Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 22

by Lauren Wood

  He took a small box and slid it between two bottles. He wondered when Nicole would start to put the pieces together. It was this little puzzle and all she had to do was literally follow it to its final conclusion.

  “Can I help you with something?” Tiffany had returned and saw that they had an unwanted visitor behind the bar. “I’m sure that if we don’t have something that you want, we can bring it in. Is there something specific that you’re looking for, or are you just being particularly nosy?” Tiffany loved to put men with this kind of power back on their heels. She wanted to believe that this was her way to weasel into his good graces. Bending slightly at the waist gave him a bird’s eye view of her otherwise more on display attributes. They were store bought, but they were a great investment. They had these dollars size nipples that were hard to turn away from. She didn’t like to wear a bra and getting these new puppies a couple of years ago had been the best thing that she had ever done.

  They were constantly becoming a conversation piece. Any party, she would have a few drinks and then show off her new assets. It didn’t matter if it was a stranger or friend. If they wanted to see them, then she was more than happy to show them off in the best light possible.

  “Um… I was just looking for…I really know what I was looking for.” He had been caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He wasn’t used to explaining his actions and having this young redheaded vixen catch him in the act was not something that he was prepared for. “I thought that I would recognize it when I found it” He got up off of his know. He heard it crack and knew that his age of 45 was creeping up on him. Nicole had never married nor had any kids. He could only hope that she was waiting for the right one and that he could possibly be that one.

  Chapter 3

  Tiffany had flustered Mr. Hamilton. She mistakenly thought that she was the reason for that. She believed in her heart that Royce had wanted to get close to her. She tried to test her hypotheses, but it appeared to her that his interest was not exactly what she had thought it was. She bent over in front of them several times bringing them their drinks and he was the only one that didn’t salivate at the chance to wrap his lips around her nipples. There were even a couple of women at the table that couldn’t stops staring.

  They continued negotiations and Royce didn’t even notice that Tiffany was throwing herself at him. He thought that she was only after bigger tips, even though he did stray one look to see that she had the biggest tips that he had ever seen in his life. She would’ve been a passing fancy and something that would put a smile on both of their faces for one night. It would’ve been more like a weekend or a three day excursion to some tropical getaway that would leave them with a certain memory to hold onto.

  “I believe that we have finished for the day, but we are not done by a long shot, Mr. Hamilton. I still think that there is room for improvement on this contract. We will revisit this in the next couple of days and I’m sure that we will be able to compromise for the good of everyone. We both know how to conduct ourselves and you probably thought that I was going to be a pushover. I’m willing to take a step back, but only if I am reasonably sure that my business won’t go under without my continued diligence. You’re not the only game in town, but you are the one that everybody is talking about. They say that you have a clinical approach to business and that your personal opinion is not exactly the kind of bedside manner that they had been looking for. I do admit that I thought that you were going to be more pigheaded and unwilling to bend. I think that what we need to do from this moment on is to work this out between us without the lawyers and those buzzing in our ear. We are adults after all and we can do this together or not at all.”

  “I do like the way that you think, Mr. Nielsen. You have a caring disposition and a compassion for your business that outweighs my need to see you trampled underneath my foot. We are built from the same kind of cloth. I would say that you’re more like my father. He had always been my hero and he will always be my hero. He may not be with me anymore, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t talk to him.” He didn’t think that he was going to enjoy this. He thought for a moment and this was just going to be a normal exercise in bringing another business owner to his knees.

  “I’ve done business with your father in the past and I think that he would be proud of you. You do like things your own way, but you don’t allow your personal opinion to cloud your judgment.”

  The business was done and Nicole was looking at the way that Tiffany was acting. She seemed to concentrate her flirting efforts on Mr. Hamilton. Something had changed, but she was unaware of what had happened between her and Mr. Hamilton at the bar. “I really did believe that I had light in my life, but now there’s only love in the dark. I don’t like myself when I get too inebriated and find some good looking stud to take home for the evening. I think I want something with a little bit more heart than somebody that wants to see me naked. I look at Mr. Hamilton and I feel this need to get down on my knees to worship him. I want to crawl to him and to show him the kind of love and affection that he can get from a real woman.”

  Royce looked back over his shoulder for a second and caught the eye of Nicole. He smiled and could only hope that his anonymity was still very much a mystery. He walked over and handed both girls a $50.00 tip for a job well done. His hand lingered in Nicole’s palm. One finger traced in a circle. It wasn’t exactly a circle. It was more of a heart. He could only hope that she did not recognize it for what it was.

  Royce didn’t like wasting time and waiting was not one of his strongest virtues. He did find anticipation of dancing around to be quite exhilarating. He wanted nothing more than to get her out of her clothes and to stand before her as the man of her dreams. He wanted to touch her porcelain skin and to feel her tremble underneath his touch. He wanted to wake up that secret part that only his kiss could bring about. He didn’t want just her body. He wanted her heart, soul and her hand in marriage. He didn’t like that this was taking so long. A couple of months of sending notes and then escalating to these couple of gifts were supposed to make her happy.

  “It was a pleasure, Mr. Hamilton. I don’t think that I’m saying anything that I shouldn’t be telling you. You could probably have this place any time that you wanted it. Chloe was giddy with joy at breaking out new recipes that she had never tried before. I had a brief taste of some of that beef tenderloin and I have to say that it was a lot better than sex.” That was inappropriate thing for her to say. She turned all different shades of red. “I can’t believe that I said something like that to a man like him. He has a lot of women vying for his attention. He probably doesn’t even see me. I’m deluding myself into thinking that this could be anything more than a passing glance.”

  “In don’t usually come into a place like this. I do like to frequent it on my off hours, but business is a different breed. I think the food made up for the lack of ambience. I would be remiss if I didn’t tell you that your professionalism was much appreciated. I think it goes without saying that a little eye candy makes men a little bit happier to give over their first born.” He was directing his words at Nicole. He was trying to be subtle and not exactly putting it out there for her to see. He wanted to take things slowly. He had heard through the Grapevine that her breakup with a certain chef had not gone easily. He wanted to warm her up to the idea of another relationship.

  The ghost of Stefan was very much in her mind. The lingering touch and the softness of his kiss had made her ache for someone to fill that void in the emptiness of her heart and her bed. Stefan may not be dead, but he was dead when it came to the relationship that she had with him. “I don’t know what it is about that man that I find so fascinating. There’s something in his eyes that tells me that he’s not all of about business. I think that he likes to mix a little pleasure in with his business. I don’t want to even think that I have a chance, when there are obviously models from swimsuit calendars that have been on his arm in the public eye. He does shy away from the camera and I d
on’t think that anybody has really gotten a clear shot of him. He tries his best to fly under the radar and maybe there’s something damaged about him that makes me think that I can help him find his way.”

  “I have to say that Tony has himself a gold mine here. I may have to talk to him about investing. I know what I like. When I see something that makes me smile, then I have to do everything I can to be a part of it.” He did not take his eyes off of her. His hand was still touching Nicole’s palm. He didn’t even recognize that Tiffany had walked away.

  Tiffany was standing over by one of the tables looking at the way that Mr. Hamilton was fawning over Nicole. She was not blind, but she had a feeling that his obvious attraction had gone unnoticed by Nicole. She couldn’t believe that as a woman that Nicole couldn’t see what was right in front of her face. The way that Mr. Hamilton was looking at her and touching her was something that only a seasoned and experienced lover would even attempt to try to do. She had had her fair share of that kind of man, but nothing that even came close to the power Royce emanated from every pore of his body.

  “Mr. Hamilton…” Nicole didn’t like putting herself on display. Tiffany was the one that convinced her to wear the dress to work. Standing in front of the mirror that morning she felt like she was doing something naughty. It made her smile and was the only reason why she paraded herself around like that of a common streetwalker.

  “I would really like you to call me Royce. Only my business colleagues call me Mr. Hamilton. I would hate to think that everything that we have together is only about business. I do have to get going, but I would like you to be my guest this evening. I’m attending a grand opening of a restaurant and I would like to pick your brain for your opinion. I have some money tied up into that restaurant and I would like to be assured that I have my money working for me than against me.” He had asked her out, but not in the way that other men would classify to be a date. He made it sound casual and not that important, when it was more important than he even realized himself.

  “I don’t know what to say. I’m sure that you have somebody else that you would like to go. I don’t have anything to wear that would be considered fancy enough for that kind of evening.” She stood there and looked at him. He handed her a card from a very exclusive boutique written across the front of it. “I have walked by this place, but I never thought in a million years I would actually go inside. The owner looks a little too high class and she would probably turn her nose up at me. I don’t exactly have the kind of money that I can flash her way to make her see treat me like others.”

  “I can take care of that with one phone call. To be honest, I don’t think that Jillian would have all that much to do. You’re still a beautiful creature that should be admired and treated with the kind of respect that comes from a great beauty like yourself. You are that fresh face and I think that I can help you to reach for the stars.” Royce had never felt this need to go above and beyond for any woman. He had always thought that they were there for his amusement. He remembered several times that he had brought more than one lover into his bed, but none of them even compared to the feeling of butterflies running around in his stomach at this very moment.

  “I think that I’m going to take you up on your offer, Mr. Hamil… I mean Royce. I’m sure that you consider my palate to be above reproach and that you just want my opinion to make things better for you.” “I want something more than just to sit down to dinner with him. I want to crack into the man himself and find out what makes him so damn adorable that I can’t seem to say no. I have this compulsion to sit in his lap and to give him a very dirty dance that will have one part of his anatomy standing up to take notice. I would never do such a blatant thing, but I could imagine what it would be like to have him in that necessary position.”

  “I’ll make a phone call and you should be prepared to go and see Jillian at exactly 5:00 PM. She will get you settled and everything is on me. Don’t even consider the price tag and that is not something for you to worry about. I’m looking forward to getting to know you better, Nicole. I think that having you on my arm is going to the highlight of the night.” He walked out to the limo and climbed behind the tinted glass with a bemused smile on his face.

  As the limo pulled away, she looked down to see the Tiffany had that same gold box in her hand. Underneath where the key had been found was something different. It was not just the packaging and there was a puzzle piece that was left behind. She had this feeling that other pieces would find their way into her possession. Nicole wondered if maybe it was possible that Royce was her secret admirer. “I feel a little like a princess about to go to the ball with some kind of fairy godmother to provide me with everything that I need to make a lasting impression.”

  For the rest of the day, she was walking like her head was in the clouds. She didn’t even notice that Tiffany was showing her own form of jealousy by glaring daggers in her direction.

  Nicole soon found the box underneath where the liquor bottles were covered in dust. She opened it to see a heart shaped necklace with the formation of a keyhole in the middle. There was another puzzle piece that joined with the one that she already had. She found this distraction to be something that she could really immerse herself into. She loved games and puzzles were one of her favorite pastimes.

  Chapter 4

  “I have to say that this the first time that Mr. Hamilton has sent anyone like you to me. They’re usually these blond bimbos that don’t have a brain in their head. They stand here giggling the entire time that I am outfitting them with a dress that is going to make a major statement. I don’t know if you are ready for this or maybe he’s not ready for you. You’re not exactly what I would consider to be of his taste. I can make you up into a swan, but I only hope that you can do the rest on your own. You have this naiveté that he would like to corrupt and I have to tell you that I would rather die than to see that happen. I would never want to be the cause of extinguishing that innocent light in your eyes.” Jillian was a consummate professional with an eye for detail that made her superior over those other, so called fashion artists.

  “I don’t know why he even wants to go out with me. Like you said, he tends to go with more buoyant kind of girls with their own flotation devices. I have nothing to be ashamed of, but I’m certainly not busting out like some of those girls that I’ve seen on his arm at various functions. I feel a little flattered that he would even suggest that I accompany him to this restaurant opening. I don’t know how you can say that I’m better than him. I just hope that I don’t embarrass him in some way. Maybe I haven’t thought this through enough. I got, so caught up in the hype and being wanted by someone like him that I didn’t see what kind of mistake I’m making.” “I want to believe that his intentions are pure, but I’m really not sure how I’m supposed to believe that. We get along famously together, but we’ve never gone any further than Tony’s place.

  “I would never say anything disparaging to one of my customers. I pride myself on being someone that caters to only the elite, but I come from homegrown morals. I see the pitfalls of getting caught up in the hype. I say that you take everything that he says with a grain of salt. He may be setting you up for a fall, but I've never known him to be that vindictive. He has always been this straight laced kind of guy that speaks from the hip. Have a good evening and don’t give him the idea that you can be bought signed sealed and delivered right to his bedroom. Somebody needs to show him and his desires are not always the most important thing. I think that you might be the kind of girl that won’t swoon in his arms. I see this glint in your eye and I know that you have feelings for him. Don’t do anything rash or you might spook him and make him think that being together with you is taking a step back.” Jillian had her in this slinky black dress with a plunging neckline.

  After getting made up, she looked into the mirror and saw a woman that she didn’t recognize. This was a girl that had turned into a woman of sophistication and class. It was a lie and all of these p
retty things were just masking the insecure little girl that she had known herself to be. It gave her confidence to stand there and look at herself like this. “I think that you might be right, Jillian. I don’t know what his true motives are and maybe they are pure. I just have to gauge him and hopefully I won’t find myself throwing a glass of champagne in his face in front of all of his friends.” It would serve him right for treating her with this kind of disrespect. It was making her angry to think that he had ulterior motives. “I don’t want to make him think that I’m easy. I would rather walk away and never look back than to be used and abused in some way. He could have just been bored and wanted to play some sort of game that would leave me with egg on my face. I won’t give them that satisfaction, even if I do find him irresistible in more ways than one.”

  “I’m not saying this to hurt you, but you really are in a class by yourself. Those girls think that just because they are getting made up that they are something special. I want you to keep your head about yourself and not get caught up in the glitz and glamour of the kind of evening that you’re going to find yourself enjoying. You might lose sight on who you really are and that would be a crying shame. You obviously have a good sense of self and that kind of thing doesn’t come easy for a lot of women. There are many that need a man like Royce to come along and take what they once were and strip it off them. I don’t know why, but I find that I need to protect you like a little sister.” Jillian had never had any kind of opinion and even if she did, she did nothing to say anything out loud.


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