Phoenix (Bears of Kodiak Book 3)

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Phoenix (Bears of Kodiak Book 3) Page 5

by Selene Charles

  “I don’t give a shit about—”

  Shaking his head, he placed a finger to her lips, stilling her words. Her soft breath feathered along him, making him feel hot all over. Everything he’d felt and had buried deep, it was coming up now, and was coming to a crescendo, a boiling point of need and desire. But he wouldn’t touch her like that, wouldn’t taste her, or hold her unless she forgave him first.

  “You might not now, Madi. But what about when I’m a hundred and fifty and just a withered old man? Or when you have to bury me in the ground and you’re still young, powerful, and practically immortal? What then? Will you still thank me for forcing you to live on without your mate? I should never have been at that fucking cliff. You and I both know it.”

  She swallowed hard and it was damned difficult to decipher what the sudden stillness in her meant. Would she disembowel him? Hug him? With a dragon, it was anyone’s guess.

  He almost chuckled at what was so not a funny situation. Madison was both his biggest regret and his driving need. With a word she could slay him, and she wouldn’t even need to use a claw to do it. He was giving her the chance to see the truth and to decide on her own.

  Not that she wasn’t bound to him now, because she was, and there was no undoing that. At least not by conventional means, anyway. But a witch could give her the illusion of being unbound. A witch could at least spare her the misery of an eternity without him.

  Her hands moved, wrapping around each of his biceps and she squeezed. But not hard, more so as though to hang on tight.

  Pressing on, he laid it all out there. “I flirted with other women Madi, hoping that it would be enough to get you to leave me.”

  “Why! Am I that repulsive to you?” The ‘you’ ended on a note that sounded suspiciously like a checked sob.

  Unable to keep from holding her a second longer, he yanked her slight body into his chest, palming the base of her spine in his large hand and hanging on tight. If she wanted out of his touch, she could do it. He might look physically stronger than her, but with Breed appearances were always deceptive. Between the two of them Madison was by far the bigger threat.

  But she merely wrapped her arms around his waist and held on just as tight.

  “The truth is, Madi, I don’t know what the hell I’m doing about anything. But deep down I knew when I started that damned mating ritual that it would be you. I didn’t need magick to figure that shit out. I figured it out as I watched you grow. At first I was just protective of you. Not wanting other guys around you, careful to keep any asshole away from you.”

  She frowned, glancing up at him. “I never saw—”

  He snorted. “Ever wonder why any dipshit who ever flirted with you would suddenly be sporting a shiner and a busted lip the next day?”

  Her lips parted. “What? That was you, I always thought Uri—”

  Growling, he remembered each and every fucking time he’d had to punch the lights out of some punk jock who thought it would be fun to claim they’d had a dragon in their bed. And it’d confused the hell out of Phoenix, because he’d been so much damned older than Madison.

  In human years anyway. Breed years were different.

  Dragons were born with the knowledge of the ancients already beating inside of them. They reached sexual maturity at the ripe old age of ten; by eleven she’d looked like a woman. But he’d kept his distance because she’d deserved better than him. He’d always known that.

  Framing her face with his hands, he hated himself for the way he’d handled everything.

  “So you don’t think I’m ugly?” she asked softly.

  And he might have laughed, if he hadn’t sensed just how much his answer mattered to her. Groaning, he did the thing he knew he shouldn’t do, but had to or he’d die.

  He leaned down and kissed her.



  That old hunger that always lived and beat deep inside her heart for this man came roaring to life. And Madison was greedy for more. She didn’t just want a taste, she wanted him. All of him.

  With a growl born of suppressed need, she hooked her foot around his ankle and shoved him down to the nest floor.

  Phoenix didn’t fight her. Instead, he just kept his arms banded tight around her as they fell. That kiss unleashed the beast inside of him, because he was frenzied in his attack.

  His hands were hot, hard, and rough as they shoved the robe off her slim shoulders, exposing her naked body to the elements. Her skin rolled with goosebumps even as her internal core heated to magma levels.

  She in turn was just as wild as he was. Raking and clawing her nails down his chest, neck, and back. Anywhere she could. Wanting to imprint herself upon him permanently. Wanting to let the world know that Phoenix Hawthorne was her male. Now and forever.

  But the grizzly in him actually seemed to like the pain. He’d hiss, only to then deepen the kiss. Twining her tongue with his and devouring her.

  Madison had never been kissed like this before.

  As a dragon shifter there could only ever be one for her. Casual sex amongst her kind didn’t happen. Because once the bond happened, nothing else would do. She’d craved Phoenix’s touch like a drug. And now that she’d gotten her first real taste, her first hit...she was hooked.

  Planting her hand on his chest, she straddled his hips and sat up. Unable to keep from rubbing herself on the long, thick length of velvet wrapped steel poking at her ass.

  He groaned, eyes rolling and eyelids fluttering as her wet heat continued to grind down on him.

  “You’re going to make me come before I ever even get to slip inside of you, Madison,” he said with a thick growl to his words.

  And though she didn’t want that she had to stop and admire him. Biting onto the corner of her lip, she gave her head a slight shake and whispered the words that’d been imprinted on her heart from the moment he’d become hers.

  “I used to lie in bed at night, wondering what you might look like.”

  His eyes narrowed and he went absolutely still.

  Terrified out of her mind to be so blunt, she also couldn’t seem to stop the tide of words. That dam had been broken and now there was nothing holding her back.

  Squeezing her thighs, because the constant rubbing was creating a delicious friction, she couldn’t stop from panting as she said, “What you’d look like when a woman touched your bare flesh.”

  So saying, she trailed her fingers languidly, lazily down the center of his thick chest, and along the corded, ropey muscles of his flat stomach. He sucked in a sharp breath, and Madison wanted to crow.

  She might never have had sex herself, but she’d seen it happen enough times to understand the mechanics of it. Dragon society wasn’t shy. Unlike humans, mating wasn’t a thing to be done in secret, or painted as something to be ashamed of. Mating happened whenever, and wherever, the mood struck.

  Which was often violent, heavy, and intense.

  Madison had always craved that level of intimacy herself, but without Phoenix beneath, beside, or on top of her the interest would soon wither and fade away.

  “Madison,” he all but croaked, and her lips tipped at the knowledge of the power she wielded over him.

  The friction was delicious, and she let out a groan of her own when he shifted his hips just slightly up and to the left. The shift was subtle, but made a world of difference, because now his penis was sliding along the length of her vagina.

  She shuddered, her spine stiffening with a wildfire of lust starting to rage out of control inside of her, but still she pressed on.

  Instinctually she clutched at his chest when his hard fingers dug into her hips, guiding her slide over him. He stiffened, digging his heels into the nest as he pushed his pelvis up, and her with it.

  A strangled oath spilled off her tongue at the new sensations flooding her. The darkness that was starting to overwhelm her senses, the scents now mingling between the two of them, heat and pine and desire so thick it clung to the cave walls.<
br />
  “Phoenix,” she couldn’t help but sigh out his name as she rubbed harder and harder, her stomach tightening with something powerful and pervasive, feeling as though the very life might slip out of her soon.

  But she was going to follow that need, even to her death if she had to. There was no stopping this now.

  “Madi,” he grunted, “always you. Only you.”

  She sucked in a sharp breath at those words and then he had his hand behind her neck and was shoving her down toward him. Claiming her lips with his own once more.

  Lost to his touch, his taste, she was wild and wanton on top of him. Demanding wordlessly that he sate the beast he’d awoken deep within her. And then he shifted those hips one more time and that hot, hard length shoved deep inside of her.

  Spine bowing, she sank her nails like claws through his chest, bleeding him instantly. But Phoenix either didn’t seem to mind or hadn’t felt it because he was shaking his head and telling her she’d be all right. But Madison didn’t feel all right. It hurt like hell. She tore her mouth away from his as the pain of being torn clenched like a fist deep inside of her.

  But he was there, rolling to a sitting position, cradling her like she was a treasure and whispering in her ear that it would only hurt for a little while and then never hurt again.

  She trembled. But waited. Because she’d known this would happen. All females had a hymen. It just so happened that for a dragon theirs was twice the thickness of a regular woman’s. Having thick hide came in handy in most cases, except now. She sniffled.

  The heat of just moments ago now gone as she trembled from pain.

  “Shh, my beauty.” He brushed his thumbs down her cheeks, making her realize that she’d shed a tear or two.

  “I promise that will never happen again. I promise,” his voice was thick with worry and though she still ached, it was no longer quite as unbearable as it’d been.

  In fact, a new revelation was coming over her now. She’d been breached. Marked forever. There was no going back from this. Not like she’d ever wanted to. But the enormity of what they’d just done had begun to make itself manifest.

  Her family would smell his scent on her. Phoenix was safe. Now they could never hurt him. Never harm him. Because he was her mate in every sense of the word.

  The relief was so overwhelming that she wrapped her arms around his neck and the tears she rarely cried sprang forth.

  “Madi?” He asked in obvious confusion, his fingers tightening on her arms and she had to smile through her tears and shake her head.

  She was mortified beyond belief at her reaction to what should have been a moment of hot and heavy sex, but the relief was almost more than she could bear. After years of wondering and worrying, Phoenix would never again face the threat of harm by her family.

  “It’s okay,” she mumbled, kissing his whiskered cheek and nuzzling the corner of his jaw, “I’m okay. I’m just...I’m sorry.”

  Frowning, he pulled back a little, so that she could see the dip of his brows. They were still joined at the hips, but now she could start to feel him starting to soften inside of her.

  She’d ruined a perfectly good fuck by getting all stupid and sentimental. She’d need to fix that quick, because there was no way in hell she was letting him not finish.

  Not now.

  “Are you—”

  But whatever he’d been about to ask her she silenced with a kiss. And this time when she wiggled her hips, it didn’t hurt. Oh no. Not at all.

  Like tossing a pebble into a languid pond, the ripple of desire started out small, but soon grew and grew and grew into ever broadening, ever larger need. Until finally her entire body felt like it’d been lit up with her dragon spark. She was electrified. The fine hairs on her arms stood on end as she bore down harder and harder on his now—thank the gods!—raging erection.

  And Phoenix, he was all over her. His hot hands cupping her aching breasts, rolling her nipples hard, then giving them a gentle tug, before slowly easing one hand behind him and the other around her waist.

  Putting her flush against his body, he lifted his hips just a bit, and... “Shit!” she hissed, as the pressure intensified.

  She felt like she was going to burst apart from the pleasure he elicited in her. Phoenix played her body like a master violinist, making her sing under his tender touch.

  Maybe this wasn’t the most experienced mating. She knew there was so much more to learn: what he liked, what she liked. But for now, this wild thrusting of hips, and claiming of was enough.

  Grinding her hips down hard just as he shoved up touched off a fire in her. She exploded. And her skin, it crackled. Her flesh was alive with surges of bright blue lightning.

  But rather than harming him as it would anyone else, her bond meant that he’d feel that same delicious spark the way she did. He’d hear the music traveling the winds as their bodies combusted together.

  “Madison,” he ground, and went rigid beneath her. She felt the heat of him shoot liquid through her channel.

  His massive palm gripped her ass as he jerked and spasmed against her. Groaning deep in his throat, as though in pain, but she knew it wasn’t pain that made him sound so animalistic.

  And when his eyelids fluttered open and he looked at her, dazed, and confused, and with his dark brows pinched as though questioning whether this had just happened, she laughed.

  Feeling more alive than she had in her entire life.

  “So that’s what sex feels like. We’ve got to do that again!” Then she slammed her lips down on his, and they did do it again.

  Chapter 5


  They’d not moved from the cave in a solid week. And apart from Madison walking over to the animal pen to choose the day’s meat, they’d not stopped having sex either.

  There was something to be said to being a virgin on his wedding night. Or rather, whatever the hell that’d been. He owed Madison a wedding, and she’d get one. But if they could ever stop humping like brainless bunnies for a second, they had bigger things to discuss.

  Madison had just finished roasting tonight’s haunch of goat, and was just handing him his steaming portion when he decided now was as good a time as any. His woman was hungry, for much more than meat.

  Well...his meat anyway. She was constantly flirting with him, grabbing him, fisting him, sucking on him...his gut clenched. Gods she had a great mouth. But she was a distraction, and right now there was an opening and he was going to take it.

  “Baby, it’s time we finally had that talk.”

  She lifted a thin brow, her look dubious and even slightly edgy. He loved his dragon’s fire. Loved everything about her really. Madison was as wild, amazing, and perfect as he’d always known she would be. She was also a hot head, like most dragons were.

  He rubbed her arms, shaking his head and grinning. Never thought he’d see the day when he—a grizzly, who were never known for their calm disposition—would be the one calming his irrationally cranky mate. But there you had it...stranger things and all that.

  “Calm down, cranky woman. This isn’t bad, I promise.”

  She stuck out her tongue, looking all sultry and cute because she was completely naked, but with that bedroom tussled hair he loved so much. One thing he’d learned about dragons, they didn’t actually need to bathe to remain clean. She steamed herself and him down every day, it was like taking a shower with ten shower heads on full blast.

  Bliss, in other words.

  Opening her luscious mouth she took a massive bite out of her roasted leg of meat. Madison could eat him under the table. Normally, seeing a woman attack her food the way she did probably would have turned him off, but there was absolutely nothing he didn’t love about his woman. Except for the fact that she snored like a rusted out band saw at night, but he’d never tell her so.

  Snorting, he was content to watch her attack her food for a little while longer thankful that apart from a few hard smacks to his face he’d gotten off p
retty easy with her, all things considered. Every so often she’d get a look in her eyes. Sadness and anger, hurt that they’d waited so long because of him. And he let her get it out, because in order to move forward they’d need to confront all aspects of their relationship, or lack thereof until very recently.

  He was just grateful that his woman hadn’t made him suffer worse for his misdeeds.

  “What exactly did you want to talk about, Phe?” She asked with a lifted brow, slowing down on her masticating now as her foot began to coyly slide along his naked calf.

  Her appetite for sex was insatiable. Not that he was complaining.

  “What if I told you that there’s a way for me to live nearly as long as you?”

  She froze. Then blinked. And then slowly lowered the meat stick in her hand to her lap. Cocking her head, she sniffed the air.

  Madison relied heavily on her sense of smell to suss out his emotions. But he was deadly serious.

  “You’re not teasing me?” she asked softly, fingers curling tight around the bone.

  “Madi”—he leaned forward onto a knee, grabbed that meat out of her hand and set it down, before taking her slightly grease smeared fingers in his and giving them a tight squeeze—“I’d never joke about something like this.”

  Her gaze flicked to their joined hands, and she sounded numb as she asked, “A witch?”

  Surprised that she’d already figured it out, he shook his head. “How did—”

  Golden eyes drilled into his. “I’ve known about this solution since the moment of my bonding.”

  Shocked to hear her say it, he couldn’t seem to form words because his mind was a muddled haze of questions.

  If she’d known this why hadn’t she ever said anything before? Why had she seemed content to just stay in this cave for so long? Why hadn’t she—


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