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Phthalo Blues: Fragments

Page 4

by Will Wallner

  "Don't do that!" Small pieces of cookie flew out of Clyde's mouth, as he blurted out to his mother. "He'll kill me. That's why he got so crazy today." He spoke with his mouth stuffed full of cookies. "Don't worry mum, I'll figure something out." Clyde took a big slurp of milk and ate the last cookie. "How long until dinner is ready?"

  "It will be ready by the time your father gets home. Do you want to help me with the cooking? It might be fun."

  "No, that's ok mum, I'm gonna go upstairs to my room and play video games, see you later."


  Clyde's family sat around the dinner table. There was just Clyde with his mother and father. The three of them lived a very typical family life. Clyde's father worked in the financial district of Tech City, while his mother stayed at home. Dinner was Clyde's favorite meal of the day. His mother always made sure to make triple the normal amount. Both Clyde and his father would often have a second or even a third portion. Dinner time was usually spent listening to Clyde's father share what had happened that day during work. This particular evening, he was especially excited to share what had happened.

  "If I can close this deal, it'll be the biggest thing I've ever done. I'll be promoted, for sure." Just like Clyde, his father spoke in between bites, with his mouth full. "I just have to convince the other side it's in their best interest to work with us. That's the key." He took a huge mouthful of catula sprouts.

  "They're sitting on this huge plot of empty land, which they're trying to sell to a developer. The problem is, it's too big, and it's not really in a good location for a large development. They haven't realized they could divide the land into many smaller parcels, and easily rent them, one by one, to small time investors. They're stuck believing the only way to make big money, is by making one big sale to a mega corporation. With my plan, they would actually make way more money, long term. We'd do all the work and manage the land for them. So, they can just sit back, and enjoy the money, as it rolls in. We'd take a small commission, but in the long run, it would add up to a huge amount, and it would go on forever. We just have to convince them to see the big picture and go along with our plan." After another mouthful, he continued.

  "You see Clyde, in business, it's better to make a little amount of money, on a regular basis, than get a big amount of money just once. Some people can only focus on the now and are too greedy. Smart business people know the power of long-term investments. In life, you need to think long term. That's how you get really rich and make some serious money." At that moment, something clicked in Clyde's mind. For the first time in his life, Clyde was genuinely interested in listening to what his father had to say.


  The next day at the school playground, Mickey and his gang of youths patrolled the area, looking for anyone who stepped out of line. They circled the grounds like a pack of hyenas, cackling in jest, as they made fun of everyone around them.

  "Look at how fat she is!"

  "Hey dumbass! Your dad is a loser!"

  "Go home and cry to mommy, pathetic piece of shit!"

  They ridiculed and taunted everyone in their path. Constantly trying to 'one up' each other with more vicious insults. Mickey was like a rabid dog, looking for anyone he could sink his teeth into.

  "Hey Mickey, I want to talk to you!"

  A voice came out of nowhere, breaking the spell of hysterical laughter between the cruel boys. Mickey couldn't believe who was calling him out.

  "Clyde?!?! I thought you would have learned your lesson after the beating you took yesterday. I guess fatty isn’t too smart after all." Mickey pounded his fists together, signaling his followers to get ready to pounce. "So, what is it you wanna talk about, fat boy?"

  "I want to make a deal with you." Clyde nervously said, as he looked at Mickey's gang, who had started to circle around him. "I have an idea that can help you, but I want to talk in private, just you and me."

  "How can a piece of shit like you possibly help me?" Mickey wasn't interested in what Clyde had to say.

  "Well for starters, I can help you make more money. Don't take this wrong way, but just randomly targeting people in the playground for their lunch money isn't the smartest way to go about it." He nervously waited for Mickeys reaction.

  "Are you calling me stupid, fat ass!" Mickey pounded his fists harder.

  "You're not stupid! You just need some guidance. I can help you come up with a better plan. If you're smart, you could be making tons more money. Just hear me out. If you don’t like what I have to say, you can beat on me until the sun goes down." Clyde couldn’t believe the words coming out of his mouth. He didn’t know where this bravery came from.

  "Alright, you've got 5 minutes, I'll listen to what you have to say." Mickey signaled for his friends to leave them alone. "Now speak!"

  "Mickey, I'm sure you realize, everyone at school is terrified of you. You like to bully us for our lunch money, but right now, you just randomly pick on whoever you want. It's a gamble, sometimes they hand it over, but sometimes they put up a fight, or tell the teachers. You can get more money, with less risk, if you just came up with a better strategy." Mickey listened to Clyde but didn't understand where he was going. As tough and big Mickey was for his age, he lacked intelligence.

  "You need to think long term. What I'm saying is, you should make every single person in this playground, give you a small share of their lunch money, each and every day. If they don't, then you'll come find them, and beat it out of them. But you won't have to do that, they'll gladly hand over a smaller amount of money, if it means keeping them safe. If you try to get the full amount, you risk someone putting up a fight, but if you only ask for a smaller amount, it's guaranteed they'd agree to it. The rest of us kids would gladly pay for our safety if it could be bought for a small fraction of our lunch money." Clyde spoke as Mickey remained silent, trying to process what he was hearing.

  "Think of it like this, one kids lunch money is about 10 satoshis. You'll most likely get it if you demand it, but you'll probably have to beat it out of them. That's a lot of work for 10 satoshis. There are a hundred kids in this playground, who would gladly hand over just 1 satoshi, without any fight, if it meant keeping them safe. Would you rather get 10 satoshis from just one kid, or 1 satoshi from 100 kids?" Mickey's eyes widened, as he started to catch on to what Clyde was saying.

  "It'll also be far less work for you guys. You'd make many times as much money, as you've been getting so far, and furthermore, I could do all the work for you. I'll go around to everyone, every day and collect the money." Mickey was practically salivating at the idea. "Your most valuable asset is the fear others feel towards you. Up until now, you haven’t been maximizing the value of that fear. I'll help you generate the most the profit, in exchange for one thing." Clyde had finished his pitch. Now it was time for the final close.

  "What do you want?" Mickey knew this valuable information would come with a price. He was interested to hear what Clyde wanted in exchange.

  "Just promise to never pick on me again. Stop calling me fat boy. Let me hangout with you guys. I can be a valuable member of your gang. Just be cool to me." For the first time in his life, Clyde was speaking to Mickey as an equal.

  "Alright Clyde, you've got a deal." Mickey stuck out his hand and Clyde was happy to accept. In that moment, there was a genuine sense of respect between both parties.

  "Good, now let's use fear to make some serious money." Clyde had successfully negotiated a deal between himself and Mickey. He wouldn’t be a victim anymore and his father would be so proud.


  Sector 13

  Day 25 Month 12 Year 2032

  The crowd erupted into a chorus of cheers. Ryuu's speech had ignited their lust for revenge and freedom. They waited on his every word, desperately anticipating what he would tell them to do next.

  "They stole everything from us the moment we were born. It was not our crimes that forced our ancestors to be marooned in this hell. Yet we still pay for it, without any
chance of escape. The citizens on the other side have, for too long, turned a blind eye to our suffering. No man, woman, or child will be allowed to live peacefully, until we are given freedom. They are just as guilty as the politicians who refuse to give us citizenship. If they refuse to give us what is rightfully ours, then we will take it by force! Think of all our children who starved to death. All our loved ones who died of radiation poisoning. The mega corporations in Capitol City, used our home as a garbage dump, poisoning our loved ones with toxic waste. We'll make them all pay for what they've done to us. We'll kill them all!"

  The crowd exploded in a frenzy of screams. Behind the podium, from where Ryuu addressed the crowd, Larvos watched, meticulously analyzing Ryuu's speech. Was this real? After so many years of bloodshed, were they now on the same side? Larvos had to believe this was for the good of his people and all the citizens of Sector 13. Actually, they weren't citizens. They lived on a tiny parcel of land, just outside the borders of Northern Continent. For political reasons, Capitol City wouldn't allow them official citizenship. For far too long, the inhabitants of Sector 13 were left to live in squalor. After his speech, Ryuu left the podium and offered it to Larvos.

  "Go ahead my friend, speak to them. This is history!" Ryuu made a fist, as if he was grabbing freedom in the palm of his hand. Larvos gracefully nodded and approached the podium.

  "This historic joining of our two forces, will guarantee our freedom. By working side by side, we will conquer those who have enslaved us for so many years. Together, we will build a brighter future for our children. It won’t be easy. There are many battles ahead of us. We will have to fight in order to build this future, but I believe in the power of our people. Our will and determination are unstoppable. The Gutter Rats and The Vultures no longer exist, from this day forth, we are Crimson Blade!"

  The crowd raised their fists in solidarity, chanting 'Crimson Blade' along with Larvos. Now Ryuu watched from the sidelines.

  "He's so boring." Ryuu discretely spoke to one of his confidants; a young woman in her late teens. "He has no idea how to inspire or lead. That's why we were able to defeat them so many times in combat." In an act of disgust, Ryuu spat on the ground. "Those filthy rats will never be our equal. They'll always be the vermin that plagues us."

  "So then why this alliance?" The young woman asked Ryuu.

  "Valentine, my dear, sometimes you have to work alongside those who aren't worthy, if it means achieving a greater goal. Make no mistakes, Larvos and the Gutter Rats will always be our enemy. We just have to put our animosity on hold for a while. When this is all over, they'll be wiped out for good, and the Vultures will live free, and rule supreme. I promise you, I will lead our people to freedom." Even with an audience of just Valentine, Ryuu spoke like he was still giving an impassioned speech to the large crowd.

  "It seems like such an extreme deception. Is this all really necessary?" Valentine was young and idealistic. She wanted to believe she was on the right side, that Ryuu really was the great leader he claimed to be.

  "Valentine, do you doubt me? Haven't I earned your trust? I cannot lead unless I have your absolute faith in my abilities. Unless we are all truly in this together, as a single unit, we will ultimately fail. Valentine, I ask you once again, do I have your loyalty?" Ryuu's eyes burned a hole in her soul, there was no escape.

  "I am a Vulture, my life is yours." She looked into his eyes with sincerity. "I trust you with my life. You will lead us to freedom." Valentine paused, before asking the most precious thing on her mind. "Ryuu, when this is over, will you allow him to join us?" Her question irritated him.

  "Your brother has not earned his place amongst our ranks. While I believe he was not involved in that assassination attempt, for now, he will have to wait until the time is right to prove his loyalty to us." Valentine listened to Ryuu's words and fought with all of her strength to hold back her tears. "Please understand Valentine, I am about to change the world. This is the most important moment in our history. I can only allow those who I trust, unconditionally, to give their lives for the Vultures to join us. You have proven yourself to me to be worthy, but your brother will have to wait." Ryuu placed his hands on her shoulders and gripped her hard. "Ask me about this matter again when we have conquered Tiberia. I promise I will consider it then. Now wait for me in my chambers. Is that buffoon still rambling?"

  Ryuu turned his attention back to the stage where Larvos had just finished giving his speech. The crowd erupted with unanimous praise and cheered louder than they had before. Ryuu listened and snarled at how fickle the people could be. Valentine left him, as ordered, and joined a small a group of Vultures who were Ryuu's personal guard. They were his inner circle, and the only ones he trusted with his sinister plans. Valentine entered the room and took her place alongside her comrades.

  "The people are with us!" Ryuu congratulated Larvos on his speech. "Soon, freedom will be ours. We will launch our attack very soon. My contact in Tiberia is just finalizing the details. We'll use the AW Corp railway system to sneak our forces directly into the city. It will be a quick victory."

  "When will I meet this ally of ours?" This wasn't the first time Larvos had asked this question.

  "It's best not to share his identity. If he were discovered to be working with us, then it will all be over." Ryuu knew he couldn't let Max Wolfhart's identity to be revealed.

  "If we really are partners in this, I must know everything that you do. Please Ryuu, I would feel much better if I knew everyone involved in our operation." Larvos spoke with sincerity.

  "Larvos, as far as I'm concerned, we are now brothers. Of course, you must know everything there is to know about our invasion. Forgive me, I promise to introduce you to each other as soon as possible." Ryuu looked directly into Larvos eyes, then someone else caught his attention. "Look Larvos, your son is here to congratulate you on your monumental speech."

  "Dylan?!" Larvos embraced his son with a deep hug and held him tight. "What did you think?"

  "You were amazing father!" Dylan was in his late teens, approaching adulthood. "I brought someone with me. I wanted to introduce you to a special person." The young man waved towards a nervous looking girl, hiding discretely, trying not to be noticed. "It's all right Jet! Come on over!"

  "I think it's time for me to return to my chambers." Ryuu had a devilish grin, as he looked at Jet. He knew he should give Larvos' family some privacy. "We'll speak again in the morning, goodnight." Before he left, Ryuu patted Dylan firmly on his back, almost like a coach encouraging one of his players. By showing affection towards Dylan, Ryuu thought it would endear him to Larvos. With Ryuu gone, Larvos let out a big sigh of relief.

  "Thank goodness that's over. I hate giving speeches." Although he kept up his cool persona in front of virtually everyone, Dylan was the one person on Eros who Larvos allowed behind the curtain. He would drop the rockstar act only for his son. In truth, Larvos had been incredibly nervous all day leading up to his speech. Now it was finally over, he needed an opportunity to release his pent-up tension.

  "But father, you're so good at it. The people of Sector 13 are all behind you. They know you will lead us to freedom, so we can begin our new life." Dylan spoke passionately. He believed in his father.

  "After we conquer Tiberia, I'm looking forward to living out my days away from the spotlight. I just want a peaceful life after everything we've been through." Larvos looked at Dylan and imagined a world where he could just be a father, and not a military leader.

  "Father, you know even after we are free, the people will still look to you for guidance. You will always be our leader." Larvos knew Dylan was right.

  "I don't want to think about that." He chuckled to himself. "Now, who is this fine young lady standing before me?" Larvos felt it was rude to ignore Jet for much longer.

  "Father, this is Jet. She's the girl I've been telling you about." Dylan pulled Jet out of the shadows. She was starstruck to be standing before Larvos. For many people in Sector 13, Larvos was
similar to a celebrity. He was the legendary leader of the Gutter Rats, who had fought against Ryuu during their bitter rivalry. For many years, Ryuu and the Vultures had been mortal enemies to Larvos and the Gutter Rats. Not everyone in Sector 13 was affiliated with one of these factions. There were people who didn’t want to get involved in the deadly conflict. They just wanted to live peacefully, but in Sector 13, the lack of food or basic living supplies, meant at some point or another, you had to fight to survive. Those who weren't killed in the battle for precious resources, would eventually succumb to starvation, or even worse, radiation poisoning.


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