Rebirth Online 4

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Rebirth Online 4 Page 18

by Michael James Ploof

  And how the son of a bitch howled.

  A war hammer suddenly slammed into Bogrum’s back and left him gasping for breath on the ground ten feet away, and I glanced back to see King Hagar grinning at me.

  “Finish the bastard off,” he said, and Queen Lyra suddenly landed beside Bogrum.

  “Be gone you immortal devil,” said the queen, then in one fluid motion she unsheathed her sword and chopped his head clean off.

  Destroying the pendant had worked. My sons who had been possessed slowly changed from green to gold once more, and they stopped attacking my army. The enemy army lost all semblance of order, and soon the enemy guilds began to disappear, no doubt using portals to retreat to wherever they had come from. Left without any guidance, the NPC’s that had been recruited to the invading army began to flee.

  The allied armies cheered, and the barbarians and dwarves raced after the retreating NPC’s.

  “Fuck yeah!” Tweak yelled as he and his monkeys approached looking like they had been through hell.

  My guild mates and Frisco gathered around, and we stood gazing up at the massive golden army hovering above the battleground. I climbed the nearby rise and stared up at my sons, wondering how the hell I was going to get them back to the Underworld.

  “Father,” they said in a unified voice.

  One of them floated down toward me and landed. He stared into my eyes with his golden orbs, and he seemed to be studying me.

  “You have done well, all of you,” I told him. “Thank you. Now you can return to the Underworld.”

  I didn’t know if they had the power to return on their own, but it was worth a shot.

  “We are free?” he asked, then gazed at his open palms.

  “Uhhh, yes,” I said. “But this land is not for you. Do you understand?”

  “You don’t want us here?”

  “No, I mean yes, I do, it’s just that you will be hunted if you stay, and I cannot protect you,” I explained.

  “We are more powerful than these beings,” said my son as he glanced around at the elves, dwarves, and barbarians.

  “Yes, you are very powerful, but the gods protect these lands, and—”

  “The gods?” he said with intrigue. “Mother wishes to kill the gods.”

  “Yeah, about that—”

  “Do you wish to kill the gods?”

  “No, I don’t. Without the gods, everything you see would cease to be,” I said.

  “Everything will burn?” he asked with intrigue.

  “Yes, even you and your brothers.”

  “We are not afraid of fire, and we are not afraid of the gods,” he told me proudly.

  “Son, please listen to me. You must return to the Underworld. You must—”

  My son’s attention was suddenly taken by something behind me, and I turned to see my other five sons who had been ravishing elf maidens and leveling unhindered for almost a week. When they had been summoned to the surface world, they had been level 70’s, now they were in the high 80’s.

  One of them landed beside me, and he nodded at his brother, completely ignoring me.

  “You are free like us,” he said, and the one I had been talking to nodded.

  “We are all free,” he said with a smile. “Now, mother and father can lead us to victory over the surface world.”

  They both looked to me, and I let out a long sigh.

  “Listen guys, I’m not a conqueror, and neither are you.”

  “But it has been foretold,” they both said in unison.

  “It has been foretold,” the rest of the demons said as well, startling the shit out of me.

  “I am your father, and I forbid you from harming anyone on the surface world. Do you understand? Now is not the time. Return to the Underworld and report to your mother.”

  Neither of my sons seemed very impressed with my commands. They both glanced at each other, then at me.

  “You love these people,” they said in sudden realization.

  “Yes, I want the surface world to live in peace,” I said, hoping that there might be a piece of them that understood.

  “You have betrayed mother,” they accused with a scowl. “You have betrayed us all.”

  I took a slow step back and raised my arms. I glanced back at my guild mates and saw Nanaya standing there. “A little help Nan…”

  “They are too powerful. And you destroyed the one thing that could send them back to the Underworld.”

  Fuck me.

  I tried another tactic, not wanting them to turn against me.

  “I have not betrayed your mother, she has betrayed me. I told her that it wasn’t yet time to attack the surface world, but she has allowed you all to be summoned. But I am the king of this land, and I am still your father. Join me, my sons, and together we shall create the most powerful kingdom in all the land.”

  “Then we will ravish the world?” they asked.

  I considered the question, knowing that if I said no, they might leave. If that happened, they would wreak havoc throughout every realm. But if I could get them to listen, I would be able to buy some time until I could figure out how to send them back to the Underworld.

  “Yes, my sons, when the time is right, we shall extend our rule across the entire world. We shall enslave every race, and we shall rule as god kings for all time.”

  My two sons glanced at each other and smiled deviously, then they bowed before me. The rest of the golden army landed among the allied guilds and bowed as well.

  “Your wish is our command, father!” they all said in unison.

  Oh boy.

  Chapter 17

  “You said that you weren’t a demon lord,” said Gregor.

  I stood at the balcony watching my one-thousand sons circling the tower and shook my head.

  “I’m not, Gregor,” I said turning back to him and the others.

  Queen Lyra and King Hagar stood with the barbarian chieftain, and none of them looked very pleased.

  “What the hells ye be callin’ that then?” Hagar asked, pointing outside.

  “I’ll find a way to get them back to the Underworld,” I said quietly, not wanting my sons to overhear. “For now, I have to play along. It’s my only hope of controlling them.”

  “Well ye best be keepin’ ‘em away from me mountains,” said Hagar.

  “And the barbarian lands,” said Gregor.

  “I will,” I said. “Promise. As soon as I find a way to get them back, they’re gone.”

  “Very well,” said Lyra. “Let’s not allow this revelation to dampen the spirit of victory. We have won the first and perhaps the most important battle against the invaders.”

  “Yes,” said Gregor. He joined me at the balcony and gazed upon the smoldering battlefield. “But they will return, and next time they will come with greater numbers.”

  “I don’t know,” I said. “We knocked them down a few pegs, and it will take a long time for them to recover. I think that we are safe for a while. In that time, I propose that we work together to fortify our borders.”

  “That be a wise decision,” said Hagar. “I’ll have my best stone masons come within the week to help begin construction of your castle. A king needs a castle, ye be knowin’, and not a damned lone tower.”

  “What would you like in return?” I asked.

  He glanced at my enchanted sword. “Ye and your friends be able to enchant weapons, and if there’s one thing we got in surplus, it be weapons.”

  “We would be happy to,” I told him. “And we can open trade routes to other realms where your fine weapons will be in high demand.”

  “Excellent,” said Hagar.

  “We can trade meat,” said Gregor. “In return, we would ask that you enchant our weapons as well.”

  “That won’t be a problem,” I ensured him.

  “And…” he said glancing down at the villagers working below. “I would ask for one hundred women.”

  “What?” I turned to him to gauge whether or not he wa
s being serious.

  “Women,” he repeated. “One hundred of them.”

  “Gregor, I do not own these villagers. The women are not mine to barter like cattle.”

  “You are their king,” he said with a confused look.

  “Yes, but I am not their master. They are not my slaves. They are free people, and not to be bartered, bought, or sold. I’m sorry, but you’ll have to ask for something else.”

  Gregor didn’t look very pleased, and I saw a bit of his father in him then. But he nodded, accepting my rules, and stroked his chin in thought.

  “Very well, I will take one woman,” he said. “That beautiful beast that you call Trinity. I would like to wed her. Together, we would make powerful warriors.”

  “Trinity?” I said, feeling my ears and cheeks getting hot. “She isn’t mine to give away either.”

  “Then we will ask her, and let her decide,” he said with a shrug.

  “Ask her what?” came Trinity’s voice from the doorway.

  We all turned to see my guild mates filing into the war room.

  “I have asked for your hand in marriage in exchange for the meat that will ensure that your people thrive,” said Gregor.

  “I told him it wasn’t on the table, Trin, you don’t have to—”

  “I accept,” she suddenly blurted.

  “What?” I said, as did Tweak, Anna, and Ember in unison.

  “I am a Lord of Haven,” said Trinity proudly. “If this union will ensure that our people are fed, then it is my duty to do so.”

  “Trinity…” I began, but I really didn’t know what to say.

  “What?” she interrupted. “You slept with Megulla to ensure our victory. And you will no doubt sleep with Lyra to seal the deal with the elves. Why shouldn’t I do the same to secure a union with the barbarians?”

  “She’s got a point,” said Cecilia.

  I looked at my guild mates and realized that they didn’t have the same hang-ups that I did. I knew that I was being a hypocrite. Hell, I was sleeping with eight women. But it wasn’t so much the idea of Trinity sleeping with an NPC that I objected to, it was losing her.

  “I don’t want to lose you, Trinity,” I said as I approached her. “The guild needs you.”

  “Yeah Trin,” said Kit. “You can’t go off and live with the barbarians. We’re a family.”

  “She’s right,” said Anna. “It’s not worth it.”

  “I’ll give you ten female villagers,” I told Gregor. “But they must volunteer.”

  “I already accepted,” Trinity said with a scowl.

  “Can I talk to you for a minute?” I asked her and walked out of the room to the study.

  She stormed after me and shut the door behind her.

  “Trinity…” I said arms wide. “What the fuck?”

  “What?” she said defensively. “You’re being a baby. Do you know what it will mean for me to become an NPC barbarian’s wife? I’ll control the entire tribe within a week. They’ve got like five thousand in their tribe. It’s a no brainer.”

  “This isn’t about gaining allies,” I said.

  “Isn’t it?” she shot back.

  “No, you’re still pissed about something, and it’s time to put it on the table.”

  She paced back and forth from the fireplace to the window, hands on hips and a scowl marring her beautiful features.

  “You get to be a king,” she said with growing frustration. “And what do we get for all our hard work?”

  “Is this about power?” I asked.

  “No, you asshole, It’s about recognition.”

  “Trinity, you all know that I appreciate you. You all know that I love you.”

  “Actions speak louder than words,” she said, crossing her arms in front of her and facing me.

  “You know what, you’re right,” I said and took a knee.

  “What are you doing?”

  I tapped on my interface and went through my inventory. I found a diamond ring that I had been holding onto for a while and tapped it. A moment later it appeared in my hand.

  “Will you marry me?” I asked with a smile.

  She frowned, but she couldn’t resist my charms. “You’re crazy,” she said with a laugh.

  “Marry me. You and the other ladies will become the Eight Queens of Haven.”

  “You want to marry all of us?” she asked, not seeming to mind the idea.

  “Yes. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and it is what I want to do. You’re right, you all deserve more recognition. This guild isn’t about me, it’s about all of us. It’s about working together to reach new heights. I love you Trinity, and I don’t want to lose you, not for a second.”

  “If we become your wives, then there’s no more sleeping with NPC’s,” she said with an arched brow.

  “Fine with me,” I said.

  “And we want a HUGE wedding in Aeorock,” she said.

  “We? Now you speak for the others?”

  She nodded and grinned.

  “Fine.” I said with a laugh. “Whatever you want. I just want you to be happy.”

  “Good, then it’s settled,” she said and kissed me on the cheek. Then she slapped my ass and headed toward the door.

  I shook my head and chuckled to myself, then followed her back into the war room.

  “I’m sorry to keep you waiting,” I told Gregor.

  “Then you have made a decision?” he asked.

  “I have,” I said and looked to my women. “Trinity cannot be your wife, because I have asked her to marry me, and she has said yes.”

  “What?” said Anna.

  “Oh snap!” said Tweak.

  “Congratulations!” said Kit, but then she frowned.

  I took a knee before my women and presented them each with a diamond ring.

  “We’ve all been through a lot together, and I’ve grown to love each and every one of you. Take my hand in marriage, become my wives and the Queens of Haven. Together, we will become the most powerful family in Rebirth Online.”

  “Ain’t that shit illegal?” Tweak asked, but Trinity offered him a scowl that shut him up.

  “I accept!” Kit screeched and wrapped her arms around me.

  “Hell yeah,” said Zoe.

  “Queen of Haven?” said Stormy. “I like the sound of that.”

  “I’ll need you to sign a pre nup,” said Cecilia.

  “Ok,” I said with a laugh.

  “Then I accept,” she said and kissed my cheek.

  “I would be honored to be your wife,” said Anna with a beautiful smile.

  “What took you so long?” said Ember. “Of course I accept.”

  “I thought you’d never ask,” Nanaya said with a grin. “I accept as well.”

  “Great!” I said hugging them all. “Then it’s settled, we shall be wed in Aoerock for all the world to see!”

  “And what of our deal?” said Gregor.

  “I’ll tell you what,” I said. “I’ll give you ten women. But they must volunteer to be your wives, and you must promise me that you will treat them well.”

  “Ten…” he said, stroking his chin. “Very well. Enchanted weapons and ten wives.”

  “One more thing,” I said. “There is a mage by the name of Brindlemire. He is a captive of your tribe.”

  “The old mage?” said Gregor. “He was my father’s captive. What of him?”

  “I would like you to hand him over to me,” I said. “Do that, and we’ve got a deal.”

  “Brindlemire was my father’s prisoner, but my father is dead,” said Gregor. “The old mage means nothing to me, you can have him.”

  We shook on it, and I turned to Lyra. “What do the elves ask in return for trade?”

  “Knowledge,” she said. “Our scholars are interested in these other realms that you speak of. We would like to sample the wares of these lands as well.”

  “I can make that happen,” I said with a bow.

  The trade agreements were penned by
Miramar and signed by me, Gregor, Lyra, and Hagar. After the leaders left, I stood with my guild mates on the balcony and smiled. Things had turned out alright.

  Of course, there was the problem of my 1,000 demonic sons.

  With any luck, Nanaya would be able to figure out a way to get them back to the spirit world, or I could speak with Megulla about it, though I didn’t think she would see why they needed to return. Now that I was a king, she would be expecting me to conquer the world with her.

  That thought process led me to wonder what she would think of my marriage to my guild mates.

  “What are you thinking about, Big Daddy?” Kit asked. She always seemed to find a way to nestle under my arm, and I smiled down at her.

  “Everything,” I said with a sigh. “I’m just so grateful to have you all with me. You too Tweak.”

  “I feel ya brother,” he said behind me, and I realized that his long ape arms were hugging us all.

  The girls laughed, and me with them.

  “The replays of the battle are starting,” said Cecilia as she swiped at her interface eagerly.

  “Let’s watch it on the big looking glass in the study!” Kit said excitedly.

  “I call the velvet sofa!” Tweak yelled and raced toward the study.

  The girls ran after him laughing and play-fighting to gain the lead, but Anna stayed behind.

  “You coming?” she asked with a beautiful smile.

  “Yeah, I’ll be right there,” I told her and kissed her on the lips.

  “You know, that was a great thing you did for Trinity,” she said. “Proposing to her like that. She needed it.”

  “So did I,” I admitted. “You girls mean the world to me. I love you all, Anna, I love you with all my heart.”

  She smiled and stroked my face. She knew what I meant, and she made it clear by kissing me passionately.

  “I’ll save you a spot,” she said.

  I watched her walk away and mumbled to myself, “You really are the luckiest son of a bitch in the world, Sam Sullivan.”

  Turning back to the view of the village, I found that my demonic sons were actually helping the villagers rebuild. The picture seemed absurd, but at the same time it gave me a rush of excitement.

  What if I could learn how to control my gilded demonic children?


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