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Bucked Page 4

by Brill Harper

  “God damn. That’s good. Oh, baby.” He pulls away.

  “Hey,” I complain.

  He pushes his pants all the way off his legs and steps out of them, then he scoops me up off the table, carrying me to that great big bed like I weigh nothing. When I’m in the middle of it, he pins me down, the solid weight of him pushing me into the downy softness below me, the contrast unbearably wonderful.

  And then he kisses me.

  I can’t believe I had his cock in my mouth before he even kissed me, but it doesn’t matter much now. His hard cock is digging into my stomach while his tongue tangles with mine. I taste myself on him. I always thought that sounded weird. But it’s not. It’s hot as fuck.

  I’ve never been kissed so hungrily, so intimately. I pour myself into the kiss, trying to tell him everything I don’t have words for. I wrap my legs around his waist, and he moves his hips so his dick slides through my wet heat. We both groan.

  “Fuck, you feel so good, darlin’.” He moves down, kissing my neck, my tits, my stomach. He rubs his cheek against my mound. “You’re so wet for me. I can’t wait to feel you tight around my dick.”

  “How about now?”

  “Nah. Busy.” He parts my legs and trails his tongue around my inner thighs, always getting closer, but never close enough. When he parts my pussy with his fingers, I brace for more, but he pauses.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Not a damn thing. I’m just waiting for you to tell me what you want.”

  Oh. My. God. He’s not going to make this easy on me at all, is he?

  “Cowboy, I want to ride your tongue.”


  SHE’S THE DEVIL’S DAUGHTER wearing angel white.

  I don’t know how else to explain the different feelings she’s pulling out of me. I want to put her on a pedestal as much as I want to fuck her in the gutter.

  I flip us over and roughly bring that sweet pussy to my face. “Then ride me, baby.”

  I guess she’s just as conflicted as I am because the girl who just wanted to ride my tongue is now blushing like a fire engine and frozen in shock.

  No matter. I grab two handfuls of that juicy ass and bring her down to my mouth. I love the way she tastes, the slick feel of her on my tongue. I grind her hips until she catches the rhythm and throws back her head.

  Her thighs are trembling as I gorge on the feminine feast between her legs. I’ve always thought I was a good and patient lover. I’ve enjoyed eating pussy over the years, but it’s never been anything like this. Like I can’t get enough.

  This isn’t sex like anything I’ve ever had.

  “Wait. Wait.” She’s pushing on my chest, putting distance between us. I growl like a damned wolf trying to guard its meal. “You’re going to make me come. You said you wanted me to...oh God...You said...”

  “Forget what I fucking said. Come on my face, darlin’. You can come on my dick next.” This isn’t going to be a one and done, that’s for damn sure.

  Easy, boy. Don’t get too caught up.

  I squeeze her ass to me again and just gorge on her until she’s sobbing my name and goes limp above me. I ain’t even sure I’m ready to stop, but she’s shivering and shaking, and I need to make sure I didn’t just kill the poor girl with pleasure.

  She’s supple and soft as I roll us to our sides. Her face is slack, her eyelids heavy, and my city girl looks relaxed for the first time since I met her. I did that. I took all her bones and turned them to jelly. Male pride fills me up.

  “Am I still alive?” she asks, cracking one eye open.

  “I sure as hell hope so. I still have plans for you.”

  She smiles wryly. “I don’t think I can move. I hope you don’t need my help.”

  “You’ll move just fine, trust me.” The way my girl responds to sex, she’ll be up and ready again in a minute or two.

  She’s not your girl.

  I best not get too wrapped up in this. She’s leaving in a week.

  I lay her flat on her back and nuzzle those pretty tits some more, my dick reminding me that we didn’t complete our mission just yet.

  I rub my cock against the entrance of her pussy, gathering the juices and teasing us both.

  "What do you think, sweetheart? What do want me to do?" I ask coyly, loving the sweet shudder of breath she lets out when I graze her clit.

  “What are my choices?”

  "One choice really. I’m going to plunge my long, hard cock balls-deep inside your tight wet pussy and fuck you relentlessly until you come all over my dick."

  She smiles. “I have condoms in the drawer.”

  She indicates with her eyes which nightstand, so I reach over and suit up. I want to fuck her raw. I want to fill her with my cum and watch it drip out of her. But that’s not how this world works, and I’m fine with latex if it gets me inside the heaven between her legs.

  As wet and lax as she is, I don’t expect I’ll need any more foreplay. But she was tight around my fingers, and I’m hung like a horse. I don’t want to hurt the poor girl. I lean down and give her a few more licks, loving the subtle flavors of her.

  I pull back. “Do you think you can give me another one, angel?” I have this deep need inside me to see her come again. I suck on that beautiful cunt like a man possessed...again...until she’s bucking into my chin and crying out. “God damn, that’s a beautiful sight.”

  I slide back up her body, covering her as she comes down from that high with violent shivers. My cock is probing her pussy, and I can’t wait any longer, suddenly thrusting every inch of myself inside her in one go.

  I rear back. She’s stiff as a board, her eyes wide, and I realize I felt a barrier when I slammed into her.

  Fuck. Me.

  She’s a virgin.

  Or she was.

  “Ruby? Are you okay?” I hold very still. Damn it, I don’t want to break her. She’s tight like a vise and every fiber of my being is bursting with pure ecstasy and perfect shame. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She’s pursing her lips together so hard they are white. “Are you mad?”

  “No!” I yell. Then shake my head and try again. “No,” I say, much quieter this time. “I’m just confused. I didn’t know. I would have...treated you more carefully.”

  She whimpers. “You’re really fucking big.”

  Her voice cracks a little on the word big, and I rest my forehead against hers, breathing deep, trying not to fucking move. “Yeah, sweetheart.”

  I’m a fucking brute is what I am. Practically a giant to her. I grit my teeth against the urge to thrust. Deeper. Harder. That’s all I want in this world right now, but I can’t. I feel like an ox in a miniature shop. There’s too much of me and not enough of her. I can’t believe I broke her cherry so roughly. Like a damned clod.

  “This is...a little awkward.”

  “Hey,” I catch her eyes with mine. I want to comfort her. I feel like such an asshole. “It’s just us. We’re as close as two people can be right now. I’m inside you, angel. Nothing that happens in this bed is wrong, okay?”

  She nods, but her eyes are shining with unshed tears. “It’s starting to hurt less.”

  “Good. Good.” I exhale. “Do you want to stop? I can...pull out.” God, please let her say no.

  “No. I want to keep going. I wanted it to be you. This is what I want.”

  “Darlin’.” I don’t even know how to feel about that. “I could have been gentler. Should have been. I should have made this better for you.”

  “Well, we’re not done, right?”

  I bury my nose in her neck, inhaling that sweet, sugary scent of her. I’ll never go to the county fair again without thinking of her when I smell the cotton candy. “Nope. We’re not done yet.”

  “So make it good for me now then.” She shifts her hips, and I groan.

  I’m balls-deep in virgin pussy. She’s been saving it for twenty-some years, and it’s me she chose to give it to. I’ve never felt more like a man of worth and
more out of my depth at the same time.

  I’m not going to rut into her like I want to. I need to give her something sweet to remember. I pull out a little and push back in slowly. Fuck. She feels so amazing. So tight and wet and warm. I wheeze in another few breaths, trying to keep control.

  I work in and out of her slowly, letting her feel every single inch of me rubbing against those tight walls inside her body. The tension she’s been holding onto from that first, rough thrust starts easing off. She tilts her hips up invitingly. Yeah. That’s it.

  As I rock into her, building more and more momentum, she starts meeting me thrust for thrust. Her nails dig into my back, spurring me faster, harder. I want to make sure she’s into it, not just in pain, so I pull my head back and get a long look into her face.

  Her pretty eyes look right into me, and I lose focus for a minute, lost in her. “How you doing, angel?”

  She smiles and my heart squeezes in a new, unfamiliar way.

  Hell. My fool heart needs to stay in its own lane. I ignore whatever it’s trying to tell me and shift the mood back to giving the lady what she came for. “You getting ready to come on my cock? I can hardly wait. You’re so fucking tight.” I pull out so just the tip is nuzzled between those sweet lips of her cunt before slamming hard back into her.

  “Oh, yes,” she wails.

  “Am I filling you up real good, Ruby? Is this what you wanted? To be stuffed full of me?

  “Yes, Dusty. Yes.”

  God, I’d give anything to rip the fucking rubber off my dick and go at her raw. I want to fill her pussy up with my cum. Paint the damn walls of it white. I want to see myself dripping out of her. I’d love to put a baby in there.

  Oh, fuck. That does it. The thought of her walking around the ranch all round with a baby I planted in her jacks me up, and I squeeze her flesh wherever I get a hold of it. I’m growling and snarling now, and her pussy clenches around me like a velvet fist. “That’s it. Milk my cock.”

  “I’m coming. Oh, God.” She’s so wet now I can feel it trickling down my balls. I don’t think I can hold out much longer, but I slow my pace to match the spasms and quivers of her pussy, drawing out her pleasure as long as I can.

  When her waves start slowing down, I pick up my pace, grinding into her as the tingle starts in the base of my spine. I get one more flash of fucking a baby into her while I pound inside her as I come right over the edge of bliss.

  Chapter Four


  I roll over, the morning light streaming through the lace curtains. It takes a moment to realize where I am and what I’m doing there. Especially when I move again and muscles I didn’t know I had twinge.

  Oh, yeah.

  I’m not a virgin anymore.

  I was well and truly fucked last night.

  For the first time in a long time, I accomplished what I set out to do—have a fling that I’ll always remember. It would be nice if I’d succeeded at something else, too, but I’ll take this for now.

  And boy, oh boy, will I always remember having sex with Dusty Cassidy, the hung cowboy.

  I wince a little when I move out of bed. Dusty’s long gone. I remember him kissing my bare shoulder when he left me before dawn.

  I’m not sure what happens next since I’m new at flinging. I’m on board for a week-long tryst if he’s up for it. The trick will be not falling for him because everything about him is ovary-exploding. His big, burly body, the way he kisses, his perfect manners, his dedication to his business, the way he looks me right in the eyes and makes me feel special. Seen.

  He’s totally the kind of guy you bring home to meet the parents, but that will never happen.

  But a fling would be awesome.

  Charlotte has a big, country breakfast ready for me when I get downstairs.

  “What are your plans today, Ruby?” she asks, topping off my coffee.

  “I don’t know.”

  “It’s perfect weather for horseback riding. You should find Dusty and have him get you set up.”

  “Oh, I don’t know...” ...how to ride a horse. “I don’t want to bother him. He seems busy.”

  “It would be good for him to take a break. I’ll even pack you a picnic.”

  Charlotte is not subtle. “What are your plans, Charlotte?”

  “In between lunch and supper, I need to try and figure out the new reservation software. I just want to use a notebook, but Dusty insists we need a fancy computer setup.”

  “It will make things easier in the long run.”

  “If I can ever figure it out.”

  “Can I see it after breakfast?”

  “You’re on vacation.”

  I keep at her until she agrees and after we clear the table, I get behind the front desk and check out their system. “Oh, Charlotte, you can figure this one out for sure.” It’s a very streamlined version of what I use at work. “Here, let me show you.”

  I spend half an hour with her until she shoos me out the door, thanking me over and over. It wasn’t a bad way to spend a morning. I liked feeling useful.

  I find Dusty out behind the barn sawing wood on a sawhorse. I’m suddenly awkward and shy, remembering how it felt last night to be naked with him. To be pinned by all that hot, hard weight.

  “Good morning, angel. You sleep well?”

  My God, he’s beautiful. He’s shirtless and sweaty and I’m jealous of the damned sweat clinging to his skin. His massive tree trunk arms cross over his chest, and he grins at me like he knows exactly what I’m thinking about. Like there’s a cartoon bubble above my head showing me fantasizing about tracing the deep trenches of his abs with my tongue. That his tight cowboy jeans don’t hide the bulge I know is there. I blink back my thoughts. “I slept like a baby.”

  “You, ah...feeling okay?”

  What he doesn’t say, I can read clearly in the cartoon bubbles above his head. Are you sore? Are you emotionally okay? Did I make your first time memorable? Seriously, the guy is super sweet for someone who says the things he does in bed.

  I can feel my blush climbing my cheeks. “Yeah. Last night was wonderful.”

  Dusty has a delectable dimple that pops out and makes me swoony. We’re in this weird, awkward stage. He bends over to grab his water bottle, and when he takes a big drink, the sight of his throat working is somehow sexy too.

  “Do you think you’ll have time to take me riding later?”

  He spit-takes his water, and I curse my stupid, big mouth.

  “Horses! I meant horseback riding. Charlotte suggested it. She’s making a basket. A picnic in it.” I stop talking and count to three, hoping to make more sense this time. “She’s making us a picnic basket.”

  “Sure, city girl. We can go riding. You must not get many chances in Los Angeles.”

  No, not many.

  But how hard can it be? You see kids doing it all the time. You just have to sit on it and hold on, right? I know how to sit.

  Fifteen minutes later, I’m staring at a huge animal in front of me. Oh my God. I had no idea horses were so big. I mean, I’ve seen them from afar or on a screen. But this close. Holy moly.

  “This here is Gemini. Sweet girl. She’ll take good care of you.” He’s cinching things and Gemini is clearly in love with him.

  But she’s giving me the stink-eye.

  “I figure we’ll ride down to the river. Not too far today. You...ah...might be a bit sore.”

  Oh my God. I’m blushing again. Act like you’re fine. “Sounds great.”

  “You sure you want to do this? You look a little nervous.”

  Act like you are fine. “It’s just been awhile. I’m fine.”

  I build a character in my head. One who was practically born on a horse. She knows exactly what she’s doing and is fearless around the big beasts. Only as soon as I try to get on, Gemini bolts forward, and I miss the saddle, falling back into Dusty’s arms.

  Luckily, he’s perfect at everything, including rescuing dumb city girls. He grins and kis
ses me square on the mouth. “Awhile, huh? How long exactly?”

  I shrug. “A few years...since I’ve been on a carousel.” I bury my face in his neck as he whoops out a great big laugh. “I’m such a moron. I was trying to impress you, I guess.”

  “Darlin’, I thought I showed you last night how impressed I am with you. But if we need to do a replay, I’m happy to oblige.”

  “You can put me down.”

  “Now that’d be a damn shame. I like holding you.”

  “You don’t think I’m an idiot?”

  “Not everyone was born on a ranch, sweetness. I’ve been around horses my whole life, so I know my way around them. But there’s no shame in not knowing something you’ve never tried.”

  “Thank you, for not making me feel worse than I already do. The only animals I’ve been around are predatory casting directors.”

  He frowns at that, but quickly changes back to the Dusty I know. “Let’s get you set up. This time, I’ll help you. Seems like I get to be part of one more of your firsts.”



  I close one eye, but still don’t see it. “Which one?”

  Ruby points to the cloud to the left of the one we just decided was a cupcake. Well, I decided it was a cupcake, she decided it was a red velvet cupcake with brandied frosting on top.

  “I still don’t see it.” I roll to my side and prop my head on my elbow. I’d rather look at her anyway. We’ve been watching clouds since we finished our fried chicken and potato salad picnic. I don’t normally take the whole afternoon for lunch, but we finished a lot of wine too. It’s probably been too long since I gazed at the sky. I’ve been so caught up in building my business, I forgot to remember why I want the dream so bad.

  Ruby’s not used to slowing down either. But she’s looking real pretty on this blanket, the sun catching glints in her brown hair making it look red. I want to ask her what she meant earlier, about the casting directors, but I’m not sure that’s wise. It might have been just a little joke, but I have a feeling it’s more involved than that. And I don’t want to bring up bad memories for her.


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