Tempest Borne

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Tempest Borne Page 2

by Alaina Stanford

As the peacemaker of the family, Mikel detested war. Over the years, he drafted countless strategies aimed at achieving continental harmony. All attempts met with hostile refusals. Not one of the other nations were willing to sit down together and talk of peace. Perhaps they had simply forgotten another way of life. Perhaps their economy would not survive peacetime. They seemed determined to continue until Latria, the largest and most fully developed of the four countries was destroyed.

  King Rathmoore’s wife Queen Katara always encouraged Mikel's efforts for peace. His beliefs echoed those of his mother's since he was a small child. Both were committed to peace and used extreme measures to keep the scientific community thriving. Queen Katara believed that research of cellular invasion was vital to the survival of humanity. The King found her doctrine to be unusual. She was an Empathic Healer as were many of the people of Treborel. She needed only to touch someone lightly to heal their worst injuries. The Queen had insisted that her empathic abilities remain a secret. The common people of Latria have the tendency to demonize or canonize healers. Thus, Katara had used 'the strength’ only when absolutely necessary.

  The King recalled the night that Katara had used her gift to save him from a life threatening illness. This memory made it even more difficult to recover from the unpalatable irony of the Queen's abrupt death. Less than a year before, she had died in his arms. A sniper's laser blast pierced her heart, leaving no time for the surgeons to save her. The sudden loss of his wife had left the King's heart empty. When the death of his eldest son Oliver followed Kataras by only a few days, the King thought he would surely lose his mind. If not for the eternal hope of his two youngest children, Mikel and Gwenna; he never could have continued.

  Oliver was the exact opposite of Mikel, a bold, impulsive young man. His greatest passion was for battle. He constantly strove to become the most prestigious war strategist in the world. He would have succeeded were it not for his untimely death. Oliver’s successful battle record prompted a vicious, overwhelming attack upon his regiment. The Western Continental War spanned over two centuries and the ‘gentlemen’s rules of battle’ had been forgotten. When the assault ended, no prisoners were taken. The King's only consolation was that Oliver died gloriously in battle, fighting beside his men.

  King Rathmoore continued to follow the ancient code of honor, insisting that non-military personnel and medical facilities remain exempt from attack. Despite countless laser blast attacks on his kingdoms civilian areas, he held to his beliefs. His prisons were full of captured soldiers from the Western Providences. He held a few Ventilian soldiers, from the strongest and most dangerous of his neighboring countries. Despite the King's humanitarian efforts, rumors persisted that several private coalitions within Latria supported instituting a code of ethics similar to those practiced by the rest of the Continent.

  These groups felt that a large-scale cannon attack on their neighboring country of Ventil would end the war. The King refused knowing this tactic would only succeed if every city were leveled, due to the enemy’s extensive use of hospitals and schools as weapons storage facilities. King Rathmoore continued to use the concentrated laser blasts conservatively. He would not kill innocent children to satisfy his politicians need for victory.

  Treborel alone possessed enough resources to destroy an entire continent. Yet the King hesitated to exploit their friendship further by asking for assistance. Treborel was a neutral country and it’s only consistent outside contact was with Latria. The King feared they would break off all relations if he approached them with such a proposition.

  Treborel was a mysterious land of large carnivores and towering mountains. It alone gave rise to the Empathic Healers, rumored to be descendents of the Wood Nymphs and faeries of long lost legends. Treborel would consider an offer of alliance. Therefore, the King would continue to use the laser cannons to fire only on the approaching troops.

  The latest news of the Western Providences touted rumors of a cease fire due to an unknown plague that had swept through most of the war torn region. Only Latria had remained free from infection. Ventils poor living conditions and archaic medical practices merely aided the plagues spread across the country. After having invested every available resource into their military systems, Ventil wreck less disregard for its common people left them vulnerable to a just this kind of disaster.

  Emitting a helpless sigh, he realized that this was not the time to be dwelling on thoughts of war. Today he would celebrate. His son would soon marry, taking him away from all that troubled his father. Unlike the King, others did not rejoice in the impending nuptials. A servant in the palace, a young woman named Zannia did not approve.

  The tall, dark skinned beauty had been a constant companion to Mikel prior to his departure for Treborel. His trip was for business, not romance. Zannia knew that Mikel held no love for her. This didn’t concern to her until the announcement of his engagement was made. His sudden infatuation with another woman, much less a Treborelan had taken her completely by surprise. Never the less, the situation was far beyond Mikel's control. She knew he would protest when she told him about the baby. It would never suspect that she had become pregnant deliberately. This peace-loving prince was determined to avoid conflict.

  He would give into her demands quickly, easily, without any thought given as to why the situation had arisen. She’d heard the rumors that Prince Mikel was forced to kill a man in a duel over the hand of the Treborelan wench, but she was not concerned. It gave Zannia great pleasure, trying to imagine the cowardly Mikel spilling blood in the name of love. The idea of Mikel coming to blows, much less winning a battle was sheer idiocy. Mikel was much too kind, too soft, in spite of his tall, rugged frame. She had dismissed the story as a fabrication. The King simply wanted to instill regret in the masses at his son's departure.

  However, since Mikel's return, Zannia had not been permitted to speak with him. The Prince's valet had forbidden any attempt at contact. She would not be swept aside like a street urchin. A simple matter of performing a sexual favor for a palace guard and she was suddenly granted access to Mikel's private chambers.

  It was deep into the night when she stole inside and slipped naked between the blankets of the Mikel's large bed. Silently, she waited for her Prince to return, reveling in the plush surroundings that she would soon share. Nearly an hour passed before Mikel's tall form appeared. His thick brown hair was slightly mussed. Zannia could tell he had been celebrating with his friends. Not seeing the girl until he reached the bed, Mikel stared at the sparkling charcoal eyes that welcomed him in the darkness. Her young face seemed pale in the shadows, enhanced by the halo of her long, curling black hair. Smiling, she waited for his words of greeting.

  Releasing a tired breath, he pushed back the length of hair from his eyes and smiled, unsure of how to begin. From the moment he had first met Sari, he had completely forgotten this seductive young woman. Swaying slightly as his head spun from the dark ale he had consumed at his engagement celebration. He wished it were Sari lying in the bed before him.

  Studying Zannia, Mikel realized how different she was from the woman he loved.

  Zannia carried with her an air of sensual mystery. She had been his lover for nearly two years yet he was never able to discover what went on behind those dark eyes. Sari was exactly the opposite, so open and giving. The beautiful golden haired Princess was wise beyond her years, despite her innocence. She would take the word of the lowliest beggar as truth yet betray her once and you would find yourself lost to her confidence forever.

  Mikel cherished Sari. He would never risk losing her, not even for one last night with Zannia. Zannia needed to understand, he would not be returning to her. "I'm glad you came." He broke the silence, sitting on the edge of the bed. “I assume you heard my father's announcement today? I’m sorry, I wanted to speak to you first. My father made the announcement so quickly I was taken off guard.''

  "Yes, Mikel I was shocked and hurt." Her deep su
ltry whisper floated off her lips as she rose in the darkness. She allowed the blanket to fall away, exposing her naked breasts.

  Mikel bit his lip to avoid the smile that threatened. He knew her seductive tricks all too well. “I’m sorry. I should have sought you out when I first arrived. Please try to understand.'' His eyes searched hers as he sought for the words to end their relationship. “I’m in love with Sari, Zannia. I’m sorry. I can't be with you anymore. You're a beautiful, exciting woman and I will cherish the time we’ve had together.”

  Zannia leaned closer and said, “Mikel, I understand completely, I won't get in your way. I can live outside the palace, in a small cottage. You can see me whenever you have the time. All I ever wanted was to be near you. I promise, I won't make any demands, even if months pass before I see you.”

  ''No Zannia, that's not possible.” Mikel rose from the bed as Zannia reached for him, taking her delicate hand in his, he continued, "I don't want to hurt you. Can't you understand, that’s exactly what I'd be doing if I let you waste your life waiting for stolen moments with me? You deserve more than that.'' Giving her hand a gentle squeeze and released her. Turning he picked her clothes up off the floor and offered them to her. "I will always be here for you. If you ever need anything, you need only ask. You've met a great deal to me," Uncertain how to ease the pain of their separation, his head dropped in resignation and he turned to head for the door.

  Zannia sprang from the bed, blurting out the one thing she knew would hold him. "I'm with child!" Her urgent voice reached him as he opened the door.

  Unable to move, he stared blankly out into the brightly lit hall, wishing he could have left without hearing those words. He took a cleansing breath and closed the door. Turning toward her, they locked eyes. Zannia’s heart raced at the sight of his stricken face. He asked, "Are you sure?"

  She knew he would not let this pass without obligation. Enjoying the shocked look on his face she added, "Yes, can't you see that my belly is already becoming round with your child." Her words shrank to a whisper as she slowly approached him. "It is your child, there have been no others." True to her word, she had remained chaste, excluding the deed she performed on the palace guard, only a few hours ago. She knew to avoid confusion over the child's birthright; she would have to remain faithful to her Royal lover.

  Staring at the slightly protruding stomach, a frown creased Mikel's brow. His eyes met hers as he quickly came to a decision. “I will not turn my back on this child. I pray to the Holy One that Sari understands and forgives me." His mind raced, trying desperately to find a solution. "When is the child expected?” He asked softly, taking the blanket off the bed and wrapping it around her.

  ''Nearly three more months,” Zannia answered as triumph filled her.

  Returning to the bed, Mikel sat cradling his head in his hands. He tried to remain calm as the image of Sari's trusting smile filled his thoughts. How could he ever explain what an idiot he had been? Allowing this young girl to become pregnant was inexcusable. Although he was not the Heir apparent of Latria, he should have conducted his personal affairs in a more responsible manner. Still, Sari was strong and she loved him deeply. He could explain to her that he had not known about her at the time of the child's conception. He convinced himself that when he revealed the facts to her, she would understand and forgive him. As his thoughts began to slow, the solution suddenly presented itself.

  Trying to conceal her sense of victory, Zannia silently knelt before him. Taking a deep breath, Mikel raised his head to face her. "Zannia, I know how difficult it would be for you to raise a child alone. Latria might even be invaded someday. I think that it would be best if I took the child with me to Treborel."

  Zannia's heart pounded. She could not have hoped for a better outcome. Mikel was actually willing to take his pregnant mistress to his new home. Undoubtedly, he also would wish to raise the child in the palace. "Yes! Oh Mikel, it is all that I could hope for. You will see, I will only ask to see the child once a week. I know you will see that it is well cared for. Your Princess must truly be an angel for you to believe she would allow you to bring a bastard child into her home.”

  "No Zannia, you don't understand.” Mikel sighed and placed his hands gently on her shoulders. "I can't take you with me. I want to raise the child as mine and Sari's alone.”

  She stared at him in silence, unable to comprehend his intentions. Was she to endure the agony of childbirth, to be left with nothing? "You would take my baby from me?" She asked, trying to quell her anger.

  Mistaking her emotional reaction as one of fear, Mikel attempted to reassure her, "Only with your full consent. I would never force you to surrender your rights as a parent. But, if you do, the child will recognize Sari as its only mother.”

  'What will I . . . what will happen to me?'' Tears filled her eyes as she realized that her manipulation was failing. Mikel was going to abandon her.

  “You will become a ward of the king. He’ll see to it that you're well provided for. You'll have a room in the palace as well as a supervisory position on the Royal Staff. I'll provide you with an allowance, enough for all the comforts you could ever need."

  Fury crept through Zannia's tiny frame. A room in the palace and a small allowance was hardly the royal heritage she was expecting. "I give you your first born child and all you offer me in response is a promotion?” She hissed, pushing him away in disgust.

  Still unaware of Zannia's true concerns, Mikel continued, “Zannia, I don't think it would be a good idea for you to become a recluse after the baby arrives. If I gave you a large house and a substantial income, you would be lonely and miserable. Your friends would no longer think you approachable or worse yet, they would manipulate you for your wealth. You know in your heart that the upper class would shun you, regardless of your station. At least within the palace among your co-workers and your friends, you'll be cared for."

  Mikel never ceased to amaze Zannia with his naive. She clenched her fists, restraining herself from striking his noble face. ''Why not let me choose? Perhaps I would prefer loneliness and wealth to friendship." She snapped at him savagely.

  Mikel stepped back from her, finally realizing her concerns were strictly financial, "Is that all this child means to you, a way to improve your position?”

  Recognizing the loathsome look on his face, she realized she had no choice, except blackmail. “I won't let you have this child unless you agree to give me an estate and a substantial income!” She was desperate, but she would not surrender to his will. This prince was no warrior. Instead of fighting battles, he had begged for peace. She had chosen him over his brothers for precisely that reason. He was young and weak, an imperial coward.

  Remaining silent, Mikel felt he was truly seeing Zannia for the first time. How could he have been so blind not to notice her obvious thirst for wealth? Perhaps only now, after his journey to Treborel were his eyes truly open. Meeting Sari and going into battle for the first time. Killing a man had not been a simple act for him. Yet it was Sari's life that had been at risk.

  His first impulse was to agree to her terms, for the sake of the child growing within her. Still, he could not believe that she was so unloving toward the small life that she carried. This was why he refused her. He felt certain that once she calmed down, she would understand his actions. He truly had her and the baby's best interests at heart.

  "I'm sorry Zannia, but what you're asking is impossible.” He stepped closer to her, placing his hand gently upon her shoulder. “We both need to calm down. Get dressed. We'll talk more about this in the morning, when we've both rested. After breakfast, I'll meet you in the study.” Feeling confident that the matter had been resolved, Mikel solemnly turned and left the room. The dark eyes that burned through the back of his retreating figure said otherwise. Zannia’s head pounded with rage as her initial thoughts turned to revenge.

  The first thought that came to her was to kill the baby, leaving it in Mikel’
s bed for him to find. Unfortunately, the laws of Latria were very strict in that area. She would have to give an appropriate reason for the termination and divulge the name of the father. Being near the third trimester of the pregnancy would be enough reason for her to be denied. No, a rash decision on her part was not the answer. She would bear this bastard and raise it in the poverty Mikel had forced on her. She would ensure this child knew its father was to blame for every second of its miserable life. Mikel would fret and search for his child in vain, making his life a torment. She would see to it that the cowardly Prince never saw his first-born child.

  After several days without word from Zannia, Mikel went to his father and explained the situation. A massive search ensued for the missing girl. Yet no sign could be found. Neither Prince nor King was willing to give up hope that Zannia and the child would be found. Yet she had disappeared without a word to family or friends taking nothing with her, not even clothing. Mikel blamed himself; he feared he had frightened her. She must have misunderstood his meaning. He truly hadn't intended to take the child against her will. If she felt so strongly about keeping the child, he would have reluctantly given in to her will.

  His only concern was that the child, his child grew up with love and tender care the way he intended to raise his and Sari's children. With this thought, he informed the King that he would be leaving for Treborel on the Palace Helijet. He needed to explain to Sari what had happened. He could not tell her over the visual communication unit, it was too impersonal. He had to tell her and her parents, face to face.

  The massive low flying helijet fought the high winds that the upper atmospheric storms had created. The dark sky continued to lash out at the Western Continent as they flew across the gray Tempest Sea. Upon arrival at the small Treborelan Harbor, Mikel purchased a horse and set out for the distant city of Borel, Treborel’s capital. The tall silver towers sparkled in the evening sunlight their brilliance matched by the high walls surrounding the city. The sky cleared to its normal thin layer of white and gray clouds as Mikel rounded the first bend in his journey.

  Once in sight of the tall silver towers he sent his horse into a full gallop, entering the city just before sunset. The early summer heat started to abate as the orange and red clouds covering the sun rose to slowly disappear behind the cliffs at his back. The stable master greeted him with pleased surprise as he took the tired black stallion from the nervous Prince.

  Making his way through the crowded stone walkways, Mikel calmed himself as the entrance to the Palace came into view. The Queen's Guard recognized him, stiffening with respect as Mikel passed unaware of their presence. Mikel knew the Royal Family would be in the Dining Hall. He turned down the long carpeted corridor and prepared for an emotional confrontation.

  A cry of joy left Sari's lips as she glanced up from the long flower laden dining table to find Mikel’s tall form standing in the doorway. She jumped from her chair and ran around the table to embrace him. Her long violet gown flowed behind her. With his heart in his throat, Mikel greeted the King and Queen then asked for their indulgence as he led his fiancé from the room.

  Seeing the tension in his eyes and the slight gray pallor of his face, Sari became frightened. She asked, “Mikel, what is wrong? Has something happened? Is your family well?"

  Mikel gazed into her deep blue eyes in awe of her beauty just as the first time he met her. Sari’s tiny pointed nose, high cheekbones and porcelain skin made her a beauty unmatched by any woman on the continent. "They are well, Sari. However, I must speak with you about something very serious. So serious that I'm afraid it might cause you to regret your decision to marry me.'' Mikel answered, grimly as they reached the library down the long hall.

  Once inside, Mikel closed the doors and led Sari across the dark burgundy carpet to the long sofa near in the center of the room. The white stone fireplace had been cleared of the ashes from the long, cold winter and replaced with a large bouquet of 'My Beloveds'. The large white Treborelan flowers filled the room with their sweet heavy scent. Mikel pulled Sari down to sit beside him and took her hands gently in his as explained. ''Before I came to Treborel to negotiate a new trade agreement with your father, I was involved with a young woman. I admit that I was and still am fond of her, although I have never felt any love for her. I'm afraid the relationship was, for the most part . . . physical," Mikel steadied himself, looking into Sari's eyes.

  Mikel brushed Sari’s long golden blonde hair back from her face. Seeing the concern in her eyes, he knew she was trying to hide her apprehension. Taking a deep breath, Mikel told her the worst of it. "I returned to break off the relationship, only to find that she is with child." He paused, waiting for her reaction. What he saw filled him with wonder at the love this woman must have for him.

  There was no anger in her eyes, only concern as she calmly asked, "What are you going to do?"

  He could see the doubt begin to surface, despite her efforts to conceal it. He said, "I love you more than my own life, Sari. I will not risk losing you, if I have not done so already. I find myself wanting to raise this child, to care for it, as it should be. I would ask you to take part in this and raise this child as our own, together. But I will concede to your wishes, you are the most important thing in my life.”

  The silence that followed, as she considered his words was excruciating. If she denied him this, he didn't know what the next step would be. If she broke off their engagement, his life would be over. Mikel said, "I know I have no right to ask this of you. I admit this is a completely selfish act on my part. You have a good heart and I know you would love this child as much as your own, if you so desire." He tried to reason with her, to pull her thoughts from her. “I have no excuse for my actions. I know what I did was irresponsible and I can't tell you how deeply I regret what has happened. The last thing I ever want to do is hurt you."

  Glancing down, Sari remained silent and still as the surge of her emotions claimed her. This was not how she would have had them spend the first year of their life together, raising another women's child. Still, it was his baby . . .

  Fighting back the jealousy that threatened to consume her, Sari tried to stay calm. She was never one to dwell on determinations. Had he betrayed her? No, this happened before she met him. She couldn't expect a Prince as handsome as Mikel, not to have past romances. Just as he did not expect the same from Sara's past. Looking up into Mikel’s dark brown eyes, she could see the love and pain he felt. Sari knew then, she could never let him go. She would not let his past separate them.

  She began, “I’m not going to pretend that I’m not hurt or disappointed by this situation Mikel. The last thing either of us want or need is to discuss our past relationships. I do admire you for the courage it must have taken to come here and confess this mistake, although I would have expected nothing less from you, my love." She squeezed his hand softly. "I have to admit my jealously at not being the first and only woman to carry your baby. But I cannot and will not deny you the chance to raise your own child." She lifted her hand to caution him as a smile appeared on his face. "Mikel, if anything even remotely like this ever occurs again, in the near or distant future I will not be as understanding or forgiving. I need your word nothing like this will ever occur again.” Her soft, confident voice broke with these last words.

  Mikel’s heart ached for her. "I swear to you, Sari there has not been another woman in my life since the day I first saw you nor will there ever be. You are the only woman I have ever loved. You are the only woman that I want to share my life and my bed. I would rather suffer the greatest horror the Evil One can provide than to ever chance bringing you such pain again." Pulling her to him, he held her tightly, feeling the moisture of her tears against his throat. When he finally released her, the tears had disappeared replaced by the determination he had so often seen in her eyes.

  King Ember and Queen Pattrice had to be told. Mikel insisted he be allowed to confront them alone. Sari would not have i
t, but conceded that she would remain silent letting him control the conversation. Returning to the Dining Hall, Mikel proceeded to explain the situation to the King and Queen and disclosed the fact that the girl had disappeared. This time anger prevailed as the ardent King reprimanded him.

  “Royalty is not simply a birthright, it is a privilege. Do you realize what could happen if this child were to land in the hands of some hostile power?" The tall King rose from his seat, striding across the room to the high windows over-looking the gardens, his anger turning to concern for Latria. "It is conceivable the child could be used to overthrow the throne of Latria, it has royal blood, and therefore a claim to the crown. You should have been thinking and acting more responsibly.”

  Mikel followed him to the windows, gazing out into the darkness as he stood beside King Ember. "You are correct; I have made a great mistake in judgment. However, that is no longer the issue. We are not asking for your approval or even your blessing, Sari and I have made a decision. We are simply informing you of the situation and our form of recourse.” Mikel faced him with determination.

  The stone expression that met his gaze answered, with cold emotion. "I could easily end this situation.”

  "I understand, you have the power to deny this marriage. However, know this, if you do and Sari will still have me, I will wait until the day arrives when she is no longer under your influence and marry her even if that day is 50 years from now. I have asked her to be my wife and I will not retract it. I love Sari, and I swear to you on all that is Holy, I would never intentionally harm her. I have seen the pain that this has caused her and now realize that the extent of her love for me is more than I had ever hoped. I ask you to look into your past and tell me that you have never made a mistake. For you, just as I, are merely mortal and susceptible to the same lapses in judgment as any man. I cannot express enough the regret I feel for causing this situation. But my love for Sari is unmatched and will never wane. I swear on all that is Holy, I will never cause her pain again.”

  The Treborelan King studied the defiant Prince before him, silently remembering his youth and the mistakes he made. A smile appeared beneath his gray streaked beard, the anger his blue eyes softened and he spoke. "If that speech was an example of the reverence you displayed at the Western Summit. I am greatly surprised that you did not succeed in your task.''

  Stepping forward, Mikel offered his hand to the King. "I am sincerely sorry for the pain I have caused. Can we consider this argument at an end?" His dark eyes searched for a sign of compliance.

  Taking his hand the King declared the matter settled, stating his reservations about bringing the child to Treborel, he placed the matter in their hands. Mikel and Sari took their leave and returned to the library to plan for the wedding and the arrival of the infant.

  The next few months passed with no sign of Zannia. The wedding day arrived and Mikel left the search in his father's care. Mikel was heartbroken knowing that the child's birth had taken place without his presence. Mikel and Sari married among the flowers and fountains in the Palace Gardens of Treborel. Time began to pass quickly; the ache of his missing child began to lessen. Yet Mikel could not stop his thoughts from returning to the young girl who had so foolishly taken his child from him.

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