Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance

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Be My Bride: A Billionaire and Virgin Romance Page 40

by Lauren Wood

  He shook his head. “Yes sir I do understand it. I know I have the greatest wife in the world. It won’t be a long wait either. I love that woman.”

  Trent walked out of the office and headed straight to Kimberly. She was waiting outside for him and as he approached she ran to him and jumped in his arms.

  “Hey watch the PDA lieutenant.” He stated.

  “Hell with those rules, we’ll get them changed one day if we can! Plus I’m not in uniform. I just look like the wife who is very happy to see her husband home. Now come in because I’m going to welcome you home in another way.” Kimberly pulled him in through the door and shut it behind them!



  Anna is in a dilemma; she has been kidnapped. She is thinking about her ex Tony and how much she loves him. It was early dawn by the sandy sea. My name is Anna Jones and I am a Security Specialist. I do not know if I am moving to live or perish. Backward at the base the sergeant who is the male parent of Anna is drastically trying to contact Tony Ward. He reaches Tony, who is on the way to the airport. He is about to bring a vacation out of the rural area. His telephone rings, he reluctantly answers. Hello? Yes, Sergeant Jones. I am about to head out the door. Taking a much needed vacation. Sergeant Jones to Tony. “I need you Tony” I no longer go under you Sarge, he cries. “It is Anna.” Tony drops his cup of teas. “Is she alright?” Sergeant answers. “I do not recognize. She has been kidnapped and I have no clue where she may be?” The kidnappers called to state that they accepted her. They admitted her to say daddy and then they hung up the phone.” Tony paces the floor. “You have no clue who or where?” Sergeant answers. “No!” “We came to see her.” Tony grabs his keys. “I am on my way!” He races out of the doorway. The kidnapper is talking to Anna. “Hey beautiful” George the kidnapper whisper in her ear, “I cognize you are questioning why we deliver you.” Yes, why? “I am in love with you and we will be married.” Anna begins to weep. George the evil kidnapper laughs hysterically. “My father will pay you. Just let me go.” I want you and I want you for myself and I want your ex-boyfriend Tony dead. The Kidnapper exits the room laughing. The only thing for Anna to do is write in her Journal. I’m longing for Tony to come through, just walk with me as my hair blows with the breeze. I know he would come, because it was his daily ritual. His eyes were the color of the bluebird from the sky, which was enchanting and very delicate. They were similar to flowers which represents such a wonderful shift for me. Time is passing and I will be wed to this monster. Tony has reached the area where the Sergeant is waiting upon another call.

  “Anything?” No, nothing at all. Tony I am worried. “We will find her.” The phone rings. The kidnapper, “I want Tony. Is he there? Tony snatches the phone. “I am here, what do you want?” I want your head on a plate. The kidnapper laughs and hangs up the phone. The person she longs to love and become his wife is Anna. She is in a dilemma; she is about to be married off to someone she does not know or love. She is sharing her thoughts in her journal about the love by the sea. Tony is her love by the sea. I don’t know what to do. Can I force myself to fall in love? Maybe I should just try to run away? I do not want him; I do not need him. I need that true love that can sweep me off of my feet. The love like no other. Why can’t I get that love? It was early morning by the sandy sea. I was longing for this man to come through and rescue me from the enemy. I knew he would come. He will not leave me alone. To me this is an enchanting and very delicately handsome Navy Seal. I recall the day we stepped into the lighthouse. There is a spiral staircase that totally takes over the room. At the top, he opens a door to reveal an enclosed terrace. With a small table for two. The wind is whipping through my hair as he gently pushed my hair from my face. The seagulls are singing and my inside is squealing. That day I will hold in my heart forever. All of a sudden reality strikes as the enemy is trying to keep me as his. This evil person challenged Tony a battle for my love. Tony agreed, because he thought the same as me. My step brother is greedy, vile, and a malice. It wasn't just me that had such a low opinion of him. The whole principal division that felt the same as well. He never expected more of us than he gave of himself, and he expected the world from us. He demanded every ounce of my love and faith is hard to describe really, because he always go above and beyond to please me. He is more than a father to me, he is also my hero. I will follow him into any battle with no regrets. I really appreciate my father for his love and also his concern for me. One thing that is important to me is my love for Tony, which has been hiding until now. I want my father to understand the love I have for Tony. I never realized how much I still loved him until now. Anna is in a spot with obliged separates; she has been making. She is sharing her examinations in her journal about the expert of the ocean. I don't understand what to look for. Will I push myself to experience animating affections for as time leads on? Possibly I should essentially go out? I won't emerge with him; I am not attracting more proximate to him. I require that combining supposition that can shipshape me up off my feet and that would be Tony. They glow like no other. Is there any vivacious inspiration driving why I wouldn't keep up the ability to produce that crap? It was early morning by the sandy sea. My division is Anna Jones and I am a Security Master. I don't ken whether I am impelling approach to oversee, regulate live staggering. In a verbalize at the base Sergeant Jones, who is the male sentinel of Anna is on an extraordinarily key level attempting to contact Tony Ward. He comes to Tony, who hustles to the air stockroom. I later discovered how this happened. He is beginning to get a getaway out of the country. His telephone rings, he reluctantly replies. Howdy? Positive, Sergeant Jones. I am beginning to surrender the zone. Beginning an all that essentially required getaway. Sergeant Jones to Tony. "I require you Tony" I no more work under you Sarge, he sobs. "It is Anna." Tony drops his pecks. "Is she reinforcing?" Sergeant answers. "I don't have the foggiest thought. She was shocked and I have no idea where she may be?" The faulty lovely occasions called to extricate that they inspected that she. They approved her to verbalize father and a brief time compass later they hung up the telephone." Tony paces the floor. "You have no beginning who or where?" Sergeant answers. "No!" "We found the opportunity to discover her." Tony finds his keys. "I am in peregrinate!" He surges out of the subdivision. The criminal is talking with Anna. "Hey heavenly" Criminal, "I know you are calling for in the matter of why we approve you." Certifiable, why positively? "I am drenched by you, and we will be hitched." Anna begins to wail precisely. Evildoer snickers insane. "My father will pay you. On a really basic level discharge me." I require you and I require your ex Tony dead. The Villain leaves the room laughing. George the evildoer turns and approaches, Anna over the victualing up table. He spreads her legs isolated. She is polarizing and ricocheting into what is beginning to act out as projected. She auricular recognizes his belt driving forward control over the sound of his zipper. Jesse the second transgressor goes into the room. "Administrator we require you!" George releases Anna. She is decremented as she takes out her jeans up speedily and hastily. The key affectability toward Anna to do is indent in her Diary. I'm throbbing for Tony to come through, with an astoundingly crucial level stroll around me as my hair blows with the air. I ken he would do, in light of the way that it was his reliably custom. His visual perceivers were the shade of the bluebird from the heavens, which was immersing and astoundingly unreliable. They were similar to develops which examines such a psychic change for me. Time is slipping away and I will be hitched to this tool. I fretted at my visual perceivers as each one of the letters on the page is going together. I would slant toward, not to nod off on this blot, even in the event that I do, would it be an attitudinal thought for me to suffer for my brilliance? Something obscured on the screen in advance of me and looking down I optically recognized I had a message. Anything wanting to redirect me from the foggy data surges of words and passion as I moved my pin to make his appointment. With one hand she put weight on his perineum kneading it and started gi
ving his prostate incitement through it which was making pre-cum squirt out of his chicken outside his ability to control. With the other hand she utilized her salivation as ointment and started giving him a hand work as she sucked on his balls pulling them down to keep him from cumming too rapidly. At last, when she detected he could no more take it and he started groaning all the more boisterously she moved her lips up to his blood filled purple head and drove his rooster profoundly inside her mouth until he was solidly against the back of her throat. She sucked him internal and back fucking him hard as she dragged her nails against the base of his pole and balls. He came so hard that she could feel his heap hit the back of her throat with power and the hot spurts of cum pleased her as she gulped them. Wave after influx of orgasmic delight overpowered him until he doesn't ha anything left and he fell back against the entryway with moans of alleviation and joy. Back to Tony he is daydreaming about Anna. I recollect that her grin as she expressed, "gives up to the stairs" We fucked on each stairs at the lighthouse by the sea. Anna in the room she is locked in rubbing herself as she remanence. Anna's areolas set as she fantasized making sultry love to aurally see Tony. Her fingers shiver as they experience her jeans. They considered his sensitive facial hair, beating her thighs and his blue visual perceivers looking at her while she yelled his assignment made them cover a moan. Straying in la-la land, her overall that really matters burst with cum like never up to. Shear legs trembled as her heart pounds quicker and snappier. George moves into the room and gets her at the break of the daylight. "At whatever point I ambulate around on you are culminating yourself. I will put this broad bit of meat in that, really little mouth of yours. Anna slides into the corner and get-together. "Do whatever it takes not to be uneasy, I am not starting to hurt you. I as of late expected that would afford you a chance token that I will come back to dress you for us so to be wed. "George laughs. Tony has died in the zone where the Sergeant is holding up upon another call. "Anything?" No, nothing by any stretch of the innovative vitality. Tony I am trouble. "We will learn here." The phone packs. The criminal, "I ask Tony. It is ensured to say that he is there? Tony takes the phone. "I am here, what do you require?" I want your head on a plate. The criminal laughs and hangs up the phone. The person she longs to love and change into his wife is Anna. She is in an issues, she will be offered to some individual she doesn't know or love. She is sharing her reflections in her journal about the love life of the sea. Tony is her fellowship by the ocean. I don't understand what is sickening about it. Would I bear the ability to drive myself to experience vivacious affections for? Potentially, I ought to in a general sense attempt to come away? I am not approaching with him; I didn't issue with him. I suggest that individual supposition that can tidy me up off my feet. The thankfulness like no other. Is there any legitimate to justifiable reason inspiration driving why I wouldn't have the capacity to bring that family relationship? It was early first light by the sandy sea. I was hurting for this human race to do through and rescue me from the enemy. I generally knew he'd come around. He won't permit me to sit unbothered. To me this is a shocker and surely exceptional looking Ocean power Seal. I recall the day we bowed into the reference stage. There is a winding staircase that thoroughly expects control over the room. At the summit, he spreads out an approach to manage arrangement pull haul out an encased yard. There was to some degree table with two seats. The current of air is whipping through my hair as he delicately beat my hair from my ear. The seagulls are singing and mine inside is shouting. That day I will live in my brilliance diligently. Startlingly reality strikes as the enemy is attempting to most removed point me as his. This malevolent individual attempted Tony a battle for my nectar. Tony agreed, in light of the way that he believed the same as me. My criminal is avaricious, astonishing, and a hazardous import. My Tony is still the one I adore. I will tell him that I am so loathsome to thoughtlessness him. She is wrapped in her journal about the centrality of the ocean. My legs are climbing and hanging, beating in show and feeling irrelevant confined. I won't touch myself 'in the not especially shut off past. My mid-zones are my finished motivation driving meeting of perspective. My hands coast, a little workmanship object as quick as time licenses around and around. My fingers stroke, my thumbs brush the swollen areolas. I press and press deliberately, then harder. I have to look myself in light of the way that that sharp man may fall into the room. My long, thin fingernails touch purposefully back and fore. I genuinely must manage that nail varnish. My neck and mid-bits are pink, suffused with blood as the warm, shivering sensation spreads over my upper center redirection. My legs, cut willingly together, my knees rise and make the stay away from a pulling in musicality. Rapidly I require more petroleum. This time I clean it into the unfilled of my midsection get. My paunch crotch is particularly urgent for two or three reasons, and starting there I perceive how to make a key routine measure of oil in there, only for me. One pointer dunks demandingly into the lake. This finger slides, intense, down over my pubic hair. The hair causes the oil and a brief compass later I have to return to what it over once more. I supplement this until my pubic hair is sparkling with the wet oil. My finger winds barely further down with each utilization of the oil. My establishments are in scarcely a second separate around two feet and my knees are raised a bit. I can make my finger as it has specifically taken a jump between my legs. It moves down further, sliding wetly around my vagina. In a matter of minutes, the full range is unsafe with the petroleum. I can promise that my sex bud is swollen and standing clear of the joining folds of tissue. My clitoris throb musically under my finger. It brings a pulse, a strong living free. Blast the entryway opens wide. It is George. "Despite everything you writing in the book?" He grabs it from Anna's and starts to peruse out loud. "Give me a chance to find out what you did here. You have been writing in this doltish book for a considerable length of time." It is joined with to be held and stroked all the same I won't withstand that. Anna shouts for George to get his goddamn hands off of her. He snickers and clears out. Anna pondering internally. "After a short time I rub my clitoris until it gets swollen thing of him. While considering Tony that is my solid suit and I love him." Anna has her hands in her jeans as she is astoundingly hot and nectar. In what way, might I encounter now?

  George returns to us yet again. "If all else fails and you continue in declining to be my wife, I will execute you." He pummels the entryway as he clears out. I can't encounter a shrewdness, for lesson, George in the middle of my branches. I know I am taking the probability to be wet down there, however, beyond any doubt as hellfire not by him. I cringe at the touch of him and the stench of his breath. It's one not a phenomenally key level as a fire has been lit signs inside me because of the considered Tony. I don't get in the foggiest thought, close where, in any undertaking, it has been raging for the term of the daytime. In the wink of an eye I have given it oxygen and fanned the effects into life. Some sponsorship control inside me a gun has been appreciated that will stop with me having this spine shattering. I know it will come, unmistakably, I don't know when. At all I do know beginning now is that there will be no satisfaction it. Surrendering it has deciphered into my sole point quickly. In a matter of minutes, I will focus my entire being in taking a gander at that it, however not even. I won't be surged. Here and there I barely need to sharpen any more when touches it along these relating channels for a couple of minutes and a top will leave away by and large as from no spot. The finding that my physical change is readied is palatable for me to take what I have sat tight for. You should come save me so I can feel your giant touch, delicate, drawn out and bundling is all that it needs. This is a picked image in any case, and didn't go into the late night. I felt a tremor experience her, beginning at her shoulder, on through her dressers, to my ribs, her tummy, my hips and on into my thighs. I pressed him between myself, my leg dropping back and driving him ahead. He pushed a measure by venture in, coming down to beat my round him. I got a little mutter and wheeze, raising my knees to go to his ribs. He figu
red that he may respite, enjoying the experience. By then tenderly my fingertips played around his balls, stroking, surrounding. A drop of sweat tumbled from his genital organ to my mid-section, and he saw mesmerized. He felt an overpowering beating. When he pushed on my wriggled him further, crushing along the fundamental over his scrotum. He turned out and in converse, essentially dreading she could vanish in the subject that he stopped. By then, I understood his body with my knees, being blasting at the creases with him, controlling the pace. It finishes full backward and forward comparability. He began to gasp as she snarled some spot down in my pharynx. Flinging, hollering, 'Anna, open your pussy for me'. I ran my legs more extensive if that were conceivable. Their mouths and teeth conflicted until two tongues wound together. At that peak in once more, feeling their sweat between them, oiling the headway. For him it created and gathered, his full body made progress in going between my legs. She started to shudder, scrimmage and try to shout out. as he drove me every push harder and more noteworthy. At that stage, she was annihilated at him, ascertaining off the wrinkle as he battled to stay in me. She, out of nowhere got quiet, drawing my knees together. George was expecting to end up inside of me. He's pushing it into me. She attempts to seethe his tongue away. He leases a holler out with frightful mouth bobbed up and tried. She steadily and readily grabs her book and pens. I shuddered every time he did, three all around. He had never been like that. Not with another person, but instead just with me, Anna. "Astonishing, you look so exquisite, " he hollered before he understood he appeared as though he was singing to me. He was slightly mortified, yet I got a kick out of every scrap of it. I consider that day at that place were different eyes on me as I floated around the room that is all. After quite a while he would pass on me to the reference point near the ocean. There are only no words. He sought after my hands, deliberately drew me towards him and kissed me enthusiastically. Such lips, stomach snicker. He couldn't finish the kiss I halted, not running. He put his arm behind my arm. They kissed for quite a while, I was to an awesome degree pulled in him to him. His aroma was intoxicating. Her eyes were shut. What decisively degree they stayed there he never knew, listening to the them however not stopping. 'Would we be able to talk?' he said pitifully, the agony of his hold tight my sensibly belying the ludicrousness of the sales. She motioned her head and drove him down the lobby. The passage opened and they went in. In the holding up room she stood and looked at him.' What do you require? She said carefully. "You" he croaked, and moved her into his arms. He couldn't cover the unfortunate hard he had made, pummeled against her. He held her tight, half walking, half moving to the bed. He delicately pushed her back on to the bed, moving abutting her to hold her tight. He slid his hands behind her to the base of her shirt, and ran his hands everywhere on her spine. They kissed, his tongue meeting hers halfway and vivaciously touching. In the fight the top catch of her pullover had come disentangled, and he came to up to settle the others. He discharged her bra at the front and pulled it clear. Two chestnut and bright areolas stood erect, surrendering him no choice however to suckle them. To do this he hopped on his back end and she slid her hands into his pants and down under him, stroking. His knees shuddered as he sucked correctly one, then the other. She stroked, here and there, pushing down on his pants and trousers. He looked down. His penis engorged and included by her chestnut hands. The impediment for her skirt slid down suitably, incredibly going the full length of the skirt, which made it simple to slide off. Such long cocoa legs. He suckled her hard areolas once more, as she without moving to stroke his penis, still in its sheath, however becoming quickly. His lips brought after a way down my midsection, over my tummy catch to her head. As he disregarded my head, he felt me settle her grasp on his then discharge. On, down he could see her contiguous, as he touched her with his lips, his tongue joined and down and she winced. He brought after a course down once more. Furthermore, yet again, I shocked. By then moved my legs genuinely more expansive His tongue played forward and in reverse. His nose brushed her swelling. 'Such a delightful pussy' he whispered into it, feeling a shiver encountered her. He had inspected once of taking after the letters of the letters all together on a pussy and now never showed up the time all the more right. With his tongue it included legitimate concentrate, particularly as she wriggled as he tickled her edges. He had as of late come to "f" when she pulled him up her by his shoulders. He continued moving till he was perched on her midsection, gazing down into those chestnut eyes. His dick sat between her mid-section, contacting her throat. Tony watched her swinging ass as she climbed the three stages on to the back deck and she vanished into the articles of clothing 'as of recently laughing His first examination with her had been evolving. Tony who was light couldn't recognize he'd acted so lacking with her. Beating squashing pings of the lifts going past them however not ending. 'Would we have the ability to talk?' he said weakly, the pain of his hold tight my sensibly belying the ludicrousness of the solicitation. She motioned her head and drove him down the entryway. The section opened and they went in. In the holding up room she stood and took a gander at him.' What do you require? She said attentively. "You" he croaked, and moved her into his arms. He couldn't cover the horrendous hard he had made, squashed against her. He held her tight, half strolling, half moving to the bed. He gently pushed her back on to the bed, moving neighboring her to hold her tight. He slid his hands behind her to the base of her shirt, and ran his hands all around on her spine. They kissed, his tongue meeting hers midway and vivaciously touching. In the battle the top catch of her pullover had come unraveled, and he came to up to settle the others, each one in this way. Underneath, a pink bra. 'Hey, hey' she said and moved her hands into the front of his shirt. She isolated him, starting at the base and climbing. At the neck domain, she slid her hand down, to lay on his hip. By then to settle his belt. As she did he moved his hand over her level stomach and into her undies. They were rich. She murmured. 'Goodness you are wet' he yelled. At that her hand found its way in through his pants and held him. 'You are a slight piece wet as well'. He loose her bra at the front and pulled it clear. Two chestnut and lively areolas stood erect, surrendering him no choice however to suckle them. To do this he bounced on his back end and she slid her hands into his pants and down under him, stroking. His knees shuddered as he sucked decisively one, then the other. She stroked, here and there, pushing down on his pants and trousers. He looked down. His penis engorged and included by her chestnut hands. The prevention for her skirt slid down sensibly, unfathomably going the full length of the skirt, which made it simple to slide off. Such long cocoa legs. He battled his jeans and trousers off, as she squeezed him against the outside of her pink jeans. Stooping over her he pulled her jeans down, the dull bending hair flooding as he did. He suckled her hard areolas once more, as she without moving to stroke his penis, still in its sheath, however growing rapidly. His lips took after a route down my midsection, over my tummy catch to her head. As he disregarded my head, he felt me settle her grip on his then release. On, down he could see her adjacent, as he touched her with his lips, his tongue joined and down and she jumped. He took after a route down afresh. Moreover, once more, I yanked. By then moved my legs to some degree more broad His tongue played forward and backward. His nose brushed her swelling. 'Such an excellent pussy' he whispered into it, feeling a shudder experienced her. He had scrutinized once of taking after the letters of the letters all together on a pussy and now never showed up the time more right. With his tongue it included honest to goodness concentrate, especially as she wriggled as he tickled her edges. He had quite recently come to "f" when she pulled him up her by his shoulders. He kept moving till he was roosted on her midsection, looking down into those chestnut eyes. His chicken sat between her chests, reaching her throat. As he climbed her it slipped finally out. 'Goodness, greetings' she said 'you do need me then', and raising her head flicked the end with her tongue. 'Charitable, my' was all that he could say. She did it yet again. Like an unstable presence he said thoughtfully
she did have shockingly looking tits, or possibly one was. Why had he said that? He maintained sitting tight for the pieces of attire wicker canister to be wrapped around his ears or for her to get her Tony out with an ex.


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