LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5)

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LYRIC (Aces MC Series Book 6.5) Page 6

by Aimee-Louise Foster

  "Well she probably had her reasons. I don't mind you playing on mine." I placed my hand into my pocket and pulled out my phone. I opened it with my thumbprint and scrolled across the screen looking for a suitable game.

  "Ah, you'll like this one." I clicked on the app and increased the volume so Poppy could hear the music. I gave her the phone and she accepted excitedly.

  "Right, sit still and I'll get through this hair." I picked up the comb and used it to section Poppy's hair. I started braiding and quickly found my rhythm again.

  As I worked, I was able to look around the yard and people watch, which was one of my favourite things to do to pass the time.

  There was a lovely atmosphere at the clubhouse and a real community spirit. There was a variety of different ages and hierarchy but I didn't see any issues, everyone seemed to get on well.

  As I glanced around the yard, I caught TUG's eye. He gave me a small nod, his way of acknowledging me and I smiled. He had made me feel very welcome and I was grateful to have a friend.

  Thirty minutes passed and I put in the last hair band. "Finished!" I stated as I inspected Poppy's hair.

  She passed me my phone and wriggled from the bench and onto the ground.

  "Sorry baby have your legs gone dead?"

  She looked at me confused.

  "I mean have you got a pain in your leg from where you've been sitting for so long?"

  She nodded. "Come here." I stated encouraging her to step closer.

  Poppy stepped forward and I bent down to rub her legs gently to get the circulation going.

  "Is that better?"

  "You two seem to be getting on well."

  I turned to be greeted by TUGS. "Yes, she's a sweetie."

  I returned my attention to Poppy. "Right, you're good to go." I sat back on the bench and watched as she ran as quick as her little legs would carry her, over to the play area in the yard.

  "I took the liberty of getting you a drink." He placed what looked to be a pint of either beer or cider on to the picnic bench.

  I glanced at my watch, "It's still a little early for me."

  "Well that's why I brought you this also." TUGS held up a can of lemonade.

  I smiled, "That was very thoughtful of you."

  "You're welcome." TUGS placed the can onto the table and turned on his heels to stroll back to the small crowd of guys standing by the barbecue.

  I was a little disappointed that he didn't stay to chat but understood that he was a busy guy and that I was just the hired help. I stood and stretched. It was nearing lunchtime and I was a little hungry. I picked up my can of lemonade and slowly walked towards the play area.

  Poppy was enjoying herself. She followed Devon's every move as she climbed the apparatus. It was good to see her smile and enjoy herself. From what I knew, she didn't have the best start in life. She had a mum who loved her but she didn't always make the right decisions in life and therefore this had an impact on the upbringing of Poppy. Adie was fourteen when she had Poppy so both of them had it tough from the very beginning.

  The social worker was coming tomorrow to look at Poppy's living arrangements and to talk to Lyric regarding her welfare. I was hoping that they would be pleased with what they saw and that they would allow us to care for her. I wasn't a replacement for her mum but I would happily be her constant female care giver until her mum was released. This would also help Lyric out until he got himself on his feet.

  I didn't get the impression that he wanted to be a full time carer. He was young and had a lot going on but if he was prepared to pay me and treat me with respect, then I was prepared to stick around. The bonus was that Poppy was a sweet little girl. All she wanted was love and affection and I'm sure she'd get that being around the ACES.

  Poppy had stayed at Amy's last night but tonight, the plan was for her to stay here. The room needed cleaning and if it was a long-term thing then it could be decorated to make it more to her liking.

  I realised that I was smiling and sniggered to myself. I loved my job because it allowed me to travel the world and meet new people. Who knew though, that for the first time I would feel accepted in my chosen profession and could truly see myself building a life, would be right on the doorstep of the town that I was born.

  "Careful baby, you don't want to fall." I rushed towards the apparatus and held my hand behind Poppy as she climbed the wall.

  "I'm okay, I'm a big girl."

  "Not as big as me because I'm six and you're only four." I looked up to see Devon peering over the railings.

  "I'm still big though because I'll be going to school soon."

  Her comment made me think. If she was going to be here for a while, we would need to think about schools.

  "You could come to the same school as me and Tommy." Devon screamed excitedly. "I have lots of friends and we could play together at break and lunchtimes."

  Poppy's face lit up brightly. She was loving the attention from everyone and it made me wonder exactly what life she'd had before she joined us here.

  "They seem to be getting on well." I turned to see Spike smiling in the children's direction.

  I slowly nodded, "Devon's a character that's for sure."

  "Is that a polite way for saying she doesn't shut up?"

  His smirk reassured me that he was only joking. "Not at all, she's a breath of fresh air."

  "She's many things, that's for sure."

  Devon noticed Spike and waved. "Dad this is Poppy, she's family because she's Lyrics niece. She's going to join our school and I'm going to show her everything." Devon drew a big circle with her arms as she explained the situation at 100 miles an hour.

  "Is that right poppet, well then she's a very lucky girl."

  I smiled at their interaction. Spike wasn't her father but he was doing a very good job at filling that position.

  "Have you thought about schools yet?" he asked.

  "Not until Devon mentioned it earlier. It will go in our favour if we consider all these factors before the social worker comes tomorrow though."

  "And what else should we be thinking about?"

  As far as I was aware, Spike wasn't related to Lyric but he was talking as if he was.

  "We need to have a room for her. Lyric hasn't got the space at his bedsit so therefore she needs a permanent base somewhere. It makes sense that it's here because that's where I'll be living."

  "I don't think social services will like it."

  "They want to keep Poppy with her family rather than putting her into care so if we get her a bedroom, get her a place at school and cater for all of her needs, then I think they will be happy with the care we'll be providing."

  Spike nodded, "Okay well you and Lyric can sort out the school and the care but what should we do about the room?"

  "There is a room available at the back of the clubhouse, I think it's next door to TUGS's room. It could do with a lick of paint and the carpet needs cleaning." I hoped that I wasn't talking out of turn or coming across bossy.

  "Consider it done."

  "What do you mean?" I asked drawing my brows.

  "Exactly that. I'll get a couple of Prospects on it this afternoon and it'll be done for tomorrow."

  "Won't they be upset if you ask them to work on a Sunday?" I really hoped that I hadn't just given someone a lot of work to do on their day off.

  He laughed, "They will do as they're told."

  "Oh, okay as long as you're sure." I replied fidgeting.

  "Poppy!" he shouted towards the play area.

  She popped her head around the slide, "Yeah?"

  "What's your favourite colour?"

  "Yellow!" she shouted loudly.

  Spike gave her a thumbs up as her little face became confused.

  "Yellow it is." He gave me a playful wink before turning on his heels and making his way towards the clubhouse.

  Well it looked like she was getting her room decorated a lot sooner than anticipated.

  "Her hair looks great Vics." Lyric h
ad just strolled over to place Poppy onto the swing.

  "Thank you, I'll have to teach you how to do it."

  The sudden look of horror on his face made me smile. "It's really not that difficult."

  "If you say so."

  I walked towards them as he pushed Poppy higher on the swings. "Are you all ready for tomorrow?"

  "Well I'll be here with Poppy but as for sorting anything else out, I don't know what to do." He shrugged and looked like a helpless boy.

  "Well, I was thinking of contacting the local primary schools to get her on the waiting lists at least. If they don't mind giving us a tour, maybe we can go later in the week if you can get some time off work."

  He nodded and I could tell that he was overwhelmed.

  "Spike has said that he'll sort out her room here in the clubhouse. He mentioned asking Prospects to do it but I bet that'll mean more to you than me."

  Lyric smiled, "I do appreciate your help."

  "Not a problem, that's what you'll be paying me for." I held up my hand to block the sun shining into my eyes.

  "But besides all that." He looked around the yard, "This can be very daunting to people but you've just accepted and got on with it."

  Now it was my time to smile. "I was looking for a new challenge and I think I've found that for sure."

  "I wanna get off now." Poppy yelled from the swing.

  Lyric grabbed either side of the seat and slowly stopped it from swinging further.

  She wriggled from the seat and once her feet were firmly on the ground she ran to the steps of the slide.

  "Life will never be the same again." Lyric stated watching Poppy run off.

  "That's true but it will give you a focus and she will make you a better person."

  He glanced at me confused.

  "Children ground you and make you humble. You'll appreciate her and what she makes you become." I wasn't patronising him. I didn't know much about his life but I knew how children made you feel.

  He let out a sigh. "Or I could resent her for turning my world upside down."

  "Is that what you think she's done?"

  He shrugged and I held my tongue from giving him a lashing. I placed my hand gently on his forearm, "Embrace it, I promise you won't regret it."

  "This looks rather cosy."

  I turned to see Duke and immediately dropped my hand from Lyric's arm as I didn't want him getting the wrong idea.

  "We're discussing possible schools for Poppy."

  "Anyone would think you're a happy couple," he stated bluntly.

  "Ha-Ha!" Lyric stated dryly.

  "Well two of my Prospects are starting to decorate your niece's bedroom, the least you could do is help out."

  "I wanted to chill out this afternoon, I've got a big day tomorrow with the social worker."

  I rolled my eyes at his lack of commitment. "Look, it's more important that you bond with Poppy. Stay out here and watch her and I'll go in and help."

  "Really?" Lyric asked.

  I nodded, "Sure."

  "You're too soft Vics." Duke stated harshly. "Don't let him take the piss out of you coz he will given the chance."

  "I am here!" Lyric stated looking between myself and Duke.

  "I'm doing what's best for that little girl." I pointed at Poppy as she zoomed around the apparatus.

  I opened the door to the room that was going to be Poppy's. It was at the back of the clubhouse so it wouldn't be too noisy for her and with a bit of TLC, I'm sure it could be made to look lovely.

  The Prospects weren't here yet but I decided to start clearing the room.

  I grabbed the chest of drawers and pulled it away from the wall. It was heavier than expected so I removed the drawers one by one and took them out in to the corridor propping them against the wall. There wasn't much in here in way of furniture so it wouldn't take long but there was a musky smell that I wanted to get rid of. I walked to the window and pulled on the hanging strings to open the blinds. These would need to be replaced but that was something we could do once we had decided how long Poppy would be here for.

  I grabbed the two long metal handles and moved them so the window could be opened. A small breeze entered the room and I was pleased that it would soon start to smell fresh.

  "Right what do you want me to move?" I turned to see TUGS's standing in the doorway.

  "I can't expect you to help, you go and enjoy the barbecue and drinks, I'll manage here."

  "Word of advice, if a guy offers to help it's because he wants to not that he feels obliged."

  I smiled, his words were true. He wouldn't be standing here on a sunny afternoon if he wasn't prepared to help.

  "Well, I've got to clear this room as much as possible. The bedside cabinets need to be placed in the corridor along with the mattress and the wardrobe."

  TUGS's nodded, "That's fine, I'll get on it."

  I watched as he stepped into the room. His shear frame filled the space as he easily lifted the mattress from the bed and carried it from the room.

  I let out a sigh of relief knowing that we would quickly get this room cleared and then we would get on with decorating it for Poppy.

  "Where do you want these?" Spike and two young men were carrying an array of different items from paint, brushes and cushions.

  "Can you leave everything in the corridor until the room is cleared?" I asked.

  "Yep, put everything down there." Spike pointed to the floor and the two guys' with him did as they were told. "Victoria, leave Buster and Ramsey to it. They can give you a shout when all of the heavy lifting and painting is completed. Then you can do all of the pretty stuff that us men are crap at."

  I nodded, "Okay." I strolled from the room allowing them to enter the bedroom. I glanced quickly over my shoulder to see TUGS, Spike and the other two men go about their business of removing the rest of the furniture from the room and smiled.

  These men were being selfless and their actions would make a little girl very happy.

  Chapter 6


  "It looks great."

  I glanced over my shoulder to see Lyric leaning against the doorframe of Poppy's bedroom.

  I smiled, "They've done a fantastic job in such a short amount of time."

  "Don't be so modest, you were involved in the decoration to. I heard that you were up until the early hours sorting out curtains, bedding and toys."

  "All part of my job."

  "Is it? You don't officially start until this morning."

  I smiled and looked beside him. "Where's Poppy?"

  "Eating Coco-Pops with Recon."

  I drew my brows, "Recon eats Coco-Pops?"

  Lyric nodded, "Yep, I'm surprised he's sharing them."

  I laughed and walked towards him, "We better go and rescue Poppy before the social worker turns up."

  Lyric stepped back before making his way up the corridor towards the bar and I followed closely nervous regarding what the future now held for Poppy.

  "Did you enjoy your cereal?" Lyric asked pulling out a stool to sit beside Poppy.

  She nodded enthusiastically, "Recon said he only lets special people use his cereal."

  "Well that makes you very special then." I placed my hand on the back of her stool and stood beside her.

  I felt Recon's eye's bore into my skin but ignored his hostility. I had a job to do and that involved making sure that Poppy wasn't taken into care. If Duke was happy with me being around I didn't understand what his problem was.


  We all turned towards the door to see two ladies make their way into the building. Lyric stood and made his way towards them with his hand held out.

  "Good morning, pleased to see you again."

  The older lady smiled, "Likewise."

  This must've been the social worker that dropped Poppy off on Friday.

  "And who's this?" she asked looking over his shoulder towards me.

  I smiled and made my way towards her while extending my hand, "Hi,
I'm Victoria. Poppy's au pair and you are?" I wanted to know exactly who I was dealing with regarding Poppy's welfare.

  "I'm Mrs Green, Poppy's social worker and this is Miss Hodes, she's in her second year of training."

  "Nice to meet you both." I stated as I shook their hands. "Please take a seat." I extended my arm to the side directing them to the booth that had been set up with tea, coffee and pastries.

  Mrs Green smiled, "Well in my thirty years of working in social services I have never been greeted with coffee and pastries. Thank you." She smiled as she walked towards the booth before shuffling along the bench. Miss Hodes joined her and took two cups in order to pour them both a hot drink.

  Lyric and I joined them on the opposite side of the booth. I glanced towards the bar and hadn't realised that Recon had disappeared. Poppy was on her way over to join us.

  "Hello little lady and how are you this morning?" Mrs Green asked.

  Poppy smiled, "I'm good." She got a little embarrassed with all the attention and came to sit on my lap.

  "What have you been up to this weekend?" Mrs Green asked Poppy.

  She looked at me and I nodded trying to encourage her to speak.

  "I stayed at my auntie's house, we had a barbecue, I met my cousins and I have a new bedroom."

  "Well haven't you been busy." Mrs Green seemed pleased with what Poppy had been doing.

  Poppy nodded. "Do you want to see my bedroom?"

  "I will in a minute young lady, let me just speak to Elijah and Victoria first."

  Miss Hodes opened her handbag and removed a piece of paper and some crayons. She placed them gently onto the table, "How about you draw me a lovely picture."

  Poppy grabbed for the crayons excitedly and pulled the paper towards her.

  "So how have you got on this weekend?" Mrs Green addressed her question to Lyric.

  "I haven't got room at my flat for Poppy so we stayed at Amy's as her flat is much bigger."

  Mrs Green raised her brows. "Who's Amy?"

  "She's the Vice Presidents sister." Lyric replied.

  "Vice President?" she asked again for more clarification.

  He sniggered, "Sorry, he is the Vice President of this club." Lyric held up his hands referring to the clubhouse.


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