Zombie Farm

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Zombie Farm Page 12

by Crisp, M. L.

  Kyle knew he didn’t have much time before either the windows broke open or they managed to tip the car over. He opened the glove box, rifled through it for a moment, and found the baggie he was looking for. Kyle stuffed it in his pocket, and looked around. Kyle wasn’t exactly sure how to proceed, but he had a straight shot behind him to the courtyard.

  Kyle put the car in reverse, took his foot off the brake, and pushed the gas pedal down as far as it would go. The Gremlin lurched backward, he could feel the car go over what felt like a speed bump, but was actually Coach Wilkens.

  Kyle absent mindedly waved at the zombies he left standing there. But quickly put his hand back on the steering wheel, the courtyard was rapidly approaching. He thought he would be able to maneuver the vehicle through the pillars at the end of the courtyard, but instead, the Gremlin crashed into one of them.

  Marla and Madison watched in stunned silence as all of this transpired. It looked like the band geek was actually going to make it, but what Kyle couldn’t know was that there was still a zombie on the roof of the car, hanging onto the luggage rack.

  Kyle swung the door open and dove head first out of the car, landing on the pavement. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the creatures start advancing his way. He allowed himself a little smile, he knew he could beat them back to the doors.

  The one on top of the vehicle landed on top of Kyle with a thud. Kyle screamed, and was glad Marla wasn’t where she could hear it. Here he was about to join the ranks of the undead, and all he could think of was Marla.

  Kyle pushed at the ghoul, its jaws just inches away from him. Now he wished he’d spent his allowance on a gym membership instead of all those comic books. He could feel his arms weakening as the zombie pressed toward him, and he heard the footfalls of its brethren. Kyle closed his eyes and hoped it would all end quickly.

  He felt the creature’s weight suddenly depart, and he opened his eyes. Mr. Kane was standing there in boxers and a white undershirt, wielding the flagpole from his office, the American flag still dangling from it.

  “Take my hand!” Tyrone bellowed, as he dropped the pole, and extended his hand to the teenager. Kyle reached up and felt his hand enveloped in his principal’s large palm. Mr. Kane yanked him up, and they ran toward the open doors.

  Kyle didn’t so much run as he was drug along by the larger man. Neither one of them dared look back; the creatures were nearly upon them. If the school doors had been just a few inches further, they likely wouldn’t have made it. But Valerie pushed the door open just as they grew nearer, and Mr. Kane, out of breath, lunged forward, holding Kyle as if he was a part of him.

  As soon as they were inside, Valerie yanked the door shut, and the creatures pounded viciously against the metal doors. Valerie looked at them through the small rectangular window, she recognized some of these people. Parents, students, faculty, she could just as easily be among them. She still might be, she pushed the thought out of her head when she heard Tyrone yelling.

  “What the hell were you thinking? What was this all about?” He screamed as he picked himself up off the floor. Kyle looked at Marla, she gazed back at him with pleading eyes. Kyle started sobbing. “I’m sorry Mr. Kane, I just…I wanted out of here. I wanted to get to my family, but I chickened out once I got to the car.”

  Mr. Kane sighed, and put his hand on Kyle’s shoulder. “Son, I know how tough this is, but believe it or not, we’re lucky. We’re in a relatively safe place. It’s only a matter of time before the authorities start sorting this out and then we can reunite with our families. Hopefully our loved ones are barricaded in their homes, or someplace safe, when this is all over, we will see them again. But until that time, all of you are my responsibility, we can’t have shenanigans like this again son. Are we clear?”

  Kyle nodded, Tyrone turned his attention to everyone else in the lobby. “Ok, shows over folks, get back to bed. You’ll need your sleep because tomorrow morning, we’re going to do a field day of the school.”

  “Field day?” Marla asked.

  “That means we’re going to clean it from top to bottom, I want this place to sparkle. No doubt we’re going to be rescued soon, and I want this place looking tip top!”

  The teenagers grumbled about the assignment, but started walking back toward the library. Tyrone and Valerie followed a few feet behind them. “You seriously think we’re going to be rescued soon?” Valerie whispered.

  “I don‘t know, but I have to give these kids something to do to take their minds off the situation. This was too close a call.”

  Valerie stopped, and Tyrone stopped with her. “Sir, I don’t think Kyle was really trying to go home, I saw him glance at Marla when you asked him why he did this.”

  Tyrone looked at her quizzically. “What are you saying Valerie?”

  “I don’t know exactly, I just don’t trust Marla.”

  Mr. Kane took on a stern expression. “Miss Carpenter, I’ve had just about enough of this cattiness. Miss Masters is a very attractive young lady, and sometimes that rubs other women the wrong way. Marla Masters has always been a good student, I consider her a credit to this school. I trust her implicitly.” Mr. Kane said.

  Valerie wanted to argue, but decided against it, men could be so snowed by a pretty face and a nice rack. “You’re right of course, guess I’m just tired.”


  Morning came early, Mr. Kane entered the library banging trash can lids together. The kids reluctantly got up and got dressed. Mr. Kane put Rodney in charge of the cleaning detail. Rodney basked in his authority, he told Marla and Madison to clean all the restrooms. He assigned Kyle and Tess the cafeteria. He would be cleaning the library and auditorium himself if they needed him, and he vowed to inspect their work. “No half assing it!” He declared, to eye rolls.

  Tess was mopping the floor when she saw Marla sneak into the cafeteria. Kyle put down the rag he was using, and met her in the middle of the cafeteria. They whispered for a moment, and Kyle started to follow her out. “Where are you going?” Tess yelled.

  “I’ll be back in a little bit.” Kyle answered.

  “I’m not cleaning all this myself!” Tess declared.

  Marla rolled her eyes. “Oh my gawd, take a chill pill Grossberger, eat another stick of butter or something.”

  Kyle shrugged his shoulders and followed Marla out. After they left, Tess sat down and started to cry.

  Marla pulled Kyle into the bathroom, Madison was busy scrubbing the toilet. “Like, did you get it?” Marla asked excitedly.

  Kyle grinned, reached into his pocket, and pulled out a baggie of pot. “Got it!”

  Marla stared at the baggie for a moment, and then hugged Kyle. “You are, like, totally my hero!”

  Kyle was instantly hard. “You want to go somewhere private and smoke this?”

  Marla smirked. “Totally, but we have to be careful, Miss Flatchest is watching me like a hawk. I came and got you when she went to do something else. After Rodney does his inspection, meet up with me in the band room, ‘k?”

  Kyle was ready to bust right now, but he knew she was right. “Sure, I can’t wait!”

  “Hey, that was quick thinking with the whole, ‘I was trying to go home’ thing.” Madison looked up and said.

  “Thanks, it’s all I could think of at the moment.” Kyle didn’t say it, but it wasn’t completely a lie, for a moment out there, he did consider leaving. But then he thought of Marla, and couldn’t.

  “Well, you totally did a great job, I’m, like, so proud of you!” Marla said.

  Kyle heard footsteps, and quickly shoved the baggie back into his pocket. Miss Carpenter came in, and had a look of dissatisfaction on her face. “What are you doing in here Kyle?” She asked.

  “Um, I was just taking a break is all Miss Carpenter.”

  “Well, get back to your work station, Mr. Kane wants this place spotless by the end of the day.”


  Kyle descended the stairs to the band room,
even before the dead rising, this part of the school always gave him the willies. He knocked softly on the band room door, Madison cracked open the door and let him in.

  Kyle was a little disappointed Madison was there. “Um, no offense, but I didn’t know you were going to be here Madison.”

  Marla stepped forward, put her hands on his waist, “she’s just going to be here while we blaze up. After that, it’ll just be me and you.”

  Kyle leaned in and kissed Marla, it was a slow, lingering kiss that Marla eventually pulled away from. “We’ll have plenty of time for that, let’s toke up.”

  They all sat Indian style on the ugly green carpet, Kyle nervously rolled a joint. When he was finished, Marla took it from him and placed it between her bright red lips. She produced a lighter from her purse, and lit up. She took a long satisfying drag, and held the intoxicating smoke in as the feeling of euphoria washed over her.

  Madison held out her hand, and Marla handed her the joint, she took a toke and grinned. Kyle took his turn, they were all in various stages of happiness. They spent a few minutes passing the joint around, it was gone quickly. Marla looked at Kyle, and leaned over to her sister and whispered something in her ear.

  Madison nodded, smiled knowingly, and then got up and stepped outside into the vestibule. She crossed her arms and stood lookout.

  Marla looked at Kyle with a sly grin. Kyle smiled back. “are you relaxed?” He asked.

  “Very.” Marla said.

  “You said when you’re relaxed that…”

  “I know what I said.” Marla stated.

  “Do you, um, still want…”

  “I don’t Welch.”

  “Uh, what next?” Kyle asked.

  “Take off your clothes.” Marla ordered.

  Kyle quickly doffed his clothes, started to move forward. Marla stopped his advance. “Relax, just lay back and enjoy this!” She purred.

  Kyle laid on the floor, Marla pulled her panties off from under her cheerleading skirt, and straddled Kyle. She removed her skirt and lifted her sweater over her head, placing the garments next to her. She wore nothing but her bra. “Do you want to open your present?” Marla asked, teasingly.

  Kyle reached around her back and fumbled with the clasp, Marla finally stopped him and removed it herself. Kyle gazed in awe at Marla’s breasts, unable to form a coherent sentence.

  Marla smiled. “Pretty amazing huh?”

  Kyle could only nod his head. “Want to touch them?” She asked.

  Marla took his hands and placed them on her breasts. “I…I’ve never really done this before.” Kyle croaked.

  Marla smiled condescendingly. “I know that sweetie, don’t worry, I’ll do all the work this first time.” She pulled one of the condoms out of the pockets of his discarded jeans, opened it, and gently rolled it over his rock hard penis.

  She hovered over him, reached down and slid him inside her. Kyle could feel himself about to come, but did his best to hold back. Marla rocked back and forth, Kyle was in never before felt ecstasy. Marla wasn’t in ecstasy, but she was enjoying the moment, and then Kyle exploded inside her.

  Kyle’s face turned beet red. “I’m sorry Marla, that was fast.”

  Marla leaned over him and laughed. “That’s ok sweetie, I’m not going anywhere, you’re with Marla Masters, I’m sure you’ll be hard again in no time!” Less than five minutes later, it turned out, she was right.



  Allison walked the empty halls of Westlake High, she enjoyed it, it was good exercise. It also gave her time to herself to think, about her life before this, and what it is now. She cared for Scott, but even he had become distant over the last few weeks. Whenever she brought it up, he said it was just her imagination, but it wasn’t.

  The group spent a lot of time in the library, reading, playing board games, and trying to pass the time with charades. Marla also liked to perform some of her cheerleading routines for them. She had offered to teach her some of her old routines, but she was not so politely rebuffed.

  She assumed that her and that kid Kyle had some kind of falling out. When they first arrived, he followed Marla around like a puppy dog. An unwanted puppy dog, she did everything but kick him. Most of them were a bit standoffish, but Madison had taken up with Allison, she would spend hours listening to her old modeling stories.

  Allison liked her well enough, but she was running out of stories to tell, and had grown a little tired of her clinginess. That’s why she had ducked out today, before she could start asking her questions.

  The walls were lined with plaques and trophies. The trophies were mostly of the second and third place variety. Westlake High seemed to be thoroughly mediocre.

  The Tess girl was very nice, but had a confidence problem. Allison couldn’t understand it, she was very pretty in the face, with the right diet plan and a little discipline, she could see the girl becoming a model.

  In the old world anyway, that world seemed further and further away with each passing day. Still, she felt for the poor girl, there was obviously some animosity between her and Marla.

  Allison was reaching the end of the hall, and was going to turn back when she saw Mr. Kane walking toward her. “Hey there, sorry, I must have lost my hall pass.” Allison joked.

  “I’ll let it slide this time.” He joked back.

  Allison suddenly thought of something, “I was wondering, in some of those pictures that line the walls, there’s a student dressed like a squirrel.”

  “That would be Nutter, the school mascot.”

  “That’s my question, the football team is called the Westlake Rockets, shouldn’t the mascot be an astronaut, or at least an alien or something?”

  Mr. Kane smirked, “that would make sense wouldn’t it?”

  “I’m sensing there’s a story there.”

  “Yes, prior to 1981, we were the Westlake Pilgrims, and the mascot was a turkey. Well, of course, our opponents always had a field day with that, given our track record on the field. The decision was made to change our name to something more modern, there were a lot of suggestions. It came down to the Jets or the Rockets, a school vote decided on Rockets.

  “How does that explain…”

  Tyrone held up his hand. “I’m getting to that. Once that decision was made, our band teacher was assigned the task of finding an appropriate mascot. Don’t ask me why it was the band teacher, it wasn’t my decision. Anyway, she was given money out of our funds to purchase a costume. She came back with the squirrel get up.”

  “”How did she come up with that?”

  “That’s what we asked her, she said, and I quote, ’Nutter is just nuts about the Rockets!’”

  Mr. Kane laughed at his story, obviously told many times, and Allison chuckled as well.

  “Say, Tyrone, have you seen Scott around?”

  “I believe I did earlier, over by the band room. I was up that way to check the doors. Got to do something to stay busy.”

  “No kidding, guess I’ll go see if he’s still there.”

  “Ok. We’ll be having supper in about an hour, we’re going to pop open some canned peaches for desert.”

  “We’ll be there!”

  Allison continued into the lobby, and on to the entrance to the stairs that led to the band room. This area always seemed so spooky to her, there was rarely anyone around. Maybe that’s why Scott was over here, to find some privacy. She could definitely relate.

  She entered the darkness of the vestibule, and descended the stairs. Coming to the bottom, she saw Madison standing outside the band room. Suddenly Madison noticed her, and Allison saw a quick flash of panic. It was gone quickly, replaced by a fixed smile that didn’t ring true.

  “Oh, hey Allison, I was just looking for you!”

  “Down here?”

  “Um, yeah, I couldn’t find you anywhere else. Hey, let’s go up to the library and you can tell me some more modeling stories!”

  Allison stopped her, put
ting her hands on her shoulders. “Maybe in a little bit, have you seen Scott?”

  “No I haven’t, come on, let’s go!” Madison said, pulling free of Allison and starting up the stairs.

  Allison heard faint noises emanating from behind the closed door. She ignored Madison and quickly opened the door. She gasped when she saw Scott standing there, naked, with Marla on her knees, going down on him.

  Allison turned and ran past Madison up the stairs. Scott was trying to push Marla off of him. “No baby, let me finish!” She pleaded.

  Scott ignored her, pulled up his underwear, and ran out of the room. Marla stood up and wiped her mouth. Madison entered the room. “I think we’re going to be in trouble.” Madison said.

  “Totally, but it was worth it just to see the look on Jack’O’ Lantern Lady’s face!”

  “For you maybe.”

  “Hey, weren’t you, like, supposed to be keeping Pumpkin Face busy?” Marla lectured.

  “I tried sis, but I couldn’t find her, so I stood lookout. She wouldn’t leave. Sorry.”

  “Whatever, I’m glad Snaggletooth knows!”


  Allison ran into the library, with Scott close behind her. The others looked up to see Allison in tears, and Scott, his bare chest covered in familiar red lipstick imprints.

  Marla and Madison weren’t far behind. Valerie walked over and put her arms around Allison. Mr. Kane was staring in disbelief. “What the hell is going on here?” Tyrone demanded.

  “It’s just a misunderstanding is all.” Scott said, pathetically.

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on, it looks like he was messing around with my girlfriend!” Kyle shouted.

  “I am so totally not your girlfriend!” Marla shot back.

  Kyle looked hurt. “But, we…”

  “Like, I’ve totally been ignoring you for weeks, catch a clue dork!”

  “How could you?” Allison sobbed, her eyes stabbing daggers into Scott.


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