cologne, sweat and sex. Closing my eyes I ran my fingers along his chest and up and down his abs. I didn’t hear it but I felt the moan rumble through his chest. His fingers played with my hair as I continued to run my fingers along his muscles. Finally we both drifted off to sleep.


  I awoke to giggles and whispers coming from somewhere on my bedroom floor. Rolling to the side of the bed I saw Josie sitting in Tobias’s lap as they played with one of her stuffed dogs. Her blonde curls were unruly telling me she got out of bed and came straight in here. He whispered something in here ear and set her off in a fit of giggles again.

  I sighed at the sight of him with her. He was so good with her. I could only imagine what he would be like with his own kids. It only made me want him more and to have that dream of having kids with him.

  Wow where did that come from.

  They both looked over at me. Josie smiled bigger and whispered something at Tobias. He started laughing and shook his head yes. I knew whatever was said was said about me.

  “You gonna tell me what you two are whispering about?” I asked both of them.

  They looked at each other and burst out laughing again. Decker appeared in the doorway covered in flour and holding a plate piled with food. Great now Sarah and I were going to have clean up a disaster in the kitchen

  “Josie, pancakes are ready. Come eat up before they get cold.” He smiled at me, looked at Tobias and then back to me. “You two get up and come eat to.”

  Josie jumped up off the floor and ran into the kitchen behind Decker leaving Tobias and me alone again. He shuffled across the floor and up onto the edge of the bed. I looked up into his eyes and got lost. He ran his hand down my cheek and kissed me ever so slightly.

  “Morning Sweetheart,” he whispered against my lips.

  “I thought I dreamed you were here last night. I was afraid that when I opened my eyes you weren’t going to be here.”

  He looked down at me and a line formed between his eyebrows. “I’m here. I’m real. I’m not going anywhere.” I reached up and ran my fingers down that line and he relaxed. “If you’ll have me, if you want me, I want this. I want whatever you and I have more than I’ve ever wanted anything before.”

  I pulled him in for a kiss. Sweeping my tongue across his and my hands gripping at the shirt he had put on. We pulled away breathless.

  “If we don’t go eat we will never leave this room,” I said with a smile looking into his gorgeous face.

  “That’s bad how?” He asked as he ran his tongue down my jaw.

  “Well, one, the door is wide open and there are three other people in the kitchen. Two, you have a game this afternoon. And, three, I need a haircut.”

  He curled his fingers into my hair and gave a little tug. “I hope not to short,” he said as he ran his tongue down my throat. Then just like always he was gone and strolling out the bedroom into the kitchen leaving me dazed.

  Tobias smirked at me as and Sarah burst out laughing I entered the kitchen. I have no idea what they were laughing about and I shot Tobias a dirty look.

  “Maggie did you get hit on your booby?” Josie asked around a mouth full of pancakes.

  What? Looking down at my chest, I see a huge hickey sticking out from the collar of my tank top. Grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl I chucked it at Tobias, who of course with his baseball skills caught it and took a bite. Turning I stalked back into my bedroom to the laughter of Tobias, Sarah and Decker.

  I locked the bathroom door right before I jumped in the shower. As I closed the shower door I heard Tobias jiggle the handle to the door and call my name. “I’m mad at you and not letting you in,” I yelled back at him. His laughter was all I heard as he walked away from the door.

  Emerging twenty minutes later, I walked to the front door and slid on my shoes and coat, completely ignoring Tobias as he called my name from the couch. Leaving the apartment I stood in the hallway waiting for the elevator to arrive. I heard the front door open and in the reflection of the elevator door I could see Tobias leaning against the doorframe.

  “So you’re just going to ignore me now?” He asked.

  I didn’t respond to him. I just waited for the elevator. As the doors opened I walked in and turned around. I looked him up and down and pressed the button for the lobby. He continued to stare at me expecting me to answer him.

  Just as the doors started to slide shut I said, “We’ll see when I get back.” I couldn’t help but laugh as the door closed and I coasted to the lobby.

  As I walked out the front door the press was on me looking for questions about Sarah. Like Decker taught me, I put my head down and kept walking. Thankfully they only followed me a block before losing interest.

  Just as the last one left with a sarcastic “thanks” my body started to buzz with a weird feeling. I looked around the busy street but didn’t see anything weird. The little white man flashed onto the box allowing the gathering crowd to walk across the intersection. Halfway across the street an arm snakes tightly around my waist.

  “What the fuck,” I hissed turning my head to see whose arm it belonged to, about to lay an ass kicking right in the middle of the street.

  Jon’s eyes were burning into me. He was searing with pure anger as he pulled me across the street and into a small ally between two buildings. He pinned me against a building gripping my arm tightly.

  “What the fuck. Let me go! Arschloch!” I gritted out between clenched teeth.

  His grip on my arm tightened almost to the point of tears. I tried all my self defense moves to get him to let go, but he was one step ahead of me blocking whatever move I made.

  “Maggie god damn it, stop it,” he said as he pressed his body against mine halting my attempt to
get him off me.

  His cologne flooded my nose and I went weak against him. Tears streamed down my face “What do you want? Why are you following me? I told you no more.”

  “I’ve miss you. I wanted to come to you last week, but there was too much security at your building. It killed me to see you standing there on TV begging for your friend to come back.”

  “I’m not yours to miss. What we did was wrong and I’ve tried to tell you that but you never listened. You just took over with my body and mind.”

  “You are mine. Please Maggie. I told her I want a divorce. I’ll do whatever you want. Just come back to me.” He pressed his lips to my neck.

  “Jon! No! Listen to me please. You are not leaving your wife. I am not yours. I won’t ever be yours. I’m not going back to you.”

  “Is it because of Tobias Charles? I know that was him the last day at your house.”

  “It’s not because of him, Jon.”

  “Then what is it? I’ve been looking for you since the day you walked away. You don’t answer your phone when I call. Nothing for almost a month and then I see you on TV, standing next to Decker Jensen, crying. It killed me to know you were so close and I didn’t know it. It sliced me open to see you were crying. I wanted to come comfort you so bad.”

  He knew which words to use. It was all sweet talk. If he hadn’t been married when we started this thing, whatever it was we were doing, I may have fallen for this guy. Hell, I did fall for this guy a little, but I couldn’t allow myself to go there.

  Now it was over for sure. Not only because there was something between me and Tobias and I so wanted to explore whatever it is we have going on. But I was not telling Jon that, somehow I feared it would send him over the edge.

  “Jon, you’re married. The fact that you hid it from me and actually was able to cheat on your wife without a second thought is what bothers me. What if that was us ten years down the line. I don’t want to be cheated on. I’ve done that, the feeling sucks. I can’t trust being with you Jon. Maybe if you were upfront we could have worked something out, but not now. Now you go home and fix whatever you need to with your wife and let me move on.”


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